Two more council motions for action on DNA contamination in mRNA Covid shots
The Port Hedland ripple effect continues
Two more Australian local governments have agreed to advocate for their constituents on Covid vaccine safety, calling for precautionary action over excessive DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines.
The councils of Alexandrina, South Australia, and Mundaring, Western Australia, will send letters to state and federal government officials requesting thorough and independent investigation, as evidence of synthetic DNA in the mRNAs at levels of up to 145 times the limit considered safe by regulators continues to accumulate.
The two councils join seven others that have taken action as part of a movement spurred by the world-first motion passed in October last year by the local government of West Australian mining town Port Hedland, in which councillors agreed to call for the immediate suspension of the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines.
The grassroots movement has sprung up in the absence of acknowledgement and action from state and federal officials, who continue to deny the validity of independent DNA contamination findings and to downplay associated health risks, which may include cancer, immune system disruption, genomic instability, and adverse hereditary effects.
Roy Rogers, an Alexandrina resident who played a key role in presenting the DNA contamination evidence to councillors, said he is “absolutely stoked” that the motion was passed at a council meeting on Monday evening.
“When you pass this motion you’re giving a voice to 30,000 Australians who otherwise wouldn’t have had a voice on this issue,” he told the council prior to the vote, which was won with seven for, two against.
Rogers said the motion was “purposely aimed at both sides of politics” to highlight that this is not a partisan issue, but is a health concern for all Australians. Accordingly, the Alexandrina Council will contact members of state and federal opposition parties as well as the sitting government.
The Council of Mundaring motion, passed last Tuesday with seven for, one against, will see letters sent to the West Australian Premier and the Health Minister urging “the immediate suspension of the use of all COVID-19 vaccines in Australia,” expressing concerns about regulatory failings, and raising the issue of excess deaths and hospitalisations in Western Australia (WA) following the vaccine rollout.
WA is unique because during 2021, the state achieved over 90% Covid vaccination coverage while recording almost zero Covid cases, making it the perfect vaccine safety control group.
The natural experiment resulted in an “exponential increase” in adverse events reports associated with Covid vaccines, at 24x the rate (per 100,000 doses) of adverse events for all other vaccines combined.
While the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) initial projections had WA experiencing 4% excess deaths during 2021, when almost four million Covid vaccinations were administered, the ABS since changed its modelling, revising excess deaths for that year down to 0.6%.
The Mundaring Council letters will request further investigation from authorities into the true rate and causes of excess deaths and adverse events in WA.
Mundaring resident Beth Bonfiglio was a main driver behind the community’s push for the council vote. She told the council that she was motivated to pursue accountability after her sister’s terminal cancer diagnosis following her Covid vaccinations.
“After receiving two Pfizer doses and one Moderna, [my sister] experienced immediate heart issues and was later diagnosed with a 7cm tumour wrapped around her heart and lungs,” said Bonfiglio, a clinical nutritionist.
On further investigation, Bonfiglio found that the Pfizer batches her sister had received were associated with six deaths reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administrations (TGA) safety surveillance database. (Two for batch FG0050, four for batch FF8222).
“Why wasn’t the rollout halted then?” asked Bonfiglio.
Bonfiglio is now working to have a biopsy of her sister’s cancer tissue tested in Germany for the SV40 promoter sequence found in the Pfizer vaccine - just one of multiple scientifically documented mechanisms by which the Covid vaccines could cause cancer - as no pathologist in Australia was willing to investigate the link when approached.
“Her journey has fuelled my determination for accountability and reform in our health system,” Bonfiglio said of her sister.
Since the successful Port Hedland motion, Rogers, who is semi-retired, has been volunteering to help Australians activate their local councils on the issue of Covid vaccine safety, especially pertaining to DNA contamination.
“It’s about empowering citizens to push back, and it’s about taking each councillor on a journey of understanding so they understand the gravity of this thing,” he said.
A website created by volunteers hosts information and resources for Australians who are interested in finding out more about Covid vaccine safety, DNA contamination findings, and how to raise these issues with their own councils.
Find out more at
The Alexandrina Council meeting agenda for 17 March 2025 can be found on the council website. The motion will be published with the minutes in the coming weeks.
The Mundaring Council motion, passed on 11 March 2025, can be found on pages 20 (Decision 4) and 36 (the vote to take action) of the meeting minutes, published on the council website. A live stream of the meeting can also be found at the same link. Mundaring Council does not endorse the contents of the letters, but rather agreed to communicate the concerns raised in them to state officials.
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Background reading
Little by little, bit by bit.
"7cm tumour wrapped around her heart and lungs". She must have had exceptionally small organs.:)
I can well believe the c19 jab was far rougher on the human body than it's non c19 counterparts. After all, the testing was rather scant.
However, it seems to me that a
4% (the figure before downward adjustment) excess in mortality is just as well explainable in terms of the diminishment of mental health.