Thanks for that perspective, Rebekah, it’s certainly hard to know who has good intentions these days. My take on Jordan Peterson has certainly changed over the past few years, firstly through his silence or indifference to the initial wave of Covid hysteria, and now more latterly to his overtly hawkish posturing regarding Gaza.

It seems to me that we are faced with something of a dilemma in the west, namely who to trust, why and for how long, because apparently no group or individual, no matter how well-intentioned initially, can ever be allowed to maintain “power” over anyone else because human beings are fallible, corruptible, capricious and ultimately prone to the same impulses that seemingly destroy everyone else who gets a little bit of power or authority.

To me the only sane way forward here is to move away from all such systems, to cease placing one’s trust in groups and return to a type of hyper-competency at a local level ... no more reliance on power-brokers and influencers.

Saying that if the ARC can at least serve as a temporary counterweight to the worst excesses of the WEF, WHO, IMF etc who see us as nothing more than commodities, who seek total digital control over every facet of our lives, so be it, but I can’t help but feel that there’s something L Ron Hubbard about this whole thing, so it best come with an expiration date and pay attention to the likes of Ron Paul.

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I agree with you on JP changing a bit over the past couple of years. To me, his principles seem similar but he def got vaccines wrong and it's almost like they don't realise the importance of a full debrief on the covid stuff- or they realise it but have a reason for not doing it. I do understand the skepticism on that front.

If no trust in groups, and no power brokers, how can a resistance movement organise and gain any influence? Serious question.

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Re your first point I think what covid and now Israel has highlighted for me is people pigeon-holing themselves or otherwise staying in their comfortable echo chambers ... so few people seem to “see” beyond this, including JBP.

Regarding your question, I’m not sure I have a simple answer. When I refer to groups I mean serious hierarchical structures like the WEF, corporations, federal governments etc, not necessarily localised, purposeful movements like a “resistance”. I was thinking about this when considering the ARC ... people like John Anderson seem to be completely above-board, cogent, sensible etc, someone whom I’m sure left politics for exactly that reason. Therin lies the problem as I see it ... hierarchies are inevitably flawed, and this only gets worse the larger the structure gets. A “resistance” to me will work through mass non-compliance, simply withdraw our time, consent and attention from the hierarchies set up to control us, because I do not see a plausible way to “make them over”. Call me misanthropic, I believe the majority of humans are too lured by power, prestige and profit to resist the temptation once afforded the opportunity to “lead” (a bit like how I view many of the faces of the supposed rift-leaning political freedom movement perpetuate political acrimony as long as they can profit mightily from their platform by commenting on it) ... hence decentralised, local, competency over complexity, individual over collective etc ... of course this is hardly an organised thesis! as we saw with grassroots covid resistance sometimes even staunch anti-lockdown advocates were pro-jabs or vice-versa, or we got into the virus-terrain debate, even there we struggled to come up with one cohesive “platform”.

I sometimes think in terms of tree rings, every year another ring gets added, making the trunk stronger etc, but it also gets harder and harder to bend or shape ... that’s modern hierarchies, and layers of control, it may be better to plant some new saplings, and they won’t grow unless the massive trees get cut down first to allow sunlight to reach the undergrowth.

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Hi Greg, I see we're writing in parallel and somewhat echoing some thoughts. I agree with your last comment. I recall a quote from JBP many years back when discussing an ideal society with agreeable, cooperative people striving for the best - and he stated that it will not be long before the narcissists and psychopaths move in (on the opportunity to manipulate and exploit the "nice innocent people (my interpretation)

So yes, it is very tricky - particularly considering that the globalists know who they are and know the "plays" that they have set up around the world. In contrast we, by globalist design, are left uncertain and in the dark on the truth behind events and the networks and subterfuge.

A coordinated group approach is however required I believe and the major challenge will be in coordinating the people and the messaging in the light of the globalists having control over all major resources, having planted their corrupt minions through nearly all influential hierarchies.

For the rest of us it is a matter of being vigilant and (trying) to stay up to date to know how to trust and support.

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Don’t disagree with anything you say ... if I had the solution I suppose I wouldn’t be commenting anonymously on a Substack. I am often accused of being negative when it comes to these things, but I genuinely don’t know whether the opportunity exists to find a middle ground between coordinated groups and acting locally and cooperatively and the descent into neo-fascist corporatocracy as we have today, and whether human beings have enough grace, humility and gratitude to bring this about.

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A significant feature of a pro-human, anti-tyrrant future will be to eliminate all corporations as they currently exist. No imaginary, contrived entity should ever have more rights and power than a human being. Corporations became a runaway train that is now a train wreck! Monstrosities like Monsanto, IG Farben, Pfizer, IBM, etc. and their horrific anti-humanity behaviors must NEVER be allowed! And now we have the gigantic international Banksters with 'way too much power to economically rape and pillage the planet and "create" money out of thin air to transfer wealth from the masses to themselves, giving themselves ever more ability to perpetuate their evil!

The human race has ONE core underlying problem that is THE ROOT of every other problem, and that is ignorace of SELF. Ignorance of what a human being fundamentally IS, which is a "fragment" or focal point of Infinite Consciousness, the highest frequency foundational energy of the Quantum Field from which all other frequencies derive, including those within the matrix of Space-Time. Our visible physical universe is but a subset of the Beyond-time-space Whole.

But WE are not physical beings even though we are focused within physical bodies (so that we can experience life here). The energy of consciousness does not derive from physical matter, but rather the opposite.

When human beings connect EXPERIENTIALLY with their true nature or Source energy (i.e. have a "spiritual awakening") they understand that we are much more than these bodies, much more than physical matter. We are NOT "fodder" for another human's whims. We are not playthings for the likes of the extremely ignorant WEF participants. We are not slaves to AI.

To believe that "immortality" can be achieved by "uploading" one's consciousness to a computer is utterly absurd nonsense that demonstrates that those people are CLUELESS! Clueless about Reality and what Consciousness even is!!! In fact, as smart as they fancy themselves to be, they are actually complete Morons!

They have selectively ignored all the evidence of higher realities than the physical "realms": the research into psychic phenomena, Consciousness, Near Death Experiences, etc. Even fascinating research like the Princeton EGG project.

Instead they discount what we are, probably because if they understood it they could never be so selfish and callous (and evil!) toward their fellow humans!

What I am talking about here is NOT religion. Religions are merely attempts to describe the non-physical, but because Consciousness is much "bigger" than this time-space physical reality, it doesn't "fit" within a conceptual framework understandable by our physically-oriented minds. This is why all religions are different and there are so many of them. They all claim to be "the Truth", but NONE of them are because they are ALL just mental constructs or imaginings ABOUT something that is not comprehensible to our physically-oriented minds! Only by connecting into the vibrational frequency of the non-physical, of Consciousness itself can that Spiritual Awakening that humanity so desperately needs now be achieved. THAT is what will bring about a true transformation, a true Awakening, and get us out of this current selfish, anti-human mess we are in!

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Yes, I fully appreciate it's difficult to know for sure. I myself am also cautious and cynical (and more-so these days) and it (unfortunately) is not a bad trait. It's likely our ancestors are quite likely the ones that said "just wait a minute,...there could be a bear in there..." - and were unfortunately the few that others dismissed when they said "a free wooden horse....it seems to good to be true.....let's leave it outside the gates for a while...."

There's a time and a place for skepticism, and this is a time where it's definitely a strength.

However, the challenge is that we dismiss the knight on a white horse (another horse analogy...it's not intentional), because his armour looks too clean.

[you may be familiar with the joke (I'll try condense it) about the devout Christian who is on a liner that sinks and is afloat for a day and prays continually - another liner comes along and the captain offers to help but the guy says "no, I have faith in my Lord" - a submarine surfaces nearby and again the guy says "no, I have faith that my Lord will save me" - likewise with a rescue helicopter, "no, my Lord will look after me". He drowns and gets to heaven and asks "My Lord, I have served you faithfully for years, why did you not save me...?" and God replies, "I sent you a liner, a submarine, and a helicopter,....what more do you want..."?]

The joke may be dated and old news by now, but does, I feel, illustrate our position to a degree.

But we have the added complexity that the globalists ARE sending fake liners and helicopters and are creating fake "fact checks" about the real liners and helicopters.

Only they know for sure who is real and who is fake.

But I feel we definitely need a coordinated effort of skilled people with resources and networks. As individuals we are highly inefficient.

The uncertainties we face are of course all part of their plan and they'll keep sending more fake ships and "fact checks" to keep us divided - and ideally attacking each other.

I think the only way around this is looking back at people's actions and trying to discern their true character. Also look at their current messaging and apparent values.

This is where I am confident of JBP and many who he has with him - though there are some that I am not so sure of, but I think that is by accident on the part of the ARC. Remember that the elitists will intentionally try to infiltrate as much as possible as a means of sowing doubt in the population. Hopefully any such "moles" will be ferreted out.

I can empathise with the challenges of ARC - if you consider the process of forming a group and contemplating who to invite. As you and I know now, it is very difficult to identify the wolves in cosplay outfits. There are rumours all over the place. Some who have question marks over their heads appear to have been carefully crafted - initially put in positions of "underdog" or "victim" of the elitists so that we cast aside our suspicions and support them.

I don't have a clear answer unfortunately, other than to suggest maintaining a healthy skepticism but beware of scuttling the true white knight.

I am confident of JBP and ARC - if their messaging of "self responsibility, self development, free speech, truth, honesty, human rights, faith in a greater purpose is a "trojan horse", it is not exactly one that favours elitists as it is antithetical to their aims.


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Speaking as a staunchly pro-lockdown and anti-the-vax person... People's politics cross all grounds. One needs to accept meeting and parting on issues as completely natural. I will help bolster your anti-vax rallies and tell you to go home on the lockdown protests. Some people like to join teams, and follow all the dictates regardless, but the people who were independent enough to stand against the masses on lockdowns or vaxes will be taking personal thought positions on everything. People change their positions on things as well, with more information. I could have moved anti-lockdown with the right information at the time. Once very anti-gun ownership, I could now be pro-gun ownership in this new threatening environment. Before I had children I was anti-abortion, and then later determined that abortion had to be there (because women will self-mutiliate), and I don't think that one will change now.

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Hi Madeleine, of course we change positions over time, I myself have come to realise that there is rarely a “right” side to any of these contentious issues like abortion, where I fall is on the side of “safe, rare and medically necessary” and of course I’m mindful of the modern day celebration of endless infanticide that seems to have infected the circles of the modern Left in particular where abortions are now a cheaper form of birth control and personal responsibility. I am curious however ... you say you’re pro-lockdown? Can I ask why, was this at the beginning of covid before the truth was allowed to emerge into the public consciousness?

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I never worried about a pandemic before, and although I recognised propaganda-type video (CIA standard) of the Wuhan outbreak, I did eventually consider original covid to be a disease that was dangerous for a lot of people. The information I was finally susceptible to came from a hospital account of the progress of the disease. In the circumstances where it was novel and quite transmissible, I considered that mass infection would overwhelm hospitals and create a public health hazard. I don't feel wrong in that, 3&1/2 years later. I wouldn't let people die or sicken if there was something I could easily to do to stop it, and locking down was a no-brainer for me. From the Victorian perspective, when it came to the 2nd lockdown, the whole of Australia was free and drinking 'beers' and we were locked out. What else could we do? The freedom protesters tormented most Victorians - I'm still PTSD over them. It wasn't a good political move on their part - unlikely to engender any sympathy for their cause. [NB: I also didn't have time for the 'Black Lives Matter' protests.] Nonetheless I joined them over the vaccines because I was quite sure that the vaccines would have a net negative outcome for health.

The information I didn't have at the time was that there were pharmaceuticals that may have helped mitigate the disease for most people, and thus obviate the need for lockdown. Although I wasn't naive about the medical regulatory world (I knew they would be malfeasant) I didn't know how satanic they could be. I thought that if there were helpful pharmaceuticals doctors would have the agency to administer them. When they said nothing could help I trusted that advice. If another pandemic came along they wouldn't get away with that. That said, I knew all about the vaccines and I was powerless to effect change. I couldn't even convince my own family.

The other aspect that could have brought a pause was a frank and painful public discussion about the debt burden of lockdown. It's barely acceptable to weigh up money against lives when pharma brings out a new pill and wants to charge $30,000 a pop to save a young mother with breast cancer. But the financial discussion was important because it ends up a massive burden. A slow thoughtful discussion could've changed my mind.

After seeing how difficult it was to stop infection in aged care homes over months in Victoria in 2020 I consider the "protect the vulnerable and everyone else stay free" to be an utter lie of the Great Barrington Declaration. We cough, they die. I accept that people may choose to walk around coughing, but they must accept the fact that others will die for their freedom - there's no 'protect the vulnerable'.

I am very bothered by the fact that we locked down 'for the vulnerable', and then health came along with their vaccines and killed the vulnerable.

I think death in general needs more discussion. We have been trained to promote life at all costs (probably among other things to enrich pharmaceutical companies), and yet I'm not someone who personally values a long life for myself. I wouldn't choose to live hooked onto a machine or slowly wasting in an aged care home. But others do have this value and I'll support it because 'playing god' isn't for me.

Information is very important.

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I think (or hope) through the fullness of time that you will realise (or have realised) that most of the so-called covid deaths up front in aged care or nursing homes globally were simple artefacts of medical malpractice ... Victoria was no exception. I can’t recall exactly, but over 80% of the “covid deaths” were from a handful of care homes, most of whom applied the same “end of life” care as the UK tragedy by withdrawing antibiotics and literally refusing to treat because the directives declared as much.

While I greatly appreciate your perspective, there never was a need for Covid “lockdowns” ... the entire edifice was a socio-political construct designed to inflate the fear and bring about the means for vaccines. Sorry, I can’t sugar coat it any more than that. Almost all elderly, moribund, immune senescent people who died in 2020 were of that ilk ... not killed by a novel pathogen but by a medical-industrial complex too atrophied to care for them, or incentivised to do the opposite. Those who did succumb naturally were almost entirely already ill with 2, 3 or even 4 morbidities.

The elderly who’ve died from 2021 onwards are largely immune-compromised because they were the chief target market of jabs and boosters ... here in WA over 90% of covid “deaths” remain in the elderly, who are the most jabbed cohort alive, these things kill, maim, and the idea that a “vaccine” (even if it worked) would be beneficial to the moribund elderly is virological insanity ... they do not help, because the elderly do not mount an immune response. The fact that treatments were suppressed is a whole other factor in which I could write another 1,000 words!

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we look for silver bullet solutions and ideologies to lock on to, the 'right' ideology, too much. we get trapped into arguing on the ideolgy or belief, and they all have holes. my suggestion is we focus on simply not doing stupid stuff, or not lettin gov and corps do it to us. need to ridicule and not comply with illegal or counterproductive edicts. this extendsdown to the lowest level with local bureacracy, to not letting corps have same rights as a person. a wise woman told me last week ' Gov's are in the business of making crime legal'. say NO, do NO - be ungovernable, withdraw your goodwill from their society.

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Yes, I totally agree. Thanks for the article Rebekah. I've been concerned when seeing a few articles emerge questioning whether ARC is another WEF.

But as your article points out, their messaging is diametrically opposed to that of the WEF.

Whereas the WEF would like us to be mindless drones feeding off their propaganda (soon to be delivered via "AI" that will instead be a programming tool for them and will eliminate the opportunity for research and balancing counterarguments), and they (WEF) seek to destroy all values and belief systems, except for the belief in big data and their "science", and have us content with not developing ourselves, not contributing to society, not thinking for ourselves - in addition to dropping all forms of societal advancement such as farming, travel, communication, natural foods (meat, non-GMO organic veg etc) - the ARC is the exact opposite (apologies for the badly constructed sentence)

I have watched Jordan Peterson for many years and can say he is one of the most genuine people on the planet, as well as one of the most intellectual and educated in his area of focus which as revolved around his initial pondering of totalitarianism and human nature ranging from the sublime good to the unbelievably atrocious.

He would be, I imagine, one of the most widely read in these areas and has applied considerable thought into it, as is necessary if one is writing and in depth analysis such as "Maps of Meaning". He also would be, as is evident from many years of videos, extremely consistent in his delivery of open and honest thoughts, and he is also observably caring and empathetic.

I was initially concerned at the outset of this madness nearly 4 years ago that he was not picking up the signals and either "wilfully blind" to the scam, or simply "unknowingly blind" as is the case unfortunately with many as it is such a leap to believe that governments could be so diabolical to effectively declare war on their citizens in secret (unrestricted warfare). He soon (relatively) woke up to the globalist agenda and delivered some very good messages directed at them about a year or so ago. Even now however, I don't know if he is fully aware of the total depths of the depravity and cruelty that is being practised and planned, though I'd suggest that with his prior extensive research and the people now around him, he'd have to be reasonably aware of what is transpiring and may be in store.

To Greg in Oz, I say that yes, I can certainly understand your concerns and skepticism on who to trust, who is controlled opposition or another trojan horse or "false flag". I have found that myself with many of those I follow when they state something that is not consistent with my own understanding of the situation. And I can well empathise with the resultant thought that we need to therefore be wary of everyone and work more as independent agents. But I found myself realising, as Rebekah has pointed out above, that alliances and pooling of resources is necessary and in fact critical. A million people "doing their own thing" means a million ineffective people scattered and divided, spread too thin, and often at odds with each other.

The globalists have been planning this for decades and are amongst the wealthiest people on the planet with extensive resources and networks and the ability to corrupt thousands to work as unwitting "useful idiots"whilst believing they are "part of the elite" team when in fact they are simply "disposable idiots" that will be discarded after their job is done.

We therefore need similar resources and cooperation. The globalists also gained a jump on the world with their unrestricted warfare and use of "Sun Tzu" tactics to defeat their (undeclared) enemies (us) - you can see these tactics in nearly every country as opposition between citizens and so-called "service providers" that have turned their attacks inward to those they are meant to be serving (courtesy of the Patriot and Prep acts and more subtle legislation in countries other than the US). The same tactics that mirror Lenin's ability to have the "enemy" divided and eliminating themselves whilst the conductor sits back and watches in amusement as victory draws nearer without the need of deploying their own army can be seen in Ukraine/Russia and Gaza/Israel. (though again in both situations there is likely a deeper level of deception where the conflict is more theatre - at the beginning of Ukraine/Russia there were two camps - MSM-fed beliefs that Putin was the villain, and the "awake" crowd who knew that NATO/US instigated it by putting Putin in a corner that had been expressly defined and easy to avoid. In the latter group, we saw Putin's fight as being virtually "on our side" because he was fighting the globalists. But there may be a third level of smoke and mirrors. Putin was one of the original WEF members - so is it all theatre behind the scenes, complete with phone calls between WEF/CIA/Putin/Zelensky on what the next "act" will be to keep the masses guessing and fearful? ("ok, we'll bomb the hospital and claim that you did it, then you leak info that .....)

Getting back to the original theme, I believe that the ARC is totally founded on beliefs and values totally opposite to the globalists and consistent with the JP messaging of many decades that we all need to develop ourselves to our best potential and contribute as much as possible so that our unique talents may help guide society positively.

It is however very possible (almost certain) that the globalists will be ensuring that they get some "moles" into the ARC to report back and ideally, if possible, sabotage initiatives wherever possible.

They will also have vast resources dedicated to trolls on the internet to cast doubt undermine the efforts and belief in the ARC.

It is also very possible that those within the ARC are not fully aware of the tactics of the globalists, and will make incorrect assumptions and mistakes along the way.

But I think it is a certainty that their intentions are totally pure and honourable and that if the world had been guided the last 100 years by such a group aiming to get the best from all individuals globally (instead of the 100 year reign we've had of intentional dumbing-down and brainwashing around commercial outcomes for a select few, plus bankers wars, and corrupt monopolies in all major sectors), we'd be in a far better place right now.

Thanks again for the article and discussion. I've been tapping away for a while with free-flowing thoughts, so apologies for poor structure and flow (and possibly excessive length! :)

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Bitcoin has no trust, is decentralised and quite disorganised, has huge influence without power brokers. See also network states, seccessionist movements, libertarianism. The simple fact that you are looking for a 'resistance movement' and not a 'government' is telling. In theory, there is nothing more anti WEF than a democratic Australian government representing it's people. (Of course, that is pure fantasy)

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So what your saying is a fiat currency printed at the whim of elites to benefit elites is superior to Bitcoin.

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That's not what i was trying to say. The arguments are robust and compelling that bitcoin is a threat to evil elites. Widespread adoption of it could be the solution we seek! (Robert Breedlove's 'what is money' podcast resonates with me the most on the failures of fiat)

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Sorry for the misunderstanding, I don't know Breedlove but Max & Stacey Keiser have been speaking about it for years. They are financial consultants for El salvador who have adopted Bitcoin for their economy

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Thanks for the reference, i'll check them out!

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There actually is a very simple answer to EVERY social issue that I can conceive of and that is Sortition (In governance, sortition (also known as selection by lottery, selection by lot, allotment, demarchy, stochocracy, aleatoric democracy, democratic lottery, and lottocracy) is the selection of public officials or jurors using a random representative sample.)

I believe most people here see the regulatory capture of the health system which has been drive by what Noam Chomsky identify as "Manufactured Consent" the acceptance of government policies by people on the basis of the partial picture of issues offered by the mass media, denying them access to alternative views which would lead them to oppose such policies. They present this as a propaganda model in which the mass media select material in relation to the values of those in power.

What we are actually fighting is the appearance of dispute between opposing parties instead of the reality of two different Mafia Houses fighting for supremacy, who in reality go to each others Birthday Parties to ensure their wealth. Here is a great interview/explaination where this is outlined https://rumble.com/v3s3yug-october-27-2023.html

Sortition stops the ability for those in power to stack the deck. Most people laugh at the idea because they say anybody could be picked and somehow believe that these politicians have some extraordinary abilities,this true to the extend they say YES to everything within their party or else they wouldn't have been picked (manufactured consent),which means that they were picked asthey were the most compliant.

The other is bitcoin: so when you stop laughing, when the financial crisis came and all these banks had all this debt on their books and the financial world seized so how was it fixed? It was fix by something call Quantitative Easy, they just called up the banks and said how much money do you have,okay, just add three or four or five zero's to that and bingo no Financial Issues. We are in an economic era called "Fiat Currency" its a long story but the short explanation is that banks just magic money into existence. EG From the start of European America to 2006 they had a total debt of $890B, today they have a Debt of $35 Trillion, they just magiced money into existence. Why, at one time a US $ represented a prescribed amount of gold, now it represents nothing other what you think. At one time they ran out of money bombing North Vietnam so they when off the Gold Standard and went to Fiat Money so they could continue the bombing anywhere any time.

As bitcoin has a determined amount of coins produced and being produced can't Magic Money into existence to go bomb the shit out of anybody you like. Fiat Money also enable those that have money to borrow any amount of money at interest rates as close to reserve bank rates presently 4.1%, this is how "The level of financial inequality around the world is staggering. According to a new Credit Suisse report, 47.8 percent of global household wealth is in the hands of just 1.2 percent of the world's population. "

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This is a further explainer; people think that banks lend the money they receive from depositors which is only partially true. Banks work on the principal of Fractional Banking, which is they have to hold only 1/15th of the amount they lend or in other words they lend $15 for every $1dollar they have. So Banks are allowed to Magic Money into existence, setting up inflated house prices cause they are able to lend to people that can't afford it (Global Financial Crisis) all the while that their debt is covered by a Government Guarantee from you and me because of the Global Financial Crisis. Who are the largest owners of homes yes the top 20%.

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Also Mark, when they loan you the money from that fractional reserve that loan is credited to your account and is considered a deposit which further increases their reserve- and so on and on

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I find Jordan Peterson incomprehensible at times. His first book left me cold!

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at least no top-down decisions but through transparency and deliberations. slow, yes, but steady/based.

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".. human beings are fallible, corruptible, capricious and ultimately prone to the same impulses that seemingly destroy everyone else who gets a little bit of power or authority..."

I am none of these so you may safely make me Supreme Ruler and all will be well.

In the meantime, what about citizen initiated referenda? Or a few steps further by selecting pollies the same way we do our Juries, basically by ballot. One or max 2 terms only (no more career politicians) , excellent salaries but zero perks (white limos, 'pretend' important o/s trips etc) with job/career guarantees after serving and severe jail time for corruption.

It seems to work fairly well in our judicial system and I'd rather trust Joe the mechanic, Mary the housewife & Susan the electrician than the present riffraff occupying our parliament houses. Would the covid scam have happened with regular, ordinary, sensible people making the decisions? Lock-down? Get out of here!! Sack the current shower, cancel their bloated pensions and put them on the regular pension or the dole.

And as I'm on a roll, reduce 'public servant' numbers by 70 %. With many/most still 'working' from home (LOL!!), you'd never know the difference (and I refer not to front line workers but to the many thousands of bludgers in the huge number of - now almost empty - anonymous offices around the country, doing little but build their little 'empires' and calculate their super. Ask me how I know.

I must be joking, right? Nope. With mind blowing, world shattering events directly ahead, the above might be some of the lesser changes in store when the average citizen has had enough.

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How do you know you are not corruptable? Did anyone ever offer you a million dollard, or a billion? I think almost everyone is corruptable - just a matter of how much is offered.

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Probably not everyone, but most for sure.

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How Dare You! Look, meet me at Central Station, noon this Wednesday with a million dollards in a suitcase and just see if you can corrupt me. Not a chance! You'll recognise me easy as I'm 186cm , ripped 115k with full face tats.

PS If you can't make it a million, a hundred dollards will do. I just want to prove a point, OK

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There was a reason the aristocratic hierarchy ruled as they did (before corruption). They had naturally god-given mental power. As the world grew wealthy everyone stopped listening - one could buy their way in to material power. This is how the church was thoroughly corrupted.

What difference between Jacinda Ardern vs. Caesar Augustus after all?

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Can’t say I disagree. To me we’ve gone wrong with “democracy” as it currently stands.

One of my central tenets is that political power should never be sought; I’ve advocated for years for a sort of lottery system, you are “volunteered” to serve the country or region for 4-6 years, no affiliations, no corporate masters, decisions are made by majority of those selected yes, BUT citizens in good standing get to vote for each bit of legislation that is on the table. You get a salary, and a pension for X years after leaving service within which time you cannot seek any other corporate employ, speaking gigs etc. it is service only, absolutely no link between government and the corporations.

I do agree that the Average Joe is more trustworthy, however I do think Citizens must also pass some sort of modest civics and competency test before they can be put forward, have a basic clue about the world outside of who won last season’s Master Chef.

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Makes a lot of sense. Didnt the ancient Greek have a system like that?

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Something along those lines I believe, but then the Ancient Greeks brought us philosophy, geometry and theatre so what would they know

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Those indolent effeminate bastards!

Disclaimer: I am a great admirer of, and stand in awe of flowering of civilisation stewarded by the Ancient Greeks.

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Well, they did coin the term, but what they had was hardly democratic in the true sense of the term, since the vote was a privilege enjoyed only by male citizens - and not the women - and the citizenry's freedom was sustained at the price of maintaining a large proportion of the non-citizen population in slavery.

No. better examples of just governance could be made of the time before Francisco Franco's 'victory' in the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 with the peasant anarchism in the countryside of Andalusia; urban anarcho-syndicalism in Catalonia, particularly its capital Barcelona; and what is sometimes called "pure" anarchism in other cities such as Zaragoza. Also take a look at Nestor Makhno's mass movement known - the Makhnovshchina - by the Ukrainian peasantry in the country between 1918 and 1921.

Further back in time, it is difficult or nigh impossible to know with certainty, but there are strong indications of the Statelessness in Harappa in the Indus Valley, in the northern region of the Indian subcontinent between c. 7000 - c. 600 BCE, of which there is no evidence that the Indus civilization dominated smaller neighboring societies.

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"To me we’ve gone wrong with “democracy” as it currently stands."

When have we ever gone 'right' with democracy? When have we ever even had democracy? Not just we here in Australia (we have NEVER had democracy in Australia), but anywhere else.

The direct representation government in Gaddafi's Libya was far from democratic, and yet far, far, light years more democratic than what there ever was in Australia. Look what we did to Gaddafi and to Libya.

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True ... I suppose it’s just easier to use the term to describe what it’s “meant” to mean, and not mob rule by the worst among us or whatever the hell it stands for today

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"mob rule by the worst among us"

I believe the formal name for this is kakistocracy - government by the least qualified or most corrupt and unprincipled citizens.

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"citizen initiated referenda"

See California. The powers with the money seem to work out exactly how much to spend to stop the citizen movements going through. Thinking of GM food labelling and Monsanto/friends.

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I like the balloting ideas... I thought it would be a good idea for a Governor General if we became a republic. However, I know exactly what would happen... due to ignorance/complete lack of experience of the balloted people govt bureaucracy would absolutely rule. Think Yes Minister.

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Sorry I do not trust any of them, especially Jordan “get the damn VAXX” Peterson he has lost all credibility , Douglas Murray, he was silent on lockdowns, Tony Abbott, who’s only contribution to lockdowns was that the government maybe overreacted !! Utterly pathetic, he posted himself getting jabbed, before the election he won, panicked and declared climate change was real, then the doozy of all doozies “ I will shirt front Putin” so he’s not to be trusted. ARC IS SO OBVIOUSLY CONTROLLED OPPOSITION

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So if all these people are fakes, Penny, what do you propose as the way forward to confront the multiple crises we all face, and who do you nominate to make it happen?

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It’s up to the general population, we can not rely on likeminded lawyers etc, they do their best, ARC is the conservative version of WEF, in my comment I forgot to mention Michael Gove, he’s fully into the climate change scam, he, next to Boris Johnson would be thoroughly untrustworthy

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This is what I derisively designate as a 'minimalist model' approach, by which I mean the least amount of change necessary in order to effect change. This is a belief (actually a faith, as it is without any basis in reality) which is couched in the other belief that the present system works, or would work if only we got rid of a few bad apples and put better people in charge. Once we were to make that change, we could all get back into our Subarus (or more likely Teslas, these being the du jour automotive vanity gadget) and drive back to our comfortable lifestyles at our home in the suburbs, and look forward to our 4 million dollar superannuations.

The obligatory pachyderm in the parlour: the UN. WHO, WEF, Bilderberg, etc. etc. but not only, because the entire finance and business and government and factory farming and mass transportation and pharmaceutical-military-surveillance are all interlocking nodes of the world system that is the excrescence of the "infinite growth" economic model, which has been adopted and exploited not only to rape the planet and catapult the old-and-new-money aristocracies / financier oligarchs into immeasurable wealth, but it has induced the eight billion humans into existence as well. What we are faced with, then, is akin to a massive Jenga tower - remove some blocks and a catastrophe ensues which has the result of killing most or all the eight billion humans.

Which part should we fix / which block should we remove?

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The block that stops clinging to the olde world like a terrified koala.

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ARC in Hebrew translates to land or country. Try it out in google translate.

If the Judeo-Christian Vatican is the seat of the "spiritual" centre of the world (head of the octopus), then London is the financial centre. 'Renewables at all costs' sounds like 'quick, we gotta come up with some new way to keep the ship afloat for a few more years, tell'em something they wanna hear.'

Everywhere one looks, its the same people and the same pattern. Nothing is named by accident, eg. the arc, or arcuate nucleus is a section of brain that, when ignited 'awakens' or increases consciousness (which is also the esoteric idea behind Noah's Ark). We're in the midst of a spiritual operation, but nobody wants to know because competitive, comforting materialism killed Spirit decades ago.

Re. the 'multiple crises', the war is in the mind first.

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Interesting comment. You believe spiritual awakenings or increases in consciousness are being socially/technologically engineered?

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I know people override their meditative ability with their ego. It's the preset human condition until one gets in to trouble; it's a learning curve. (Or arc). Rather what the vaccines are about.

Meditation on any subject reveals the little kinks that need smoothing before one goes all in, like Soros involvement, or Peterson's vax stance, or that Melbourne guy with the big ears, or the kiwi horse from the fish'n'chip shop, or responding openly to someone with no information behind their name.

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“Soros Derangement Syndrome” 😂

Your analogy to Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a good way of putting that conspiracy into perspective.

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"Maybe the ARC is an elaborate ‘controlled opposition’ conspiracy to suck the energy out of any meaningful resistance. "

It doesn't really matter if it is or is not this at the outset. Human experience is that every single ground level movement that has ever existed, no matter how spontaneous initially, is taken over by "them" once there is something tangible to take over. Anything that is organised, and everything that is hierarchical, will always become "the enemy" in the end.

So we are left with having to use our judgement on whether we can use a structure rather than by used or controlled by it. We must remain vigilant and ensure a net gain of whatever it is that matters to us, and abandon ship as soon as we enter into net loss. We must never get lazy and fall into "belief" or "faith" because we can guarantee that our trust will be abused at some stage down the line.

So for now, let's see what actual use it is to us.

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Jordan Peterson is an intelligent man, no doubt, he has the right instincts about power and freedom too, most of the time. And I think he is genuine. I tried to warm up to him and ARC but just coudn't. The main reasons are:

1. Ego. While I align with many of his views, Jordan has a big ego and big ego's are vulnerable to power and corruption.

2. His old testament stories and alignment with the Jews. Spiritualy, he is going backwards. Old testament is an eye for an eye, or an eye for 100 eyes, as currectly happening in Gaza.

I would love for humankind to ditch these stupide religons and evolve to a more individual, mystical form of spirituality. Those stupid religions cause so many wars.

Saying all this, it feels a long way off before the majority gets there. Until then, the religons promote a morality of good and evil that is still perferable to the cold-hearted horror of the WEF scientific, technocratic surveillance state. If there is no other choice, I prefer the imperfect angry gods over the scientific technocrats.

JP, in a recent podacast with Joe Rogan, said: "We need "good" psychopaths to fight the "bad" psychopaths. And, sadly, he has a point. Until we evolve to a higher plane, we humans are stuck in this power - greed cycle that is going on for millenias now. It is probably better to have ARC as global counter force to the WEF instead of WEF only. But it will only continue the millenia-old struggle for power.

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Good points.

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Hmmmm. The Psychology College take down of Jordan Peterson must be fake? I don't think so. Getting fired from a University back when indoctrination was just getting ramped up was also fake? Nope. It nearly killed him. Here in Canada he is a monument of strength for the freedom movement, at much expense to his reputation. He won the Jonas Freedom Award this year. On the shots......Like many it took some time. But he got there. Boy did he get there. He is a very clever man that most can barely follow. But I would suggest that his nay sayers follow his podcast and do the best they can to understand what he has to say. I think it's sad that we are so far gone that everything is judged with maximum cynicism.

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Thank you Rebecca - another great topic and article. A few things came up also reading the comments.

Who paid for your trip? If its the mentioned news outlet, did they get "sponsored" by someone? It just strikes me as odd to pay thousands of dollars to send you there. Full disclosure creates trust. Thank you.

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The Aussie Wire paid for the trip. If we were sponsored by ARC it would be clearly stated, but we were not. Fair question!

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Appreciate your integrity and your willingness to stay open to all posibilities and the input of your readers without getting pulled into unfounded conspiracy and paranoia. This is very diffictult to do. Most Substack readers and writers (including myself) are in a certain camp with set opinions. While those have value too, a truly independent professional journalists, are badly needed to avoid an "echo chamber" and keep all sides honest. Many people find it very difficult to resist the temptation to follow a leader - there is strenghts and security in numbers. That's why the resistance can't help themselves to organize themselves into hierachial structures with all the pitfalls connected to that.

Therfore, a turly independent journalist has be extra diligent and careful not to be pulled in from any side. There are not many journalists like that on Substack and you lead the way. Stay independent.

Let us amateurs do the gossiping and opinions.

In that spirit I dig deeper: Was the Aussie Wire "sponsored" by ARC to send someone? It's not that I think that is a horrible thing to do. To face the all-powerful WEF who own MSM, ARC has to be smart to get their message out and get alt-media and influencers on board. This only will be a problem if it is not disclosed.

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JP was one of my faves until the recently. “Get the dam vax” wasn’t one of his brightest moments though, and since then I’ve paid less attention to him.

More concerning for me though is the ARC advisory board. John Howard has two massive red flags - disarming Australia (and not with his charm) and suppressing the names of pedophiles for 90 years.

Then there’s John Anderson, perhaps the most pleasant Australian to ever have a voice. But has he actually ever spoken out aggressively against loss of human rights in Australia?

In my view, just these two profiles alone bring the DNA of the ARC into question.

And of course Jacinta Price; great during the referendum campaign, not so great when corralling her own people to force the jab on them.

Where were the warriors of the past 4 years? Where was Mattias Desmet et al?

I remember when JP first spoke of the concept of the ARC - it was after a tour in the former Eastern block of Europe if I recall correctly. The sentiment in those countries was of concern that the west was becoming “too woke, too left”, and with their own recent history, who could blame them. Countries who have lived in a democracy for less than 50 years must be horrified at what we, the “bastions of freedom” have become.

The initial idea of the ARC was filled with hope, but I’m not sure people like Peterson, Howard, Anderson and Price have demonstrated enough spine and courage to lead us to a better future, let alone counter the WEF.

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I didn't know about Jacinta with the jabs - could you send me a relevant link? I'd like to check that out.

I also wondered where Mattias Desmet was!! I would have liked to see some scientists there too.

With JP, it just strikes me as odd that he never publicly apologised for his vax stance, given the damage caused by that product and the associated mandates. As in just to say 'I got that completely wrong, this is why I changed my position'. It makes me wonder - does he not realise what a big deal it is? Or does he have other pressures influencing him to overlook it? I don't know but it doesn't sit with me.

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I’ll have to try and dig something out re this.

I have an indigenous friend in Alice who was reporting that Aboriginal people were being managed heavy handedly once the jab was available. Not sure if you remember, some were even being moved out of their communities so they could be jabbed. We’re talking 2021, and there was lots of media coverage.

I called Jacinta’s office multiple times to get clarity on what was happening and express my concern of human rights being completely ignored. I was assured the real situation wasn’t what was being portrayed in the media...however people WERE being jabbed against their will, without consent.

At the time she was deputy mayor of Alice Springs.

I think it’s important Jacinta is asked about this now. Her position may have changed...but it must be clarified. As I’m sure you’re aware, many feel she’ll be our next PM, and I for one would like to know how she’ll behave if we ever have to go through the past 4 years again.

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Katrina – you are clearly not satisfied with the performance of the public figures who are associated with this ARC initiative. So, what do you propose as the way forward to confront the multiple crises we all face, and who do you nominate to make it happen?

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I applaude the concept of the ARC and have been very eager to watch it unfold. Despite JP’s failings in the context of the jab (and associated losses of human rights) I thought he was the right person to do this. Unfortunately I don’t think he used enough scrutiny in relation to speakers and advisory board.

It’s very easy to be tempted by anything that stands against the globalists, but they must be scrutinised as much as team global control before we give them our unwavering support.

I mean...John Howard, really? Why did he slap a 90 year suppression order on high profile offenders of pedophillia, identified in the $13.5m Wood Royal Commission? If those 28 high raking Australians are guilty, then Howard committed treason. The likes of Howard are not an alternative to the WEF.

And I’m not suggesting all of the advisory board/speakers are unworthy, but Howard and Price are in my view. And Anderson to a certain extent.

Who would I have liked to see at ARC? Mattias Desmet for sure, our own Malcolm Roberts too. Two brave and unwavering men, unafraid to speak the truth.

Just because I don’t have the full solution doesn’t mean I can’t critique the current offering of a solution. That’s my view of course : )

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Not only Howard but also Abbott failed to utter a word during the last few years against jabs & mandates, or stood up for our rights to free speech & to demonstrate. I'm on high alert!

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Neither of them deserve a seat at the table. Ignoring the elephant in the room and presenting themselves at an event like this as two of the good guys is contemptuous. They should be ashamed of how they’ve carried themselves through the past 4 years.

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Sorry but this was a horribly shoddy video. Polly is good at sifting through online information to find links, but appalling at interpretation because she doesn't contextualise. For example, she wildly misinterpreted Baroness Philippa Stroud's position on families and government. Baroness Stroud has stated, as Polly highlighted in the video, that she is for government policies that support families - if you listen to any of her talks on this topic, she means policies that support full autonomy of families, with no gov meddling or penalisation of family structures through tax or otherwise. Polly just assumed, with no coherent explanation other than her own prejudice, that Baroness Stroud meant the opposite of what she actually said - that she in fact wants the government to meddle MORE in family life. Really laughable. That's just one example. I had full body cringe.

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Why do you say “If those 28 high raking Australians are guilty, then Howard committed treason. “? What’s your thinking as to why it’s treason? I am unfamiliar with this story - will look into - but struggling to understand how this is treason. Isn’t treason “ the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance”? Australian treason definitions here: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Completed_Inquiries/pjcis/securityleg/report/chapter4

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According to the Oxford dictionary, treason is ​“the crime of doing something that could cause danger to your country,”

According to the Cambridge dictionary, treason is “(the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government”

Without doubt, Howard displayed loyalty to 28 people accused of pedophilla, he showed no loyalty to the safety of Australians by suppressing their names. Who knows how many people’s lives have been endangered by his actions.

And on the theme of treason, he also disarmed Australia after the Port Arthur massacre…which many believe to be a false flag.

Not a good guy, his actions have served others rather than the Australian people - treasonous.

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Thanks for explaining - and I’ve not encountered the Oxford def.

The Cambridge def is how I’ve always understood treason particularly the “especially” part. I think it’s a long bow to call suppression of names treason. But thanks for for clarifying - I wondered if there was more to the story but can see it’s just a difference in what we consider treason.

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I've listened to a fair amount of JP's material and while agreeing with some of what he says I remain skeptical of his motivations and his positions on many matters. There is little doubting his intellectual power and presence but his temperament is often imbalanced and rather full of self-importance. Little surprise then that he selects people like John Howard and Tony Abbott (possibly on the basis of Johhn Anderson's recommendations) to extend his global influence to our little corner of the world. At best I would suspend judgement until we see what this group actually do, especially in challenging the WEF; at worst I think we will quickly see one group of elites assembling to provide a "right wing" alternative to the "left wing" of WEF as the WEF is clearly losing popularity, if not immediate influence. You are right to pose this question Rebekah, we need a broad based movement and not allow ourselves to be mere followers of the emerging media influencers like JP who present as opinionated and self-absorbed (precisely the alpha male type he extols) . We also need to realise that the ruling class (global elites) are smart enough to know that various sections of their class can be motivated to provide varying perspectives on contemporary and controversial issues which in the long run will still preserve the heirarchic structure as being the only viable way to run society.

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I am just watching Bernardi this evening. He had a blistering editorial about ARC. He obviously supports the aims. He points out something that I noticed.

There are politicians who spoke and attending this conference who were supposedly conservative when they were in government and the supposedly Conservative Party has been in power for the last 20 of 28 years. They had opportunities to put in place policy that would guarantee freedom of speech and make our country better. Like defunding and reining in the theirABC and not joining American forever wars and more. Now they are out of politics they trot out their supposedly conservative or Christian beliefs. Corey saw this first hand when he stood up for conservative or Christian principles.

Now these virtuous ‘conservatives’ are comfortably espousing their supposed beliefs.

Remember the Voice and the mis/ disinformation bill were ‘ conservative ‘ party ideas.

I am interested in your views, Rebekah.

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Working on my next piece now :)

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I will wait but I am dismayed at the anti semitic sentiment displayed here. Israel and the Hews are fighting for their lives.

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Borrowing from the US Republicans in Name Only (RINO), the so-called conservatives in Australia and the UK are CINO. Politics seems to have moved so far to the left that conservatism is now as rare as hen's teeth.

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hi Rebekah

pleased to restack your important work covering ARC and share again with your viewers our “alternative media” press release

“trumpet the good news from Alberta - home of Canada Freedom Convoy"

judge rules "all orders from chief medical office of Alberta were illegal"

we continue to "kick ass" in alberta

big win in the provincial courthouse recently

attorneys Rath and Grey give you a blow by blow description of the unprecedented legal ruling in attached video link

editor note: begin viewing attached at third minute 3:00 ... please let us know should you have difficulty opening link


social media announcement / Chris and Kerry Show

The BIGGEST , most AWESOME news for FREEDOM!

They did it! They showed that our rights and freedoms were violated, and the court ruled in favour of our Charter Rights. WOW!
Chris & Kerry with lawyers Leighton Grey & Jeffrey Rath about their landmark case in which the Alberta Chief Medical Officer’s Health (CMOH) Orders were ruled unconstitutional and illegal. And the implications of the ruling going forwarrd.
July 31, 2023

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Thanks Rebekah, I watched a couple of ARC videos and has this feeling something was NQR even though I respected most of the speakers anticipated for the event. I experienced cognitive dissonance as I am struggling financially to keep the ship from sinking atm, and have less time to review news/opinion even from trusted sources. So I am still confused but I have respected your previous posts so this was great to get your perspective as an actual attender at the conference. Keep talking to us please!

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I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling Duncan. Ill be following up this week with a ‘highlights’ post so you can browse that too and see what you think.

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Great read- Thank you 🩷

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Thanks Rebekah.

The man you mentioned should be designated Sir Paul not not Sir Marshall.

Still watching. Not sure backing GB need is a plus. Considering they sacked some good people

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I agree they should not have sacked!

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I am the co-founder and co-producer of The Greater Reset Activation, a 5-day solutions focused gathering in Mexico which meets in January at the same time as the WEF meets in Davos. We are focused on bringing together thinkers from around the world to promote bottom up, people powered solutions.

Our event is similarly modeled to ARC but less focused on the elite aspect of it and more participatory.

I encourage everyone to check it out the website: https://thegreaterreset.org

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Do you have social media accounts we can follow?

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For The Greater Reset you can follow on substack: https://thegreaterreset.substack.com/

We have a telegram channel and an Odysee channel where we post all the talks for free.

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You raise some interesting questions in this article, thank you. I don't think this group are WEF 2.0 either but I am concerned that almost any think-tank or NGO could become that in the future. But for the time being I'm hopeful that this new group may be able to make some difference.

I do think it should not only include wealthy participants, but, dare I say it, a more "diverse" representation from across different sections of the community. You mention a standard of purity - I'd say "hardship and adversity from Covid measures" is a pretty good one. Those who have taken the heaviest blows should get to have a say in our future, I think.

I'm always reminded of an old Crass song when these types of conversations come up, "Bloody Revolutions" (put a link with lyrics below) - where they talk about how the cycle tends to be that in a revolution what tends to happen is simply replacing one set of bigots with a different set of bigots - "just a different set of bigots with their rifle sights on me".


If indeed the people are to take the power back, we need to avoid these types of mistakes. It's so easy for us to fall back into the same old loop, we really do need to be very careful.

So as for ARC, I say folks should be hopeful but remain skeptical and keep their critical thinking hats on too. What's quite likely is that if this ARC group gains any significant power, there'll be attempts to infiltrate and dilute/divert it so it pays to stay alert, I think.

Just my 2 cents. :-)

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Well said.

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