Sorry I do not trust any of them, especially Jordan “get the damn VAXX” Peterson he has lost all credibility , Douglas Murray, he was silent on lockdowns, Tony Abbott, who’s only contribution to lockdowns was that the government maybe overreacted !! Utterly pathetic, he posted himself getting jabbed, before the election he won, panicked …
Sorry I do not trust any of them, especially Jordan “get the damn VAXX” Peterson he has lost all credibility , Douglas Murray, he was silent on lockdowns, Tony Abbott, who’s only contribution to lockdowns was that the government maybe overreacted !! Utterly pathetic, he posted himself getting jabbed, before the election he won, panicked and declared climate change was real, then the doozy of all doozies “ I will shirt front Putin” so he’s not to be trusted. ARC IS SO OBVIOUSLY CONTROLLED OPPOSITION
So if all these people are fakes, Penny, what do you propose as the way forward to confront the multiple crises we all face, and who do you nominate to make it happen?
It’s up to the general population, we can not rely on likeminded lawyers etc, they do their best, ARC is the conservative version of WEF, in my comment I forgot to mention Michael Gove, he’s fully into the climate change scam, he, next to Boris Johnson would be thoroughly untrustworthy
This is what I derisively designate as a 'minimalist model' approach, by which I mean the least amount of change necessary in order to effect change. This is a belief (actually a faith, as it is without any basis in reality) which is couched in the other belief that the present system works, or would work if only we got rid of a few bad apples and put better people in charge. Once we were to make that change, we could all get back into our Subarus (or more likely Teslas, these being the du jour automotive vanity gadget) and drive back to our comfortable lifestyles at our home in the suburbs, and look forward to our 4 million dollar superannuations.
The obligatory pachyderm in the parlour: the UN. WHO, WEF, Bilderberg, etc. etc. but not only, because the entire finance and business and government and factory farming and mass transportation and pharmaceutical-military-surveillance are all interlocking nodes of the world system that is the excrescence of the "infinite growth" economic model, which has been adopted and exploited not only to rape the planet and catapult the old-and-new-money aristocracies / financier oligarchs into immeasurable wealth, but it has induced the eight billion humans into existence as well. What we are faced with, then, is akin to a massive Jenga tower - remove some blocks and a catastrophe ensues which has the result of killing most or all the eight billion humans.
Which part should we fix / which block should we remove?
ARC in Hebrew translates to land or country. Try it out in google translate.
If the Judeo-Christian Vatican is the seat of the "spiritual" centre of the world (head of the octopus), then London is the financial centre. 'Renewables at all costs' sounds like 'quick, we gotta come up with some new way to keep the ship afloat for a few more years, tell'em something they wanna hear.'
Everywhere one looks, its the same people and the same pattern. Nothing is named by accident, eg. the arc, or arcuate nucleus is a section of brain that, when ignited 'awakens' or increases consciousness (which is also the esoteric idea behind Noah's Ark). We're in the midst of a spiritual operation, but nobody wants to know because competitive, comforting materialism killed Spirit decades ago.
Re. the 'multiple crises', the war is in the mind first.
I know people override their meditative ability with their ego. It's the preset human condition until one gets in to trouble; it's a learning curve. (Or arc). Rather what the vaccines are about.
Meditation on any subject reveals the little kinks that need smoothing before one goes all in, like Soros involvement, or Peterson's vax stance, or that Melbourne guy with the big ears, or the kiwi horse from the fish'n'chip shop, or responding openly to someone with no information behind their name.
Sorry I do not trust any of them, especially Jordan “get the damn VAXX” Peterson he has lost all credibility , Douglas Murray, he was silent on lockdowns, Tony Abbott, who’s only contribution to lockdowns was that the government maybe overreacted !! Utterly pathetic, he posted himself getting jabbed, before the election he won, panicked and declared climate change was real, then the doozy of all doozies “ I will shirt front Putin” so he’s not to be trusted. ARC IS SO OBVIOUSLY CONTROLLED OPPOSITION
So if all these people are fakes, Penny, what do you propose as the way forward to confront the multiple crises we all face, and who do you nominate to make it happen?
It’s up to the general population, we can not rely on likeminded lawyers etc, they do their best, ARC is the conservative version of WEF, in my comment I forgot to mention Michael Gove, he’s fully into the climate change scam, he, next to Boris Johnson would be thoroughly untrustworthy
This is what I derisively designate as a 'minimalist model' approach, by which I mean the least amount of change necessary in order to effect change. This is a belief (actually a faith, as it is without any basis in reality) which is couched in the other belief that the present system works, or would work if only we got rid of a few bad apples and put better people in charge. Once we were to make that change, we could all get back into our Subarus (or more likely Teslas, these being the du jour automotive vanity gadget) and drive back to our comfortable lifestyles at our home in the suburbs, and look forward to our 4 million dollar superannuations.
The obligatory pachyderm in the parlour: the UN. WHO, WEF, Bilderberg, etc. etc. but not only, because the entire finance and business and government and factory farming and mass transportation and pharmaceutical-military-surveillance are all interlocking nodes of the world system that is the excrescence of the "infinite growth" economic model, which has been adopted and exploited not only to rape the planet and catapult the old-and-new-money aristocracies / financier oligarchs into immeasurable wealth, but it has induced the eight billion humans into existence as well. What we are faced with, then, is akin to a massive Jenga tower - remove some blocks and a catastrophe ensues which has the result of killing most or all the eight billion humans.
Which part should we fix / which block should we remove?
The block that stops clinging to the olde world like a terrified koala.
ARC in Hebrew translates to land or country. Try it out in google translate.
If the Judeo-Christian Vatican is the seat of the "spiritual" centre of the world (head of the octopus), then London is the financial centre. 'Renewables at all costs' sounds like 'quick, we gotta come up with some new way to keep the ship afloat for a few more years, tell'em something they wanna hear.'
Everywhere one looks, its the same people and the same pattern. Nothing is named by accident, eg. the arc, or arcuate nucleus is a section of brain that, when ignited 'awakens' or increases consciousness (which is also the esoteric idea behind Noah's Ark). We're in the midst of a spiritual operation, but nobody wants to know because competitive, comforting materialism killed Spirit decades ago.
Re. the 'multiple crises', the war is in the mind first.
Interesting comment. You believe spiritual awakenings or increases in consciousness are being socially/technologically engineered?
I know people override their meditative ability with their ego. It's the preset human condition until one gets in to trouble; it's a learning curve. (Or arc). Rather what the vaccines are about.
Meditation on any subject reveals the little kinks that need smoothing before one goes all in, like Soros involvement, or Peterson's vax stance, or that Melbourne guy with the big ears, or the kiwi horse from the fish'n'chip shop, or responding openly to someone with no information behind their name.