I'll look forward to watching. In the meantime, if you haven't seen this you may want to. The implications are far reaching and it needs to be brought to the attention of the WA covid inquiry.

Simpson's Paradox in the correlations between excess mortality and COVID-19 injections: a case study of iatrogenic pandemic for elderly Australians


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Good read, thanks!

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Thank you, this Simpson's paper is very important

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Yes, it's dynamite. The ramifications are far reaching and go way beyond iatrogenic geronticide in Australia. There is no reason why the refutation as false causality of the negative correlations between the injections and excess mortality because the results have insufficient temporal separation between cause and effect would not apply to results in other countries and younger populations as well. It can be expected that the strong positive correlation in Australian data that was confirmed when the effects of excess mortality were lagged optimally by 21 weeks after COVID-19 injections will be replicated with other populations. Although the elderly suffered the greatest relative harm from the injections, younger peole also suffer harm. It is very important that it be made widely known that earlier epidemiological evidence that COVID-19 injections reduce illness and death is now methodologically invalidated, and the claim that the injections are beneficial both for the vulnerable and others is refuted. Sy has shown that the injections explain the mystery of significant numbers of non-COVID excess deaths and that the pandemic is shown to be iatrogenic particularly, but not only, for the elderly. This is an extremely important paper.

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I really appreciate what you wrote here:

“Focus on what we agree on rather than splitting off into sects warring over doctrinal differences. Grievances can be worked out, but not at the expense of hindering the most important present goal of stopping the shots.”

No matter what he said previously, Dr Malhotra is doing important work getting the word out there now.

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Dr Malhotra, Dr John Campbell and other qualified persons who once supported the vaccines but have turned vehemently against them are very powerful proponents of the so called “anti-vax” movement precisely because they have changed their minds. They are a welcome and important part of our movement.

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I agree in the sense that I don't believe that either of the two are anti-vax. I think they're anti-THIS-vaccine, which is a position that a fair number of people can agree with. I also agree that it's important to model 'changing one's mind' - important and welcome indeed.

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Thank you for your feedback and, by implication, for highlighting the difference between traditional vaccines and the current gene therapy jabs (which, as we all know, required a change in definition of the word "vaccine" to qualify for the dubious Emergency Use Authorization). Hence my carefully-placed parentheses around the expression "anti-vax" - intended to promote a sense of irony.

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A good balanced piece Rebekah. I'm glad Malahoutra is active in his about face and doing what he can. As a doctor in the profession I would expect nothing less, esp considering oathes taken etc.😉🤨 But given the priceless PR that goes along with even free speaking gigs, it's also the least he can do, and despite pushback from mainstream media and establishments, he is still in a better PR position globally, than he was 2yrs ago.. All in all, It is a day late, dollar short etc so, glad he's doing his bit to mop up the mess he actively contributed too. Respectful handclaps.👏👏

Frankly, (and likely an unwelcome opinion) anyone one expecting apologies /forgiveness, for the Covid SNAFU is still not really on the same page and back on chapter 3. This is year 4 of a 10yr event* that is frankly a stepping stone to a larger restructuring. It's $#!@, and peeps have lost so much already, BUT grieving, raging and tantrums now over blame, instead of keeping the eye on the quiet legislative changes and corporate lobbying that is solidifying this global overreach, is not helping. If you value autonomy and your right to determine your life, now is the most dangerous time in history. Keep your eye on the ball, not the shiny distraction.🤔🤔

*the legal framework started in 2012.

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Thanks, Rebekah, interesting conversation and good interview. It’s so frustrating and infuriating to listen to the first ~5 minutes however and Malhotra’s hand-waving adherence to “vaccinology” or whatever you’d call it, or his attempt to explain away that his appearance on UK TV was “only for encouraging COVID vaccine take up amongst high risk ethnic minorities” … precisely the sort of group who would least benefit from the jabs, or that had explicitly been excluded from the trials by Pfizer when they skewed the trial groups towards younger, healthier cohorts … if a layperson like me could know that as early as ~Feb 2021 then a world-renowned medicines campaigner like Malhotra could or should have been able to connect the dots too.

Why not just say “I acknowledge I was in the cult, carried away by the spirit of the age, and was petrified of being ridiculed, shamed or cancelled by daring to protest the roll-out like more ethical colleagues such as Peter Doshi of the BMJ”. I can’t handle the hand-wringing … much like John Campbell who has “come clean” but continues to sit on the fence.

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As always, very thoughtful. Two interesting coincidences for me or are they? Firstly, I was thinking about the good Doctor seriously for the first time just an hour ago and then this post pops up evaluating Dr. Malhorta. He and a certain Rav Auroa have been taking off like a rocket on Substack. Rav was even mentioned on a rare Rogan tweet !!!!!! The man writes very well, no doubt, but is on par with many others here on Substack but, what a coincidence, Dr. Malone endorsed him in a very recent note too as "a leading young thought leader". Hmmm. So I am a) getting all suspicious and b) wondering why Rav is suddenly the chosen one? Or did I miss something about Rav? Or is this the necessary shoulder rubbing to push each other up the influezer ladder? Hail Joe Rogan. I know I sound like an old fart that doesn't get it or want it. I think I slowly get it and as more I get it as less I want it. But it is happening. We all know it from mainstream. But is it also happening here? In the freedom movement? I know it is a fucking paradox - to be someone and to have any positive power to guide people to a better life, you need to be seen and adored and liked by the many. So you have to appeal to the average majority. And they know themselves. You can't pretend to be one of them, they sniff you out. Only average leaders will appeal to them - they are too scared and mistrusting to follow higher better ideas they don't understand. And they are used to suffer from millenia's of submission so it feels normal and as long it doesn't get worse they reject any change. But those dependent

Same for Dr. Malhorta although he has been active for almost a year now. I remember a longish interview with C. Tucker and came away underwhelmed. It's great he did the U-turn and so got public about it. But I don't think he should be a thought leader. Why? In short: Too soft, too naive, too much medical and scientific establishment. And he loves publicity too much for my taste (Like the other Dr., Malone).Yes, I know - we need more publicity to make an impact on the big fat lazy group in the middle - for that they work well. But I think we already won that group over - at least reg. vaccines. Trust me, I did something akin to a pub test. I am thinking already a step further - how and who will and can radically transform the medical and scientific paradigm. Having read two articles of the famed R. Dawkins made me aware what total arrogant and ignorant dickheads are considered thought leaders leading science. While Malone and Malhorta are significantly more critical of science and medicine than Dawkins, they still think that science still should lead the way as the only top authority on all matters human. Don't worry - I don't want to elevate back organized religions to an equal staus. I propose proper non-dual spirituality and related concepts as the new thought leading inspirations. Since has to come down from its high horse and needs a proper spiritual, ethical and inspirational godfather. And therefore we need brilliant fringe scientists and doctors that see the need for that to step up and convince the scientific field that they can't self-regulate their tremendous curiosity in an ethical way and therefore need to hand over leadership and oversight to a higher more holisticly intelligent mentor. And I feel these two doctors dont see the bigger picture My sense is that they think reform is enough and science should be on top. The second coincidence is the Jesus quote, which I also used in my next draft. So how do we get these geniuses that exist who, by definition are not interested in average mass adoration, ever into meaningful positions to create a more balanced and loving planet? When it was word of mouth and universities weren't corrupted they had an outsider chance. But now? First and foremost you have to be great in Web marketing, but even then, still talk to the average mass, not the intelligent individual. Interestingly, when intelligent individuals come together, the average intelligent level of the group is always lower than the mathematical average of all individuals. I just made that up, by the way. Didn't Google. Googled my common sense instead. The most intelligent ones will find it hard to inspire the majority of lower ones because you can't be inspired by something you don't fully understand. If you don't see the genius energy in it and don't get ignited by it.

Lol - got carried away a bit and low on battery. Aprupt end. Sorry or "God bless " more likely.

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Very well said. You are quite correct that doing the right thing once you know is what is important. There is nothing to be gained by punishing Dr Malhotra

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The tide is turning :) Keep up your good work Rebekah

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Thanks Rebekah.

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Thank you Rebekah. I don't know if I'm missing something or it looks like that neither Dr Malhotra or his father were aware of Phizer's data or indeed were looking deeper into it. So, in this respect they were like most people, trusting

the safe and effective albeit experimental vaccine. He says that he felt strongly that it was desirable course of action for the old and the like yet he must've trusted enough to take himself ("mostly to protect my patients"). Tragically it took his father's demise to get him to investigate. That was a great interview Rebekah and thank you for all your postings.

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And it's too late, baby, now it's too late

Though we really did try to make it

Something inside has died and I can't hide

And I just can't fake it, oh no no

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I never thought it would be I never thought I could feel this way

And I've got to say that I just don't get it

I don't know where we went wrong

But the feeling's gone and I just can't get it back

~If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot

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Thanks Rebekah for your excellent interview with the fantastic Dr Malhotra. I agree with what you have to say in the comments to not split off into different factions. The hierarchy of objectives should be to get general recognition through the medical and general population that the lockdowns and "gene therapy vaccines" were wrong and should never be repeated. We are a long way from achieving that objective. The public and medical fraternity have now been conditioned to both, and unless we fix that, it will happen again. As part of recognition, or immediately after, is apology (as Dr Malhotra says) and then make changes to "the system" so it cant happen again - principally remove financial inducements. But lets start with, and focus on recognition of the problems, which is what Dr Malhotra is trying hard to improve, or nothing else will happen.

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Jun 15, 2023
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Forgiveness is not for them, but for us. I think a huge part of account...is taking stock of the account of what they did. Although I doubt it will keep it from happening again. I think we have to go through times like this to turn those of us who are soft into tougher people (those of us who survive.) I'd be the first to tell you I am soft...I am like a bouncy castle...but on this BS I am not soft.

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