My interview with Dr Aseem Malhotra for Umbrella News is now up on Rumble.
Our discussion covers:
The suspected Covid vaccine death of Dr Malhotra’s father;
Dr Malhotra’s own vaccine reaction;
Why he believes the mRNA Covid vaccines should be suspended and an inquiry undertaken;
Why the TGA’s figures are not reflective of the true rate of Covid vaccine harm;
The different thresholds for attributing deaths to Covid vs Covid vaccines; and,
What needs to happen to rebuild trust, including;
The importance of full accountability in government and the medical profession.
You can also read the accompanying article via Umbrella News:
Pharma-funded blindness: UK cardiologist says vaccine harms wilfully ignored
If you missed Dr Malhotra speaking at the Mainstream Media & Medical Convention last weekend at the Perth Convention Centre, you can still purchase access to the recording below. Dr Malhotra was joined on stage by Dr Naomi Wolf, Ed Dowd, John Shipton, and host Topher Field. I streamed in from Bali for the price of a movie ticket, and it was well worth it.
A note to my readers who share so generously in the comments:
Some of you were quite disgruntled last week about Dr Malhotra’s U-turn on the vaccines. Some want more apologies, some think he ‘should have known’ earlier, some think he didn’t act fast enough, and for some, no apology will ever be enough for them.
I understand these positions, however I offer this view:
The primary goal of Dr Malhotra’s campaign is to prevent further harm by achieving a full suspension of the Covid vaccine program, and launching an inquiry. Like all good public campaigns, it is single-focused and it is achievable.
Comparatively, calling for the mass incarceration of medical professionals is not achievable, and detouring off into the weeds over the veracity of PCR tests and the true IFR of Covid (or whether viruses exist at all) will distract from the primary message.
Many can agree on the primary goal of Dr Malhotra’s campaign, even though they may not agree with other positions that he holds. I suggest a pragmatic approach.
Focus on what we agree on rather than splitting off into sects warring over doctrinal differences. Grievances can be worked out, but not at the expense of hindering the most important present goal of stopping the shots.
As for apologies and amends - I have seen enough interviews of Dr Malhotra admitting error and seeking to set things right to be satisfied on this front.
A final word on forgiveness. I totally get why people don’t want to forgive. I don’t think anyone has to. But I have no right not to, because I only began to realise what Dr Malhotra calls 'probably the greatest miscarriage of medical science in our lifetime’ in late 2021 (around the same time as Dr Malhotra). Albeit I’m not a medical professional, but my point is - you only know what you know.
Personally, I don’t judge people for not knowing, or for having blind spots. I judge people for refusing to know (wilful blindness) and for their actions once they do know (do they pass the buck, or do they take accountability?).
‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.’ (Jesus, Luke 23:34)
I'll look forward to watching. In the meantime, if you haven't seen this you may want to. The implications are far reaching and it needs to be brought to the attention of the WA covid inquiry.
Simpson's Paradox in the correlations between excess mortality and COVID-19 injections: a case study of iatrogenic pandemic for elderly Australians's_Paradox_in_the_correlations_between_excess_mortality_and_COVID-19_injections_a_case_study_of_iatrogenic_pandemic_for_elderly_Australians
I really appreciate what you wrote here:
“Focus on what we agree on rather than splitting off into sects warring over doctrinal differences. Grievances can be worked out, but not at the expense of hindering the most important present goal of stopping the shots.”
No matter what he said previously, Dr Malhotra is doing important work getting the word out there now.