Thanks for the coverage, it is appreciated. A major part of any good con, is getting the mark to feel comfortable. Subtle environmental cues such as lighting, ambiance, relaxed and appearingly accessible "carrots/goals/personages (whatever motivates the individual mark), all contribute to lowering the marks guard, opening their mind to suggestion and subliminal messaging.😐🤔🤨
Its part of psychology 101, used by many professionals, in many industries, and not unlike "setting up the brand". I've just outlined it in the more stark and slightly grubbing version used by grifters🤐 Same, same, but different.😉
ARC may indeed turn out to be a very powerful and obviously altruistic organisation, dedicated to guiding humanity, through inclusion of the brightest, shiniest global minds in the future. #soundfamiliaryet
But I'll throw my lot in with my local community and self resilience, before I take direction for my future from groups proporting to be the grandpobar of "global responsible citizenship". BTJMO 😉🤷♀️
Outstanding comment! Thank you so very much, The BarefootHealer! I wish I could give you a thousand likes. You have articulated in words some parts of my very soul!
Thank you for your perspective on this. ARC is starting to sound like a retirement council for jobless globalists. The people who led us into this situation are not the ones I want leading us out!!
"... a lot of Australian politicians (Jacinta Price, Moira Deeming, Alex Antic, Nick Goiran, Matt Canavan) ... former Prime Minister Scott Morrison) ... as were Tony Abbott and John Howard. "
Politicians know the score, and they all are playing their part officiating in the political fraud that imposed lockdown restrictions in order to insulate the real economy from the $12 trillion of quantitative easing created to bail out the collapsing financial sector between September 2019 and April 2022. Politicians are the officials of the governments that are so morbidly bankrupt, their primary role has become one of readying the ground for the stakeholder model of capitalism promoted by the World Economic Forum and implemented by its corporate partners under the umbrella of ‘sustainable development goals’ designed to privatise national assets, natural resources and, ultimately the existing system of governance in the West. And since the government ostensibly underwrites all existing 'private' ownership by the private citizens of the nation, in being so irredeemably bankrupt, all assets - Australian, and all other - will be seized by certain secured creditors (key entities from among the same group of stakeholders), with no judicial review being necessary, as legal certainty was previously established that the secured creditors have absolute power to take all assets in the event of the bankruptcy of the government!
And we're still okay keeping these seditious politicians around and allowing them to keep making plans for us?
"... the take was pro-Israel."
Of course it was! All of these Big Club congregations and initiatives are Zionist operations.
Unless it can be unequivocally substantiated to be otherwise, all politicians are gravely treacherous - not only including, but in particular our "we speak for freedom" politicians, such as Alex Antic, Malcolm Roberts, and etc. because they say what we want to hear - because, as members of minor parties and independents, their seemingly comparatively sensible criticisms of the policies of either of the only two other political parties that will ever be in power serve the purpose of undermining the existing federal (and state) government system - which should indeed be scrapped and eliminated - but only for the purpose of inciting discontent among the constituency and winning them over to the idea of a (UN/WHO/globalist) trans-national trans-global world government.
I agree that professional politicians and the party system is full of slimy traitors. I wouldn't agree that Antic, Roberts or Rennick are secret Globalists. Based on their stance on Climate Change, Immigration and several other pet causes of the Global Narrative. A background in Law is always a bit suspicious though (Antic)
Of course what would I know, they're in politics after all
Julie Pettiford says that the state liberals have decided not to endorse Senator Rennick for reelection, apparently because he asks the hard questions. This is a positive indicator that Rennick may actually really be a good one.
I really don't believe many politicians - if any at all - remain in the dark for very long about the harsh realities of our predicament. Very soon after becoming politicians they must learn that government long ago failed and lost control of balancing the books and have since been deliberately running up the deficit in order to deepen the bankruptcy of the nation. That's why I'm more than a little circumspect of even the "I speak for the people" politicians. They'll know about the realities, and yet they remain in politics, so their roles must therefore entail the undermining of confidence in the existing federal government and state system in order to clear the decks for the new global government. Other scenarios are possible, of course.
I highly recommend videos by Jeremy Lee (from the early 2000's) available on Youtube, who goes into the financial destruction and foreign takeover of Australia. How Australia, for a while was the richest country on Earth per capita.
The establishment of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) debt free issue of money. Australia exited WW1 debt free whereas Britain was still paying for WW1 in the 21st century.
His book " Australia 2000 - What will we tell our children " is a free PDF online and worth reading.
I would describe ARC as anti-globalist and I don't believe any of them are in retirement, all the speakers are highly active as artists, academics, politicians, and so on.
I see a few names in the ARC that are known Globalist Patsies. The Globalist’s have mastered the art of creating Patsies to the point where they have created and turned countries into their Patsies. I don’t underestimate the amount of control they have over people. Hey we are killing each other and ourselves for the Globalist Agendas. I would rather see the likes of you and Josephine Cashman etc get together and form a Family First World wide political party based on Humanity’s core values. Save Every Family
Thank you for posting this Christine...Speaker McCarthy was there? I cannot believe what I am seeing with regards to the fingerprints of Five Eyes intelligence all over this event.
The lede of this event is being buried, which is that Peterson and other 'celebs' are being brought in as a shiny cover for some of the most vicious war criminals and 'regime change' artists in modern history.
To all the ARC minders reading these comments: no, we are not going to go along with whatever the hell you are cooking up. We are not going to give our children to your forever wars. So you can all just **** right off. We see you.
Thanks for a detailed and informative overview of the first ARC conference. ARC clearly wants to emerge as the antithesis of WEF. By focussing on the principles of regional/ local initiatives rather than centralised solutions is logical to achieve this goal. Your review did not touch on where the funding came from for the creation of ARC? Do you have any insights as the ARC website refers to the Gates foundation??
Thanks for the even handed reporting Rebekah - very interesting.
I've been keen to see how the ARC progressed since the first mention earlier this year.
Overall, I do have faith in JBP given his consistent messaging over the years that are antithetical to the messaging of the globalists.
However, that being said, there are some things that concern me.
These are the same issues that would concern me if I myself had the power and clout to pull something similar together.
HOW do you get the right people on board? There are many wolves in sheeps clothing since the globalists have had decades to plan this out and many events like 201 (about 10 I believe)
HOW do you find out the TRUTH on matters? - an example is with JBP and Israel - it does appear that the Hamas attack could have been a "controlled opposition"* even to "justify" a Gaza genocide - how do we know for sure? If it is the case, has JBP been taken in by it? *(many oddities such as the iron dome appearing to fail and an 8 hour window "granted" to the attackers, plus many other inconsistencies)
HOW do you prevent those who detract from the event (and even make it appear as controlled opposition) from attending? Scomo for example who went directly against the health advice re lockdowns etc and many other actions he undertook that make it appear that he is fully on the side of the globalists - so was he there as a "spy", was he accidentally invited? This query applies to other Aussie politicians who were there
HOW do you construct the event in a way to NOT appear to be similar to WEF? - there are basic fundamentals or foundations of such an initiative that are common, whether you are planning good or evil. You have to make a call - make a decision - and take ACTION. The you learn as you "get to market". For instance, Churchill developed plans, had meetings with Generals, addressed the public, sent communiques to the field leaders - and I believe that Hitler did the does this make Churchill a fascist dictator? Obviously not - there are foundations that are necessary.
HOW do you get open discussion from all attendees and yet still achieve key objectives that you believe are essential at the outset? (this speaks to your comment "where are the debates" and "The message was definitely pre-determined" - but you have answered this well with your thought "The pro to this is that, in terms of crafting a better story, it allows for a consistent, clear message. The obvious con is that there were some outstanding thinkers in the audience who did not have the opportunity to contest the ideas coming from the stage" - and I agree that this is a very tricky balance - it is so easy for the event (or any discussion) to go off the rails with random input from third parties. I think that we could empathise here with the time scale. Remember that this is not a one off convention over 2 or 3 days. In such a convention, the format might be established in the first few hours and more engagement encouraged thereafter. But this is a war with a time frame of possibly years - so it may be reasonable that the foundational meeting is highly structured (to establish brand as you have mentioned) and that from the feedback and analysis, future engagement can be determined to fully encapsulate the ideals of the organisation
Overall, it sounds to me from the principles and values (as you have illustrated in "what did they talk about for 3 days") are on point with a movement to address humanitarian needs and positive growth and a better world with input from global experts and empowerment at the local levels (diametrically opposite to WEF)
The concerns that have arisen and will no doubt will continue to arise are not unusual and not, I believe, indicative of ulterior motives. Churchill made mistakes. I'm sure also that Gandhi made mistakes, as did Martin Luther King I'm sure.
It will be very easy for armchair "war strategists" to criticise every move.
It will also be very natural for many to be intensely skeptical, particularly since the whole world (at least those who are awake) have been "burned" in the most egregious manner. I recall a JBP speech (where he was quoting from Nietzsche?) that betrayal is the most severe assault on a person and that some do not recover from it - it makes you realise that your entire past was perhaps "not real" and it undermines all trust and destroys your foundations (I'm paraphrasing)
And on top of this, there will be a few thousand elitists and their unwitting brainwashed collaborators (useful idiots in the millions) who will do anything to criticise and tear down those who are genuine on the ARC (as they have been doing for 4 years now with their "ministry of truth")
It's worth noting there are & have been many different organizations working at local levels around the world. Tellinger's Ubuntu/One Small Town initiative is one example. He has a vision.
In my view, if entities like ARC are serious, they need to put out position statements on things that really matter:
climate engineering
genetic alteration of biological life
electrical/wireless suffocation of life
industrial/chemical pollution
the fraud of virology/vaccination
admission of suppression of "clean" energy
admission of suppression of "health" solutions
Technology & technological innovation is currently being used as a weapon.
I do agree with you, but in fairness, as far as I understand it, this London ARC power lunch was more of a meet and greet kind, and also to divulge the broad sweep of the ARC bowling club's manifesto.
I don't at all advocate for any such orchestrated organisations, symposia, conclaves, conferences, summits or trysts whatsoever, as I find their implicit and explicit elitism repugnant, but allowing for this here, such a list as yours should also include the overthrow of the bicameral parliamentary system of representative government made up of professional politicians.
"Geopolitics wasn’t discussed much from the stage, but it’s worth mentioning that on the few occasions that it came up, the take was pro-Israel. Anyone who had a differing view expressed it quietly off to the side."
In the interview: "I'm here because Jordan Peterson asked me. How can you say no to that..."
Peterson works for Ben (Israel) Shapiro, Shapiro is a majority shareholder Oramed, Israeli Pharmaceuticals.
Conflicts of interest? Only if you can find the link, but I'm sure deep down it's all love for ones neighbours. Just not Palestine. Obviously.
Respectfully, the premise of 'thought leadership' having the theme of 'responsible citizenship' where everyone is pro-Israel at all costs (that cost being genocide), where the US DOD hegemony is never questioned including the behemoth of the NSA-CIA Pine Gap spying and drone strike facility in the Australian central desert is utterly bizarre. Not to mention the Operation Warp Speed vice grip.
We are hurtling towards WWIII, they are looting the treasury for vanity projects, people are homeless (or about to be), and everyone is at a 'respectful' dinner party.
Edit: I feel like I am watching the last days of the Roman empire. In fact, I know I am.
"Edit: I feel like I am watching the last days of the Roman empire. In fact, I know I am."
Only today I wondered whether the inevitable collapse of civilisation will be a sudden and calamitous event, or will it be a slow process of degradation like decomposition? I was convinced it would be the former, but I'm starting to become more accommodating of the possibility of the latter.
Who could have anticipated during late 2nd century BCE when Gaius Marius implemented them that the Marian Reforms, which were aimed at transforming the semi-professional Roman citizen's militia into a professional army, sowed the seeds of collapse for such a doughty republic metastasising into so mighty and long-lasting an empire, and finally extinguishing about half a millennium later?
Your statement that "the take was pro-Israel" caught my eye. This confirms the likelihood that ARC is controlled opposition. Anyone who is pro-Israel (Zionist) lacks any real sense of morality, ethics or spirituality (religious or secular). The only thing open for discussion is the psychology of cognitive dissonance. But all you would get from the ARC folks is smiley virtue signalling.
We were all taught the same stories from birth, eg., vaccines are good. Vaccine is an example of a "dog whistle" - coded or suggestive language in political messaging to gain support for or from a particular group. "Safe and effective" is another example, there are many. Being on Substack you've probably realised regular news and views are hopelessly corrupted and the media and medical men are dodgy at best. That same corruption is rife in law, religion, education, media, medicine, government, etc..
I worry for the people in Israel who are helpless against the true problem people, they're no doubt people of good faith, trying to get on with life through stories from people they trust. Like Christians. Like us as children and even as adults in the face of vax propaganda. To achieve unity we must forgive one another and ourselves, but I ask you - does this forgiveness extend to the people performing this global genocide?
You are right, unity is *very* difficult to achieve, and when we're all encouraged to give our mighty opinions, truth is left naked and ashamed and made to walk the plank.
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Unity is a symptom of self respect and integrity. Those must be the primary focus. Unity is a by product and is also achieved by coercion and fear due to back-stabbing and threats veiled or otherwise. Unity by any and all means will default to the latter if the former is not the primary focus of all.
Any organisation which considers the lying, war criminal John Howard a trusted advisor, immediately condemns themselves as untrustworthy, in their intent, their judgement or both.
Last I heard 3M Iraqis had died to siege and direct bombing. All those journalists at the conference and no one asked him about this? Or why Julian Assange is sitting in prison for exposing it? I am really at a loss for words at how brazen they have gotten. Used to be that war criminals would flee into hiding. Now they go to conferences.
Yes, clear statement of intent such as "no slavery ever, in any form". Would be a great start. Countries that rely on slavery to compete in the world economy should be excluded entirely. Their economy is far too underdeveloped to compete on a world stage. I would put Australia in that category too. Our economy was hobbled before it reached maturity because our dear leaders dragged us into global trade. This Greenie 🐂 💩 is to ensure that the hobbles on our economy remain for another 20 or so years. It allows other countries to capitalise on our resources as well instead of our citizens. If China was removed from the world trade, we would see an immediate change in geopolitics for the better imo.
We have all been slaves and we have never been free since the consumerist economic model has prevailed, with its phoney currencies, finance, and the debt-as-wealth paradigm. These are all deceptions conceived, established and propagated throughout the world by the old-and-new-money-aristocracy, the same throng of financier oligarch parasites that own the banks and who devised and established the bicameral system of government and installed it into every nation regardless of the local cultural distinctiveness and local political needs, for the express purpose of preventing people from ever being free.
Would have been interesting if one of speakers had gone off on a tangent about democide and had brought receipts. Naming individuals such as Scotty in the crowd as playing their part in the covid crimes would have been a hoot. How very Hamlet-like. If only.
I think people are misunderstanding what the conference was for. It was not a meeting to systematically go through everything that is wrong in the world, eviscerate everyone involved, burn everything to the ground, and start again. It was a conference held to talk about some big picture aspects of decline and suggest that decline does not have to be inevitable - then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in. No one is perfect but they appear to be realists.
Leadership is a human quality, as is thinking. You cannot have large groups of humans without thought leaders. This is bare fact. Facts don't care whether you like them or not. Personally, I prefer thought leaders who offer thoughts for voluntary engagement, maximising for individual autonomy (per the ARC model) vs. imposing their thoughts via involuntary policies, maximising for collectivism (per the WEF model).
This...exercise...does not pass the pub test by any stretch of the imagination.
Everything we need we already have. Abolish the SOE, the WHO pandemic treaty and the Human Biosecurity Act and evict the US war hardware from our borders. If people at the conference are not talking about this, there is no 'there' there.
All true but there needs to be a "Harvey Weinstein" moment where what has been discussed and divulged by so many Substackers and alt-media becomes common knowledge. For that to occur, occasions for widescale broadcasting need to be made use of.
" then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in"
(Just jumping in here)...... I don't doubt that this is their objective, but isn't this precisely what the false left/ right paradigm and election cycle is all about? (ie offering 'hope/ change we can believe in to make America great again and build back better').
I would argue that the only 'alternative orientation' we need is TRUTH, as an alternative to the prevailing orientation which is LIES. Anything else is a distraction and a time waster .. which is what ARC looks like to me.
Here is my conference schedule.
10am Contagion theory remains unproven after a century of experiments.
11am Virology does not meet the basic criteria for science.
12pm All vaccines are poison and cause ill health.
1pm - 2 pm lunch
2pm The covid vax is the deadliest vax in history.
3pm Every government, agency, institution, philanthropist, business or doctor still promoting 'covid' / vaccines/ viral pandemics in 2023 is complicit in the biggest fraud / crime in history and should - at the very least - be ignored from now until the end of time (on any subject).
The “big picture” is not “decline” but the precipitous descent of Western society into totalitarianism. Anything that doesn’t acknowledge that is nothing but a fudge.
1. The ARC is just one prong of many, many forms of resistance to the WEF and globalist centralisation in general. It's not, and can't be EVERYTHING
2. The ARC is operating in the political sphere. Therefore, its MO is somewhat political. Politics is a strategic game. It's entirely different to other types of games.
Yes. Tell the ARC "conservatives" what they want to hear at first, and then unleash with a few missiles. See how their respect of freedom of speech holds up then.
Speaking of missiles, I saw that Dan Crenshaw was on the 'advisory board' of the ARC and Speaker McCarthy gave a lecture, not to mention the involvement of Howard. It's not 2001 anymore, and people will no longer tolerate being talked down to about 'freedom' by rich mass murderers heavily invested in the weapons industry.
Many many hawks in attendance at ARC. Just imagine what Morrison knows about the Pfizer/Moderna/AZ/DOD contracts that he would have signed off on for delivery to Aus. Of course he agreed to the ultimate NDA or otherwise he'll end up dead.
By their works, we shall know them. Every council starts with a pro humanitarian focus but ends up infiltrated when they make compromises to make headway on policy goals. The UN had some good points initially, but admitted dictators to the ranks and soon lost focus. Ad nauseum.
Only thing for plebs to do now is pray for their ongoing integrity and protection from infiltration.
A implement of evil is threatened by loss of life and or perceived value when it ceases to be evil. We forgive, yes, but we must know them by their works and never let them hold the reigns.
Thanks so much, again, A Dizzie. I know I should be grateful - and I am, and I do feel privileged - but I just don't know what I'm supposed to do about followers. I ain't leading anywhere and even if I was, how would followers know they'd like where I was going to end up? Besides, I don't even know where that will be and if I'll like it there.
In truth, I'm also a little uncomfortable because I always was and am still about everybody thinking for themselves, being themselves, and doing their own thang. And going wherever only their own nose leads them and their feet take them.
My good friend, we are all just figuring it out as we go. There is no vision splendid, it is but a mirage that we blindly pursue. True nirvana on earth is not known by any. Blessings fall on us without warning or favor. It is our lonely, disheartening, discombobulating journey to an inevitable conclusion, which we must bear with grace. Our fellow man observes that grace and comes to know God. Seek out what is good in yourself, in others, and you will find it.
Thanks for the coverage, it is appreciated. A major part of any good con, is getting the mark to feel comfortable. Subtle environmental cues such as lighting, ambiance, relaxed and appearingly accessible "carrots/goals/personages (whatever motivates the individual mark), all contribute to lowering the marks guard, opening their mind to suggestion and subliminal messaging.😐🤔🤨
Its part of psychology 101, used by many professionals, in many industries, and not unlike "setting up the brand". I've just outlined it in the more stark and slightly grubbing version used by grifters🤐 Same, same, but different.😉
ARC may indeed turn out to be a very powerful and obviously altruistic organisation, dedicated to guiding humanity, through inclusion of the brightest, shiniest global minds in the future. #soundfamiliaryet
But I'll throw my lot in with my local community and self resilience, before I take direction for my future from groups proporting to be the grandpobar of "global responsible citizenship". BTJMO 😉🤷♀️
#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised #mistakeswereNOTmade
Outstanding comment! Thank you so very much, The BarefootHealer! I wish I could give you a thousand likes. You have articulated in words some parts of my very soul!
This is such a profound comment. I have no doubt all the comments here are being monitored by the ARC for 'message refinement.'
Thank you for your perspective on this. ARC is starting to sound like a retirement council for jobless globalists. The people who led us into this situation are not the ones I want leading us out!!
"... a lot of Australian politicians (Jacinta Price, Moira Deeming, Alex Antic, Nick Goiran, Matt Canavan) ... former Prime Minister Scott Morrison) ... as were Tony Abbott and John Howard. "
Politicians know the score, and they all are playing their part officiating in the political fraud that imposed lockdown restrictions in order to insulate the real economy from the $12 trillion of quantitative easing created to bail out the collapsing financial sector between September 2019 and April 2022. Politicians are the officials of the governments that are so morbidly bankrupt, their primary role has become one of readying the ground for the stakeholder model of capitalism promoted by the World Economic Forum and implemented by its corporate partners under the umbrella of ‘sustainable development goals’ designed to privatise national assets, natural resources and, ultimately the existing system of governance in the West. And since the government ostensibly underwrites all existing 'private' ownership by the private citizens of the nation, in being so irredeemably bankrupt, all assets - Australian, and all other - will be seized by certain secured creditors (key entities from among the same group of stakeholders), with no judicial review being necessary, as legal certainty was previously established that the secured creditors have absolute power to take all assets in the event of the bankruptcy of the government!
And we're still okay keeping these seditious politicians around and allowing them to keep making plans for us?
"... the take was pro-Israel."
Of course it was! All of these Big Club congregations and initiatives are Zionist operations.
Not only morbidly bankrupt but morally bankrupt too
Unless it can be unequivocally substantiated to be otherwise, all politicians are gravely treacherous - not only including, but in particular our "we speak for freedom" politicians, such as Alex Antic, Malcolm Roberts, and etc. because they say what we want to hear - because, as members of minor parties and independents, their seemingly comparatively sensible criticisms of the policies of either of the only two other political parties that will ever be in power serve the purpose of undermining the existing federal (and state) government system - which should indeed be scrapped and eliminated - but only for the purpose of inciting discontent among the constituency and winning them over to the idea of a (UN/WHO/globalist) trans-national trans-global world government.
I agree that professional politicians and the party system is full of slimy traitors. I wouldn't agree that Antic, Roberts or Rennick are secret Globalists. Based on their stance on Climate Change, Immigration and several other pet causes of the Global Narrative. A background in Law is always a bit suspicious though (Antic)
Of course what would I know, they're in politics after all
I don't think Goiran or Deeming are 'secret globalists' either.
Julie Pettiford says that the state liberals have decided not to endorse Senator Rennick for reelection, apparently because he asks the hard questions. This is a positive indicator that Rennick may actually really be a good one.
I really don't believe many politicians - if any at all - remain in the dark for very long about the harsh realities of our predicament. Very soon after becoming politicians they must learn that government long ago failed and lost control of balancing the books and have since been deliberately running up the deficit in order to deepen the bankruptcy of the nation. That's why I'm more than a little circumspect of even the "I speak for the people" politicians. They'll know about the realities, and yet they remain in politics, so their roles must therefore entail the undermining of confidence in the existing federal government and state system in order to clear the decks for the new global government. Other scenarios are possible, of course.
I highly recommend videos by Jeremy Lee (from the early 2000's) available on Youtube, who goes into the financial destruction and foreign takeover of Australia. How Australia, for a while was the richest country on Earth per capita.
The establishment of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) debt free issue of money. Australia exited WW1 debt free whereas Britain was still paying for WW1 in the 21st century.
His book " Australia 2000 - What will we tell our children " is a free PDF online and worth reading.
Of course I should point you to the best place to get all this info.
Go to The Australian League of Rights website (
They have masses of videos, PDF library and useful articles called "On Target" All sorts of books etc etc
I would describe ARC as anti-globalist and I don't believe any of them are in retirement, all the speakers are highly active as artists, academics, politicians, and so on.
I see a few names in the ARC that are known Globalist Patsies. The Globalist’s have mastered the art of creating Patsies to the point where they have created and turned countries into their Patsies. I don’t underestimate the amount of control they have over people. Hey we are killing each other and ourselves for the Globalist Agendas. I would rather see the likes of you and Josephine Cashman etc get together and form a Family First World wide political party based on Humanity’s core values. Save Every Family
Here is a more detailed summary, that also raises many questions including "what next" questions.
Thank you for posting this Christine...Speaker McCarthy was there? I cannot believe what I am seeing with regards to the fingerprints of Five Eyes intelligence all over this event.
The lede of this event is being buried, which is that Peterson and other 'celebs' are being brought in as a shiny cover for some of the most vicious war criminals and 'regime change' artists in modern history.
To all the ARC minders reading these comments: no, we are not going to go along with whatever the hell you are cooking up. We are not going to give our children to your forever wars. So you can all just **** right off. We see you.
(Apologies to Christine).
Thanks for a detailed and informative overview of the first ARC conference. ARC clearly wants to emerge as the antithesis of WEF. By focussing on the principles of regional/ local initiatives rather than centralised solutions is logical to achieve this goal. Your review did not touch on where the funding came from for the creation of ARC? Do you have any insights as the ARC website refers to the Gates foundation??
Could you point me to where the ARC website references the BMGF?
Thanks for the even handed reporting Rebekah - very interesting.
I've been keen to see how the ARC progressed since the first mention earlier this year.
Overall, I do have faith in JBP given his consistent messaging over the years that are antithetical to the messaging of the globalists.
However, that being said, there are some things that concern me.
These are the same issues that would concern me if I myself had the power and clout to pull something similar together.
HOW do you get the right people on board? There are many wolves in sheeps clothing since the globalists have had decades to plan this out and many events like 201 (about 10 I believe)
HOW do you find out the TRUTH on matters? - an example is with JBP and Israel - it does appear that the Hamas attack could have been a "controlled opposition"* even to "justify" a Gaza genocide - how do we know for sure? If it is the case, has JBP been taken in by it? *(many oddities such as the iron dome appearing to fail and an 8 hour window "granted" to the attackers, plus many other inconsistencies)
HOW do you prevent those who detract from the event (and even make it appear as controlled opposition) from attending? Scomo for example who went directly against the health advice re lockdowns etc and many other actions he undertook that make it appear that he is fully on the side of the globalists - so was he there as a "spy", was he accidentally invited? This query applies to other Aussie politicians who were there
HOW do you construct the event in a way to NOT appear to be similar to WEF? - there are basic fundamentals or foundations of such an initiative that are common, whether you are planning good or evil. You have to make a call - make a decision - and take ACTION. The you learn as you "get to market". For instance, Churchill developed plans, had meetings with Generals, addressed the public, sent communiques to the field leaders - and I believe that Hitler did the does this make Churchill a fascist dictator? Obviously not - there are foundations that are necessary.
HOW do you get open discussion from all attendees and yet still achieve key objectives that you believe are essential at the outset? (this speaks to your comment "where are the debates" and "The message was definitely pre-determined" - but you have answered this well with your thought "The pro to this is that, in terms of crafting a better story, it allows for a consistent, clear message. The obvious con is that there were some outstanding thinkers in the audience who did not have the opportunity to contest the ideas coming from the stage" - and I agree that this is a very tricky balance - it is so easy for the event (or any discussion) to go off the rails with random input from third parties. I think that we could empathise here with the time scale. Remember that this is not a one off convention over 2 or 3 days. In such a convention, the format might be established in the first few hours and more engagement encouraged thereafter. But this is a war with a time frame of possibly years - so it may be reasonable that the foundational meeting is highly structured (to establish brand as you have mentioned) and that from the feedback and analysis, future engagement can be determined to fully encapsulate the ideals of the organisation
Overall, it sounds to me from the principles and values (as you have illustrated in "what did they talk about for 3 days") are on point with a movement to address humanitarian needs and positive growth and a better world with input from global experts and empowerment at the local levels (diametrically opposite to WEF)
The concerns that have arisen and will no doubt will continue to arise are not unusual and not, I believe, indicative of ulterior motives. Churchill made mistakes. I'm sure also that Gandhi made mistakes, as did Martin Luther King I'm sure.
It will be very easy for armchair "war strategists" to criticise every move.
It will also be very natural for many to be intensely skeptical, particularly since the whole world (at least those who are awake) have been "burned" in the most egregious manner. I recall a JBP speech (where he was quoting from Nietzsche?) that betrayal is the most severe assault on a person and that some do not recover from it - it makes you realise that your entire past was perhaps "not real" and it undermines all trust and destroys your foundations (I'm paraphrasing)
And on top of this, there will be a few thousand elitists and their unwitting brainwashed collaborators (useful idiots in the millions) who will do anything to criticise and tear down those who are genuine on the ARC (as they have been doing for 4 years now with their "ministry of truth")
Thanks again for the writeup and perspective.
It's worth noting there are & have been many different organizations working at local levels around the world. Tellinger's Ubuntu/One Small Town initiative is one example. He has a vision.
In my view, if entities like ARC are serious, they need to put out position statements on things that really matter:
climate engineering
genetic alteration of biological life
electrical/wireless suffocation of life
industrial/chemical pollution
the fraud of virology/vaccination
admission of suppression of "clean" energy
admission of suppression of "health" solutions
Technology & technological innovation is currently being used as a weapon.
I do agree with you, but in fairness, as far as I understand it, this London ARC power lunch was more of a meet and greet kind, and also to divulge the broad sweep of the ARC bowling club's manifesto.
I don't at all advocate for any such orchestrated organisations, symposia, conclaves, conferences, summits or trysts whatsoever, as I find their implicit and explicit elitism repugnant, but allowing for this here, such a list as yours should also include the overthrow of the bicameral parliamentary system of representative government made up of professional politicians.
"Geopolitics wasn’t discussed much from the stage, but it’s worth mentioning that on the few occasions that it came up, the take was pro-Israel. Anyone who had a differing view expressed it quietly off to the side."
In the interview: "I'm here because Jordan Peterson asked me. How can you say no to that..."
Peterson works for Ben (Israel) Shapiro, Shapiro is a majority shareholder Oramed, Israeli Pharmaceuticals.
Conflicts of interest? Only if you can find the link, but I'm sure deep down it's all love for ones neighbours. Just not Palestine. Obviously.
My word, there are some great comments here! Thanks Aria Veritas, the context you have provided here is crucial.
Thamks for the report Rebekah, love your work :)
Respectfully, the premise of 'thought leadership' having the theme of 'responsible citizenship' where everyone is pro-Israel at all costs (that cost being genocide), where the US DOD hegemony is never questioned including the behemoth of the NSA-CIA Pine Gap spying and drone strike facility in the Australian central desert is utterly bizarre. Not to mention the Operation Warp Speed vice grip.
We are hurtling towards WWIII, they are looting the treasury for vanity projects, people are homeless (or about to be), and everyone is at a 'respectful' dinner party.
Edit: I feel like I am watching the last days of the Roman empire. In fact, I know I am.
"Edit: I feel like I am watching the last days of the Roman empire. In fact, I know I am."
Only today I wondered whether the inevitable collapse of civilisation will be a sudden and calamitous event, or will it be a slow process of degradation like decomposition? I was convinced it would be the former, but I'm starting to become more accommodating of the possibility of the latter.
Who could have anticipated during late 2nd century BCE when Gaius Marius implemented them that the Marian Reforms, which were aimed at transforming the semi-professional Roman citizen's militia into a professional army, sowed the seeds of collapse for such a doughty republic metastasising into so mighty and long-lasting an empire, and finally extinguishing about half a millennium later?
Your statement that "the take was pro-Israel" caught my eye. This confirms the likelihood that ARC is controlled opposition. Anyone who is pro-Israel (Zionist) lacks any real sense of morality, ethics or spirituality (religious or secular). The only thing open for discussion is the psychology of cognitive dissonance. But all you would get from the ARC folks is smiley virtue signalling.
Thanks. Interesting. I have asked Stephen Chavura a few questions in his piece in the Speccie.
Sone troubling anti semitism in the comments above.
It is to be hoped that the new stock of politicians who attended will come back and do, to change our trajectory.
Unity is a difficult thing to achieve.
We were all taught the same stories from birth, eg., vaccines are good. Vaccine is an example of a "dog whistle" - coded or suggestive language in political messaging to gain support for or from a particular group. "Safe and effective" is another example, there are many. Being on Substack you've probably realised regular news and views are hopelessly corrupted and the media and medical men are dodgy at best. That same corruption is rife in law, religion, education, media, medicine, government, etc..
I worry for the people in Israel who are helpless against the true problem people, they're no doubt people of good faith, trying to get on with life through stories from people they trust. Like Christians. Like us as children and even as adults in the face of vax propaganda. To achieve unity we must forgive one another and ourselves, but I ask you - does this forgiveness extend to the people performing this global genocide?
You are right, unity is *very* difficult to achieve, and when we're all encouraged to give our mighty opinions, truth is left naked and ashamed and made to walk the plank.
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
"Sone troubling anti semitism in the comments above. "
Oh, is there now? That's most interesting. Please, if you would, clearly indicate to us exactly where.
Unity is a symptom of self respect and integrity. Those must be the primary focus. Unity is a by product and is also achieved by coercion and fear due to back-stabbing and threats veiled or otherwise. Unity by any and all means will default to the latter if the former is not the primary focus of all.
Thank you for reporting on this. Fascinating to see this development.
Any organisation which considers the lying, war criminal John Howard a trusted advisor, immediately condemns themselves as untrustworthy, in their intent, their judgement or both.
Last I heard 3M Iraqis had died to siege and direct bombing. All those journalists at the conference and no one asked him about this? Or why Julian Assange is sitting in prison for exposing it? I am really at a loss for words at how brazen they have gotten. Used to be that war criminals would flee into hiding. Now they go to conferences.
Well said.
These folks seem to want to prolong the death of liberalism experience.
Yes, clear statement of intent such as "no slavery ever, in any form". Would be a great start. Countries that rely on slavery to compete in the world economy should be excluded entirely. Their economy is far too underdeveloped to compete on a world stage. I would put Australia in that category too. Our economy was hobbled before it reached maturity because our dear leaders dragged us into global trade. This Greenie 🐂 💩 is to ensure that the hobbles on our economy remain for another 20 or so years. It allows other countries to capitalise on our resources as well instead of our citizens. If China was removed from the world trade, we would see an immediate change in geopolitics for the better imo.
We have all been slaves and we have never been free since the consumerist economic model has prevailed, with its phoney currencies, finance, and the debt-as-wealth paradigm. These are all deceptions conceived, established and propagated throughout the world by the old-and-new-money-aristocracy, the same throng of financier oligarch parasites that own the banks and who devised and established the bicameral system of government and installed it into every nation regardless of the local cultural distinctiveness and local political needs, for the express purpose of preventing people from ever being free.
Would have been interesting if one of speakers had gone off on a tangent about democide and had brought receipts. Naming individuals such as Scotty in the crowd as playing their part in the covid crimes would have been a hoot. How very Hamlet-like. If only.
I think people are misunderstanding what the conference was for. It was not a meeting to systematically go through everything that is wrong in the world, eviscerate everyone involved, burn everything to the ground, and start again. It was a conference held to talk about some big picture aspects of decline and suggest that decline does not have to be inevitable - then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in. No one is perfect but they appear to be realists.
People are rather tired of having their 'thoughts led' and those that would lead the thoughts refuse to leave us alone.
Leadership is a human quality, as is thinking. You cannot have large groups of humans without thought leaders. This is bare fact. Facts don't care whether you like them or not. Personally, I prefer thought leaders who offer thoughts for voluntary engagement, maximising for individual autonomy (per the ARC model) vs. imposing their thoughts via involuntary policies, maximising for collectivism (per the WEF model).
This...exercise...does not pass the pub test by any stretch of the imagination.
Everything we need we already have. Abolish the SOE, the WHO pandemic treaty and the Human Biosecurity Act and evict the US war hardware from our borders. If people at the conference are not talking about this, there is no 'there' there.
All true but there needs to be a "Harvey Weinstein" moment where what has been discussed and divulged by so many Substackers and alt-media becomes common knowledge. For that to occur, occasions for widescale broadcasting need to be made use of.
Sure. Jonathan Pageau did that at ARC and hopefully we will see more of it until it really cuts through
I'm not sure we are misunderstanding. The decline is inevitable. The only way it can be saved is on their terms.
That means to die, or to serve them in a world of their making.
Vaccines for everyone, hurrah.
" then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in"
(Just jumping in here)...... I don't doubt that this is their objective, but isn't this precisely what the false left/ right paradigm and election cycle is all about? (ie offering 'hope/ change we can believe in to make America great again and build back better').
I would argue that the only 'alternative orientation' we need is TRUTH, as an alternative to the prevailing orientation which is LIES. Anything else is a distraction and a time waster .. which is what ARC looks like to me.
Here is my conference schedule.
10am Contagion theory remains unproven after a century of experiments.
11am Virology does not meet the basic criteria for science.
12pm All vaccines are poison and cause ill health.
1pm - 2 pm lunch
2pm The covid vax is the deadliest vax in history.
3pm Every government, agency, institution, philanthropist, business or doctor still promoting 'covid' / vaccines/ viral pandemics in 2023 is complicit in the biggest fraud / crime in history and should - at the very least - be ignored from now until the end of time (on any subject).
4pm Q&A
5pm buffet and roller disco.
The “big picture” is not “decline” but the precipitous descent of Western society into totalitarianism. Anything that doesn’t acknowledge that is nothing but a fudge.
I think the point, from where I'm sitting, is:
1. The ARC is just one prong of many, many forms of resistance to the WEF and globalist centralisation in general. It's not, and can't be EVERYTHING
2. The ARC is operating in the political sphere. Therefore, its MO is somewhat political. Politics is a strategic game. It's entirely different to other types of games.
I understand your position too.
That is why Mike Yeadon, and Katherine Watt, and Sasha Latypova, and Abi Roberts (and your ExcessDeathsAU) are never invited to the dinners.
I would be polite. I have receipts. Many, many receipts.
Yes. Tell the ARC "conservatives" what they want to hear at first, and then unleash with a few missiles. See how their respect of freedom of speech holds up then.
Speaking of missiles, I saw that Dan Crenshaw was on the 'advisory board' of the ARC and Speaker McCarthy gave a lecture, not to mention the involvement of Howard. It's not 2001 anymore, and people will no longer tolerate being talked down to about 'freedom' by rich mass murderers heavily invested in the weapons industry.
Many many hawks in attendance at ARC. Just imagine what Morrison knows about the Pfizer/Moderna/AZ/DOD contracts that he would have signed off on for delivery to Aus. Of course he agreed to the ultimate NDA or otherwise he'll end up dead.
Yes, like this one, that all the politicians are pretending they have not read or exists.
One of the many reasons why I am banned from all social media btw. Go through my back catalogue for more bangers.
By their works, we shall know them. Every council starts with a pro humanitarian focus but ends up infiltrated when they make compromises to make headway on policy goals. The UN had some good points initially, but admitted dictators to the ranks and soon lost focus. Ad nauseum.
Only thing for plebs to do now is pray for their ongoing integrity and protection from infiltration.
A implement of evil is threatened by loss of life and or perceived value when it ceases to be evil. We forgive, yes, but we must know them by their works and never let them hold the reigns.
Thanks so much, again, A Dizzie. I know I should be grateful - and I am, and I do feel privileged - but I just don't know what I'm supposed to do about followers. I ain't leading anywhere and even if I was, how would followers know they'd like where I was going to end up? Besides, I don't even know where that will be and if I'll like it there.
In truth, I'm also a little uncomfortable because I always was and am still about everybody thinking for themselves, being themselves, and doing their own thang. And going wherever only their own nose leads them and their feet take them.
Thanks again, and peace.
A Dizzie, your vision is clear and you clearly understand the way these things work. Thank you for sharing.
My good friend, we are all just figuring it out as we go. There is no vision splendid, it is but a mirage that we blindly pursue. True nirvana on earth is not known by any. Blessings fall on us without warning or favor. It is our lonely, disheartening, discombobulating journey to an inevitable conclusion, which we must bear with grace. Our fellow man observes that grace and comes to know God. Seek out what is good in yourself, in others, and you will find it.