Would have been interesting if one of speakers had gone off on a tangent about democide and had brought receipts. Naming individuals such as Scotty in the crowd as playing their part in the covid crimes would have been a hoot. How very Hamlet-like. If only.
Would have been interesting if one of speakers had gone off on a tangent about democide and had brought receipts. Naming individuals such as Scotty in the crowd as playing their part in the covid crimes would have been a hoot. How very Hamlet-like. If only.
I think people are misunderstanding what the conference was for. It was not a meeting to systematically go through everything that is wrong in the world, eviscerate everyone involved, burn everything to the ground, and start again. It was a conference held to talk about some big picture aspects of decline and suggest that decline does not have to be inevitable - then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in. No one is perfect but they appear to be realists.
Leadership is a human quality, as is thinking. You cannot have large groups of humans without thought leaders. This is bare fact. Facts don't care whether you like them or not. Personally, I prefer thought leaders who offer thoughts for voluntary engagement, maximising for individual autonomy (per the ARC model) vs. imposing their thoughts via involuntary policies, maximising for collectivism (per the WEF model).
This...exercise...does not pass the pub test by any stretch of the imagination.
Everything we need we already have. Abolish the SOE, the WHO pandemic treaty and the Human Biosecurity Act and evict the US war hardware from our borders. If people at the conference are not talking about this, there is no 'there' there.
All true but there needs to be a "Harvey Weinstein" moment where what has been discussed and divulged by so many Substackers and alt-media becomes common knowledge. For that to occur, occasions for widescale broadcasting need to be made use of.
" then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in"
(Just jumping in here)...... I don't doubt that this is their objective, but isn't this precisely what the false left/ right paradigm and election cycle is all about? (ie offering 'hope/ change we can believe in to make America great again and build back better').
I would argue that the only 'alternative orientation' we need is TRUTH, as an alternative to the prevailing orientation which is LIES. Anything else is a distraction and a time waster .. which is what ARC looks like to me.
Here is my conference schedule.
10am Contagion theory remains unproven after a century of experiments.
11am Virology does not meet the basic criteria for science.
12pm All vaccines are poison and cause ill health.
1pm - 2 pm lunch
2pm The covid vax is the deadliest vax in history.
3pm Every government, agency, institution, philanthropist, business or doctor still promoting 'covid' / vaccines/ viral pandemics in 2023 is complicit in the biggest fraud / crime in history and should - at the very least - be ignored from now until the end of time (on any subject).
The тАЬbig pictureтАЭ is not тАЬdeclineтАЭ but the precipitous descent of Western society into totalitarianism. Anything that doesnтАЩt acknowledge that is nothing but a fudge.
1. The ARC is just one prong of many, many forms of resistance to the WEF and globalist centralisation in general. It's not, and can't be EVERYTHING
2. The ARC is operating in the political sphere. Therefore, its MO is somewhat political. Politics is a strategic game. It's entirely different to other types of games.
Yes. Tell the ARC "conservatives" what they want to hear at first, and then unleash with a few missiles. See how their respect of freedom of speech holds up then.
Speaking of missiles, I saw that Dan Crenshaw was on the 'advisory board' of the ARC and Speaker McCarthy gave a lecture, not to mention the involvement of Howard. It's not 2001 anymore, and people will no longer tolerate being talked down to about 'freedom' by rich mass murderers heavily invested in the weapons industry.
Many many hawks in attendance at ARC. Just imagine what Morrison knows about the Pfizer/Moderna/AZ/DOD contracts that he would have signed off on for delivery to Aus. Of course he agreed to the ultimate NDA or otherwise he'll end up dead.
Would have been interesting if one of speakers had gone off on a tangent about democide and had brought receipts. Naming individuals such as Scotty in the crowd as playing their part in the covid crimes would have been a hoot. How very Hamlet-like. If only.
I think people are misunderstanding what the conference was for. It was not a meeting to systematically go through everything that is wrong in the world, eviscerate everyone involved, burn everything to the ground, and start again. It was a conference held to talk about some big picture aspects of decline and suggest that decline does not have to be inevitable - then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in. No one is perfect but they appear to be realists.
People are rather tired of having their 'thoughts led' and those that would lead the thoughts refuse to leave us alone.
Leadership is a human quality, as is thinking. You cannot have large groups of humans without thought leaders. This is bare fact. Facts don't care whether you like them or not. Personally, I prefer thought leaders who offer thoughts for voluntary engagement, maximising for individual autonomy (per the ARC model) vs. imposing their thoughts via involuntary policies, maximising for collectivism (per the WEF model).
This...exercise...does not pass the pub test by any stretch of the imagination.
Everything we need we already have. Abolish the SOE, the WHO pandemic treaty and the Human Biosecurity Act and evict the US war hardware from our borders. If people at the conference are not talking about this, there is no 'there' there.
All true but there needs to be a "Harvey Weinstein" moment where what has been discussed and divulged by so many Substackers and alt-media becomes common knowledge. For that to occur, occasions for widescale broadcasting need to be made use of.
Sure. Jonathan Pageau did that at ARC and hopefully we will see more of it until it really cuts through
I'm not sure we are misunderstanding. The decline is inevitable. The only way it can be saved is on their terms.
That means to die, or to serve them in a world of their making.
Vaccines for everyone, hurrah.
" then to propose an alternative orientation of hope within the current world we find ourselves in"
(Just jumping in here)...... I don't doubt that this is their objective, but isn't this precisely what the false left/ right paradigm and election cycle is all about? (ie offering 'hope/ change we can believe in to make America great again and build back better').
I would argue that the only 'alternative orientation' we need is TRUTH, as an alternative to the prevailing orientation which is LIES. Anything else is a distraction and a time waster .. which is what ARC looks like to me.
Here is my conference schedule.
10am Contagion theory remains unproven after a century of experiments.
11am Virology does not meet the basic criteria for science.
12pm All vaccines are poison and cause ill health.
1pm - 2 pm lunch
2pm The covid vax is the deadliest vax in history.
3pm Every government, agency, institution, philanthropist, business or doctor still promoting 'covid' / vaccines/ viral pandemics in 2023 is complicit in the biggest fraud / crime in history and should - at the very least - be ignored from now until the end of time (on any subject).
4pm Q&A
5pm buffet and roller disco.
The тАЬbig pictureтАЭ is not тАЬdeclineтАЭ but the precipitous descent of Western society into totalitarianism. Anything that doesnтАЩt acknowledge that is nothing but a fudge.
I think the point, from where I'm sitting, is:
1. The ARC is just one prong of many, many forms of resistance to the WEF and globalist centralisation in general. It's not, and can't be EVERYTHING
2. The ARC is operating in the political sphere. Therefore, its MO is somewhat political. Politics is a strategic game. It's entirely different to other types of games.
I understand your position too.
That is why Mike Yeadon, and Katherine Watt, and Sasha Latypova, and Abi Roberts (and your ExcessDeathsAU) are never invited to the dinners.
I would be polite. I have receipts. Many, many receipts.
Yes. Tell the ARC "conservatives" what they want to hear at first, and then unleash with a few missiles. See how their respect of freedom of speech holds up then.
Speaking of missiles, I saw that Dan Crenshaw was on the 'advisory board' of the ARC and Speaker McCarthy gave a lecture, not to mention the involvement of Howard. It's not 2001 anymore, and people will no longer tolerate being talked down to about 'freedom' by rich mass murderers heavily invested in the weapons industry.
Many many hawks in attendance at ARC. Just imagine what Morrison knows about the Pfizer/Moderna/AZ/DOD contracts that he would have signed off on for delivery to Aus. Of course he agreed to the ultimate NDA or otherwise he'll end up dead.
Yes, like this one, that all the politicians are pretending they have not read or exists. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract
One of the many reasons why I am banned from all social media btw. Go through my back catalogue for more bangers.