Thanks for the coverage, it is appreciated. A major part of any good con, is getting the mark to feel comfortable. Subtle environmental cues such as lighting, ambiance, relaxed and appearingly accessible "carrots/goals/personages (whatever motivates the individual mark), all contribute to lowering the marks guard, opening their mind to s…
Thanks for the coverage, it is appreciated. A major part of any good con, is getting the mark to feel comfortable. Subtle environmental cues such as lighting, ambiance, relaxed and appearingly accessible "carrots/goals/personages (whatever motivates the individual mark), all contribute to lowering the marks guard, opening their mind to suggestion and subliminal messaging.😐🤔🤨
Its part of psychology 101, used by many professionals, in many industries, and not unlike "setting up the brand". I've just outlined it in the more stark and slightly grubbing version used by grifters🤐 Same, same, but different.😉
ARC may indeed turn out to be a very powerful and obviously altruistic organisation, dedicated to guiding humanity, through inclusion of the brightest, shiniest global minds in the future. #soundfamiliaryet
But I'll throw my lot in with my local community and self resilience, before I take direction for my future from groups proporting to be the grandpobar of "global responsible citizenship". BTJMO 😉🤷♀️
Outstanding comment! Thank you so very much, The BarefootHealer! I wish I could give you a thousand likes. You have articulated in words some parts of my very soul!
Thanks for the coverage, it is appreciated. A major part of any good con, is getting the mark to feel comfortable. Subtle environmental cues such as lighting, ambiance, relaxed and appearingly accessible "carrots/goals/personages (whatever motivates the individual mark), all contribute to lowering the marks guard, opening their mind to suggestion and subliminal messaging.😐🤔🤨
Its part of psychology 101, used by many professionals, in many industries, and not unlike "setting up the brand". I've just outlined it in the more stark and slightly grubbing version used by grifters🤐 Same, same, but different.😉
ARC may indeed turn out to be a very powerful and obviously altruistic organisation, dedicated to guiding humanity, through inclusion of the brightest, shiniest global minds in the future. #soundfamiliaryet
But I'll throw my lot in with my local community and self resilience, before I take direction for my future from groups proporting to be the grandpobar of "global responsible citizenship". BTJMO 😉🤷♀️
#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised #mistakeswereNOTmade
Outstanding comment! Thank you so very much, The BarefootHealer! I wish I could give you a thousand likes. You have articulated in words some parts of my very soul!
This is such a profound comment. I have no doubt all the comments here are being monitored by the ARC for 'message refinement.'