I wrote to the local, state and federal government to let them know I vote no. I also let them know what they've been doing wrong while I was at it. I would like to know how our constitution figures in this IHR WHO nonsense. I believe there is no head of state or authority besides God who is above the Queen or King, Charles is a plonker, but that's the way I see it.
As discussed in the article, it seems that the Member States are required, under international law, to bring national legislation into line with WHO agreements (if they are accepted and not subsequently rejected).
Rebekah you need to watch Sage Hanna’s post from today, fascinating and helps put into place the WHO in relation to the bigger plan. I’d cross post if I wasn’t so IT challenged 😏
"Australia is a long-standing partner of the Global Fund, contributing a total AUD 1,036.01 million to date. In 2022, Australia pledged AUD 266 million for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, covering the period 2023-2025. With this commitment, Australia recognizes the role that its support and financial contributions play in fighting infectious diseases and strengthening health systems, which are essential in preparing for emerging health threats in the Indo-Pacific region. For the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022, Australia pledged AUD 242 million.
Australia was the second country to join the Global Fund’s debt conversion initiative, Debt2Health. In 2016, Indonesia agreed with Australia to invest the equivalent of AUD 37.5 million to support its national TB program through the Global Fund, in exchange for Australia’s cancellation of the equivalent of AUD 75 million of Indonesia’s debt to Australia."
Wonderful! In addition to the May 2020 $352 million AUD to a European Union-led coronavirus vaccine research fund to support the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), the Vaccine Alliance and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Professor Doctor Bill Gates III is very pleased - chuffed, actually - with such a committed and obedient lap dog as is Australia. Stand tall, Australians, you have done yourselves proud!
Forced injection is illegal. So are Concentration Camps in Australia. Only cops have guns. There is only one place to get guns. Unlike the Polish Jews, I ain't getting in that fucking shower! Anthony Stalineasy seems to want us D.E.A.D, just like Scummo... now THIS, I call a Conspiracy. Labor AND Liberal AND Nationals AND Greens - ALL WANT US DEAD. The Elite$ (what a crocky word - elite dickheads) attempt a Noble Lie, for the good of ? Wannabee neo-pharaohs who have used up Capitalism & now wish rid of the Workers, for a pristine planet, until they work out Immortality as machines. STOP COOPERATING WITH KILLERS.
I saw a podcast with Maria Zeee a number of months back, talking to a QLD medico. Under cover of COVID and not being a bicameral parliament, the QLD parliament was altering the Australian Health Regulations, adding amendments replacing words and phrases. I’m pretty sure you’ll find they will match the WA legislation and will apply in all states, and will probably be in line with WHO. She posts her Australian stuff on her homepage of Telegram.
Paul Keating signed Australia to Agenda 21 in 1992 effectively selling the Australian Gruberment to the UN and its subsidiary’s. Governance of Australia was given to the UN without consulting the people. The UN is just a subsidiary organisation for those that Govern the World. Those in control hide behind a plethora of institutions that take the blame for their Atrocity’s.
eugenicism everywhere: 'From where did the dystopic world order of the Davos Crowd emerge? To answer that question, we will need to jump back nearly one century into the past and meet H.G. Wells who wrote in his 'The Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution' (1928): “The Open Conspiracy rests upon a disrespect for nationality, and there is no reason why it should tolerate noxious or obstructive governments because they hold their own in this or that patch of human territory....” - https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/the-fabian-society-eugenics-and-the
Mary I think we then need to skip back over a Millenia to the original blueprint to controlling Humanity, the Bible and religion. Preach to the adults about fire and brimstone and then abuse their children. Sounds familiar. I read the link. Good read, I think more of a spot light on the Rhodes Scholars who have become Prime Ministers, Presidents, heads of CIA , ASIO etc and leaders of education, media, medicine and the sciences effectively controlling all aspects of our life and future. It’s one of the main factories for producing the Patsies that run the world for their masters.
Lol not brave just old and sick of the lies that prevent us from accepting that we are Gods and we should respect each other with the same respect we crave for ourselves.
I suppose I also (but not only) meant brave in the sense that by ways that are perplexing but still surprising to me, many people will still respond to these kinds of shocking events and horrendous circumstances, such as the ones that have brought us here, by doubling-down on their faith and that very disturbed thinking that has been conducive to bringing the circumstances into being. As a result, you'll often get some very brisk push-back from people whose worldview you have shaken by attacking their favourite delusion, as you (and I) have done here. So, I meant brave as in, "man, you done gone to Hades with that fight you just picked!"
Thank you for the laugh. I think by the mid eighties I was sent to Hades for trying to convert Christian’s to the reality that religion was a tool the elites used to control the masses. I was lucky I didn’t say it 600 years before as I would have been burned on the stake. You make a very good point about the faithful doubling down on their faith. Especially, put simply the faith they are relying on to save them is a complete fabrication. Thus hiding the fact that they are their own Saviours. Together they feel safe and righteous. What was that Xmas song It’s starting to feel a lot like Hades. I wish you a Heavenly New Year.
cherish all that you hold dear; love life and share love, friendship, empathy, a big laugh every now and then and the wonders of the world around us. we shouldn't let 'them' take that away from us.
While all this is true (I mean the comments on what is happening) aren’t we buying into the narrative? Aren’t we captured by the ‘fear porn’? Yes it’s not easy to stay positive but we need to adopt a mindset that doesn’t react to the endless paranoia that is being fed to us. And I don’t mean by looking to ‘God’ as an out. “Be brave” Mike Yeardon says, and that’s a start. I’m slowly disengaging from all news feeds, and those I do watch/read I see as either comedy or rubbish. We certainly live in interesting times. Does resistance work, or is those who remove themselves from the narrative being fed to us (and which we acquiesce to) who will come through these truly terrible times.
I made this comment to another person above, might be helpful:
I would suggest subscribing to Libby’s Substack and going on Stand Up’s mailing list for further education and notifications about organised opposition to the reforms. Stand Up has a campaign running now which involves letters/emails to MPs and more. https://www.standupnowaustralia.com.au
Okay, I should have read down into the comments before I asked a similar question.
But, to be quire honest, "letters/emails to MPs" while the government has militarised police officers and an unassailable monopoly on violence?! Seriously?
Please, the pen is not now and never was mightier than the sword. That is a platitude purposefully conceived and publicised by the ruling caste specifically to deceive the ruled and dissuade us from righteous disillusionment, if not from clamouring for the alternatives to the prevailing political system which has been so effective at exploiting and stymieing the people for so long..
I would suggest subscribing to Libby’s Substack and going on Stand Up’s mailing list for further education and notifications about organised opposition to the reforms. Stand Up has a campaign running now which involves letters/emails to MPs and more. https://www.standupnowaustralia.com.au
It's too late already - Sovereignty was never ours just like AU's tribal people never ceded sovereignty to the crown corporation.
However the only way out of this mess now is for Australala to be come a republic after which all treaties will have to be renegotiated which is the moment when it becomes possible to break free from the restraints that hang over the nation - that's the best chance for establishing and maintaining control over AU's Sovereignty. - that doesn't mean to suggest that I'm in favor about the way that spineless Canberra has continually sold AU down the river like for example we've been forced to sacrifice prosperity in exchange for endless insecurity no thanks to Washington's illogical diktat.
I know, let's write letters to our MPs telling them we want this. Then, hey presto, we're sovereign!
Seriously, what you are stating is indeed what should be made to happen, and I whole-heartedly agree with you. The problem is that what should happen was never and will never be offered as an option to the people while we have government, and while the ruling caste of old-and-new-money aristocracy exists. The governments have all been their idea from the start and were all installed to do what they are doing. Sovereignty of the people was never and will never be permitted, unless the people somehow (and I don't know how) overthrow and liquidate the governments AND their old-and-new-money aristocracy lords.
By transforming to a Republic all existing agreements will have to be renegotiated - It provides an opportunity to get out of every single contractual obligation such as the one with the WHO but there are many more - all of them are designed so that some un-elected entity of faceless characters become able to hold the government of the day over the proverbial barrel.
At the same time we need an improved economic system, one not based on usury.
First of all as a nation I think we need some unity and start agreeing on some key points the most important one would be to look after our own interests instead of blindly following the US across the abyss.
Your statements are sane and rational, and they evince beneficence and humanitarianism. You - as most of us, but definitely not all - have the best interests of the community and society in mind, and you are not driven to domineer those around you, nor to monopolise every resource, nor will you arrogate to yourself undeserved authority nor even the power over the lives of others.
None of this temperance is retained by those that have engineered and orchestrated the world of human affairs in which we have been operating all our lives.
They are most assuredly monsters - humans, yes, but utterly hideously, irredeemably, viciously monstrous. Unfortunately, it won't be by showing them our compassion and forbearance and kinder humanity that they will be won over. They devised (the Abrahamic) religions primarily to embed this delusion in our ideals, as an insurance policy of sorts, should we ever wake up to what they have done to us and to the entire world.
Your last paragraph was beautiful and totally nailed it.
We're living in an upside down world - all agreements are sovereignty shredding by design and simply not worth keeping.
The transition to a Republic provides a window of opportunity to get out of the Pandemic treaty there was another window but they missed it - however empire and their agents will never willingly relinquish their hold over power enforced by the uniforms and lets face it collectively we've been taught to be afraid of uniforms. [so we've never figured out how to turn things around in favor of the plebs]
Why do we even have governments - They only appear to exist in order to control the masses while catering to another hidden agenda which is relative to every single one these sovereignty shredding agreements.
People are quite capable of living without governments while a government cannot exist without people.
Empire's hypocrisy is that it does not respect the sovereignty of other nations International laws and treaties and will not hesitate to wage wars against nations who decline to be their submissive servant.
Voluntarism is just another word for Anarchism. The reason that it even exists is almost certainly because the very idea of Anarchy has been hijacked and corrupted such that it is speciously synonymous with violent chaos, by whichever and all illegitimate regimes that prevails only by violently compelling the people they prey upon to be dictated to by them, whether that regime be a monarchy, a communist or socialist state, or a representative 'democracy' - all present and past governments upbraid and censure Anarchy because of the truth that governments are not only completely unnecessary and illegitimate, they are immoral.
And so, just like the situation between, say, Christianity and Islam, wherein Christianity is inimical to Islam, and vice versa, the mutual hatred between Christians and Muslims pales when compared to their shared and equal hatred of 'atheists' for whom they hold the most intense and implacable of detestation. Accordingly, all governments of any '-ism' stripe are malignantly hostile towards Anarchy and Anarchists. Again, the very basis of their hatred is the truth that mortally threatens their existence, and that is that governments are unnecessary, illegitimate, and immoral, and the very possibility of people living peacefully and living in all ways better in Anarchy attests to that truth.
Thank you, you are too kind. I've found your comments to be edifying and also encouraging in that the spirit of your thinking and conclusions, if not the particulars - because I only give general opinions, whereas your statements contain particular domain detail - validate some of my own thoughts.
"Why do we even have governments - They only appear to exist in order to serve to control the masses while catering to another hidden agenda which is relative to every single one these sovereignty shredding agreements.
Anarchy has more advantages then a Republic."
In a recent interview by New Zealander Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio, James Corbett said the following (I'm sorry for the length):
" ... my perspective comes from the position of voluntarism, which is a flavour of anarchism.
I do not believe in governments.
I do not believe in government authority over me, myself, as a sovereign individual human being.
I did not cast any vote for any politician to have any say over myself in my life.
And I do just fine for myself.
So I look at the once every few year sideshow selection circus as the fundamental clown show that it is and that it will change absolutely nothing whatsoever of significance about the way that you are threatened, controlled, cajoled, and otherwise stewarded over by essentially the tax cattle herders who see you as nothing more than dinner on the table.
[interviewer]: So you sit out elections?
[James Corbett]: Absolutely yes. I not only don't believe that, I mean, essentially it's the child driver's seat for the political spectacle that is presented to us, which is nothing more than the Plato's cave wall, essentially the shadows dancing on it.
... not only do I think it completely and totally useless and will change absolutely nothing about your fundamental conditions in life, I think it's immoral to try to essentially vote in some group of people that you think will be able to use the iron fist of government, which is a monopoly on state violence, which itself is inherently immoral, to try to get more of what you want. And then in a few years when your team gets voted out, oh my god, now the other team has those powers, which I implicitly gave to whatever would-be authority claims to be ruling over me in the phony rigged selections anyway. It's ridiculous. And people need to wake up and become adults instead of acting like political children.
[about Spontaneous Order} ... the most incredible trick that the would-be rulers of society have played on the average people is to make people believe that we really need them, we need the oligarch parasite class to basically be sucking off of our energy and our income and our juices and everything that makes us so productive and successful in life, and they have to sit there and manage us and direct us and tell us what to do.
It is a lie.
One way that people can get their heads around this is to start to realise that 99.9% of everything in our daily life is governed by anarchistic order.
There's no government agency telling you who to marry.
There's no government agency telling you what job to do.
There's no government agency in charge of directing and managing the English language, but somehow, amazingly, miraculously, we manage to speak and communicate, even though there is no one directing and managing and governing and threatening to put us in jail if we don't speak in the right way.
And of course, everyone has all the objections of, well, yes, but we need law and order and we need justice and things. The basic bottom line answer is: if people want it, if people desire it, they can create it. And they can create systems that will work to provide that without some sort of government monopoly force of power that claims some sort of claim over an entire geographical area just because, well, I don't know, somewhere in the midst of time, some god gave this family the rulership of this nation or whatever the claim may be.
I hear you Rebekah. So, there's a "law" is there? That says I'm going to get a BigSick bait and await death? And I shall simply stand there, waving at the coppers as they watch me be injected with poison? Like in the Auschwitz camp? Hmmmm. Whilst mothers line their children up for an early retirement, since A.I. means no jobs. So they get jabbed to die to not pollute this richman paradise? Oh, a Law... It is time for even the police to declare their side. COZ sure as gravity, this shit is going DOWN.
I don't think we'll get the attention of even a spirited minority of the people, because the people are too busy upgrading their consumer lifestyles, flipping houses, and "making money." Which is exactly why all this was conceived and it's exactly what the government want us to be doing, while they busy themselves selling us down the river.
Must-read: "December 29, 2023 Symposium: Medical Sovereignty: The Solution To Exit The UN & WHO: Join Todd Callender, Interest of Justice, James Roguski, Dr. Rima, Dr Ana Mihalcea, Joseph Sansone, David Meiswinkle, Doc Pete Chambers, Lisa McGee as we wrap up the year with an important symposium."
What doesn't make sense to me, is that it's patently obvious from the last 4 years that the Australian government are willing to do the bidding of the WHO and their globalist masters. And have already done so.
I'm not sure why it matters now, whether or not they sign onto yet another seditious treaty?
I am not saying I'm favor of them doing it. But I'm saying that it feels a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
It’s time for the people of Australia to arm themselves so that collectively they can out shoot the globalist’s mercenaries. Is that morally wrong for the people to be able to overpower mercenaries?
Agreed. We need multiple populations with different strategies to fight the globalists. Some armed with guns, some armed with words and kitchen knives.
I love what you do! I hope you'll keep doing it while we need it, but I have greater hope that one day that need will disappear entirely and your muse will then inspire you to sonnets of ambrosial topics, such as the relative fragrances of apple versus apricot pies, or the height of dress hems.
I wrote to the local, state and federal government to let them know I vote no. I also let them know what they've been doing wrong while I was at it. I would like to know how our constitution figures in this IHR WHO nonsense. I believe there is no head of state or authority besides God who is above the Queen or King, Charles is a plonker, but that's the way I see it.
As discussed in the article, it seems that the Member States are required, under international law, to bring national legislation into line with WHO agreements (if they are accepted and not subsequently rejected).
Rebekah you need to watch Sage Hanna’s post from today, fascinating and helps put into place the WHO in relation to the bigger plan. I’d cross post if I wasn’t so IT challenged 😏
Congradulations on getting this published! May fate and the souls of so so many dead assist us in this fight.
Credit to Umbrella News for running it.
Gov has already given at least 100M to WHO this year
They've given a truckload more to The Global Fund. Backdoor "funding."
"Australia is a long-standing partner of the Global Fund, contributing a total AUD 1,036.01 million to date. In 2022, Australia pledged AUD 266 million for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, covering the period 2023-2025. With this commitment, Australia recognizes the role that its support and financial contributions play in fighting infectious diseases and strengthening health systems, which are essential in preparing for emerging health threats in the Indo-Pacific region. For the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022, Australia pledged AUD 242 million.
Australia was the second country to join the Global Fund’s debt conversion initiative, Debt2Health. In 2016, Indonesia agreed with Australia to invest the equivalent of AUD 37.5 million to support its national TB program through the Global Fund, in exchange for Australia’s cancellation of the equivalent of AUD 75 million of Indonesia’s debt to Australia."
And yet we still have people dying of starvation but don’t worry the western think tanks are doing well
Wonderful! In addition to the May 2020 $352 million AUD to a European Union-led coronavirus vaccine research fund to support the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), the Vaccine Alliance and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Professor Doctor Bill Gates III is very pleased - chuffed, actually - with such a committed and obedient lap dog as is Australia. Stand tall, Australians, you have done yourselves proud!
Forced injection is illegal. So are Concentration Camps in Australia. Only cops have guns. There is only one place to get guns. Unlike the Polish Jews, I ain't getting in that fucking shower! Anthony Stalineasy seems to want us D.E.A.D, just like Scummo... now THIS, I call a Conspiracy. Labor AND Liberal AND Nationals AND Greens - ALL WANT US DEAD. The Elite$ (what a crocky word - elite dickheads) attempt a Noble Lie, for the good of ? Wannabee neo-pharaohs who have used up Capitalism & now wish rid of the Workers, for a pristine planet, until they work out Immortality as machines. STOP COOPERATING WITH KILLERS.
Forced injection is not illegal in WA under emergency law. It was made legal under such conditions in 2016 and remains so.
I saw a podcast with Maria Zeee a number of months back, talking to a QLD medico. Under cover of COVID and not being a bicameral parliament, the QLD parliament was altering the Australian Health Regulations, adding amendments replacing words and phrases. I’m pretty sure you’ll find they will match the WA legislation and will apply in all states, and will probably be in line with WHO. She posts her Australian stuff on her homepage of Telegram.
Paul Keating signed Australia to Agenda 21 in 1992 effectively selling the Australian Gruberment to the UN and its subsidiary’s. Governance of Australia was given to the UN without consulting the people. The UN is just a subsidiary organisation for those that Govern the World. Those in control hide behind a plethora of institutions that take the blame for their Atrocity’s.
eugenicism everywhere: 'From where did the dystopic world order of the Davos Crowd emerge? To answer that question, we will need to jump back nearly one century into the past and meet H.G. Wells who wrote in his 'The Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution' (1928): “The Open Conspiracy rests upon a disrespect for nationality, and there is no reason why it should tolerate noxious or obstructive governments because they hold their own in this or that patch of human territory....” - https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/the-fabian-society-eugenics-and-the
Mary I think we then need to skip back over a Millenia to the original blueprint to controlling Humanity, the Bible and religion. Preach to the adults about fire and brimstone and then abuse their children. Sounds familiar. I read the link. Good read, I think more of a spot light on the Rhodes Scholars who have become Prime Ministers, Presidents, heads of CIA , ASIO etc and leaders of education, media, medicine and the sciences effectively controlling all aspects of our life and future. It’s one of the main factories for producing the Patsies that run the world for their masters.
well said! patsies as well as gofers (Kissinger being one of the latest).
"... we then need to skip back over a Millenia to the original blueprint to controlling Humanity, the Bible and religion. "
Thank you for bravely saying this "out loud"!
Lol not brave just old and sick of the lies that prevent us from accepting that we are Gods and we should respect each other with the same respect we crave for ourselves.
I suppose I also (but not only) meant brave in the sense that by ways that are perplexing but still surprising to me, many people will still respond to these kinds of shocking events and horrendous circumstances, such as the ones that have brought us here, by doubling-down on their faith and that very disturbed thinking that has been conducive to bringing the circumstances into being. As a result, you'll often get some very brisk push-back from people whose worldview you have shaken by attacking their favourite delusion, as you (and I) have done here. So, I meant brave as in, "man, you done gone to Hades with that fight you just picked!"
Thank you for the laugh. I think by the mid eighties I was sent to Hades for trying to convert Christian’s to the reality that religion was a tool the elites used to control the masses. I was lucky I didn’t say it 600 years before as I would have been burned on the stake. You make a very good point about the faithful doubling down on their faith. Especially, put simply the faith they are relying on to save them is a complete fabrication. Thus hiding the fact that they are their own Saviours. Together they feel safe and righteous. What was that Xmas song It’s starting to feel a lot like Hades. I wish you a Heavenly New Year.
The German citizens have revolted against their government as a result of various abuses since March 2020.
So we, the People, say "NO" with petitions & protests & this & that.
And the Elite ignore us & ride over us.
What then?
cherish all that you hold dear; love life and share love, friendship, empathy, a big laugh every now and then and the wonders of the world around us. we shouldn't let 'them' take that away from us.
While all this is true (I mean the comments on what is happening) aren’t we buying into the narrative? Aren’t we captured by the ‘fear porn’? Yes it’s not easy to stay positive but we need to adopt a mindset that doesn’t react to the endless paranoia that is being fed to us. And I don’t mean by looking to ‘God’ as an out. “Be brave” Mike Yeardon says, and that’s a start. I’m slowly disengaging from all news feeds, and those I do watch/read I see as either comedy or rubbish. We certainly live in interesting times. Does resistance work, or is those who remove themselves from the narrative being fed to us (and which we acquiesce to) who will come through these truly terrible times.
I think resistance is necessary but we needn’t lose our minds over it and should try not to be consumed by fear and reactivity.
Stay rational, build your community, and resist where you feel called.
Excellent work Rebekah but how do we get enough people interested and change the govt policy- I am not even sure where the Opposition stands on this.
I made this comment to another person above, might be helpful:
I would suggest subscribing to Libby’s Substack and going on Stand Up’s mailing list for further education and notifications about organised opposition to the reforms. Stand Up has a campaign running now which involves letters/emails to MPs and more. https://www.standupnowaustralia.com.au
Thanks Rebekah
Okay, I should have read down into the comments before I asked a similar question.
But, to be quire honest, "letters/emails to MPs" while the government has militarised police officers and an unassailable monopoly on violence?! Seriously?
Please, the pen is not now and never was mightier than the sword. That is a platitude purposefully conceived and publicised by the ruling caste specifically to deceive the ruled and dissuade us from righteous disillusionment, if not from clamouring for the alternatives to the prevailing political system which has been so effective at exploiting and stymieing the people for so long..
'If you are opposed to the WHO reforms, the time to resist is now.' What is the best way to do this? a petition?
I would suggest subscribing to Libby’s Substack and going on Stand Up’s mailing list for further education and notifications about organised opposition to the reforms. Stand Up has a campaign running now which involves letters/emails to MPs and more. https://www.standupnowaustralia.com.au
It's too late already - Sovereignty was never ours just like AU's tribal people never ceded sovereignty to the crown corporation.
However the only way out of this mess now is for Australala to be come a republic after which all treaties will have to be renegotiated which is the moment when it becomes possible to break free from the restraints that hang over the nation - that's the best chance for establishing and maintaining control over AU's Sovereignty. - that doesn't mean to suggest that I'm in favor about the way that spineless Canberra has continually sold AU down the river like for example we've been forced to sacrifice prosperity in exchange for endless insecurity no thanks to Washington's illogical diktat.
I know, let's write letters to our MPs telling them we want this. Then, hey presto, we're sovereign!
Seriously, what you are stating is indeed what should be made to happen, and I whole-heartedly agree with you. The problem is that what should happen was never and will never be offered as an option to the people while we have government, and while the ruling caste of old-and-new-money aristocracy exists. The governments have all been their idea from the start and were all installed to do what they are doing. Sovereignty of the people was never and will never be permitted, unless the people somehow (and I don't know how) overthrow and liquidate the governments AND their old-and-new-money aristocracy lords.
By transforming to a Republic all existing agreements will have to be renegotiated - It provides an opportunity to get out of every single contractual obligation such as the one with the WHO but there are many more - all of them are designed so that some un-elected entity of faceless characters become able to hold the government of the day over the proverbial barrel.
At the same time we need an improved economic system, one not based on usury.
First of all as a nation I think we need some unity and start agreeing on some key points the most important one would be to look after our own interests instead of blindly following the US across the abyss.
Your statements are sane and rational, and they evince beneficence and humanitarianism. You - as most of us, but definitely not all - have the best interests of the community and society in mind, and you are not driven to domineer those around you, nor to monopolise every resource, nor will you arrogate to yourself undeserved authority nor even the power over the lives of others.
None of this temperance is retained by those that have engineered and orchestrated the world of human affairs in which we have been operating all our lives.
They are most assuredly monsters - humans, yes, but utterly hideously, irredeemably, viciously monstrous. Unfortunately, it won't be by showing them our compassion and forbearance and kinder humanity that they will be won over. They devised (the Abrahamic) religions primarily to embed this delusion in our ideals, as an insurance policy of sorts, should we ever wake up to what they have done to us and to the entire world.
Appreciated you write extremely well.
Your last paragraph was beautiful and totally nailed it.
We're living in an upside down world - all agreements are sovereignty shredding by design and simply not worth keeping.
The transition to a Republic provides a window of opportunity to get out of the Pandemic treaty there was another window but they missed it - however empire and their agents will never willingly relinquish their hold over power enforced by the uniforms and lets face it collectively we've been taught to be afraid of uniforms. [so we've never figured out how to turn things around in favor of the plebs]
Why do we even have governments - They only appear to exist in order to control the masses while catering to another hidden agenda which is relative to every single one these sovereignty shredding agreements.
People are quite capable of living without governments while a government cannot exist without people.
Empire's hypocrisy is that it does not respect the sovereignty of other nations International laws and treaties and will not hesitate to wage wars against nations who decline to be their submissive servant.
Anarchy has more advantages then a Republic.
Voluntarism is just another word for Anarchism. The reason that it even exists is almost certainly because the very idea of Anarchy has been hijacked and corrupted such that it is speciously synonymous with violent chaos, by whichever and all illegitimate regimes that prevails only by violently compelling the people they prey upon to be dictated to by them, whether that regime be a monarchy, a communist or socialist state, or a representative 'democracy' - all present and past governments upbraid and censure Anarchy because of the truth that governments are not only completely unnecessary and illegitimate, they are immoral.
And so, just like the situation between, say, Christianity and Islam, wherein Christianity is inimical to Islam, and vice versa, the mutual hatred between Christians and Muslims pales when compared to their shared and equal hatred of 'atheists' for whom they hold the most intense and implacable of detestation. Accordingly, all governments of any '-ism' stripe are malignantly hostile towards Anarchy and Anarchists. Again, the very basis of their hatred is the truth that mortally threatens their existence, and that is that governments are unnecessary, illegitimate, and immoral, and the very possibility of people living peacefully and living in all ways better in Anarchy attests to that truth.
Thank you, you are too kind. I've found your comments to be edifying and also encouraging in that the spirit of your thinking and conclusions, if not the particulars - because I only give general opinions, whereas your statements contain particular domain detail - validate some of my own thoughts.
"Why do we even have governments - They only appear to exist in order to serve to control the masses while catering to another hidden agenda which is relative to every single one these sovereignty shredding agreements.
Anarchy has more advantages then a Republic."
In a recent interview by New Zealander Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio, James Corbett said the following (I'm sorry for the length):
" ... my perspective comes from the position of voluntarism, which is a flavour of anarchism.
I do not believe in governments.
I do not believe in government authority over me, myself, as a sovereign individual human being.
I did not cast any vote for any politician to have any say over myself in my life.
And I do just fine for myself.
So I look at the once every few year sideshow selection circus as the fundamental clown show that it is and that it will change absolutely nothing whatsoever of significance about the way that you are threatened, controlled, cajoled, and otherwise stewarded over by essentially the tax cattle herders who see you as nothing more than dinner on the table.
[interviewer]: So you sit out elections?
[James Corbett]: Absolutely yes. I not only don't believe that, I mean, essentially it's the child driver's seat for the political spectacle that is presented to us, which is nothing more than the Plato's cave wall, essentially the shadows dancing on it.
... not only do I think it completely and totally useless and will change absolutely nothing about your fundamental conditions in life, I think it's immoral to try to essentially vote in some group of people that you think will be able to use the iron fist of government, which is a monopoly on state violence, which itself is inherently immoral, to try to get more of what you want. And then in a few years when your team gets voted out, oh my god, now the other team has those powers, which I implicitly gave to whatever would-be authority claims to be ruling over me in the phony rigged selections anyway. It's ridiculous. And people need to wake up and become adults instead of acting like political children.
[about Spontaneous Order} ... the most incredible trick that the would-be rulers of society have played on the average people is to make people believe that we really need them, we need the oligarch parasite class to basically be sucking off of our energy and our income and our juices and everything that makes us so productive and successful in life, and they have to sit there and manage us and direct us and tell us what to do.
It is a lie.
One way that people can get their heads around this is to start to realise that 99.9% of everything in our daily life is governed by anarchistic order.
There's no government agency telling you who to marry.
There's no government agency telling you what job to do.
There's no government agency in charge of directing and managing the English language, but somehow, amazingly, miraculously, we manage to speak and communicate, even though there is no one directing and managing and governing and threatening to put us in jail if we don't speak in the right way.
And of course, everyone has all the objections of, well, yes, but we need law and order and we need justice and things. The basic bottom line answer is: if people want it, if people desire it, they can create it. And they can create systems that will work to provide that without some sort of government monopoly force of power that claims some sort of claim over an entire geographical area just because, well, I don't know, somewhere in the midst of time, some god gave this family the rulership of this nation or whatever the claim may be.
I hear you Rebekah. So, there's a "law" is there? That says I'm going to get a BigSick bait and await death? And I shall simply stand there, waving at the coppers as they watch me be injected with poison? Like in the Auschwitz camp? Hmmmm. Whilst mothers line their children up for an early retirement, since A.I. means no jobs. So they get jabbed to die to not pollute this richman paradise? Oh, a Law... It is time for even the police to declare their side. COZ sure as gravity, this shit is going DOWN.
I don't think we'll get the attention of even a spirited minority of the people, because the people are too busy upgrading their consumer lifestyles, flipping houses, and "making money." Which is exactly why all this was conceived and it's exactly what the government want us to be doing, while they busy themselves selling us down the river.
Must-read: "December 29, 2023 Symposium: Medical Sovereignty: The Solution To Exit The UN & WHO: Join Todd Callender, Interest of Justice, James Roguski, Dr. Rima, Dr Ana Mihalcea, Joseph Sansone, David Meiswinkle, Doc Pete Chambers, Lisa McGee as we wrap up the year with an important symposium."
What doesn't make sense to me, is that it's patently obvious from the last 4 years that the Australian government are willing to do the bidding of the WHO and their globalist masters. And have already done so.
I'm not sure why it matters now, whether or not they sign onto yet another seditious treaty?
I am not saying I'm favor of them doing it. But I'm saying that it feels a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
"But I'm saying that it feels a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted."
Thomas, that horse was never in the stable.
It’s time for the people of Australia to arm themselves so that collectively they can out shoot the globalist’s mercenaries. Is that morally wrong for the people to be able to overpower mercenaries?
Great! Then we can be just like the US. Terrible idea.
Agreed. We need multiple populations with different strategies to fight the globalists. Some armed with guns, some armed with words and kitchen knives.
And don't forget, most should be armed with letters to their MPs!
The Enemy Of Everyone
Are The Guys Soon To Be Sitting
On Their Super Yachts Out In The Middle Of The Ocean.
Waiting …
For You All To Kill And Injure Each Other On Land.
Enough Of Us See That.
I Hope That You Do.
Everyone Else Are Just Pawns.
I love what you do! I hope you'll keep doing it while we need it, but I have greater hope that one day that need will disappear entirely and your muse will then inspire you to sonnets of ambrosial topics, such as the relative fragrances of apple versus apricot pies, or the height of dress hems.
Love ‘Ya