Jul 31Liked by Rebekah Barnett

It is now impossible for any sentient, non-indoctrinated individual to have any faith in any branch of government or the public service.

I keep returning to the "bread and circuses" explanation for the majority not caring one jot about this, or any other part of the Covid conspiracy.

I am also a member of AMPS.

Kara Thomas is a hero.

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AMPS were clearly over the target .. information too good at calling the excess deaths for what they are: caused by the Covid drugs

disgraceful effort on the part of our elected representatives holding this nationally critical data out

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Agree once again with Gareth, Julian, and other commenters here. Our so-called regulatory agencies and the mechanisms for review are ALL entirely corrupt and broken beyond repair. Although I'm not suggesting we give up, I don't believe we will see a genuine and honest review for many years. I am so grateful to people like you, Rebekah; Chris, Jeyanthi, the indomitable Kara Thomas, and others from AMPS (of which I too am a member); the brilliant Clare Pain; Julian, Peter, and Katie; and the thousands of others, in Australia and overseas, who have fought and continue to fight this unbelievable assault on our basic human rights. Whenever I've had moments where the ad hominems of friends, family and/or strangers cause me to fleetingly question my own sanity, I remember the awesome company I am in. This experience has changed my life in many negative ways, but I feel so honoured to share this space and this fight with such intelligent, thoughtful, empathetic, resilient, progressive (in the literal sense, not the politically bastardised sense) people who care so deeply for their fellow humans. Thank you. 🙏🙌

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Lovely to learn that you and Gareth are members!

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Jul 31Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Since hospitals did not, or were not allowed to, put the true cause of death on death certificates, the exact number of death from vaccine, i.e. from fatal illness caused by the vaccines, will never be accurate.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Author

Yes the imprecise coding of Covid deaths is addressed in detail in Clare Pain’s chapter. It’s worth the read.

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People are figures or statistics according to political rules One surety is that becoming ill for any reason they will receive the best quickest & safest treatment available yet the masses are not given reliable information or credence about the values of treatments & drugs used

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