Referring to Ben Falconer's tweet as presented in Rebekah's article.

Ben refers to the Deputy Commissioner reading a 3-4 page summary of his reasons for the decision (to dismiss Ben Falconer) for not getting the jab in December 2021.

According to Ben, the Deputy Commissioner said "he feared I might refuse another order again under similar circumstances..."

This is very interesting to think about...

Did those police officers who submitted to vaccination under duress/coercion/mandates follow an 'unlawful order'?

As I've detailed in my previous comment, the Australian Government and AHPRA confirm that voluntary informed consent is required for vaccination, with that obviously implying that refusal of vaccination, without penalty, is also an option.

In fact it seems, crucially, the vaccinating practitioners have also followed 'unlawful orders' in collaborating with coercive and mandated vaccination.

Also, think about police officers being expected to comply with orders without question... This makes for a very dangerous police force, with officers being demanded to act as compliant drones, and critical thinkers and whistleblowers being eradicated from the service. What's the agenda here? It doesn't seem too promising for the safety of the public...

It's a dire situation, and apparently no justice to be found in the courts on in the 'leadership' of the police force.

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Reportedly over 71.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in this country* without valid consent.

Valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination cannot be be obtained under coercion and mandates.

It really is quite astonishing that the courts will not protect people from mandatory medical interventions in what is supposed to be a free country, where the Australian Government has confirmed: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations."

That was first advised to my colleague Emma McArthur in a letter from the Australian Government dated 21 December 2021, when Scott Morrison and co were running the show, see: https://humanityattheprecipice.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/doh-reply-21-12-2021.pdf

The Australian Government repeated this advice again in a letter to me dated 17 November 2022, with Anthony Albanese and co installed, see: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

These letters from the Australian Government also confirm that practitioners DO NOT have specific liability protection for administering the COVID-19 vaccinations, after they were led to believe by the Morrison Government that they would be protected. (Only a vaccine claims scheme was put in place.)

Also, AHPRA, the regulator of health practitioners, personally advised me in September 2021 that: "Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved." See: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/response-from-ahpra-re-informed-consent.pdf

Do you see the dates on this correspondence? Going back to 2021... I've shared this information over and over again, and yet it seems no-one is able to make effective use of it.

Why is that? Does Ben Falconer know about this information? Does he find it of no interest at all?

The bottom line is that nobody should have been vaccinated under coercion and mandates, because the doctors, nurses, pharmacists themselves should have done their legal and ethical duty, and refused to collaborate with coercive/mandatory vaccination.

But 71.5 million doses administered in a country where politicians and bureaucrats imposed vaccination mandates and fear-mongering and coercion shows that the doctors, nurses, pharmacists violated voluntary informed consent.

As far as I'm aware no lawyer or journalist has yet effectively used this information.

It's bewildering...

I've written up much supporting material on this matter in my detailed article: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

* Vaccination statistics as at June 2024: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-06/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-14-june-2024.pdf

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Yes, the bench even said they agreed that Ben was deprived of a "genuine choice" in the matter, but that it was ok because police have to follow orders as part of their job, and because #emergency.

Rocco Loiacono did a good write up on the detail of the Supreme Court decision from a legal perspective, here: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/05/wa-court-of-appeal-upholds-police-commissioners-powers-to-mandate-covid-vaccination/

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Re "...it was ok because police have to follow orders as part of their job, and because #emergency".

What 'emergency'? You mean the collection of common respiratory ailments called 'COVID-19', which it was acknowledged from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?

Whatever, in a 'free country', people themselves decide what happens to their own bodies, and anyone who seeks to interfere with their body must obtain voluntary informed consent.

But did I miss the memo? Are we no longer a 'free country'? Can we have some clarification on this, get it out in the open? Are we officially under tyranny now? Are the politicians and bureaucrats our masters?

I do not consent.

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The courts appear to be clueless about practitioners' legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

Most people seem to be clueless about this actually, particularly the practitioners themselves...

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Unlike many other jobs lot of police personnel do it as a ‘calling’ and they deal with some terrible things. To be dismissed because you didn’t want experimental medicine would be heart breaking. No wonder morale is low…

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Taking your own serving cops to court over a coercive mandate was never a smart move, smacked of self righteous bullying at the time.

Guvnor Dawson, saw him on the plane recently, a really self important twerp if ever I saw one. No surprises he doubled down, a rock ape he seemed like in person.

And yes, a simple step back and allowance of return to duties may have helped to give serving members some confidence that the force is workplace worth being in, and may have helped retention.

Hiring overseas police into active duty is a really bad idea.

The British imports in particular have no idea of local slang and idiosyncrasies. They seemed short tempered and cranky as opposed to the Aussie coppers.

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There can be no doubt that we in the Western World live under an enmeshment between government, bureaucracy, big business, the military, the media, the trade unions, the police force and the judiciary.

At the top are psychopaths.

Helping prop up the system are the useful idiots (those whe remain grateful to the psychopaths for "keeping them safe"), and those content with bread and circuses. I remain astonished at how many of my fellow doctors have more interest in the "State of Origin" football competition than they do in understanding vaccinology!

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Everybody should have refused to go along with coercion and vaccine mandates…instead many followed unlawful orders…

But they were deliberately lied to, deliberately mis/disinformed.

So was mis/malfeasance committed by the liars?

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An absolutely disgraceful state of affairs - talk about 'bloody mindedness'😡

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Wheels of govt grind slowly long after the point that prompts it Public servants have to chew through wide long channels to reach the target

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,🙏 the new Qld police commissioner in a recent email stated he mandate again if required 😟

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Have you got a link to any info?

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I'll try

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A new version of 'The emperors new clothes'... 'They' are trying to back a dead horse here, this is as clear as crystal and equally corrupt and nefarious. With all the facts now showing the holes in the whole scam, we have these hardcore, myoptic fools trying to hold ground on these issues. Regardless of the wholesale destruction of the 'Rule of Law' in this and many countries, this action is unlawful.

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