Dear Government,

Please forgive me, I will not fill out your little boxes because you will never dare criticise the US DOD.

When I have to publish Australia's vaccine contracts because you are too shit scared, you are not serious people.

Lots of love,


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😂🤣😂🤣thank you.

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I’ve marched, I’ve advocated, I’ve been outspoken, I’ve provided evidence, I’ve fought corporate policy and HR, I’ve withstood barbs and insults and gaslighting and stupidity, I’ve made detailed and considered submissions to proposed legislation, and I’ve watched my government and civic so-called leaders piss on any and all attempts at debate, and instead double- and triple down on the perverse and elaborate corporatised incentive scheme under which they are all operating to push “misinformation” and “conspiracy” down my throat at every opportunity. I’m by no means giving up, but at this stage I will no longer play their game, they do not represent me, I do not consent to their corrupt kabuki theatre review; there is only so many times that the informed public can declare their every deed to have been a failure and every word to have been a lie.

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Tbh I feel you and I’m only submitting because I want a public record of my dissent.

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I 100% support you, and am grateful that there are a handful of people both able to and capable of submitting something meaningful, those with your particular skill set for example. Having witnessed both the WA government’s steamrolling of its own contrived and shameless covid “review” as well as the shameful manner in which the 11,000-odd submissions to the ACMA “misinformation” bill were obviously dismissed by the government, it’s rather difficult to summon any degree of enthusiasm for this next task, given it’s apparent that the government no longer represents the people in any meaningful way, nor has the slightest interest in hearing from us, nor deems anything we have to say as worthy of consideration because they have deemed themselves unique arbiters of what is or isn’t real, factual and beneficial. As I’ve noted a few times before, I think the only real power “we” have now is to withdraw consent, dollars and interest from any and all institutions and simply live our lives as examples of what it means to reject the dystopian narrative.

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stop feeding the machine.

stop following the “rules and guidelines”.

stop scanning the QR codes.

stop wearing the muzzles.

stop taking the pills and vaccines.

stop watching the idiot box.

stop listening to MSN.

stop wasting your time on facebook/jnstagram/tictok.

stop spending your money on amazon.

stop wasting your time watching “reality” tv.

stop destroying your health with “convenient” meals.

stop funding your own enslavement.

start listening to your gut.

start using cash again.

start talking (not texting, not emailing) to people around you.

start seeing reality.

start being vocal (rather than afraid to speak your mind and truth - more people think and feel just like you than you realise).

start forming alternative communities.


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I feel the same. In the past a petition with 120,000 signatures on it would have had an effect, but since the covid kickoff, it feels like they just toss these petitions and submissions in the bin.

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My gut tells me it just creates more anger and resentment among the inner circle cabal. They’re so convinced of their own image moral and intellectual superiority and righteous convictions and by default the ignorance of the deplorable “deniers” and our “misinformation”, that they’re convinced to keep doubling down. I often wonder how or why there’s no epiphany or course correction amongst these people, and it occurs to me that zealots can’t even conceive of that possibility. It’s anathema to them.

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I am writing a submission focusing on vitamin D. Please see the research articles cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

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Great idea Robin, I will add this to my submission, probably in a point about how the Federal Government made no attempt to promote good health and accessible, non-pharma treatments.

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Here is my submission. https://5nn.info/temp/C19-Response-Inquiry-submission--from-Robin-Whittle.pdf There's so much to write, and only 3 pages.

I have no space to mention the crime against humanity of banning or maligning perfectly good early treatments for COVID-19, the best known of which is ivermectin. The inquiry board is 3 women. They should read your report on the terrible government-driven action of suspending My Le Trinh: https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/refugee-gp-renegade-suspended-doctor for prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19.

How could this medication by of no value when ten or so RCTs depicted by bigger boxes, in the https://c19ivm.org/meta.html section "67 ivermectin COVID-19 studies after exclusions: Early treatment" are strongly positive for ivermectin?

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That's a great angle, Robin!

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Beautiful work!!

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Thanks Mara and Kaylene! My submission is at https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/australian-government-covid-19-response along with a list of some of the other failings I think the inquiry should consider.

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This is so important, in preparation for the next virus coming that will be unleashed on to the world. Most likely waiting for the right political time. All you can do is look after your own health.

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When you say 'virus', do you mean 'the next propaganda circus used as a trojan horse to jab people whose bodies then mount an immune response to said jab'?

(Viruses don't float in air from body-to-body is what I'm trying to say (probably poorly)).

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Eloquently put Aria. The Circus with the Trojan Elephants was operating long before we were all born.

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It may be a bit kind calling it a “propaganda circus”. I think what we suffered was a masterful example of the application of mass psychology, censorship, brutal enforcement tactics, demonisation of dissenters and the full exposure of the evil that exists in this world

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Partly. I follow Anthony Williams the medical medium, he says all viruses are manmade but do exist and said there is another big one coming. I have my doubts about trasmission too, because there are always people who never get sick no matter what they are exposed to. Disease is "dis-ease" when the immune system is not operating as it should. Many people who have had their immune systems destroyed in the last couple of years will be the ones mainly to suffer I would think.

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I don't know Anthony Williams, but I remember studying R.G.Hamer and Antoine Béchamp about 10 years ago, which was enough to realise our medical model was wrong at best, deadly at worst.

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Yes it can be deadly, there is some great reading about the history of the medical cartel here: ahealedplanet.net

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We can do much more than that ! Especially if we never ever....ever give up.

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Well....the bloody gross violations of GMP standards for starters! The inclusions of contaminants at levels far exceeding TGA regulatory approvals for another. Oh and the actual TGA dereliction of duty of care and failure to notify the gene regulation authority for registrations for the applications for EUA in the first place!!!😐😐😤😤🤐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Thanks for promoting this, Rebekah.

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You’ve already checked out our joke of an inquiry here in Canada I’m guessing? While the Citizens that worked hard on it are heroes, the government and those accountable are still at large laughing at it all.

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A Covid inquiry ?

Why now?

Shouldn't an inquiry have been held before they knowingly ruined the country?

Sars Cov 2 has never been proven to exist right from the get go but now there's an inquiry.

In an email I've asked Scott Morrisson to please provide the evidence to prove the existence of alleged virus, in his reply he stated that the lockdown would be lifted when 85 % of the population was jabbed - he failed to answer the question and didn't respond to a subsequent reminder.

Brad Hazzard provided a equally meaningless response - His response was providing a chart with the symptoms.

So pompous Scott Morrisson is smart enough to realize that if he is to appoint himself to 5 different portfolio's he needs to this in secret because no one would approve of the power grab - then when it comes to answering my questions regarding the existence of Sars Cov 2 he also knows that he will not be able to provide an honest answer.

Something smells very rotten in Canberra.

We don't need an inquiry we need retribution.

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I'll save the " inquiry panel" some time, we had a plan in 2019, why wasn't it used or did Dutton forget about it? What a waste of time & money. Robyn Kruk was already commissioned by NSW Health to write a report about the same crap. Cut & paste. Everybody send these impostors the 2019 influenza pandemic preparedness report & we can all save on them having doughnuts & coffee @ our expense. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:AP:ab193e15-b60e-492a-9a3e-0c1b6ee271f0

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I shall definitely be complaining especially loudly about the TGA, and about the failure to apply gene therapy regulations to it, which are far more stringent and were clearly warranted

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Thank you for bringing this to everyone’s attention. As futile as I may think it is, I am compelled to support you. But seriously if the asleep cannot see their Gruberment is more interested in doing medical research on them than protecting their health they will be doomed. And making all of us pay for it. And not just In money.

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Our public servants are the foot soldiers for the puppeteers.

We need to reduce the public service behemoth!!

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"The COVID-19 Response Inquiry Panel invites interested people and organisations to make a submission and/or provide evidence to inform recommendations that aim to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics."

Curious how there was no "pandemic" in Australia in the 1930's, 40's, 50's (HK flu nothing-burger), 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's and 2010's and now in 2023 Australians (and other developed nations) have the highest material standard of living ever known to humanity and the grubbermint expect (predictive programming I get it) mysterious-deadly pathogens are just going to appear at any moment.

Keep burning those borrowed billions on deadly 'n defective injections and parasitical-energy-dilute solar and wind scams and that standard of living will certainly decline.

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The Booboeoise are still dieing from it, fertility has fallen- live births down, Sudden Adult Death occurrences are UP and trending that way, worldwide. The UK NIH just tried to manipulate infant deaths in 2022... by attempting to compare the Infant Deaths to ONLY the previous year, 2021! See, no variation! 🤗 Will The Herd twig, milling about uneasily, mooing & baaing? Tick, tick, tick... have we forgotten Scummo illegally, treasonously held five portfolios, unappointed, at this time? Do we know HOW MUCH he sold us for, to BigSick??? Can ya do a knot... for a noose?

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Excellent and valuable content.

Here is an example of an excellent submission. https://gloria.tv/post/ecbFwGhKb3cc3zvMNpMhdKnDo

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Can we have a citizen’s enquiry, and a citizen’s tribunal? Can we secede from Australia? Can we get the Governor General to dismiss parliament?

The whole thing is so rotten and I have completely lost faith in them. The sheer wastage and misuse of our money is maddening.

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