New declaration intensifies calls for suspension of Covid mRNA vaccines
Doctors and scientists demand immediate action over DNA contamination and other safety concerns
A new declaration signed by eminent doctors, scientists, and professionals has intensified calls for government action on Covid modified-RNA vaccine safety concerns.
The David Declaration makes 10 demands of the Australian Government, including immediate suspension of the mRNA Covid vaccination program, and a moratorium on mRNA technology pending rigorous investigation into evidenced safety concerns, including reported excessive levels of synthetic DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid vaccines.
“We call for the restoration of trust, bodily integrity and government transparency as the foundations for a healthy and thriving Australia,” states the declaration website, which went live this week.
The eponymous declaration came about following the detection of DNA contamination in Australian mRNA vaccine vials at up to 145 times the allowable limit by virologist Dr David Speicher, of the University of Guelph, late last year.
In the face of persistent inaction by authorities, organisers say that the David Declaration is intended to raise awareness and encourage citizens to demand better of their government representatives, both in Australia and around the world.
“The David Declaration embodies the many voices of the cancelled scientists and physicians who stood against government mandates since the start of the pandemic,” said Dr Speicher.
“I am honoured to be a part of this important and courageous declaration that calls for a return to evidence-based medical science, a moratorium on mRNA technology, and recognition and support for the vaccine-injured.”
The declaration is spearheaded by Professor Robyn Cosford, a functional medicine doctor of nearly four decades specialising in vaccination effects in children before the Covid vaccine mandates forced her into retirement.
During the Covid era, Professor Cosford co-authored a peer-reviewed paper on the pathogenicity of the spike protein, pioneering the theory of ‘Spikeopathy’ to explain a potential mechanism of harm caused by both Covid infection and vaccines.
“The truth about the side effects of these genetic ’vaccines’ and the cost to lives and livelihoods has been buried and ignored under bureaucratic layers of red tape for too long,” said Professor Cosford.
“This did not begin with Covid-19. It is well past time for transparency and open honest dialogue so that a way forward can be found to help the vaccine-injured and others affected by the government’s Covid response.”
DNA contamination ignored by authorities
DNA contamination at levels above the regulatory limit of 10 ng per dose was initially discovered in Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid vaccines by genomics scientist and former Human Genome Project R&D manager Kevin McKernan. High levels of contamination have since been confirmed in seven other independent studies around the world, including in one of the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) labs.
Contaminant DNA has also been detected in blood samples of 75 mRNA Covid-vaccinated trial participants from South Australia, which is suggestive that the contamination can persist in the body and is not being destroyed upon injection, as regulators claim.
Scientists and academics warn that the foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) presents a risk of integration into human cells, “potentially leading to genomic instability, cancers, immune system disruption, and adverse hereditary effects.”
Dr Speicher’s findings of excessive DNA in Australian vials prompted a grassroots community movement Down Under, with the local government of West Australian mining town Port Hedland passing a world-first motion calling for the suspension of the shots. Other councils have followed suit.
Independent MP for Monash Russell Broadbent has taken up the issue with a campaign called Australians Demand Answers, alerting the Prime Minister to the contamination findings and concerns in a series of letters, and presenting the David Declaration to the Australian Parliament on 14 February.
However, federal and state authorities remain resolute in their inaction, uniformly dismissing efforts to raise the alarm.
Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has gone so far as to brand the independent findings of excessive DNA contamination as “flawed” and call media reports “misinformation,” despite admitting the validity of some of the contamination concerns in internal communications released under Freedom of Information.
Fed up with the dismissive responses of those charged with ensuring the safety of the Covid vaccines, and of all medicines, signatories of the David Declaration are hoping to bring this issue to greater public awareness and to drive political change.
Internationally lauded signatories include Kevin McKernan, CSO of Medicinal Genomics, Dr Jessica Rose, immunologist and computational biologist, Professor Alexandra Henrion Caude, geneticist and former Director of Research at the French National Institute of Health, and Professor Ian Brighthope, an integrative healthcare specialist and Founding President of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.
Scientists, doctors, professionals, and concerned citizens are invited to sign the David Declaration and present it to their political candidates in the upcoming 2025 Australian federal election. Other countries may also use the David Declaration as a template for their own campaigns.
“It is my desire that this declaration stands as a beacon for Australia and the world, providing a framework to hold governments to account, and allowing humanity to heal,” said Dr Speicher.
The David Declaration
As well-qualified and respected professionals, we the undersigned call for the restoration of trust, bodily integrity and government transparency as the foundations for a healthy and thriving Australia.
In specific relation to the COVID-19 injections, we refute the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration’s accusation of misinformation regarding evidence of DNA contamination, and
Demand the immediate establishment of a COVID Royal Commission
Demand the immediate suspension of further mRNA injections pending an urgent open and transparent investigation by independent authorities.
Demand free and open scientific discourse into how these injections passed Australia’s regulatory requirements.
Demand the release of the TGA FOI information with no redactions.
Demand full access to the TGA safety testing profile and methods.
Demand open and transparent discussion regarding the loss of Informed Consent, in particular regard to vaccination, both adult and child, which had hitherto been a mainstay of the medical profession.
Demand open and free access to the TGA DAEN and other data bases for analysis by external experts and public.
Demand the TGA acknowledge the level of adverse events in the Pfizer own trial data, in numerous peer reviewed published medical papers, and in our own DAEN.
Demand that all medical practitioners be informed of all the above.
Demand that all evidence for the government claim that childhood vaccinations are ‘safe and effective’ be made public.
We further demand the restoration of health and wellbeing of all Australians and the demand that the government:
Apologise for the adverse effects of the government directives for the management of the Covid pandemic on the economic state, social condition, educational standards, mental state and overall health parameters of the Australian population.
Reinstate everyone who lost their jobs due to the vaccination mandates – with full financial compensation.
Re-establish an equitable and just Vaccine Injury Compensation scheme
Repeal the No Jab No Play No Pay legislation and restore bodily integrity rights.
Disband AHPRA and re-establish a new body to undertake its original function of protecting patients from such gross malpractice as sexual offences.
Exit the WHO so Australia is not under International Law requirements to automatically comply with WHO directives that may not be appropriate for Australia or the Australian people.
Release the government contracts made with pharmaceutical companies for the unsafe, ineffective COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ purchased with taxpayer funds.
Cease the introduction of all new vaccinations until there is open and transparent evaluation of the regulatory procedures applying to that vaccine, to ensure that full safety has been demonstrated. This is to include the new RSV vaccine that has recently gained approval and has begun to be promoted and distributed.
Implement mechanisms to ensure accountability and checks and balances to ensure such events can never be repeated.
Read and sign the David Declaration here.
Supporting evidence is also available at the above link.
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I have now tried twice to sign this declaration, and each time it doesn't work: the confirmation email is met with the message: "Sorry! Invalid Confirmation URL"
I realise that this is not your website, Rebekah, but thought I ought report the problem in case others are having it also. I'd appreciate it being passed on.
I accidentally deleted a chunk of my emails that contained Rebekah's reference to Mitch McConnell's recent comments on the polio vaccine but would like to respond to it here.
Mitch is purported to have said that he has observed, during the course of his life, a large number of lives saved by the polio vaccine.
I find this somewhat absurd. I mean, how does one OBSERVE a vaccine saving a life?
Next, I am trying to reconcile this with the put view that polio was the result of a toxin (DDT, perhaps) penetrating the spinal columns of infants through the intestinal wall, or some such ... not a 'virus'. Are the people who expound such conjectures deluded fools or deceivers?
Rebekah writes that the only 'polio' outbreaks we have had are due to the vaccine. Again, this does not sit well with the toxin thesis.
Lets assume there is such a thing as a 'polio virus' though. There are people who'd respond to Rebekah that these cases are inevitable collateral damage in the fight against polio, that they are very small in number compared to the number of vaccines issued and that the harms associated with the same are vastly outweighed by the benefits of the 'vaccine'.
Do viruses exist per se? Can we 'catch' (as in, contract from exposure to other people) colds or flus?