Recently, I reported on a new court case alleging that the mRNA Covid vaccines contain unlicenced genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which have the capacity to enter the cell nucleus and alter the recipient’s DNA.
Great work Rebekah. It's disappointing, but isn't everything these days, that it takes citizens to do the basic due diligence work of our now corrupt and compromised institutions. If we can confirm that the DNA of our cells is being rewritten by these injections then it's a massive problem. Errors in our DNA will cause so many problems for people and their offspring. The result could be catastrophic. I am completely mystified as to why our institutions cannot perform their primary function? If we didn't know better we could almost think it intentional. Any time frame on the outcome of this case?
Sad news Rebecca. This lady selflessly worked throughout 2021 to urge everybody to get the safe and effective jabs (see story at the first link). Sadly, after getting her jabs, she suddenly developed brain cancer which was diagnosed in January 2022 and she has now passed (see story at the 2nd link).
People who refuse to get vaccinated 'self-centred', expert says
If someone shoots up drugs and won't listen to those lowly folks who say it is not good for them, and they die of the drugs, ice, meth, whatever, then it is normal, they killed themself. It's much worse than that when someone goes around telling an entire nation using their privilege to go on national TV in a nation that trusts the TV and tells everyone that this is safe, and does not listen to the lowly folks who say it is not good for them. Whether or not she/he/it died of the effects of anything injected to the brain, we don't lament the death of lowly drug dealers and pimps, so I certainly don't lament the death of the high pimps and dealers responsible for the suffering of millions, even if, they had the best of intentions, which I doubt. If they did, then it is just yet another fefail given too much power. And if it/he/she had not died then they need to be locked up into jail and thrown away the key.
Well, OK, much worse than that, and hopefully that's coming to all the others. Meanwhile though, we can dream, about what ever rights and freedoms we do not have and have not had for a long time. Without power, there are no right. The key is to hold power. "Man should not be afraid of power, he should possess it" - M. Qadhafi. Also: "Just like we throw away a bad apple to prevent infection of the others, if there are ten people and one of them is going to kill the other nine, we have to kill that one" (not the actual words, by memory).
I'm convinced they ARE performing their primary, secondary and tertiary functions very well. The system is designed as it is functioning, any idea that it was ever intended to be democracy, justice, humanity, was delusion.
You nailed it Rebekah, bad enough scenario if these treatments were voluntary, and now these potential harms have surfaced, we're in the situation where almost everyone was forced to take this muck. Deliberate and willful negligence.
The smart money knew once the government were implicated in forcing a genetically harmful poison, they will never admit fault, and stupidly double down, hoping the problem will go away.
Thalidomide was withdrawn pretty quickly after correlation was too strong between birth defects and the drug... The mechanism of harm wasn't known till many years later... Yet no such caution here...
The DES scandal took decades to unravel. I predict the same for this one, only the stakes are higher, so it's possible the cover up will be far more elaborate and history will be rewritten instead.
Absolutely, it will take a long time... Pfizer already distanced themselves from Australian mandates... The attempted rewriting of history as you say... No one was forced to take it, they were given an "opportunity" to take it, Pfizer's cringeworthy testimony to our Senate.
Unfortunately, with the lack of personal documentation and evidence people have, it is not easy to prove being FORCED even if you lost your job. I know having tried to prove this with a wealth of evidence many years before all of this. Short of being physically held down AND having the irrefutable evidence (witness many police cases) you stand little to no chance.
I would think this will be the way of it all as you say... Could you imagine potential payouts if they made everyone liable? Hence a liability guarantee to Covid vaccine makers, and I dare say, fat backhanders all round to those who made this agreement happen. The government will dodge all responsibility, state governments will wring their hands of it, and employers will be given dispensation (because "no one could have known", when in fact it was obvious the potential for disaster, given historical medical disasters and dangerous genetic tinkering in the first place).
I am sure many elderly people in care homes throughout Australia were force-injected as well as institutionalized mentally ill patients. There have also been anecdotal accounts of indigenous people being rounded up and forcibly injected.
There absolutely were! I know of carers and mentally disabled being cared for both taking the shot against will, the first as she did not want to stop caring for the patient, the patient because she could not decide for herself. And the carer became a real psycho after, not sure if it was due to the injection or something else. But coerced they were. Forced, the mental patient had no chance, the carer CHOSE to give in albeit reluctantly.
Yes that's the other thing your Umbrella article reminded me of! Mobile phone industry and harmful microwave radiation. Well documented, plenty of evidence but again just news speak responses over the years. Industry has money to pay fines (Big Pharma do it continuously) so long as it is only a percentage of their profit. Heck, even the Small Capitalist on the block prints 10,000 leaflets to litter the neighbourhood if the profit resulting from printing and distributing that is ONLY TEN PERCENT.
Unfortunately Steve, look back at history: those who were executed or incarcerated after the Nürnberg (Nuremberg) trials also could not claim they were FORCED even if they would have lost their jobs, been labeled a traitor, and suffered other consequences. This side of it is rarely considered by people and you have to. The same as the one who carries out orders (the Order Follower) has no defense, also the one who allows the injection under threat of loss of social security, job, income, status, also has no defense under the existing system.
You Sir are a Man of Principle and I believe you will be rewarded even more handsomely even if you already have been. Thank you for your non compliance! If only more would #justSayNO !
DDU is the ONLY substack I read. I decided when the insanity unfolded and information overload doesn't help, to cut back even more on "news and comment" even though I have (almost) never owned a TV or listened to Money Slave Media (M$M). DDU to me, even though I thought of completely clearing the deck, remained the one that really tells me what I need to know and also gives me a good barometer of the resistance building potentials down under. It's also the only place I share my "pearls of wisdom" as we know where pearls belong and where they do not.
Thank you Rebekah for putting in the sincere and severe effort to do all the research, the consistency, the patience and perseverence ("Sabr" - a most extolled virtue!) as I know from over a decade of doing a very similar thing back in the day, it is a very rewarding effort but it also can come at great sacrifice to one's health and balance. I hope that your readers, all of us, will not be mere consumers but at the very least pass on these articles to others to read, and even better be more motivated to actually doing something (as you and some others clearly ARE doing) practical to build resistance.
I have also recently unsubcribed from a number of substackers I'd been following for many months, even years. Takes a while to sort wheat from chaff and apart from that, information overload is real. However, limiting subscriptions to one's favourite substacker, particularly from one's own country, is not a good idea either.
No-one has given valid consent to this medical intervention...
And major players in abusing consent are the medical profession, they're a tool that has been used by many evildoers in the past.
If the medical profession had spoken out and said "we can't do this, we can't do this under coercion, under mandates" it wouldn't have happened...but, apart from a persecuted few, they didn't speak out.
Well done. Mark Buttler was the minister in charge of "Aged Care" when countless elderly including my Beloved Mother were "legally" murdered via forced dehydration agains the wishes of first born who were threatened with exclusion from premises and more. He "ruled" (puppet muppet) throughout the entire period when "Enduring Power of Guardianship" did not have ANY safeguards against being signed under coercion, did he CARE? I've been into his office. Stacks of Australien Constitution for free handout. But when you point to some terrible clauses in it, they are gob smacked: they have NOT read it THEMSELVES, and/or do not CARE and are surprised anyone noticed, they certainly felt there was nothing worth fixing IF they ever did read it. These are psychopaths plain and simple, and they are only towing the line, they have no real input of their own, they are all heavily compromised. The best parliament is a hung parliament and the best politician is a hung politician.
Can you comments on the editor's note "*Editor’s note: Subject to ongoing comment from the TGA, reference to the BioNTech Investigator’s Brochure has been removed."
Hi Gary, sure. In the first iteration of this article, I referenced a figure from a BioNTech Investigator's Brochure which appears to show vax mRNA spike in the cell nucleus. This is the interpretation of several consulting scientists on the GMO case, and Arkmedic explained it here:
I sought comment from the TGA, but they failed to respond by publication deadline.
The TGA finally responded two days after the deadline denying this interpretation.
Given the TGA's strong denial, it didn't sit right to not include it, but parsing the arguments on each side was too complex a matter for this article and would likely require an article just on its own, which is what I will probably attend to next. So, the conservative decision was made to remove this line from the article.
The Investigator Brochure by BioNTech FOI-2183-09 states on page 25 that "These results show that both antigens are processed within the endoplasmic reticulum for secretion and/or surface expression, which is a prerequisite for increased bioavailability and improved induction of an immune response." The figure does not show entry of the Spike into the nucleus.
FOI-2389-06 was what the TGA used as evidence to deny the interpretation of spike in nucleus - they treat it as showing the same as the Investigators Brochure. Why do you think it's different?
TGA's full response for your reference:
"The figure shows co-localisation of SARS-CoV-2 derived vaccine antigens V5 (stained green) with an endoplasmic reticulum marker (stained red). It does not show the spike protein in the nucleus.
"researchers now need to find out whether in vitro findings are replicated in humans."
Bravo. Correct. The ghouls at the TGA are covering up species-level extinction (us).
Edit: and may I just say, I am so so glad that others like Rebekah are covering topics like this. I was viciously deplatformed and unpersoned in 2020 for warning people about what was coming and have completely eschewed these topics. I essentially gave up because I could see that there was no way to stop it. Now I just focus on large-scale issues. I am not face-forward for a reason and it is heartening to see journalists really picking up the torch with a fresh perspective. Nice work Rebekah.
I’m not sure about extinction. I would think transhumanism more likely, per Yuval Noah Harari’s Homo Deus. Albeit with much chronic illness and perhaps shorter lifespan. But I’m not really in the business of predicting the future.
Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett
Species are usually based on % genetic similarity. For microbes, they are binned at 97%. Anything with a greater % difference in genome is considered a different taxon. In scientific terms, I think humanity is splitting into different taxa. In spiritual terms, that is above my pay grade.
Edit: people ask the question 'what is a woman?' Perhaps soon we will be asking 'what is a human?' There will be Homo deus and Homo sapiens sapiens. Given that YNH inverts everything because he is posessed, the fact that he calls the 'new human' H. deus should be a clear indicator of where this is headed. This is a catastrophic situation and the key question we are facing. Wading into this territory makes people very, very angry.
It is not a stretch to presume that the globocap oiler-banker-owner-investors were fed-up with a population that they consider is costing too much in retirement, welfare and medical costs, which are expenses they consider to be net outgoings with too little to none returns.
As they establish their new multipolar International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS; incidentally, the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine looks to have been given the green light because the expected retaliatory sanctions on Russia by NATO partners would catalyze the establishment of the new system, so we should expect no end to war until the finalization of the IMFS, and furthermore this would explain the avoidance if not utter condemnation of anything even resembling peace negotiations, the otherwise inexplicable pressuring of Ukraine to continue fighting for an impossible, unobtainable victory, and the squandering of billions from NATO partner treasuries on weapons which are immediately incinerated by the Russian Armed Forces) it isn't unthinkable that they would want to get rid of at least the retired segment of the population who would not be as exploitable in the many ways they anticipate for the rest of the population when their new IMFS and the Synthetic Hegemonic Currency is fully-entrenched and in operation.
That was the study that made me realise we had crossed the Rubicon as a species. I could not believe they did not consider reverse transcriptase which is biology 101. Therefore, I can only conclude this was intentional.
People - please stay alert to alpha-gal syndrome. They are blaming it on ticks. While true (and a result of the bioweapons research at Plum Island) it has been embedded in the shots. They are engineering bovine protein allergies for a 'meat free future.'
I'm running out of positive adjectives to describe your work, Rebekah; absolutely fantastic article! It is despicable that our so-called regulators have failed so spectacularly in their duty, and continue to do so rather than admit their errors. Each day I am more and more dismayed by the way this catastrophic situation is unfolding and wonder what it will take for sense to return to our institutions (will it ever?). We are living through a very dark time, but I take hope in the many good people (a substantial number of whom have subject matter experience) fighting to hold Big Pharma, our governments and our regulatory authorities accountable, and find out the true impact of these products.
" will be years until the range of potential harms can be properly assessed."
I don't agree. It will become as self-evident as it was at the outset, the 1200 or more listed adverse events of special interest in the 6mo Pfizer trial results (2021). What may take years is the focussed intransigence of the participants and their nodding institutional dupes, although by the time the collective clowns face the gallows or the equivalent, I vouch to suggest that the choice of life should have become abundantly clear to the wider populace with little effort.
"Regulators say there is ‘no evidence’ of all manner of safety concerns with the Covid drugs, but rarely (if ever?) offer evidence to disprove the concerns."
Another case of not wanting to look because you know what you'd find.
Thank you for all the excellent work you are doing to uncover the truth, Rebekah. It WILL keep being revealed as you and all the other investigators keep shining a light on the harm that Big Pharma and all who are connected with them have been perpetrating on their fellow humans.
Since you mentioned precautionary principle I thought you may find the Victorian governments Orwellian legislated definition interesting if not mind boggling.
Section 6 under our Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic)
"6 Precautionary principle
If a public health risk poses a serious threat, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a
reason for postponing measures to prevent or control the public health risk."
Compound this with the fact that they did postpone measures to prevent and control covid, namely begins with I and ends with censored, that were then and are now acknowledged to help.
My dad, dead, ex-best mate who wouldn't listen dead. His 17 y.o. son heart attack (a footy player!). C'mon? Man? Cmon? Yeah mate, come here 🫴 we'll have a chat about how fkn vengeful The UnVaxxed are feeling. Concentration camp anybody? Take your blindfold off, piss on forgiveness.
Were people ever to clearly see and comprehensively know what has already been done, how sweepingly thorough the deception has been, and to know what has been planned for so long and is finally unfolding, and were they ever to understand what it all means - I mean to truly, deeply apprehend, or grok, if you will - what is going on and why it is happening, I honestly believe what you are proposing as punishment for these fiends would outright be considered far too lenient and unjustifiably indulgent.
Truly, there can be no forgiveness, nor can or should this ever be forgotten.
Heh. Yeah, I grok. Like Michael Valentine Smith seeing the Monkey Cage, at the zoo, I grok it. Unlike the Torturers Empire, Amerika, however; I do not believe that ANY Elite$ will respond to rehab.
Here is a formula: Mankind in peril, 8 billion VERSUS 6000 Billionaire families, who "possess" 70% of the planet. Do ya grok S.u.b.s.t.r.a.c.t.i.o.n?
Now, am I alone in thinking that "Duty of Care" means that if you see someone by the side of the road, injured and potentially dying, you have a duty to stop and care for them?
I think not, I'm sure any natural person not removed from their natural human self would think so.
I attended a necessary examination for First Aid in Australia. The entire course was designed to allow you to be able to administer first aid, obviously. But early in the course, I think on the first day, the instructor told us in no unclear terms what DUTY OF CARE is, and that we need to understand it.
DUTY OF CARE means that IF you elect to provide ANY care, you are LEGALLY BOUND by the consequences such as failure to administer proper care. HOWEVER, if you elect to IGNORE the one requiring care and simply move on to let them suffer and die you are NOT LEGALLY BOUND by the duty of care, and there will be no negative consequences for you.
He shared this NOT as some wisdom he had discovered, or with ANY irony he shared it purely as a MATTER OF FACT ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ON THE ST JOHNS ADMINISTERED COURSE.
And do you think even ONE other of the around 20 Australiens along with me on the course felt this was bad? NO, not one voiced anything. I stopped him after he said that and was moving on to the next subject. I questioned this, saying that this seems like Duty of Care on its head. He simply said, no, this is the actual definition of Duty of Care, and evidently he did not see anything wrong with it.
This and I can give so many other examples of things that took place WELL BEFORE this latest new normal, were ALREADY the new normal, I do not know since when as I was absent from Australia while the population were cooked slowly like frogs already from the late 70s onward with ever accelerating exponential speed increase.
Indeed, I wonder why this hasn't been considered, given this "Duty of care" legal issue is a fact and is the opposite of what a rational caring person would think. As an example of this, I was once at an aged care centre when I had a pulse of around 200 BPM, I collapsed on the floor but was conscious and asking for help. 4 nurses came but would not touch me, they stayed at a distance. I was helpless on the floor in the reception area of the "Aged Care" facility, what I needed was at least one person to come and hold my hand or comfort me even if not render any required medical assistance. Three were Asians, one was European Australien. One told me from a safe distance that they don't want to be liable! I said if you do NOT render assistance and I survive, I'll sue you in court! Imagine if I'd not been able to say this, what might have happened, few would be able in this condition to speak let alone think of a response. The European (white Australien) nurse finally relented, and gave me water, and checked my pulse. It was off the charts, I believe she said over 200. This was way higher than the maximum for a heart of my age. She was shocked and said call an ambulance! Shortly after an ambulance arrived and attended to me, they were highly unprofessional, that's another story, Australien ambulance crews are often complete morons, walking meat blobs. I survived this, but my Mother who I was visiting did not, and that's another story. She was "LEGALLY" murdered in that "Aged Care" facility some time later. And the "ombudsman" for Aged Care was a blind man: how can someone who is blind and cannot read emotions and other signs of honesty or dishonesty in testimony be the decider? Easy: they always have to simply decide on the side of these facilities which is a money making business in bed with the regulators, and these "independent" "Ombudsmen" are anything but. The stench of the evil, corruption and fried meat lumps that is called "Australia" reaches to the high heavens. The entire system cannot be reformed, it is way beyond that and has gone way beyond that point for decades now. It must be completely dismantled, destroyed, collapse and an entirely different one based on Natural Law and Justice built from the bottom up in its place.
Igen, magyar vagyok. Valahol máshol nőttem fel, ebbe az országba jöttem, de újra megszöktem. Most nem tudok jól magyarul. A legjobbakat kívánom. Melyik államban vagy?
Great work Rebekah. It's disappointing, but isn't everything these days, that it takes citizens to do the basic due diligence work of our now corrupt and compromised institutions. If we can confirm that the DNA of our cells is being rewritten by these injections then it's a massive problem. Errors in our DNA will cause so many problems for people and their offspring. The result could be catastrophic. I am completely mystified as to why our institutions cannot perform their primary function? If we didn't know better we could almost think it intentional. Any time frame on the outcome of this case?
I’m unsure of timeframe.
I presume the TGA thinks their primary function is to service their sponsors.
Sad news Rebecca. This lady selflessly worked throughout 2021 to urge everybody to get the safe and effective jabs (see story at the first link). Sadly, after getting her jabs, she suddenly developed brain cancer which was diagnosed in January 2022 and she has now passed (see story at the 2nd link).
People who refuse to get vaccinated 'self-centred', expert says
If someone shoots up drugs and won't listen to those lowly folks who say it is not good for them, and they die of the drugs, ice, meth, whatever, then it is normal, they killed themself. It's much worse than that when someone goes around telling an entire nation using their privilege to go on national TV in a nation that trusts the TV and tells everyone that this is safe, and does not listen to the lowly folks who say it is not good for them. Whether or not she/he/it died of the effects of anything injected to the brain, we don't lament the death of lowly drug dealers and pimps, so I certainly don't lament the death of the high pimps and dealers responsible for the suffering of millions, even if, they had the best of intentions, which I doubt. If they did, then it is just yet another fefail given too much power. And if it/he/she had not died then they need to be locked up into jail and thrown away the key.
Well, OK, much worse than that, and hopefully that's coming to all the others. Meanwhile though, we can dream, about what ever rights and freedoms we do not have and have not had for a long time. Without power, there are no right. The key is to hold power. "Man should not be afraid of power, he should possess it" - M. Qadhafi. Also: "Just like we throw away a bad apple to prevent infection of the others, if there are ten people and one of them is going to kill the other nine, we have to kill that one" (not the actual words, by memory).
I'm convinced they ARE performing their primary, secondary and tertiary functions very well. The system is designed as it is functioning, any idea that it was ever intended to be democracy, justice, humanity, was delusion.
You nailed it Rebekah, bad enough scenario if these treatments were voluntary, and now these potential harms have surfaced, we're in the situation where almost everyone was forced to take this muck. Deliberate and willful negligence.
The smart money knew once the government were implicated in forcing a genetically harmful poison, they will never admit fault, and stupidly double down, hoping the problem will go away.
Thalidomide was withdrawn pretty quickly after correlation was too strong between birth defects and the drug... The mechanism of harm wasn't known till many years later... Yet no such caution here...
Great work Rebekah
The DES scandal took decades to unravel. I predict the same for this one, only the stakes are higher, so it's possible the cover up will be far more elaborate and history will be rewritten instead.
Absolutely, it will take a long time... Pfizer already distanced themselves from Australian mandates... The attempted rewriting of history as you say... No one was forced to take it, they were given an "opportunity" to take it, Pfizer's cringeworthy testimony to our Senate.
Unfortunately, with the lack of personal documentation and evidence people have, it is not easy to prove being FORCED even if you lost your job. I know having tried to prove this with a wealth of evidence many years before all of this. Short of being physically held down AND having the irrefutable evidence (witness many police cases) you stand little to no chance.
I would think this will be the way of it all as you say... Could you imagine potential payouts if they made everyone liable? Hence a liability guarantee to Covid vaccine makers, and I dare say, fat backhanders all round to those who made this agreement happen. The government will dodge all responsibility, state governments will wring their hands of it, and employers will be given dispensation (because "no one could have known", when in fact it was obvious the potential for disaster, given historical medical disasters and dangerous genetic tinkering in the first place).
I am sure many elderly people in care homes throughout Australia were force-injected as well as institutionalized mentally ill patients. There have also been anecdotal accounts of indigenous people being rounded up and forcibly injected.
There absolutely were! I know of carers and mentally disabled being cared for both taking the shot against will, the first as she did not want to stop caring for the patient, the patient because she could not decide for herself. And the carer became a real psycho after, not sure if it was due to the injection or something else. But coerced they were. Forced, the mental patient had no chance, the carer CHOSE to give in albeit reluctantly.
Bingo bango. You got it. I have an article on this coming out. Yet, do not lose heart. Documentation is essential for the morale of the survivors.
Yes that's the other thing your Umbrella article reminded me of! Mobile phone industry and harmful microwave radiation. Well documented, plenty of evidence but again just news speak responses over the years. Industry has money to pay fines (Big Pharma do it continuously) so long as it is only a percentage of their profit. Heck, even the Small Capitalist on the block prints 10,000 leaflets to litter the neighbourhood if the profit resulting from printing and distributing that is ONLY TEN PERCENT.
Unfortunately Steve, look back at history: those who were executed or incarcerated after the Nürnberg (Nuremberg) trials also could not claim they were FORCED even if they would have lost their jobs, been labeled a traitor, and suffered other consequences. This side of it is rarely considered by people and you have to. The same as the one who carries out orders (the Order Follower) has no defense, also the one who allows the injection under threat of loss of social security, job, income, status, also has no defense under the existing system.
Very true, I'm glad I let them fire me for non compliance. I have no regrets at all.
You Sir are a Man of Principle and I believe you will be rewarded even more handsomely even if you already have been. Thank you for your non compliance! If only more would #justSayNO !
DDU is the ONLY substack I read. I decided when the insanity unfolded and information overload doesn't help, to cut back even more on "news and comment" even though I have (almost) never owned a TV or listened to Money Slave Media (M$M). DDU to me, even though I thought of completely clearing the deck, remained the one that really tells me what I need to know and also gives me a good barometer of the resistance building potentials down under. It's also the only place I share my "pearls of wisdom" as we know where pearls belong and where they do not.
Thank you Rebekah for putting in the sincere and severe effort to do all the research, the consistency, the patience and perseverence ("Sabr" - a most extolled virtue!) as I know from over a decade of doing a very similar thing back in the day, it is a very rewarding effort but it also can come at great sacrifice to one's health and balance. I hope that your readers, all of us, will not be mere consumers but at the very least pass on these articles to others to read, and even better be more motivated to actually doing something (as you and some others clearly ARE doing) practical to build resistance.
Yes thank you Rebekah for patience and perseverance- god knows I have first one in very short supply at times
I have also recently unsubcribed from a number of substackers I'd been following for many months, even years. Takes a while to sort wheat from chaff and apart from that, information overload is real. However, limiting subscriptions to one's favourite substacker, particularly from one's own country, is not a good idea either.
I do agree. It all depends on one's situation for sure such as health and what you can manage.
I really like Die Fackel 2.0 for an EU perspective. He does a bunch of translations and is quite funny.
No-one has given valid consent to this medical intervention...
And major players in abusing consent are the medical profession, they're a tool that has been used by many evildoers in the past.
If the medical profession had spoken out and said "we can't do this, we can't do this under coercion, under mandates" it wouldn't have happened...but, apart from a persecuted few, they didn't speak out.
For more background, please see my recent email to Health Minister Mark Butler:
Well done. Mark Buttler was the minister in charge of "Aged Care" when countless elderly including my Beloved Mother were "legally" murdered via forced dehydration agains the wishes of first born who were threatened with exclusion from premises and more. He "ruled" (puppet muppet) throughout the entire period when "Enduring Power of Guardianship" did not have ANY safeguards against being signed under coercion, did he CARE? I've been into his office. Stacks of Australien Constitution for free handout. But when you point to some terrible clauses in it, they are gob smacked: they have NOT read it THEMSELVES, and/or do not CARE and are surprised anyone noticed, they certainly felt there was nothing worth fixing IF they ever did read it. These are psychopaths plain and simple, and they are only towing the line, they have no real input of their own, they are all heavily compromised. The best parliament is a hung parliament and the best politician is a hung politician.
Can you comments on the editor's note "*Editor’s note: Subject to ongoing comment from the TGA, reference to the BioNTech Investigator’s Brochure has been removed."
Hi Gary, sure. In the first iteration of this article, I referenced a figure from a BioNTech Investigator's Brochure which appears to show vax mRNA spike in the cell nucleus. This is the interpretation of several consulting scientists on the GMO case, and Arkmedic explained it here:
I sought comment from the TGA, but they failed to respond by publication deadline.
The TGA finally responded two days after the deadline denying this interpretation.
Given the TGA's strong denial, it didn't sit right to not include it, but parsing the arguments on each side was too complex a matter for this article and would likely require an article just on its own, which is what I will probably attend to next. So, the conservative decision was made to remove this line from the article.
Your article does however contain a direct link to
the FOI document 2183-09 for those wanting a copy.
The Investigator Brochure by BioNTech FOI-2183-09 states on page 25 that "These results show that both antigens are processed within the endoplasmic reticulum for secretion and/or surface expression, which is a prerequisite for increased bioavailability and improved induction of an immune response." The figure does not show entry of the Spike into the nucleus.
Thanks Geoff. What do you think of Jikky's rebuttal?
That Jikky Twitter link takes us to a Figure 2.19 from another document FOI-2389-06 that is completely different to Figure 7 in the FOI-2183-09
FOI-2389-06 was what the TGA used as evidence to deny the interpretation of spike in nucleus - they treat it as showing the same as the Investigators Brochure. Why do you think it's different?
TGA's full response for your reference:
"The figure shows co-localisation of SARS-CoV-2 derived vaccine antigens V5 (stained green) with an endoplasmic reticulum marker (stained red). It does not show the spike protein in the nucleus.
This was also demonstrated in another study by the same sponsor and discussed in the relevant Nonclinical Evaluation Report (FOI 2389-6, see pages 34-35). See also the published study by Kalnin KV et al (2021)
Neither the vaccine mRNA or protein enter the nucleus."
So your article would be better if it has a link to FOI-2389-06 rather than the one used in Arkmedic Substack.
"researchers now need to find out whether in vitro findings are replicated in humans."
Bravo. Correct. The ghouls at the TGA are covering up species-level extinction (us).
Edit: and may I just say, I am so so glad that others like Rebekah are covering topics like this. I was viciously deplatformed and unpersoned in 2020 for warning people about what was coming and have completely eschewed these topics. I essentially gave up because I could see that there was no way to stop it. Now I just focus on large-scale issues. I am not face-forward for a reason and it is heartening to see journalists really picking up the torch with a fresh perspective. Nice work Rebekah.
I’m not sure about extinction. I would think transhumanism more likely, per Yuval Noah Harari’s Homo Deus. Albeit with much chronic illness and perhaps shorter lifespan. But I’m not really in the business of predicting the future.
Species are usually based on % genetic similarity. For microbes, they are binned at 97%. Anything with a greater % difference in genome is considered a different taxon. In scientific terms, I think humanity is splitting into different taxa. In spiritual terms, that is above my pay grade.
Edit: people ask the question 'what is a woman?' Perhaps soon we will be asking 'what is a human?' There will be Homo deus and Homo sapiens sapiens. Given that YNH inverts everything because he is posessed, the fact that he calls the 'new human' H. deus should be a clear indicator of where this is headed. This is a catastrophic situation and the key question we are facing. Wading into this territory makes people very, very angry.
It is not a stretch to presume that the globocap oiler-banker-owner-investors were fed-up with a population that they consider is costing too much in retirement, welfare and medical costs, which are expenses they consider to be net outgoings with too little to none returns.
As they establish their new multipolar International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS; incidentally, the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine looks to have been given the green light because the expected retaliatory sanctions on Russia by NATO partners would catalyze the establishment of the new system, so we should expect no end to war until the finalization of the IMFS, and furthermore this would explain the avoidance if not utter condemnation of anything even resembling peace negotiations, the otherwise inexplicable pressuring of Ukraine to continue fighting for an impossible, unobtainable victory, and the squandering of billions from NATO partner treasuries on weapons which are immediately incinerated by the Russian Armed Forces) it isn't unthinkable that they would want to get rid of at least the retired segment of the population who would not be as exploitable in the many ways they anticipate for the rest of the population when their new IMFS and the Synthetic Hegemonic Currency is fully-entrenched and in operation.
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
That was the study that made me realise we had crossed the Rubicon as a species. I could not believe they did not consider reverse transcriptase which is biology 101. Therefore, I can only conclude this was intentional.
People - please stay alert to alpha-gal syndrome. They are blaming it on ticks. While true (and a result of the bioweapons research at Plum Island) it has been embedded in the shots. They are engineering bovine protein allergies for a 'meat free future.'
Good job Rebekah.
I'm running out of positive adjectives to describe your work, Rebekah; absolutely fantastic article! It is despicable that our so-called regulators have failed so spectacularly in their duty, and continue to do so rather than admit their errors. Each day I am more and more dismayed by the way this catastrophic situation is unfolding and wonder what it will take for sense to return to our institutions (will it ever?). We are living through a very dark time, but I take hope in the many good people (a substantial number of whom have subject matter experience) fighting to hold Big Pharma, our governments and our regulatory authorities accountable, and find out the true impact of these products.
" will be years until the range of potential harms can be properly assessed."
I don't agree. It will become as self-evident as it was at the outset, the 1200 or more listed adverse events of special interest in the 6mo Pfizer trial results (2021). What may take years is the focussed intransigence of the participants and their nodding institutional dupes, although by the time the collective clowns face the gallows or the equivalent, I vouch to suggest that the choice of life should have become abundantly clear to the wider populace with little effort.
Sure, I just meant to go through the scientific process of testing hypotheses.
I take the point even though they no longer appear so fashionable ;-)
"Regulators say there is ‘no evidence’ of all manner of safety concerns with the Covid drugs, but rarely (if ever?) offer evidence to disprove the concerns."
Another case of not wanting to look because you know what you'd find.
Thank you for all the excellent work you are doing to uncover the truth, Rebekah. It WILL keep being revealed as you and all the other investigators keep shining a light on the harm that Big Pharma and all who are connected with them have been perpetrating on their fellow humans.
Since you mentioned precautionary principle I thought you may find the Victorian governments Orwellian legislated definition interesting if not mind boggling.
Section 6 under our Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic)
"6 Precautionary principle
If a public health risk poses a serious threat, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a
reason for postponing measures to prevent or control the public health risk."
Compound this with the fact that they did postpone measures to prevent and control covid, namely begins with I and ends with censored, that were then and are now acknowledged to help.
Death sentences for doctors, scientists, politicians, ALL Pfizer employees, cleaners upwards to CEO.
That's over-kill... (yes, excuse me).
The precise & exact consequence of their *knowing actions will fall due, in full, at the appropriate time.
For evidence, open your eyes.
Don't fret, don't sweat.
* cleaners? come-on, Man
My dad, dead, ex-best mate who wouldn't listen dead. His 17 y.o. son heart attack (a footy player!). C'mon? Man? Cmon? Yeah mate, come here 🫴 we'll have a chat about how fkn vengeful The UnVaxxed are feeling. Concentration camp anybody? Take your blindfold off, piss on forgiveness.
Were people ever to clearly see and comprehensively know what has already been done, how sweepingly thorough the deception has been, and to know what has been planned for so long and is finally unfolding, and were they ever to understand what it all means - I mean to truly, deeply apprehend, or grok, if you will - what is going on and why it is happening, I honestly believe what you are proposing as punishment for these fiends would outright be considered far too lenient and unjustifiably indulgent.
Truly, there can be no forgiveness, nor can or should this ever be forgotten.
Heh. Yeah, I grok. Like Michael Valentine Smith seeing the Monkey Cage, at the zoo, I grok it. Unlike the Torturers Empire, Amerika, however; I do not believe that ANY Elite$ will respond to rehab.
Here is a formula: Mankind in peril, 8 billion VERSUS 6000 Billionaire families, who "possess" 70% of the planet. Do ya grok S.u.b.s.t.r.a.c.t.i.o.n?
Sincere condolences for the loss of your loved ones. They, and you, are victims of a crime most heinous.
C c.
Once your DNA has altered by these dreaded experimental toxic jabs the recipients DNA is subsequently owned by the patent holder.
Too much activity on the web pages and not enough action !!!!
If we don't don't make a stand now.....It'll never happen.
Now, am I alone in thinking that "Duty of Care" means that if you see someone by the side of the road, injured and potentially dying, you have a duty to stop and care for them?
I think not, I'm sure any natural person not removed from their natural human self would think so.
I attended a necessary examination for First Aid in Australia. The entire course was designed to allow you to be able to administer first aid, obviously. But early in the course, I think on the first day, the instructor told us in no unclear terms what DUTY OF CARE is, and that we need to understand it.
DUTY OF CARE means that IF you elect to provide ANY care, you are LEGALLY BOUND by the consequences such as failure to administer proper care. HOWEVER, if you elect to IGNORE the one requiring care and simply move on to let them suffer and die you are NOT LEGALLY BOUND by the duty of care, and there will be no negative consequences for you.
He shared this NOT as some wisdom he had discovered, or with ANY irony he shared it purely as a MATTER OF FACT ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ON THE ST JOHNS ADMINISTERED COURSE.
And do you think even ONE other of the around 20 Australiens along with me on the course felt this was bad? NO, not one voiced anything. I stopped him after he said that and was moving on to the next subject. I questioned this, saying that this seems like Duty of Care on its head. He simply said, no, this is the actual definition of Duty of Care, and evidently he did not see anything wrong with it.
This and I can give so many other examples of things that took place WELL BEFORE this latest new normal, were ALREADY the new normal, I do not know since when as I was absent from Australia while the population were cooked slowly like frogs already from the late 70s onward with ever accelerating exponential speed increase.
Indeed, I wonder why this hasn't been considered, given this "Duty of care" legal issue is a fact and is the opposite of what a rational caring person would think. As an example of this, I was once at an aged care centre when I had a pulse of around 200 BPM, I collapsed on the floor but was conscious and asking for help. 4 nurses came but would not touch me, they stayed at a distance. I was helpless on the floor in the reception area of the "Aged Care" facility, what I needed was at least one person to come and hold my hand or comfort me even if not render any required medical assistance. Three were Asians, one was European Australien. One told me from a safe distance that they don't want to be liable! I said if you do NOT render assistance and I survive, I'll sue you in court! Imagine if I'd not been able to say this, what might have happened, few would be able in this condition to speak let alone think of a response. The European (white Australien) nurse finally relented, and gave me water, and checked my pulse. It was off the charts, I believe she said over 200. This was way higher than the maximum for a heart of my age. She was shocked and said call an ambulance! Shortly after an ambulance arrived and attended to me, they were highly unprofessional, that's another story, Australien ambulance crews are often complete morons, walking meat blobs. I survived this, but my Mother who I was visiting did not, and that's another story. She was "LEGALLY" murdered in that "Aged Care" facility some time later. And the "ombudsman" for Aged Care was a blind man: how can someone who is blind and cannot read emotions and other signs of honesty or dishonesty in testimony be the decider? Easy: they always have to simply decide on the side of these facilities which is a money making business in bed with the regulators, and these "independent" "Ombudsmen" are anything but. The stench of the evil, corruption and fried meat lumps that is called "Australia" reaches to the high heavens. The entire system cannot be reformed, it is way beyond that and has gone way beyond that point for decades now. It must be completely dismantled, destroyed, collapse and an entirely different one based on Natural Law and Justice built from the bottom up in its place.
Igen, magyar vagyok. Valahol máshol nőttem fel, ebbe az országba jöttem, de újra megszöktem. Most nem tudok jól magyarul. A legjobbakat kívánom. Melyik államban vagy?