May 20, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thank you Rebekah

Here is a great interview via Graham Hood

with a vaccine injured Perth lady who worked in the health/medical industry and owned a business whose life it has to be said has been pretty much ruined by these mandates and poison injections.

I don’t see McCoward running to help more likely turning his back as he has done the whole way through ‘Covid’ to common sense, clear data and medical feedback.


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Graham Hood like so many in the so called truth movement has deceived people with their lies, He says the Anzacs fought for us , blatant lie , and he says there are no chemtrails , another blatant lie , until the jew question is asked by so many dumbed down and clueless people ,expect much more of the same Genocide of the West and white people(the cancer of society) according to many jews, the courts won't fix it they are riddled with pedos and criminals , the police won't fix it they are riddled with pedos and traitor criminals , and the military won't fix it as they are riddled with pedos and traitors, quite clearly Covid is 100% Jewish and Hitler was always right , and never gassed a single jew ....believe what you want but it won't change the truth, It's the jews man, it's always been the jews. We are the ones we've been waiting for , no one else will help , especially jesus who never existed ..

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

its this type of rubbish, likely posted by AFP cyber-surveillance employee, that gets picked up by news.com to suggest Rebekah is far right. Youre an idiot Bob. And your post is so patently ridiculous its amazing your employers maintain the hold over people's perspectives they do.

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Sticks and stones pal, never said a word about Rebekah, just goes to show your IQ , so as i said believe what you want but if it's all lies , whats the point? , Baa, Baa, comes to mind , Did you Vaccinate (clotshot), did you wear a mask ? and participate in this fraud ? not me? do you consent to the 28 pedophiles censored in the Government exposed by Bill Heffernan 2015 ? Do you consent to a Zionist Jew government ? you take a look and all i say is true get over it and wake up would be a good start maybe you are part of the tribe , you know the ones who still suck fresh cut 8 day old baby penis, and spit it back into glass with wine and make bread etc ? I'm awake are you , I'm half jewish as well and i know with all the holocaust liars getting caught out and all the great jewish people exposing it and communism that yes Hitler was right even the rabbis say that 3 so far all on jewtube bitchute etc bla bla bla ..thanks for the comment i guess you've got some more name calling know , or you want to beat my head in ..the truth will set you freeeeee!! Rabbi says Hitler was right have a listen take off your rose coloured glasses..https://odysee.com/@truthteller:3/video_220109185016_vdee6_hd:0

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https://odysee.com/@MadAussie:7/Senator-Bill-Heffernan's-speech-Australia-2015:5 Gues I'm a bad "person " for exposing the pedophiles behind covid , bad me ...have a close listen and look at the empty chairs around him .

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May 20, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thank you Rebekah

You are doing great work

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Thank you for your good work.

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I've come across and transcribed many, so many testimonies of jab injury from Australia. This is one you may have already seen but, I only found it recently-- such is the censorship and shadow-banning.

Young girl DIES from VACCINE - Her mother has an emotional message to others (Caitlin Gotze))Feb 15, 2022

Starmax News


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at an outdoor protest rally in Canberra, Australia. Raelene Kennedy holds a card with photographs of her daughter Caitlin Gotze, a previously healthy 23 year-old woman who, after her second Pfizer jab, died of an enlarged heart on November 17, 2021. This excerpt is Raelene Kennedy's answer to the reporter's question about how she feels about the government's covering up vaccine injuries and deaths. For more information see also https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-4-caitlin



RAELENE KENNEDY (mother of Caitlin Gotze): I can't believe it because I'm just the most honest, law-abiding, we all are! Taxpayer, hard worker, like, I don't, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm no conspiracy theorist, I'm just a normal person, and then one day, my daughter drops dead and all of this. I just started, I just, the only thing, I wish, I wish, I wish I had of been aware of this before. I wish I had of looked, I wish I had of researched.

If I can do anything, so far in this journey, it's been 12 weeks since Caitlin passed but she has saved lives, just getting her message out, and just so people know that if you have a shortness of breath, if you don't feel right, look up what pericarditis and myocarditis, look up aneurisms, look up everything that they're now putting out, Queensland Health and possibly the rest of Australia, I don't know, putting out, these are the symptoms. Look them up. And if you have that, MRIs are now free. Queensland Health especially has made MRIs free for vaccine-related or vaccine-suspected injuries.

So why would they do that if they've got nothing to hide? Why would they compensate you for vaccine injuries if they've got nothing to hide?

And they're saying it doesn't exist. Like, it it's just unbelievable. I just feel like it's not real, I just feel like it's a dream and one day I'm going to wake up because every other minute, like even here, I'm going, you know, I have to tell Caitlin this, or show Cailtin these beautiful German shepherds that are walking past, or there's a car that looks like Caitlin's car, or I just every other minute I think, because she was my best friend, you know? I think, I'll just talk to Caitlin. And she's not here.

And I think there are so many signs, so many signs. I think this is what she would have wanted, she wouldn't have wanted to have died for no reason. She would want to to save people, to help people, to get the message out that, just be aware and save yourself, and don't take no for an answer. No, don't be the next victim.



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This is one of the earliest testimonies I found, also from Australia.


posted August 28, 2021.

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This video depicts a teenaged girl whose mouth is covered with what looks like a large bandage, sitting at a table and holding up pieces of paper, one in turn, each part of a message from her mother, who is a registered geriatric nurse in Australia.


My mum has been a registered nurse since 1994

She has had extensive experience working in many different areas, ICU, maternity, oncology, district nursing, paediatrics, coronary care, theatre and taught nursing at university

She now works in Aged Care in Melbourne and loves her job.

Since this pandemic started, the facility she works at have had no one become sick or die from 'Covid 19.'

Nearly all 120 residents have been vaccinated with the Pfizer "Comirnaty" coronavirus vaccine.

10-15% of her residents have had severe adverse reactions or have died from the vaccine. CVAs "CerebroVascular Accidents" "Strokes"

Extensive deep vein thrombosis

Purpuric whole body rashes

Shingles breakouts

Sudden unexpected death

Obvious overall health decline - > death

None of these reactions were reported by their doctors or by the facility manager

My mum reported all of these to the TGA in her own time, requesting anonymity due to fear of retribution

My mum cannot speak out because the nurses governing body "AHPRA"

Has gagged all health care workers from speaking against government recommendations

AHPRA is threatening loss of registration to work in their profession if caught


These vaccines are dangerous

These vaccines are injuring people

These vaccines are killing people

And now our children are being subjected to these experimental vaccines

(Yes... this worldwide vaccine rollout is a trial, due to finish in 2023-2025)

Our children, that have next to ZERO chance of dying of Covid 19

These vaccines DO NOT stop infection

These vaccines DO NOT stop virus transmission

To expect herd immunity from these two facts is INSANE

Side effects and deaths from these coronavirus vaccines are not being taken seriously

are not being appropriately reported

and are being dismissed as coincidental

Thousands of doctors, researchers, epidemiologists, nurses, are being CENSORED WORLDWIDE



Do not trust your government

They are hiding the truth from you

Do not trust mainstream media

They are hiding the truth from you

This pandemic is not about health and safety

This is political...

These lockdowns need to stop...

Worldwide pandemic preparedness plans have never included lockdowns

Lockdowns are destroying lives

Suicide rates have dramatically increased

Drug and alcohol use significantly increased

There have been delays in preventative health screening and treatment

Domestic violence and family breakdowns have increased

The psychological impact on society is HUGE

Not to mention the huge financial impacts on individuals and families...


I beg of you

Get off Facebook and YouTube

Stop watching mainstream TV

Go to "telegram" "bitchute" or "signal"

Listen to the silenced

Listen for the truth

Trust your intuition

Health does not come from the end of a needle

Boost your immune systems

Eat a variety of organic fresh foods -- avoid sugar and processed fake food

Get fresh air, sunshine, and exercise every day

And FFS, take off those stupid bloody masks!!


that proves community mask wearing does anything to stop you from catching a virus


If you value yours, your families and your childrens lives

Do. Not. Touch. This. Vaccine.


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Last one (but please know, there are so many, many more testimonies). I admire this guy's spirit. He's from Scotland.

John Watt Calls Out the Cardiologists


Dec 15, 2022

Text of tweet:

PET scan results = MYOCARDITIS!

Left for over a year with myocarditis, gaslighted and left to believe this was all in my head!

People need to realise you know your own body better than any Dr will!




JOHN WATT: I just thought I'd give everyone a quick update in regard to my PET scan I got last week. I got the results at the start of the week. And it turns out myocarditis. Myocarditis. It's taken over a year to diagnose me and a specialist in the UK, a specialist cardiologist in the UK, to tell me that it's myocarditis from the vaccine. I've seen over about 5 different cardiologists in Scotland, not one of them as soon as I say this is from the vaccine not one of them want to acknowledge me. Well there you have it. Myocarditis one year later after the vaccine. I've been complaining about chest pain, complaining about heart issues, and what was I told? It's anxiety, PTSD, health anxiety, all in my fu*king head. And now the confirmation that it wasn't.

This is a message to all the health professionals. I'm going to start calling you the health unprofessionals. If I had sat here and had just accepted what you told me, I would never had got an answer and never understood what was going on with my heart here. I want people to realize it took me a year and it's taken me 27,000 pounds to get an answer for my heart. I want people to realize if you're going to your doctor and your doctors tell you this is in your head, that's anxiety and whatnot, you know your body better than these fu*kers! You know yourself better than this!

This vaccine is doing more harm than good. One year they have left me with myocarditis. I think it's time for people to start questioning, people start questioning the health professionals. It's time for you health professionals to realize you're doing more harm than good. I could have take my own life because yous made me believe this was in my head! This narrative will change in the near future. Trust me when I say it! I want this message to get around the whole world. And make yous realize it's time to start doing the right thing. You're killing people and making people think they're going fu*king crazy!



# # #


John Watt's GoFundMe page.


Therein, his girlfriend Keri writes:

"Hi my name is Kerri, I am helping my partner John pay for his private medical treatments. It’s not easy for me to ask, but we could really do with some help. This all started back in November of 2021, after John received his 3rd v dose…  He immediately had significant adverse affects including raised blood pressure, dizziness and fatigue which have severely affected his health and well-being. He soon after started experiencing nausea and retching and lost 15kg in little over 3 weeks. His heart rate was doubling on standing and he was unable to walk/stand or sit. The NHS doctors and hospital had no clue what was wrong with him and kept fobbing us off. For several weeks they left him to rot away at home sick in his bed blaming medication side effects, anxiety and mental health for his symptoms...."



John Watt is featured in the documentary "Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion"


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Thanks Rebekah for the update.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I donated the little that I could afford about a month ago. Just went back to see how its going and was disappointed to see that the account is going to be terminated 1st of June. They are suggesting donations go directly to a bank account now and I hope there are many that have done so as the crowd funding pages has only 300 donations and are well short of the goal.

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I wouldn't worry. $150K is a good start. My understanding is you only need about $500K to run an action like this. A lot of platforms are pulling the rug out from under vaccine injury projects, but I don't think that will hinder this action too much.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

2 thumbs up from me, a good interview and an incredibly important lawsuite to take all the way through to completion.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

I am reading "Dissolving Illusions: disease, vaccines and the forgotten history" published 2015 and it fascinating. Couple key take aways relevant to now;

1. vaccines never worked, ever.

2. from the 1850 to 1940 when compulsory small pox vaccinations were enforced citizens rioted, were jailed and shot before letting their kids get vaccinated, because for decades and decades they had experienced the uselessness of vaccination along with the disease and side effects it caused.

3. but it didnt matter the courts always sided with the gov/health authority.

There is something very rotten in the bureaucracy (its not jews, or rothschilds or rockefellers) and i think it has to be a brave judge who offers real justice.

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Couple of great interviews with Roman Bystrianyk author of that book here, you may have to search site for other ones.

By the time the measles ‘vaccine’ was introduced the death rate in the US was 1/100,000 or non existent.

Vaccines are useless - we have been lied to.


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May 20, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thanks Rebekah.

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I look forward to listening to this. Thank you

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I can't get the interview to play, Rebekah.

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Neither can I. I tried the daily clout website and the rumble site. Other videos on rumble are working. Why not this one I wonder.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

It's loading finallyLook forward to listening to it.

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Followed the link. The ads play and then nothing.

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Yet, some commenters say they have watched it. Has it been taken down?

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Already tried. Doesn't work.

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Damn that's so weird. I'm not sure what to do! Can you watch it in the embed in the Daily Clout page? Both links are working in my browsers.


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Yay!! that works. Ta for that.

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The Vaccinated

Are Starting To Realize

That Once They Get Sick

They Are Not Going To Get Better.

The Freak-Out Has Begun.


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