Third option: total demoralisation.

Australia is in a deliberate state of hypernormalisation (a Soviet term). Essentially, we are in a situation where the lies are total and we are just waiting for collapse. My article on this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/hypernormalisation-the-australian

"In the 1970s-80s, Soviets knew their system was failing, but no one could imagine anything different to the status quo. Hypernormalisation causes everyone in society to maintain the ‘pretense of a functioning society’ even as it is completely falling apart."

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I agree with the hypernormaliiisation but it.is not falling apart for most people, isn't it? Rebakah's reporting on how younger people react to what is going on mirrors my own conversations with my Gen X sons. They know government and mainstream media is lying. They both got coerced into taking the jab. One ended up in ED thinking he is going to die with extreme chest pain. Released 6 hours later. Diagnosis: Anxiety Attack and literally: "You are good to go for 2nd jab." Which he took as he wanted to keep on working. Now his 25 year old girl friend out-of-tbe-blue diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. His business also took a big dive due to Covid restrictions in NZ. They struggle atm due to Immensly high cost-of-living. With all this happening to them, you should think they are livid and ready to hit the streets in protest. They are not. Yes, he is a bit angry but they are not desperate. They still get by. They still hope for a better future. And that's where our overlords got so much smarter than in the past. They very slowly tighten the screws. They overdid it with Covid, yes, but I think tbey learned from it. And Gen X and Y sleepwalk from new normal to new normal, always given just enough to not rebel and keep on working and striving for less and less while the bureaucratic-industrial cabal gets fatter and fatter and more powerful.

This was prepared decades ago at schools. I was always flabbergasted how apolitical Gen X were compared to my generation at the same age. Also no clue about democracy and history. It was all about making money, consuming and having a good time.

And that is the biggest concern atm. While my son's are aware of the lies, they do not see the much bigger danger: That democracy itself is under severe attack. They have no idea of the consequences of that for the rest of their lives. They also have no idea how hard it will be to get it back. And they do not want to be informed about it either. Head in the sand and hope they will get by somehow.

This is a slow calculated take-over and I they keep the masses just under that pain threshold that could spark resistance. I do not know what can be done about it because most people do not want to wake up to this annoying and uncomfortable problem as long they get by and have some hope left. That's my assessment atm. I hope I am wrong.

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Aug 2, 2023
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But of course. Say, when do we declare the WEF a terrorist organisation?

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I literally had a coworker today ask me if I’d seen the headline, quite shell shocked at what this might imply … he was rather put out by my disdain and reply that this is indeed a limited hangout and the tip of the ocean regarding lies, obfuscation, corruption etc. He’s by no means a covid zealot, but he genuinely could not grasp the implications or fathom how I could be saying I knew it was a scam back in March 2020, as if there’s no way anyone could have known because not even the media knew … if anyone had known back then it would have been reported. That is the sad reality of the average normie.

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That's good to hear that he's starting to process it. I remember when I realised the first big lie and it started to dawn on me that it was ALL lies... it was very overwhelming.

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I wish I shared your optimism Rebekah :) … I have a feeling that this limited hangout acknowledgement of certain “uncovered truths” exists to ensure that the BIG lies remain a conspiracy … “SEE, the media IS looking into this, believe us when we tell you that the vaccines were ALWAYS and still ARE safe, effective and necessary”. Another colleague was saying just recently that he’ll be getting his next booster because his most recent bout of covid was more than 6 months ago … his argument being “he listens to his doctor father”. The con was massively successful, and wilful blindness unfortunately is the order of the day. We are not surrounded by strong minded people anymore.

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Le sigh.

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Greg - you have touched a raw nerve. I estimate that only about 20% of the Australian population in 2020 were apprehensive or suspicious about the promised novel injectables. The corollary of this is that most of the remaining 80% of the population simply accepts at face value what some talking-head reading off a teleprompter is telling them on the particular version of the Fake News that they watch every night – or what some lying ‘journalist’ says in their favourite newspaper. Yes - I know that most people under 30 no longer use corporate media in that way – but they do access their version of Fake News from other sources. The principle is the same – 80% of the population live in a reality constructed for them by corporate oligarchs. (You only have to watch the ‘Footy Show’ for 5 minutes to understand our national problem). The guiding principle of that 80% is: “If it is not on “The News”, then it cannot be true!” That is the psychology of your work colleague.

And by the way - within that 20% of recalcitrants who were suspicious of the injectables was a substantial element of traditional Coalition voters who responded by angrily redirecting their votes away from the Coalition parties in the last Federal election - thus contributing to the fall of the Morrison Government. The evidence is that the people who run the Liberal Party have not understood this – they prefer to continue to examine the entrails of fake opinion polls and phoney focus groups for their political wisdom! That is why the LNP machine men last month downgraded QLD LNP Senator Gerard Rennick to an unwinnable position on the senate ticket. Their theory was that he had to be punished for trying to represent the thousands of vaccine-injured in their desperate search for justice - so they want him out of the parliament. Clever, Eh!

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100% spot on … it’s part of the bitter pill we all have to swallow, the realisation that the Lieberals aren’t a solution, and indeed are now increasingly part of the problem. We no longer have political representation, as can be seen from the endless cavalcade of UN-derived or Davos-inspired party political messaging and talking points, not just out of Canberra but from the states and local government. I knew Rennick was done, Antic will be next. The ‘Blob’ cannot abide any opposition, you will do as you are told, The Party is all that matters. The absolute cretins that stand up in parliament and speak in platitudes and lies for a living are just following their orders, and those orders are written by unelected bastards in thinktanks profiting off our diminishment ad a country and as a society … not ideal for one’s mental health!

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Typical tactic. Wait until people are so exhausted & pained by all the argument & upset, that NOW we'll release some truths.

We / People NEEDED the truth back then.. when I knew this Truth.

Late in this case is not better.

It's proof of devious behaviour. (Ooops! We missed this!)

I call BS.

It's insulting.

& IF they're truly guilty of missing it (1%) then they're HORRIBLY incompetent, & they deserve to go down to the alternative news media, along with the rest of MSM.

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It's even worse that that - standard tactic - they pretend to suddenly 'uncover the truth' (therefore this MUST be the truth!) only to make sure you are kept looking in the opposite direction to the truth. And look! We are throwing Fauci under the bus ... with a bungee harness.

Yes, it is insulting

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The limited hangout.

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Doesn’t surprise me at all that the attitude is ‘meh’. I remember asking friends when this debacle first started “what if we are being lied to?” Crickets, absolute, utter crickets. I couldn’t believe the apathy and lack of any kind of awareness.

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It's a double edged sword. My octogenarian mother's blood pressure has gone up significantly since I managed to have her see the light for what it is. So has mine for that matter. I am actually amazed that I still sleep at night. Maybe it was better for my Mum to remain in blissful ignorance. Living under a globalist tyrannical left is nirvana if you are a useful idiot (or simply trying to be purposely ignorant as my Mum used to be) but it is a nightmare equal to living as a citizen in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union for someone like me. And probably most of us here.

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Yes. It was seriously alarming, as if BS, deceit, lies, etc don't matter anymore.

A short period of 'Blissful Ignorance'.. may very well be a prelude to a NWO.

It's clearly in transit.

It seems most have been lulled/programmed into mindless obedience.

We all need to look for the information we're NOT being told.

Problem is, now they¹re introducing 'disinformation' legislation so that THEY¹ can hide or even punish revelations of inconvenient Truths / unwanted information.

"It's a wicked Web we weave..."

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Indeed. So now we need to all enter parliament so we too can be exempt. The fact they have exempted themselves is beyond laughable.

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"This kind of docile disengagement is a prerequisite for the successful exercise of authoritarian control in a society that has not yet devolved into out-and-out rule by violence." Well said. Have people always been this lazy and passive, or is it simply a symptom of late-stage empire? The lack of interest in what was done to us these past three years is unfathomably eerie. I have a strange sense that reality bifurcated sometime in 2020 and we are now in two separate realities. A minority of us are beside ourselves with the lies and the majority simply do not care.

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I think late-stage empire coupled with information overwhelm. Our problem is not access to information, it's curation of information. It's a big ask for people to sift through the avalanche, I don't think our brains have evolved to fully cope yet. MSM are supposed to perform the curation role (agenda setting) for us, but this has been subverted.

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Capricorn – you ask: “Have people always been this lazy and passive, or is it simply a symptom of late-stage empire?”

The answer is “Yes” – the apathy seems to be a ‘normal’ part of the human condition – but perhaps aggravated by late-stage imperial decline.

During my overlong lifetime I have found that the great majority of people are timid about engaging in potential confrontation, or taking leadership on difficult issues - (say in politics) - that seem to distantly affect them at that moment. So they shy away from it. They psychologically excuse their inaction by building a mental construct that “Somebody else will take care of it”. It is only when they realise that the metaphorical wolf is at their personal door that they become agitated and motivated to consider self-defence – but by then it is usually too late.

This syndrome seems particularly prevalent in Australia - where in its beginnings as a penal colony - that colonial society was totally dependent on government to provide answers to problems – such as the dwindling food supplies in the first five years. (Most Australians do not realise that all the basic cultural attributes of Australian society were established during those first fifty years of settlement as a penal colony. It is not taught in our dumbed-down education system). A very common attitude of many Australians is the expectation that ‘someone’ in government or authority will solve their problems. Thus, we have an enormous overburden of legislative restrictions and regulations – much more so than most other Western countries.

The trouble with this dependency mindset is that it does not allow for the possibility of government structures and personnel that have become so corrupt and self-serving that they would happily assault ‘the Demos’ – the general population – such as has occurred over the last three years with the coerced application of the unsafe mRNA genetic injectables.

However, one must always remain hopeful. There remains the possibility that as the excess death rates continue on into the future with an expanding shock wave of turbo-cancers, neurological impairment, cardiac failure, etc., that the families and friends of those so affected will start demanding serious answers from the authority figures responsible. In fact, if things get too bad, then there may not be enough lamp posts in the cities to satisfy the thirst for justice from an enraged populace.

And by the way – wherever did the previous Federal Health Minister disappear to? You know, the guy who worked for the World Economic Forum before he entered politics? He must know something.

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Two separate realities yes, the Matrix film was set up to illustrate this.

This is a spiritual operation. It's easier to stay sane when one knows it is an act of theatre and Spirit actually exists (in spite of the church). The ego keeps one stuck in the material world but the greater/greatest reality is eternal and this is like a freaky gag that happens at the end of a major cycle. Civilisation collapses in cases where the ego can't be overcome- because the ego is the mechanical part of the brain which physically builds the reality- but it is not the only reality. It needs to be balanced by the right brain- art, music, meditation, peace, nature etc.

This is why it's a spiritual operation. They want everyone to start to realise the ego's downward spiral and look up. Death isn't the end- that sort of thing. Because it's true.

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They had this “vaccine” in 2015 and the FDA told them it couldn’t be passed because of the damage, because it was gene altering and could only be used under EUA . They tried before Sars1 MERS, Swine flu etc. this time with censorship and all the over the top restrictions they managed to turn a normal flu season into fear. The bug was never the problem the vaccine is a bioweapon causing death an destruction. Two days ago in Melbourne they announced 15,000 people are on Workcover for vaccine injuries caused by workplace mandates.

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Sad that we have to rely on some other government acting in THEIR citizens best interest in order to expose the truth out OUR government that keeps lying to us.

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It's diabolically difficult to break thru the entrenched mentality that we should trust MSM, politicians & government.

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If I was you I'd write off fact letters to all of the Murdoch newspapers. I just had one published, no questions asked, quoting the huge increase in hospitalisations for post-vaccine complications T88.1

They are RIPE for it.

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These stories are circulating at the same time war with China is being discussed. 🙃

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besides fauci, what about all the other tyrannical leaders like our mark mcgowan who forced people to have the vaccine. he was aware this violated human rights, that the vaccine would fail as the R naught values of the virus was too high, that most people infected in NSW (98.6%) were vaccinated, and that young healthy people did not need this vaccine. Lots of children were also vaccinated on his say so. many people were harmed by his decisions. he also started "vaccism", the segregation of the unvaccinated and pushed vaccine passports. if not for omicron (20 times weaker than delta variant), we would still have vaccine passports. we do NOT want to have a repeat of this nonsense but he passed laws to enable the WA government to do this all again, even to physically force people to have a vaccine in the future.

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You nail it with the loss of belief in the MSM alongside the paradoxical belief that it’s only real if it’s in the MSM. I’ve noticed this absurdity for a while now too. Classic double-bind that keeps people in the lie.

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Go to any Pub,Club, Shopping Centre, Theme Park, etc & really observe & listen. You will see/sense/ hear the massive problems we have in just our beautiful country. Many, many, people, not all, have been so dumbed down they simply cannot THINK. Very frustrating for anyone who follows these posts. New Island anyone?

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So sad, but true. The bulk of the public just aren’t interested in doing the work.

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Too many things were in lockstep, and planned responses of lockdown, masks and forced vaccination by a novel brand new, never used before cellular genetic injection... That this was planned, not necessarily by China as a country, but China as the WEF's plaything... If we went to war with China, while it would be real and many will die, it won't be country v country, it will be orchestrated theatre ... Especially if it's over lab leak (but I think more likely Taiwan or such thing).

I mean the elites WANT us to live like the Chinese, every move, every word scrutinised to give you a social credit score, if you're not up to scratch no food for you this week, your CBDC will not allow food, maybe no food for the people you talked to... Maybe your CBDC has an expiry date, no savings for you etc.

We can't pretend that China hates our freedom because that's slowly being turned off before our eyes... China is the model they want in the west.

China has all the factories of the elite there, using slave labour to make their products, no corporation would put factories in a country where they could be taken away by an enemy government on a whim...

There is no way you'd do sensitive gain-of-function (bioweapon) research in an enemy country either, no chance in hell...

The lead up preambles of Fauci "the visionary" who predicted Trump would face a pandemic (ask this man for the Powerball numbers wow!), how acceptance of genetic vacs would require a disruptive incident to gain acceptance etc .. then of course Event 201, timely tabletop exercise so everyone was ready to go if a pandemic should occur... So fortuitous... Then an accidental release of either an aerosolisied mRNA vac (bioweapon) or an actual engineered virus (very hard to propagate one of these, but maybe they got it right) or as thought in some circles, no virus at all, and PCR sequences highly amplified tested existing viruses (which were then treated in a death protocol in hospital)... Whatever it was... Everyone followed same protocols (there's no need for a WHO treaty surely, everyone followed blindly anyway)...

Notice how the west is terrified of Global "Boiling" Warming? The elites fully support our de-industrialisation, destruction of coal power and virtue signal about climate lockdowns etc... Where's the elite push for renewables in China? Where all their products are made with cheap electricity... Where's the Chinese alarm over coal power, surely their scientists have surely said they are the main emitters and will kill us all including themselves if they continue? No... Not a problem, yet here we are screwing ourselves over in the west... Making a once resource and manufacturing rich economy into a third world economy with expensive unreliable power, self penalised agriculture production, almost no manufacturing left and a poor ability to defend, power and feed itself if war should happen ...

Yet when the truth comes out about the cover up, the lie we've lived and suffered under most people are like "meh"... This apathy will allow us to convert into a China, without military invasion, our corrupt and/or brainwashed pollies will sign us up to an authoritarian regime while most of Australia sleeps, talking about the footy, or what the latest celeb has done or some other fluff, once the freedom is gone many might suddenly think "when did this all happen? I didn't know" but it will be too late.

Rant over, but yes apathy will be the way we are conquered, "She'll be right mate" is the attitude that will see our freedom stolen (what little of it we ever had).

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Great comment, Steve - you’ve nailed it!

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It’s the fantasy world that we have been lulled into by the media and government. People live there and just accept the shallow views that social media gives them.

Sharri Markson has done some great work on the origins story and has had little recognition for that work. Public and Racket certainly made a splash with the Slack messages. She has been covering the story all week. She mentioned Matt Taibbi at one point. But as for anything coming of it anywhere? It seems only one person is being indicted for anything at the moment.

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