Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Big Pharma picks up his desk phone .. his secretary, Cheryl, answers on the other end: "Yes, Sir"

Big Pharma: "Get a memo off to Daryl in marketing quick-smart .. the following words, and mark it bloody urgent .. now take this down: 'Daryl, you useless meat sack, that bloody Barnett is blowing us up again with the bloody truth. Got Aussies wondering whether the Immunisation schedule we pay millions in kick-backs to politicians for, is legit or not. Next they'll find out so-called childhood diseases were all but eradicated before we got the silly buggers believing they needed our needles. Send a note to Mark Butler telling him to call anyone questioning the immunisation schedule a child killer or something, and being un-Australian. Murdoch's journos are well-on the leash to never question the vaccine science we bought and paid for, but these bloody independent buggers .. we could end up with a rash of healthy kids if parents read too much and kick their kids off our juice. Healthy kids are bad for future business. Send that bloody useless Albo a note as well, telling him he's gotta get pictured being pumped with our latest flu juice, pronto, and if he starts whinging tell him he can have saline again .. But Daryl, give him the real thing, then tell him later .. I want to hear him going berko at me down the phone later for kicks, the sniffling little lick spittle. Lastly, Daryl, if I don't see parents frightened and scared again within the next two months and running to fill their little monkey kids with our juice, your head will be on the block .. signed, Your Bloody Boss, Daryl, Your Bloody Boss."

Big Pharma: "You get all that Cheryl?"

Cheryl: "Yes Sir"

Big Pharma: "One more thing .. Send all employees the following.. : "Any employees found reading Dystopian Down Under will be fired immediately, signed, Your Bloody Boss" .. Did you get that sweet cheeks?"

Cheryl: "Yes Sir, sending out immediately"

Big Pharma: "Good girl, now call up my Natural Medicines therapist and tell her to get over here quick, my herbal hooch is running out and I want to talk about high dose intravenous vitamin C later this week .. and get her to throw in a good amount of vitamin D .. that stuffs gold for everything .." (silence .. silence .. silence)

Cheryl: "Sir, are you still there Sir?"

Big Pharma: "Shadup Cheryl, Your Bloody Boss is thinking and likes to do it in silence .."

Cheryl: *sphincter pinches*

Big Pharma: "Might as well get another memo out Cheryl .. this time to Legal .. take this down, quote: "Legal Department, my little evil lackeys that enable me to laugh at the law .. Who wants to go to Italy? .. joking, none of you cretins are going anywhere .. instead, here are your instructions: get that idiot politician's son in Sales we had to hire, dress him up and give him a script to act like a Natural Medicines billionaire .. work-up a website for a dummy health food and natural meds company, and make it look like its been in his family for generations .. then get him off to that wog farmer in Italy, the one with that A-grade oregano essential oil, the stuff we tested works better than our penicillin tablets .. and get the Sales kid to make him an offer he can't refuse .. for the whole farm .. meaning .. the eye-talian has to bugger off too, and agree never to farm oregano oil ever again .. i repeat .. NEVER AGAIN ANYWHERE EVER .. so long as he thinks our kid's dummy company is going to promote his essential oil to the world, he'll be sweet and sign .. once the ink has dried move in the tractors and bury the whole crop .. stick some olive oil trees in instead .. and get rid of all traces oregano essential oil was ever made there .. we must protect our penicillin market at all costs .. speak to Accounts and get them to write-off the whole acquisition as failed R&D into natural therapies, and get that payroll Uni professor to write-up a peer review paper with test results concluding the farm's essential oil proved ineffective at treating bacteria and fungal infections and had zero antioxidant properties, compared to our penicillin .. if the professor complains that isn't the truth, threaten to withdraw his research funding .. and contact The Lancet and make sure the right guys get his paper published .. without that we can't write the whole farm off for a loss .. signed, Your Bloody Boss .. P.S. .. get a researcher to check whether casting aspersions on the Oz immunisation schedule and kids vaccines can be sanctioned or censored .. or better still, prosecuted with jail time .. that would be great .. perhaps call up that eSafety Commissioner bird .. the one the Yanks sent over to help us .. ask if she can't trump something up against this Barnett broad .. I don't know .. endangering public safety or health or something .. at all costs our 'vaccines are good' pharma lore must prevail .. signed again, Your Blood Boss who wants your results Yesterday .. .. OK, finished .. did you get all that Cheryl?"

Cheryl: "Yes Sir .. will there be anything else Sir?"

Big Pharma: "No Cheryl .. but I do want to hear you repeat after me: I am the god of Safe and Effective"

Cheryl: "Yes Sir .. You are the god of Safe and Effective .. thank you Sir"

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Our institutions no longer deserve our trust or support, they are no longer able to be held to account. Outcomes, because the buck stops with no one, become irrelevant. The only thing left is process to which we must all comply. Compliance to process, regardless of outcome is now the only acceptable view to be held in the community. Until decision makers are publicly held to account for their actions absolutely nothing will change.

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

What we need is a proper unbiased study on the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. There have been studies overseas which shows unvaccinated have 1 in 10,000 chance of being autistic compared to 1 in 25 in the recent studies in Australia. ADHD is non-existent let alone asthma, excema, auto-immune, anaphylaxis allergies are extremely low in the unvaccinated. We cannot afford to keep vaccinating our children. NDIS is already reeling under the huge number of children. Many of these children need 24 hour care.

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Thanks for the reminder, I've completed the survey...for what it's worth...

What a biased and loaded survey.

My written responses might give them something to think about...

But no doubt they will be consigned to the dustbin.

Meanwhile, I'm going to continue pursuing the instigators of coercive and mandatory vaccination policy, as detailed in my article: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

The fact that you identify yourself before completing the survey is enough to send me alarm bells and close the survey. Our political representatives in general are not to be trusted to represent our best interests following the evil machinations behind the COVID-19 injection programme. In future all vaccinations must be qualified by evidence of risk/benefit data collated by independent scientific bodies. If there is no valid data then the vaccination should be declined without penalty.

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I'm already 'out' so proceeded anyway 😆

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Jun 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Our very own Federal Government betrays us. Evil manifest. They Mandated the poison, now 2/3 of Australians are poisoned, many more will die, without natural immunity, destroyed by the Spike Protein. Next, they withhold ALL benefits from un-vaxxed, they poison Taxpayers for this Agenda 2030.

Prediction: Aboriginal pure blood births will PLUNGE, Genocide achieved 👏

I'm reminded of a scene in Apocalypse Now: Kurtz speaks of resolve: the villagers are forcibly "vaccinated" by Amerika's Advisors, in-country. When the soldiers revisit the village, ANYONE who had been injected had had the recipient arm HACKED OFF, by the VietCong.

This fucking Aussie Slave Gov't... you want me injected, fuckers? Over my (and yours, c---s) dead body.

You shall rule only my dead shell.

Take that to the bank and shove it up your cbdc.

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Is there perchance a line for 'pause all routine childhood vaccines until proper placebo-controlled trials (e.g. not just testing against the previous/other vaccines or bolus dose of adjuvants), of sufficient power and rigour, are undertaken into the safety profile and long-term outcomes of children vaccinated and unvaccinated'?

I'm guessing not...

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You'll have to suggest it in the little box they give you for comments...

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Yep, planning on it. :-)

I imagine I'm already on the radar as a dissident (like you, as you said above), so adding my name and comments publicly to this seems of little concern...

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

🤔 It’s almost like people lost trust in the health system and government recommendations. Maybe its because of all the lies, coercion and incompetence but can’t be 100% certain…

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

hmmm, I wonder if after all the discussion of hesitancy and opt in incentives, the Gov will fall back to the tried and tested "mandates" to get the vaccine numbers back up.

No Jab, no XXXX etc is probably the intended result, this discussion paper and consultation process is just for window dressing.

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I am currently going through this with my youngest child

And yes, they still have a massive conversion mandate

They withhold standard government funding for daycare if you don't get the jabby jabs

They also make it difficult at schools if you haven't had them,

There is a coercive tone about the whole situation..... Actually it's downright coercion because we cannot get facts from the department of health....

They have refused to provide me the information I need to make an informed decision. I have requested whether the vaccines provide a sterilising effect to the virus (not my child), do they prevent transmission, do they cause the disease itself, what is the rate of incidence of that disease, Can any of the improvements in the disease be attributable to sanitation, nutrition and general better healthcare (which is now arguably worse), what is the rate of incidence of harm from the virus /Pathogen, what is the rate of incidence of harm from the jab, who will pay if I have a medical problem after the jab (I have heart disease and neurological problems since the covid jabs and they do not want to pay).... The list goes on and they literally are refusing to answer my questions.

They are there not providing informed consent, yet they are still withholding child care allowances as a penalty for not blindly obeying their order.

What a dystopian place we live in!

Hello dystopian down Under 👍 your bloody legends!!

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Actually, the Australian Government has confirmed to me: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." See: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

Valid 'consent' can't be obtained under coercion and mandates...

For more info, see: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I have certainly seen a surge in scepticism towards all things medical, and in particular vaccines, in my practice.

For anyone injured by jabs who has then witnessed Andrews, McGowan and Skerritt receive the country's highest honours, I can't imagine wholesale adherence to government vaccine edicts will ever be possible.

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I can well understand that the decline in childhood vaccination rates would be very concerning to the psychopathic, parasitic, predator pharmaceutical industrial complex as it would likely reveal a decline observable in the short term of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (see this from Igor Chudov https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/florida-vaccine-hesitancy-reduced), a decline observable in the medium term of childhood autism and a decline in the long term of chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes and a multitude of autoimmune conditions. I am of the belief that the traditional childhood diseases prime the naive infant immune system in ways which pay off in adulthood to keep at bay the numerous chronic conditions which now afflict so many mature individuals thus providing a large customer base for Big Harma. The other large Big Harma customer base consists of those children unfortunately suffering from the adverse effects of the "safe and effective" childhood vaccines. It's an evil genius business model in action and "our governments" show every intention of supporting it with our tax dollars in perpetuity.

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Big Harma 😂

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Jun 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Do you good people think this submission is appropiate:

We don't need no education

We dont need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the court room

Fuckers, leave them kids alone

Hey! Fuckers, leave them kids alone!

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Jun 14Liked by Rebekah Barnett

That was 90 mins of my life gone, what a ridiculous survey

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I hate vaccines now....

I had all of them before, My kids had them, everything was great!

I had two Pfizer jabs

I now have heart disease, neurological disease, tinnitus, spine problems, The list goes on.

They tried denying it at the hospital on the 4 emergency times that I went in because my heart was racing out of control my blood pressure through the roof and I was losing my vision and hearing.

Then McGowan decides we need three vaccines + gives the company's permission to sack anybody who does not take three.

I had a letter from a cardiologist and my GP saying to not take any more.

I talked to the federal health department and every other health department in wa and they're all like well. Just take a third and see how it goes. Your problems will be gone in 2 weeks... We're talking 3 years later now and I still have the problems.

They lied about everything. They did not provide any informed consent. The TGI and the CDC had safety signals by May 2021. Well and truly before any of this occurred.

We've been scammed, we've been lied to, our taxes have just funded more criminal behaviour from the same people. Effectively our government is funding terrorist organisations with our tax money, just so you can have a free "safe and effective" vaccine.

No family member of mine will get another prick in the arm because if something goes wrong you're completely on your own, and worse than that they gaslight you and waste your time in the Hospital.

This is also a good read... It's a fiction with a twist at the end.


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I’m so sorry :(

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“Then McGowan decides we need three vaccines + gives the company's permission to sack anybody who does not take three.”

How could this happen?

“Then McGowan decides…”

Major culprits in all this are the vaccinating practitioners - doctors, nurses, pharmacists - they should never have collaborated with coercion and mandates, they should have called it out from the beginning.

They did not obtain valid voluntary informed consent.

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It doesn’t seem at all in good faith. Can they seriously pretend to be baffled by the increase in vaccine hesitancy that they need a survey to get to the bottom of it? No. These things are simply put out as narrative shapers and will be used to demonstrate the need more draconian policies to mandate compliance as we are all too stupid to know what is good for us.

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No xxxx? But that's my favourite beer! ...

I'm off to the shot shop so long as they offer a free slab.

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I can assure you if we don't have the jab rates go up, they will start releasing more viruses to prove that we need them

You already know which ones they will release because they have been farming them in Sudan and other war-torn countries in their illegal bio labs....

Do you get the message now.... You are on a farm and you are the animal.... Now go back to work and do what you're told.

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