I question whether the likes of Scott Morrison, Daniel Andrews, Mark McGowan and other Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet; and Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and other members of the AHPPC, have committed misfeasance in public office via their role in the destruction of voluntary informed consent for vaccination, along with their participation in plunging this country further into debt with the deliberately manufactured Covid crisis.

Last year law professor Augusto Zimmermann invited me to contribute an article for a publication. I submitted an article which was accepted. However, due to ongoing delays in publication I've withdrawn the article and have now published an updated version myself, including via my Substack.

My detailed article summarises much of my research into the Covid debacle over the past more than four years, including correspondence with the Attorney-General's office and Health Minister's department.

This is information that must be shared in the court of public opinion. Certainly it hasn't received much coverage in what passes for the 'mainstream media', resulting in a very poorly informed electorate.

Please see my article: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

Also via my substack: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/misfeasance-in-public-office

It's mind-boggling to think about the damage inflicted on medical freedom in this country by Scott Morrison, Daniel Andrews, Mark McGowan and other Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet via their mandating of COVID-19 vaccination, with the capitulation of Paul Kelly and other members of the AHPPC, and the collaboration of the wretched medical 'profession', with the support of the scientific establishment, legal system, and the mainstream media.

Elizabeth Hart, Independent researcher investigating the vaccine industry and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy

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Jun 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thanks for the excellent article, Elizabeth.

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Jun 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Spot on, Rebekah. A good summary of the dreadful administrations of these three people. In addition, I would add that the TGA approved the mRNA ‘vaccines’ without attending to the mandatory certifications for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and thus did so illegally. Clearly, these awards are now rendered meaningless.

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Yes, this is absolutely right Barry.

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Jun 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Not totally useless. It’s a message to future political class that if you do what you’re told and ignore human rights, logic or decency you will be rewarded.

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Jun 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

My conclusion based on the malevolence thrust upon us over the last 4 1/2 years is that the human animal is an intensely herd- based creature.

When someone "directs" the herd, 90% will follow.

The "shepherds/wolves" doing the guiding have always known this and actively destroyed any threats to their position of power.

The methods have become more complex, though the outcomes are identical.

90% will still follow, either begrudgingly or enthusiastically and the awake 10% will struggle away.

A reading of ancient and modern history reveals that the human race is unchanged over millenia.

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Jun 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Old story of jobs for the "boys" whomsoever is in power to promote this unnecessary bilge as these awards are meaningless frauds The public is not amused to see this nonsense being annually perpetrated for any good reason Most of these people gained high salaries during their office so don't need to receive more commendations as value of some of their "work" was suspiciously poor How much is the public expected to receive and believe

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Fantastic summary, Rebekah. I'd love to post an intelligent and incisive comment, but in truth it's just been a serious of four-letter words ringing out in our house today as a result of this news. Just when I dare to hope things might be turning in a more favourable direction, more nonsense like this happens.

And while not covid-related (and at the risk of sounding like a broken record), I must add to Dan's legacy the despicable way in which he and his wife have treated Ryan Meuleman and his family over the last several years. The exact details of the accident may remain in dispute, but the Andrews' conduct in the aftermath has been nothing short of unconscionable.

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I deal with this by letting go of the idea that things will turn in a more favourable direction any time soon 😆

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Probably the best way to go. I need to manage my expectations!

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But it will turn eventually. It took six decades to hunt down most of the Nazi's. Everything the Covid-Nazi's have done is documented. Those awareded will barely make up for their constant worries - when will they come for us?

Why am I optimistic? While a lot is severly rotten in the democracy depatment these days, the people freed themselves from Millenia of feudal oppression over the past 250 years or so. In all off history, common people never had more rights, freedoms and opportunities than since WW II in many countries.

Yes, we took two or three steps back recently (....the past few decades) and we know why. People got complacent and allowed themselves to be lulled in by excessive consumerism. We got lazy, taking everything for granted. But this is a wake-up call for many.

Unfortunately it will take decades to fix it but people sniffed freedom and what it means for the first time in history for several generations. The collective will not forget. A blueprint has been set we can refer to. It worked once (sort of) and will work again.

We always knew that power will corrupt and tried to safeguard democracy against it. It was a start and a huge improvement to anything previous - but the forces of greed and power are also intelligent and determined and figured out ways to undermine it.

We will learn from that and need to develop more robust safeguards for democracy and human rights. Maybe we have to rethink how we appoint and control public servants because is starts and ends with them.

I think we need some kind of bureaucracy to manage democracy - I can't see any other way.

But this out-of-control evergrowing deep-state corrupt bureaucracy is at the core of the current crisis of democracy. Combined with the immense power of out-of-control rich billionaires. Bureaucracy was set up to control them - no they collude with them.

We need to come up with new ideas how to overlook and control democratic institutions and bureaucracy that is independent of them and probably another body that that overlooks them. A circular chain of control and oversight. But there is probably a limit to that the power controls power paradigm.

I don't know, to be honest, and it ultimately all starts and ends with how much love and goodwill goes around in a society. It all starts and ends with us, each individual and our ablity and conviction to cease doing harm and submit the mind to the heart. We will only have a peaceful just society if a significant number of people find peace and love in their hearts and act from that. And heart is softened by accumulated pain and suffering. On a personal level and a societal level. It is a long slow and painful process on the socital level, streching centuries and millenias. And we fool ourselves thinking we can hasten the process. Too many factors out of our control drive the process.

But on a personal level we can start right now and a lot is possible in a life time, even in a few years. If the absolute priority of it is fully understood and all our energy is directed towards the goal of inner peace, amazing process can be made on a personal level. And when that inner peace and heartfelt non-violent state is achieved, the healing waves will ripple out into society sponataneously and lift the spirit of others automatically. And some are destined to achieve great political and social improvement. Mahtma Ghandi come to mind.

The important thing is to look inwards first and the outer will take care of itself.

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handed out by that guy in England, Chucky Windsor, head of that family who own that global business franchise called The Commonwealth .. his lot give these gold starts out to the best country managers who keep what Chucky's dad called 'useless eaters' under control .. strange .. Dan was only a sub-junior country manager, ('Premiere' .. pfff), but i guess his brand of savagery really turned Chucky on .. as for McGowan and his psycho eyes .. god knows why they bothered

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Jun 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

What a travesty. What a joke!!!!

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Jun 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Adding insult to injury has also gone on in the U.K. with the gongs handed out to Dame Sarah Gilbert, Dame June Raine, Dame Jenny Harries, Sir Chris Whitty, Sir Patrick Vallance , Sir John Edmunds and more miscreants too numerous to list. Talk about sticking in the craw! They should all be stripped of their honours and true people’s recognition awarded to the fearless freedom fighters like Rebekah Barnett OBE (Order of the Brave Expose).

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Chris Whitty? Come on!!

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Jun 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

The awards given to McGowan and Andrews are 'awards of shame'. Perhaps it is not such a bad idea to crystallize their actions of cruelty and economic mismanagement in the form of an 'award' so that they can no longer sweep their terrible actions under the carpet when the truth comes out in the future, and the truth WILL come out.

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Jun 11Liked by Rebekah Barnett

In a surprising piece of apparently good news, the Human Rights Commission is asking for people's stories: https://humanrights.gov.au/have-your-say/how-were-you-affected-covid-measures.

Do you know if anyone is reaching out to folk who might have been affected but aren't the sort who normally make government submissions? E.g. those folk who got locked up in a building in Melbourne?

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I have a short Substack on this going out next week!

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Jun 11Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Jobs for old boys club in action when unlikely people are rewarded for high mismanagement & low competence others who could have qualified for dirty rewards are Qld's ex Premier Anna P & health officer DR Young Young gained governor of Qld so not too bad for her Are these rewards necessary in today's life as they don't bring any value to nation the person or the reward itself Those who truly deserve this acclaim never gain or ask for these rewards This shameful business should be abolished & recipients return the new certificates

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If any Australian accepts a so-called "Honour" from the Australian Federal Government then that person is an outright Minion of the New World Order, a deadset Traitor to Australian citizens. Andrews should be trialled and EXECUTED next to Scummo. Fkn disgusting misnomer, Order of WEF Diktat & Death.

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