Apr 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

STOP PRESS. Australia receives 2026 Nobel prize for medicine for preventing multiple adverse reactions to poorly tested vaccine product in third world by selflessly buying up extra stocks.

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Germ theory remains undefeated as the world's largest money-laundering scheme

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Apr 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

And we still haven't seen the details of the contracts signed for this massive (and useless, dangerous) investment. Disturbingly, a change of government had no effect, so a pox on both their houses.

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Apr 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Please can I wake tomorrow to news of a coup

As always 🙏

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Apr 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Better taxpayer value for money to bin than pin!

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Apr 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

"Australia really participated in a bigger trend that we've seen worldwide of wealthy countries buying up far more doses of COVID-19 vaccines than they needed..."

With our penchant for panic buying of toilet paper, I hope we don't have a diahorrea epidemic...🥴

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I should have read the footnotes more carefully! Thank you, Rebekah. Demand is low indeed.

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I'd love to know how many of the doses 'gifted' as foreign aid were used. The absurd position of Prof Gleeson assumes these countries actually wanted them. The reported vax rates in many developing countries suggest they didn't. And like a previous commentor pointed out, these same countries are seemingly much better off for that.

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Apr 13Liked by Rebekah Barnett

No wonder big harma is making so much $. We (over) pay them to make vaccines which do not work for a ‘virus’ which may not exist! What a dilemma for the poor old Department of Health when the next ‘pandamic’ arrives. How much should we buy this time???

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Apr 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett

“Acceptable” to sales people who already made the sale. 🤪

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Apr 12Liked by Rebekah Barnett
Apr 16Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Today's propaganda from "our" ABC .....

A new research study suggests the COVID-19 vaccine campaign prevented 17,760 deaths among NSW residents aged 50 years and over.

The study used computer modelling to predict the death toll if there had been zero vaccination before the 2021 Omicron wave.

What's next? Experts say the results should form part of an "important" assessment of the vaccine roll-out.


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