Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Ayyyy! This post kindles my hope that the spells are breaking, the people are waking.

The last quoted post gave me a hearty chuckle...

"What does the vaccine stop?"

"Your heart."

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Don't be fooled good people.

This is not a sign that they are waking up.

I think this is part of a plan to make somebody OR many people who have lost family members SNAP and become seriously violent.

This will set in process the next phase of control -

Dissidents will be labelled actual, not theoretical terrorists'. Our access to the internet will be shut down, and worse.


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Agreed, but it seems they have planned both for the route where they incite a violent revolution and where they gradually install total control. What are our options?

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Yes RFC agree, they have both sides covered, however I will not use force unless my family and friends are requiring defence from physical violence.

To kill or use violence as a tactic is a dark path that I may not return from, and makes me no better than our tormentors.

Ghandi proved this by ending corrupt agenda driven British occupation using British Law against them. Non-violence can work.

I am still formulating the answer to the ' what can we do' question. The ulterior motives seem to be constantly changing but I am sure these freaks, after generations of these globalist elite familes trialling this for 200 years plus, have most of our responses predicted. Their tactics are very flexible but their desired final outcome is set in stone and in plain sight.

Australian Senator ( retired General) j Jim Nolan's book 'Danger on our Doorstep '

Made me aware of Australias fragility and Reliance on the US for defence from China.

The US cannot service two fronts so it looks like we could be easily taken over by China.

I do not dwell on 'geopolitics' as it is just the same agenda, but I do not ignore it.

Survival is what we can try to do-Practicalities to avoid the COVID camps-

1. Burn my phone after I have found my people and exchanged details.

2. Close my bank accounts.

3. Disconnect from the power grid and reliance on petrol and diesel. Hoard some fuel.

With 12 volt solar for lights fridge etc, and wood fired generator for higher use, shorter run times.

Use my specific abilities to support frontline medical freedom movement workers by offering them GMO free food and a safe place to retreat to if required - even providing accommodation for their families.

Create a community and share resources

Arm myself with up to date legal rights, document everything an collect government data now that proves that my actions are legal.

Hope these articles helps below.

My email is [email protected]

I am never happy with my comments but I send them anyway because we are running out of time an I am finding that I learn faster with responses and critique and other tangents people offer on this platform.




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Agree Justin. And we don't even need to. Words are weapons enough, when spoken in number.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Great post.

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I saw 9’s invitation. WTF are they playing at? Dipping their toe in the water as they don’t want to be on the wrong side of history? Till now there has been a total media blackout on vaccine injuries. To get a picture of how bad things are you have to go to Twitter or follow substacks. Is the tide turning? I certainly hope so. If people are demanding unvaccinated blood for transfusions and rich business demanding their pilots to be unvaccinated.....this indicates some awakening is happening. Pray it becomes a flood.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Maybe they (9) were instructed to do it as "test" to suss out the public reaction? Could've been same with ABC's "try". (?)

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"What does the vaccine stop? Your heart." That there is comedy gold.... if it wasn't actually true. What a world we live in.

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Thanks, Rebekah. I will share it with my pen pals, some of whom are Nine!

Re your droll last screen:

It is better for people to leave quickly than to be stuck in a debilitating state for the rest of their lives.

Apart from leaving during our sleep, the next best exit route is to leave quickly and mercifully.

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I thought that the punishment for this jab campaign was 'a debilitating state for the rest of their lives'.

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Happy 2023, Rich!

Long time no comms. I thought Jacinta finally got you, :)

The game is only still in the first quarter!

We need to be switched-on.


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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I'm glad your keeping the receipts. They can shut down posts, but they can't hide them once people like you have recorded them. These and other corrupt collaborators will be found guilty at some point. Remember their names!!

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Whst does the mRNA jab stop? Your heart ahahahaha 😑 and democracy and Law.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Yeah, they are definitively testing the audience.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I thought Jacinda Adern was bad when she had comments culled from her Facebook post asking people for vaccine reactions (she was expecting posts about sore arms, light fevers etc and got reports of heart attacks, strokes, paralysis etc).

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Finally. I have the patience of a saint these days. Here’s to 2023 - may the tide turn. Here comes the tsunami.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

The next day channel 9 posted this

‘Injection to heal heart scaring could help tackle one of Australia’s leading killers’

A new injection into the wall of a damaged heart could reduce long-term scarring and potentially lower the number of deaths in one of Australia's leading killers.

Researchers from Sydney's Westmead Institute of Medical Research and the University of Sydney said they've had promising results in a trial of the protein tropoelastin, which when injected into a damaged animal heart improved scarring.

The link to this is on their post.

One day they ask for people to come forward the next day they push another jab.

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Well done for archiving this for posterity. It does feel like they doing A/B testing for somebody, to test the waters. Facebook do this all the time with new features/changes. ps the 2nd image is the same as the 1st one?

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Good spot thanks! Fixed.

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This was very good Rebbe, showing the pent up demand to speak out on the vax injuries and deaths. Nice to see Aussies speaking up in their own signature style. IMHO, the dam is breaking, they can’t contain it and are scrambling to invert the narrative. Apparently, they are none to confident and while wanting to appear on the side “aiding” the public, they fear an uncontrollable backlash.

Well, good. Bring it! 🦠🧗🏼‍♂️🫠

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Apr 9Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Wow I had no idea there were so many people who could smell the B.S.

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