Nine News asked for people to come forward if they've suffered a heart attack, and let's just say things did not go as planned
Yesterday, Nine News Sydney asked their Facebook followers to come forward if they’d suffered a heart attack and were concerned about the long-term effects.
The comments immediately blew up with stories of vaccine injury and pointy questions.
The dots were pretty much touching.
There was panic at the disco.
Defibrillators and a crime scene.
Young males got a mention.
The question was, did Nine News want to spotlight heart attack victims and investigate causes? Or was this the Fascist Pharma-Gov-Media complex getting out in front of the story with Shane Warne level spin?
Today, the post was gone, along with all the comments.
Nine News instead ran with a fresh post about a new 3-in-1 super-shot vaccine.
The comments are, once again, straight fire. The people are displeased.
Why did you delete, Nine News?
JAB JUNKIES, seek help.
Read the room.
Nine News should think about how their vaccine obsession impacts on others.
This is a death cult.
Will Nine News run any BREAKING stories on gain of function research, regulatory capture, or the potential cardiac risks associated with the new 3-in-1 super shot?
Monica has banned Nine News in her household and suggests you do also.
Guess this thread isn’t going as planned either. View the live post here. BYO popcorn.
The behaviour of Nine News moderators is reminiscent of the time that ABC moderators closed and deleted comments on a wildly popular Instagram post about menstrual disruption as a vaccine side effect. The comments blew up with angry women pointing out that ABC had been a primary source of misinformation and gaslighting on the topic for the previous year. ABC did not engage, they just deleted. This was part of a tactic that I call Gaslighting 2.0.
It is encouraging that, even though the Intellectual Yet Idiot (IYI) class cannot see the forest for the trees, there are a great many who can see that the diet of propaganda we are being fed amounts to pig slop. When the TGA unironically asked followers to report misleading ads for medicines, the comments hit 3.5K in the first 48 hours. A recent Rasmussen survey found that 28% of people believed they knew someone who died due to Covid vaccines. Booster take-up has slowed considerably world-wide, with countries having to bin millions of unwanted doses.
People can smell the BS, and they’re not buying it.
Ayyyy! This post kindles my hope that the spells are breaking, the people are waking.
The last quoted post gave me a hearty chuckle...
"What does the vaccine stop?"
"Your heart."
Great post.