We’ll said Rebekah - as you mentioned it can only get worse from here if the ACMA bill is pushed through by Albo and his socialist cohorts. I’ve got a feeling it will depend on the outcome of the voice (not capitalised on purpose - it doesn’t deserve it). Keep up your fantastic work - I look forward to reading it every time. Take care

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Good point. Is this ACMA thing kind of on the back burner until after The (v)oice psyop campaign? Or could they push it through while no one is paying attention (like the banks "bail-in" rather than "bail-out" legislation some years back?

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Distributed content platforms like Odysee and Rokfin fix this. You cannot censor what you can't control.

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You are not alone we are protesting world wide ,never comply ,great work keep smiling as we are many .THE LIGHT AUSTRALIA UNCENSORED TRUTH

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We've been protesting since the 60's - unfortunately not with the hoped for results.

We definitely have the numbers what we don't have are the uniforms on our side.

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Or the dollars (fiat money created out of this air!).

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We need a new economic system that isn't based on usury.

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whatever happened to the great Aussie Ingenuity that saw many inventions that changed the world for the better;

many inventions came from dirt floor sheds when someone had a need and came up with an idea on how to overcome the (a) problem;

'money' isn't the problem; 'uniforms' certainly are not the problem;

lack of free-will and our (former) well regarded ANZAC spirit is the problem;

as a rule, Aussies don't help each other anymore,,, (most) everyone is only interested in looking out for themselves.

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You're conflating things - ingenuity is not the issue.

Australia is a US vassal state - the ruling public servants in Canberra are Washington's obedient and submissive servants.

Money aka finance and how this is created as debt [usury] is most definitely at the core of this matter.

Uniforms are in essence all under oath - as such they should be dedicated to the interests of citizens instead of acting as hired muscle for corporate interests.

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And if history is any guide, when push comes to shove, that's what counts.

But is it set-in stone? Nope. We live in tumultuous, unprecedented times and anything & everything, can happen...and probably will.

Don't give up!

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I thought with what happened in Melbourne that should have been the revolution matchstick - however I hope you're right.

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If the bulk of the population would emerge from their collective coma and recognise the dangers ahead of us we could do something ... unfortunately the masses either don’t want to know, or don’t even conceive of their being anything TO know outside of their limited understanding and busy lives. It genuinely saddens me when I see people blithely discussing banalities like a sports result or the latest crap from Disney+ as if these issues are even remotely relevant, OR more disturbingly those of an older persuasion declaring “well, I’ll be gone before all this really gets bad” as if they don’t have grandkids they’re leaving behind to deal with the mess and the impending tyranny.

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The bulk of the population are intently watching the MSM's - that narrative is what they've come to accept - they're not willing to investigate if what they've been presented is true or not and then change accordingly

There's a grand opportunity for anyone who is able to come in between them and hold their own.

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As I was driving my wife to the airport this morning I stated that I will do what I can so it’s on the record for my kids and grandkids.

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Just the same in New Zealand whose excess death rate is in perfect concordance with Australia. OZzzz and NZzzz, sheeple and mushrooms abound, happily gambolling in the pastures of frivolity while many of their loved ones sicken and die, with the complicit nod of the medical "collabos." The "official" acknowledgment of deaths is the epitome of risus sardonicus.

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It occurred to me a while ago just how fiendishly brilliant these bastards are who have control over the narrative ... quite literally no amount of evidence or correlation is apparently enough to get people thinking because the shear weight of propaganda is enough to have the sheeple convince themselves that there’s no “there” there ... anything and everything can be handwaved away. Excess deaths? It’s Covid. In young people though? Yes, that’s what the data shows. Which data? The TGA’s data. But we’re talking heart attacks and blood clots too? Well that’s caused by long Covid. Ad infinitum.

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In the end it must become fatally circular...no pun intended .... for all concerned, whether it is the narrative or some version of the LNP/mRNA shot.

One day, something akin to 'last man standing' may capture sanity.

"Logan's Run" ....?

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From the TGA: "The 14 deaths likely to be related to vaccination occurred in people aged 21–81 years old". They can't even bring themselves to admit the injections caused the deaths. "Likely to be related" is as close as they'll ever get.

The entire vaccine safety reports are a pathetic attempt at hiding jab harms:


"Vaccines can lead to death in extremely rare instances. However, most deaths that occur after vaccination are not caused by the vaccine. In large populations in which a new vaccine is given, there are people with underlying diseases who may die from these diseases. When a vaccine is given in that same population, the link between the vaccine and death is usually coincidental - not caused by the vaccine. These deaths are carefully reviewed for whether vaccines could be the cause and for the vast majority that is not the case."

It's not caused by the jab, because we determine it to be so.

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Yes, in other places they say 'linked to vaccination' and 'following vaccination'. Very weasel wordy.

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I can only speak for myself, I saw my GP 12 days after the vaccination be, I felt unwell, but had no symptoms to hang it on. When she saw me she aske whether I knew how sick I was, and no I didn’t. She sent me for heaps of tests ECG , Echocardiogram bloods etc. it was clear I had a heart injury with abnormal heart rhythms. She rang me next day and told me to go straight to hospital. There I was gaslighted, armed with all the evidence they said I was ok and good to go. They gave me an all clear of n a neurology exam despite balance issues. My gp then referred me to a cardiologist, who diagnosed within twenty miles bites that I had pericarditis. All up it was close to two months before I started treatment. The way it works in Victoria, you must be diagnosed by a specialist before your gp can report it to the state register, then they have to send the proof and f that document to the TGA. I was given an exemption from AZ Pfizer and Moderna- but only till early May this year. I suspect that then you’re removed from the vax injured numbers. If you’re a ver 60 and have clots strokes heart attacks etc the TGA claims it’s age related. I was injured late sept 21aged 69. I only succeeded in having my injury acknowledged because I have a brave gp. The other issue ticking me off is they still say vaccinate the elderly to protect people with pre- existing conditions- simply stated they t doesn’t. It’s not called the boomer remover without reason.

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Sorry to hear about your experience.

The system does its best to absolve vaccines/jabs of any harm they cause.

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They most certainly do. The way I see it, my government tried to kill me. It’s been quite debilitating, and two years on trying to regain some quality of like. While I’m alive I will speak out., silly government. My observation is that around my age group, people with multiple shots get sick, and when they do they’re told they have COVID- when they continue to become unwell they are then told they have long COVID- complete gaslighting imaginary disease they are without doubt vaccine injured..

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Yes, that is exactly what people are told.

Now think back about all other vaccines, especially those given to children, & all issues that arise post jab, allergies, behaviour problems, sids, autoimmune issues etc.

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I also didn’t expect a hospital to tell me I was vax injured, but they could at least have diagnosed and commenced treatment.in Victoria we stated with 500 ICU beds, by late 2021 there were a boy 300. Hundreds of hospital beds were closed and tent’s appeared outside quite a few of them. And that was after Dan Andrew’s promised 4,000 more ventilator beds. The lies and spin were endless.

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Thanks for sharing your experience and adverse reactions , stay strong and never again comply to the nazi regime , we are many freedom movement is alive and well..

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It’s worse than we think

Steve Kirsch’s interview with ex police detective who investigated over 250 SIDS deaths found that 50% died within 48 hours of vaccination and 70% within 7 days of vaccination

These are the run of the mill vaccines in childhood schedule

not the recent Hell jabs

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We know this means you're doing something right. We know the Ministry of Truth doesn't like it when you actually speak (uncomfortable) truths.

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As Topher said, you are the fact checker of the fact checkers.

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Wait until you get the knock at the door with no warrant. (Never answer the door, but they will always catch you when you are outside).

That's when it really begins.

Remember everyone: never speak to police, never look at police, never argue with police. Move slowly, keep your arms visible. Police are not your friends, they only do the bidding of the state.

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In WA all you have to do is give them your name, address and date of birth. Beyond that you can refuse to answer any questions. ANY reputable criminal lawyer will tell you that not saying anything beyond that is the best course of action. Police rely on you to incriminate yourself, don't do their work for them.

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you don't have to give them anything...if you committed no crime and nor are you suspected of committed a crime, then they are entitled to nothing;

so many people are fooled by the word 'authority' when none exists;

where does (cop) get their implied authority from?, you are well entitled to see proof; a uniform, a badge and a gun does not prove any Lawful authority;

who do they have a sworn oath to? again, you are well within your rights to know;

do they work for a Corporation or are they employed by a Commonwealth Public Office?;

can they demonstrate where it is that you have a wet-ink (signed) contract with that Corporation?;

are they aware that you may hold them privately liable for any harms they cause you?;

all this is where we, as individuals, can make a huge difference against the Corporations disguised as 'governments';

yes, it takes courage and conviction; yes, you may very well be caused real harm(s); yes, you may even get kidnapped; yes, they more than likely will force you to attend one of 'their' courts...

and that is where it gets very interesting when you ask the same questions of 'the court'; there have been recent precedence's set where it has been proven that 'the court' has no jurisdiction over the living man and woman;

one 'magistrate' has been removed from 'office' and held privately liable to the tune of over 300.000 Shekels in QLD just recently; he was found to be NOT an (public) officer of the court;

i think it was Benjamin Franklin who stated: "any man who does not know his rights, has no rights";

and 'they', as in 'the system' rely on us being ignorant to our inalienable rights;

'no-one is above or below the Law', 'we are all equal under the Law';

stand on your feet and be counted or continue living on your knees....the choice is yours.

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Look at them record them but make it clear you never talk to pigs. Especially if you’ve done nothing wrong. Learnt that the hard way. They’re only policy enforcers they’re not there to protect you they’re just a criminal gang in uniform.

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can we please stop referring to the thugs in uniforms as pigs;

Pigs are friendly and intelligent animals that mean absolutely no harm to people...some would say they are a good source of Iron in our diet as well;

can't say that about the Filth in uniforms; they are the complete opposite to a Pig.

They are Filth; They are Scum; They are Thugs;

they are not Pigs or Dogs...i like Pigs and i like Dogs.

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Many, but not all.

It's like saying all Catholic Priests are pedophiles.

A little too broad a brush

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ok...how about the vast majority of coppers are naught but obedient little policy enforcers who have absolutely no idea about Law...all they know is the LEGALESE they are taught at the Filth Education farms before they are set free to extort as much as they can from any unwary man or woman...and they are given deadly weapons to make sure they can protect themselves while they bash little old ladies sitting on park bench without a mask on.

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I'm surprised anybody even wants to be on YouTube still! That platform should be sumarily boycotted and left to "die". Migrate over to Brighteon, too!

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The argument against that is that it doesn’t help to completely flee the field of battle ... content creators need to try and maintain a foothold on YT because sadly that’s where any normies capable of thinking and being persuaded will be found.nothing preventing Topher or others duplicating content on Rumble and co, but there’s still an economic benefit to trying to “fit” within YouTube’s incoherent censorship policies.

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yep, unfortunately, most people think looking up subjects on Jewtube is research; they think all they will ever need to know can be found there; they have no idea about how much censoring and shilling goes on there;

i only use comments there now after being banned in early 2020 due to my 'inappropriate content' where i tried to share factual information about ConVid and the needle cure;

i very rarely even go to Jewtube now unless i need info on a particular mechanical problem or the like; i might see something else that i think could be of real importance so i have a squiz and if i feel i might have something useful to add, i comment;

then i got shadow banned in the comments...a lot of the comments i make are still shadow banned;

But, i agree in that if a content maker can get away with speaking facts that are considered 'mis/disinformation' by the 'fact checkers' then they should keep at Jewtube for as long as they can...it is where the vast majority go for 'research'.

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Typical of WokeTube.

A leopard cannot change its spots.

They may end up going bankrupt anyway as I only use it when I have no other option.

I don’t use google any longer.

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Google is not a search engine any longer! Just try doing any search on something not "approved". USELESS! Absolutely USELESS!!!!

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Me too

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100%. It is not just youtube. They will have to give up or scale down if we are not giving up because they will lose market share to competitors. We'll see.

We'll use all platforms :)

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It's Digi. https://digi.org.au

The smaller platforms (Rumble, Bitchute, Gab & others) will be hit harder if & when the Bill passes. The heads of all those platforms have already talked about how they already are under relentless attacks.

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It’s the platforms they’re after!!!!

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The "guidelines" on youtube and other social media sites are deliberately worded in such a way as they can just decide to do whatever they like to you. I remember one time I got banhammered on LinkedIn, I asked them why, since I had been careful to not have a comment or post struck down for a while. They said they'd decided to review my last 6 months worth of posts and decided to ban me on what boiled down to "the vibe", pretty much.

I expressed the view on Twitter that there are some folks that should be looking at the gallows for what they've done, and immediately got a permanent ban. I can't be bothered going back, "X" makes me very suspicious indeed.

With the new ACMA stuff going down, social media is not going to be such a safe place to express your views/share info. We've all seen the videos of Aussies being harassed by inept Police at their doorsteps for some post they made or comment they made on social media - that is a glimpse of the future, I reckon. We'll see more of these "visits" happen in an attempt to silence people who try to tell the truth.

Since 2020, telling the truth became a crime, you see.

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Why bother with YT Rebekah, many people have been unceremoniously booted off the once popular platform for speaking the truth about government lies and propagit and taken in droves to numerous other outlets.

You know where this will lead, to digital ID where after people will only be able to access the web after confirming their ID.

Have a look at UK column from Sep 23 - ''Online Safety Bill Nodded Through—The Shutting-Up Of Jab Victims Exemplifies The Pernicious Nature of Such Censorship'' https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-20th-september-2023

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Our oligarchs are becoming more visible.

Big Pharma is another hidden Master of our our Western universe and so decides what we may hear and say.

Big Pharma's armed wing, the DEA, controls the Drug War, very much for the benefit of Big Pharma.

Only Ceaușescu kept tighter control of the narrative in Romania.

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You must be completely over the target!

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Hi Rebekah - a challenge to the statement by YouTube is in order.

1. "vaccine" - it is not a vaccine. mRNA products are gene therapy. YT disinformation!

2. "safe and effective"

3. "confirmed by ....the W.H.O." - the W.H.O. is not a scientific body and is not a regulatory agency. So it should have no rights to decide anything to do with public health. Nada. It is an advisory body which trying to take a lot more power than it should.

Food for thought.

A class action against YouTube is long overdue

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We have just left YouTube. Before Covid we had an audience of around 40,000 across a few major platforms. Then we left Zuckerberg land (FB and Insta) and now, finally, YT. Too many times they have censored our work. We are removing ourselves from all Google accounts now, and only going between independent websites, Rumble, Substack and other non-censoring platforms. It feels really important to have finally drawn a line in the sand. Thanks for all you do, Rebekah!

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Hope you can accrue a large audience on your new platforms

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