Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thanks, Rebekah. I hadn't heard of the latest authoritarian travesty. They're getting all too frequent.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

That's the same speech I gave my family, they must work for YouTube because I've been barred by them too.

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Smiling out loud now. Blessings to you n yours.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Youtube must be so happy with daddy Labor government's Disinformation amendment bill, too:


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Yes, I'll be writing about this one in the coming weeks.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

It was once the scientific "consensus" that it was a good idea to release a foreign cane toad in Queesland to control a cane beetle. Cane toad salvation denialists were tarred as disinformation spreaders and howled down. The ruling politicians of the era censored and silenced the misinformation spreaders and released the cane toads which wreacked havoc. It wasn't until the 1960s and 1970s when the first wave of the jab pushing hippies and Greens that, in consultation with their paymasters in Langley, Virginia, run youtube, began to powder and smoke the cane toad skins that anyone got any benefit. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

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Oh my God this is so funny. "Cane toad salvation denialists." I am wondering when I, as a "UFO denialist" will be put in Bullsbrook camp.

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See you there.

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Same kind of psyentific consensus at work when Koalas were introduced to Kangaroo Island in the 1920s.

Koalas are weird, slothful, toxic eucalyptus leaf-eating marsupials. Hardly anyone's even heard about these stupid things (on account of their diet and the fact that it takes so much energy and resource to digest and detoxify the crap they eat that I suppose there's nothing left over for the development of intellectual faculties, so they spend most of their time sleeping), but they are however not native to KI. Eighteen animals from Victoria were released in Flinders Chase National Park as part of a national attempt to protect the species - for what reason, I'll never fathom.

Numbers expanded rapidly on Kangaroo Island and by the 1940s there was significant over-browsing impacts on native vegetation. In less than a century the ecological profile of koalas on Kangaroo Island shifted from conservation project to morbidly inbred pest status. By 2001, the koala population was estimated to be approximately 27000 koalas, despite the 1997 commencement of the South Australian Government initiative to reduce the island’s introduced koala population through sterilisation: the Kangaroo Island Koala Management Program (KIKMP, or KIK 'eM in the Privates). Over 23 years, more than 12500 koalas were sterilised.

There were many emotionally-charged and politically-motivated debates that took place about this issue at the time, in the media and in parliament. The koalas were a major drawer of Japanese tourism to the state, you see, but since koalas are virtually inedible owing to the distribution around their bodies of still largely toxic secondary metabolites, I'm fairly certain the Japanese tourists weren't going over there for the culinary experience.

I recall reading that the natural resource management officers' preferred solution involving rifles and bullets - a cheap and effective solution, but admittedly not a very a popular one among the wider population of first world European-descendant humans who place a high priority on cuddling things with fur, as opposed to preserving something like the Patagonian Toothfish, which is somewhat less cuddly and whose only other redeeming quality is that it is a keystone species in an extensive Antarctic to sub-Antarctic oceanic ecosystem - admittedly a decidedly trivial concern in comparison to cuddliness.

In the practical manifestation of nature's providence, its benevolent intervention in human affairs and the affairs of the world in general, in December 2007 during a thundery summer spell, a multitude of lightning strikes set the island aflame. It is inappropriate to lampoon such an event because it was an unmitigated catastrophe. Fire fighting efforts were almost in vain, most of the island was evacuated before the flames engulfed and destroyed almost a quarter of the island and, pertinently, vegetation in the interior that was both native and adopted habitat to wildlife. When the fire front reached the wet edge on the coast, the fuel was exhausted and the fires died, but a total of 95,000 hectares were turned to ash, mainly across the western side of the island near Flinders Chase National Park, of which 85% was torched.

It would require a callous heart for one to glean a positive from all this, nonetheless the koala overpopulation problem appeared to have been resolved without any further human agency.

In one way or another, by the end, nature will have resolved even our present human troubles.

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Me thinks you have a love hate relationship with these odd little animals. I feel the same about cockroaches because they are thigmotactic.

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Hah! Well done for recognising an unrevealed weakness within my bluster.

I don't hate them at all, nor can I hate anything sovereign in emergence and being. Their grunting may be unhandsome, by some estimates at least, but they don't have agendas, and like all non-humans they simply do what they need to get done without any ulterior design or plot.

"I feel the same about cockroaches because they are thigmotactic."

Poor cockroaches, they get such a bad rap. They are as well, or even more so, almost completely inedible to the rest of macroscopic nature, so it appears their ill repute manages to cross the species divide.

And thanks for giving me the reason to exercise some literary muscle, because I needed to look up the term thigmotactic.

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Hah I remember that. At one time they were thinking of finding new homes for them as they were eating everything on KI then the fires struck. Personally I have nothing against koalas but like the kangaroos people get hysterical about culling them even when their numbers keep increasing.

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It really was a big deal (the '07 KI fires), and the koala issue (though not the koalas themselves who were the hapless subjects, first to human meddling, and then of nature's tough love) was both galling and infuriating. I was actually in S.A. at the time and helping the fire fighting efforts on KI during those fires, and I freely admit it was most wretched and heartbreaking to see those ruined koalas.

Isn't it astonishing that kangaroos seem to be the only native megafauna (please correct me as I'm hopefully wrong and there may in fact be many others) that has done rather well since European invasion, almost in spite of intentional human meddling. They seem to be highly accomplished opportunists, because whatever the European human impact has been, it was not intended for their benefit.

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Kangaroos are amazing animals Europeans must have wondered what they were seeing when they first came here. Trouble is they breed like rabbits.

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Hah! Thanks for the good laugh - really did laugh out loud!

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Where there's a will there's a way. Although Jacinda Ardern has gone I'm sure one of her successors will ultimately yield to the pressure to introduce the cuddly creatures to New Zealand while SA Greens campaign for the Kangaroo Island population to be restored to their numbers before the bushfires.

Australia fires: Thousands petition for koalas to be introduced to New Zealand


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Ha! Brilliant! 'Cos we just don't know what the outcome would be of introducing a species into a new habitat devoid of any natural predators until we do it, again and again, so we have to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market, err, uhm I mean the environment. And from that point of view, we have to do everything at risk.

Gee... Where have I heard that before?

"SA Greens campaign for theKangaroo Islandpopulation to be restored to theie numbers before the bushfires."

Yes of course, because when we mess around with nature, that always works so well!

Thanks for these news items, they really are new to me.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Wow. Nothing he's saying is news to me, or your readership, most likely, but Hallelujah! Some political pushback. YouTube/it's algorithms has well and truly outed itself now!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Echos of Germany 1933 - 1945, the PRC and the USSR. Ruddick is Screwyou's political opponent. He's anti-authoritarian. They're authoritarians. Screwyou doesn't want people to do their own research.


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Hi Rebekah,

Have you read the - "Op COVID SHIELD National COVID Vaccine Campaign Plan August 2021"

Link follows below.

If you haven't this would be a GREAT TOPIC for an article.

This is the plan, written under the supervision of an Army guy (why????), to jab every single Australian with mRNA drugs. Without exception.

It is worth noting that before the mass jabbing campaign the data tells us clearly there was NO COVID-19 PNEUMONIA CRISIS in Australia. Period. nada. nothing. zip.

And when this plan was published in August 2021 there had been virtually no deaths for months.

This was a highly detailed plan on how they were going to force every Australian to be injected.

Which is probably why they called on Australians worldwide at the beginning of 2020 lockdowns to come home, before they slammed the borders closed. They wanted to jab everyone with mRNA.

It is very clearly detailed - and how they controlled the media. And how Canberra controlled it all.


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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

wow, just wow.

Surprised YouTube did not call it Hate Speech, seems all the rage these days that little gem of a quote.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

So many people are asleep as they do not see such things on the news and are blissfully unaware that free speech is being targeted in this way. Opinions that contradict, even worse FACTS that contradict, are not allowed. We will slip into authoritarianism I fear, as most Aussies are not used to propaganda tools, and are easily deceived, immigrants from former authoritarian regimes however can see what's happening a mile off, they're the friends of mine who saw through it all from the beginning.

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Thanks Rebekah

More content for the "Censorship" page


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Best website on the web right here.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Apart from the renegade's renegade, Mark Latham, it appears that the few political types prepared to speak truth to power are all coming from the conservative side.

I wonder when the liberal wets will wake up and dry behind their ears.

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Great article Rebekah.

What the ongoing censorship shows us is that the people who control YouTube want to control the narrative as far off as Australia. It is global. And they don’t want people openly talking about their crimes against humanity.

This is the true purpose of censorship.

They are trying to hide their global crimes.

The globalists, the global institutions, and the multinationals are all behaving as neo-monarchies, as if they have the right to absolute power over humanity on a global basis.

This is global fascism on steroids.

And all of these players and institutions in brutally assaulting billions of people with "censorship" are simply acting as global cyber terrorists.

What we are witnessing is cyber-terrorism. International terrorism.

The actions of silencing voices, deplatforming people's channels and businesses, demonetization, debanking, etc., etc., is all simply TERRORISM - because it is done for political purposes.

If we were to walk up to someone and brutally assault them to silence them, or throw petrol on someones business and burn it to the ground, or forcibly take someone's income from them - that would be a crime, and in most instances called terrorism.

Censorship is terrorism.

Write us an article on this theme please.

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Sounds like JR has looked at the data. He was great at the Malhotra evening. The cross bench is looking quite hopeful when and if they let Mark Latham out of rainbow jail. The Cana is and animal parties are useless but One Nation and the Lib Dems are great.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I love that the effect of censorship has been to get way MORE people to watch the video on platforms other than the censoring one. Thank you for writing about this, Rebekah. Keep up the great work of shining a big light on what is really going on.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thank you Rebekah, you're awesome 💛

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Nothing he said is wrong and most of it is government data. Oh, the irony.

Relatedly, buckle up Substackers because they are coming for us next with or without the Australian digital misinformation bill. Substack will be more than happy to roll over to tptb. See who they platform: https://on.substack.com/p/grow-29-katelyn-jetelina

This is a common profile by Substack. They are based in San Francisco and woke.

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