Here’s what a GP in New Zealand, Alison Goodwin, who was actively challenging the COVID-19 narrative, had to say about the media in July 2021:


If there are journalists and media out there watching, I would like to say that I am disappointed and disillusioned by your profession.

You’re supposed to be asking the tricky questions on behalf of New Zealanders. All you have done is perpetuate a fear-based narrative, and had no place for discussion of alternative views or ideas.


The mainstream media has been an unmitigated disaster. The major story they have ignored and continue to ignore is that there is no valid consent for all the millions of COVID-19 vaccinations administered under coercion and mandates. This is a dynamite story, still waiting to be exposed.

See my article about NZ GP Alison Goodwin, who fought for patients’ rights and informed consent to be defended back in July 2021…but she was ignored…

And now here we are…no valid consent.

See: "This is unethical and this is madness" - NZ doctor Alison Goodwin on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, 3 July 2021: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/this-is-unethical-and-this-is-madness

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It’s easy to fail when you’re paid to fail especially when the Govt offers you Tax exemptions for following/ amplifying their preffered narrative throughout COVID & demonising anything that doesn’t fit it.

What the main stream media are slowly starting to realise now is that their business model is totally screwed because no one trusts them anymore, no one reads their articles anymore, no one watches them on TV anymore because they’ve lost all credibility.

Without viewers, readers & people engaged in your content how are you supposed to sell advertising to keep your business model profitable? 🤔

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My recollection is that, early in 2020 MSM led the way in spooking the public about c19. By the time the government joined in (and ultimately used LOTS of taxpayer dollars to keep the taxpayers in a heightened state of fear) the public seemed to be begging for lockdown. Lockdown was a vote winner. Without MSM none of the Draconianism would have been possible. Who could forget the early images from Wuhan and then the scenes from northern Italian hospitals.

Remember the open letter produced by that intellectual giant, Lisa Wilkinson, and sent to Scomo asking him to 'lock US down'?

The combination of human psychology and MSM messaging remains potent.

You have written about journalists.

Interestingly, COMEDIANS were missing in action, too ...people who normally do not hesitate to take the piss out of absurd government practice.

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Re comedians mocking COVID-19, this is a good one:

I Regret Getting The Vaccine by James Donald Forbes McCann #covidvaccine #wewantanswerschallenge - YouTube


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This article ties in well with your previous one on what drives people to respond to "vaccine" injuries differently.

I see many parallels between the media and the medical profession in their reactions to Covid.

Medical practitioners, like journalists, are now required to have multiple degrees and fellowships in order to practice.

In reality, this has created a more indoctrinated and unquestioning workforce, with each degree seeming to add another layer of groupthink.

In the "good old days", much medical education was practical and hard.

Doctors learnt a wide range of skills on the job, and developed an ability to think on their feet.

Modern medical education is much more based on algorithms and questioning the status quo is anathema.

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As I recall, the government gave MSM tax amnesty for a year. i.e. it bought them. This is exemplary of why "journalists" (propagandists) are known by some as "presstitutes". COVID showed that we have very few actual journalists in Australia (hat tip to our host).

I guess that the government is not allowed to bribe media companies, so technically they did not give them cash, so from an autistic point of view it was "legal" (pointing at the legal profession). But money is fungible, so tax relief is equivalent to a bribe.

This is not how competent adults behave.

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Re your observation that being in the "media" now requires a university qualification and noticing that females are now in that majority, I'll throw a couple more Orwell quotes at you:

"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy."


"What sickens me about left-wing people, especially the intellectuals, is their utter ignorance of the way things actually happen.”

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As a uni qualified woman in media, I'm offended 😆

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a notable exception. LOL !

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Females are not only in the majority in journalism, but also law, medicine and education. The neo-fems have done a great job.

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My favourite was from a journalist who claimed that covid was spreading so rapidly that it was "jumping fences into Queensland". What a versatile little virus it is!

Cannot find link unfortunately.

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It certainly had magical properties at that time. Like only infecting people if they were standing up without a mask on (but not when they were sitting down).

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You obviously patronised restaurants at the time.

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I obviously collected the government-sponsored infographics spamming my social media feeds at the time…

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Here is a page detailing some of the ways in which Australian government employees bought off the MSM during the covid operation. It reeks.

btw I wouldn't be boasting about my university qualifications while completely missing this elephant in the room, in an article within my area of qualification.


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AFAIK there was a deal done by Gates & prob big pharma et al and all western major MSM, whom were paid hundreds of millions of dollars for this, to TOTALLY suppress any anti-Vax criticism... and SMEAR all of those people as dangerous to all others...& call them radical idiots & so on...same trick used to demonising doctors & any & all safe therapeutics that were not their "death shot"! They even canceled & suspended Doctors that didn't follow the totalitarian edicts/protocols...apart from FORCING vax to work..they smeared naysayers as "Misinformation spreaders" & "Anti-Vaxers" endangering everybody. Granny killers et al. This has been an enormous FRAUD & theft of public money...THEIR MUST BE PROSECUTIONS

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Did you once record a song called "Bad Habits"?

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It became abundantly clear that the legacy media is merely the propaganda arm of the Government during Covid. Described famously by David Icke as "intellectual prostitutes" - serving to amplify the the messaging of the rich and powerful corporate entities and institutions that "pull the strings" of the Government. It's fifth-generation warfare - hiding in plain sight.

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Is your highly polysyllabic word 'abundantly' redundant?:)

Yes, during the great plague media outlets sent out messages that resonated with government action/messaging to an uncharacteristically high degree. Normally MSM is a thorn in the side of any government.

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Although unrelated is some more info on WA having the worst statistics on the road safety side


I still believe it is injection related.... I do believe our road safety has been compromised because people's neurology has been affected

And also another reason to bring out more surveillance which you would have noticed all those number plate cameras being mounted to the power poles and light poles around Perth

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Crazy. The article suggests that WA’s new surveillance and massive fines will reduce the road toll. However, nowhere does it say what the road toll is currently, by how much it’s gone up and whether this is population adjusted, and how that relates to smart phone use.

My unverifiable opinion is that the number plate cameras are prefitted infrastructure for a smart city kind of set up. When I queried WA Gov about what they were for they said it's to help identify stolen cars. 7,500 cars get stolen per year in WA total. Seems like a pretty bloody expensive way of locating them when most of them are probably routinely located already under regular policing practices.


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Yes all of that additional stuff on cars is a shared concern. It's clearly not about car theft alone, rather and expansion of surveillance. I reckon I pass through three everyday on the way to work and I see them more and more in other areas that weren't there months ago. Before you know it they will be on most side streets and will probably end up with EULEZ type charges to drive our car in other areas. Obviously pretty useful for 15 minutes cities too. How do we put a stop to this crazy business. I'm fairly certain Trump is not going to help the world roll this stuff back given that the people around him want more digital surveillance.

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Once the WHO declared the c19 outbreak to be a 'pandemic' on March 11, emergency legislation was automatically triggered (by virtue of legislation passed unilaterally back in the day), binding msm to work cooperatively with government, in the interests of societal cohesion, as if the nation was involved in a war against an invading force. This, at least, will be the orthodox account of what ensued. No room for division (lack of teamwork) was allowable, with stakes so high ... it will be argued.

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Yes good point.

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Oh Dave... HO HO HO! Any MSM journo, in ANY medium, is dirt. Shit, dross, scum. As sung in the light opera, The Pirates ☠️ of Penzance..."too LATE, Ha ha! Too LATE"! No one cares mate. Ya all blew ya bolt, we SEE you all for what you are. Just as I view Doctors, Nurses and my own Uniparty Federal Government. 💩 Fukem, they done.

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Ah come on now, David is doing some good work, especially on vaccine injuries.

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Covid an unexpected disease badly managed globally & exacerbated by media reports issuing from unreliable sources Grim & warning headlines made better news than softer remarks so the ball kept rolling Until a well considered national setup to cover pandemics is in place to suit for each nation without a Big Brother global overlook on the process

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Did ya get the vax to keep your job, Dave?

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The division of powers has been compromised since governments have been subsidising media outlets. Thanks Rebekah, great work as always 💛

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