Thanks for continuing Rebekah. That apathetic 'why bother' vibe is hard to combat, especially now the sun is coming out and we are letting Novak back.
"Its all over, forget about it, don't be boring, etc, etc. A couple of stubborn fools here or there lost their jobs, that is their problem."
I know it seems disheartening, but I do believe that if they try to ratchet up again they will get more pushback, there is a genuine increase in scepticism toward the 'experts' now the virus has laughed at the vaccine, and people like you who write and me who read have helped that.
Thanks Barbara, I agree... if we'd all pushed back they'd never have gotten away with this crap... hopefully a better informed group will push back louder, harder, stronger going forward.
I really appreciate having an Australian perspective on this whole clown show. Earlier, particularly at the start of 2022,i felt that some of what I was reading about wasn't happening here. I either couldn't see it (I live rural) or nobody was talking about it (that I knew of). So reading about vax related deaths & injuries & infection rates among the vaxed was all from overseas & I was wondering how it could possibly be different here. I've only found 2 Aussie Substack's (that have a focus on the shit-show that is Australia) so far.
Not Nikki here, Rebekah, but thought I'd mention another Australian substacker I read -- he is Sydney based and his substack is called Lies are Unbekoming.
Hi Rebekah, the other Aussie Substack I read is Lies Are Unbekoming. I can't recall exactly when I found that one but it was somewhere early this year (2022). I found your Substack through a reference to your newsletter from another Substacker, can't recall now if it was Unbekoming or Joel Smalley or even someone else. I have 20-some that I flick through on the daily & not necessarily read anything but I read each of your articles.
Documenting as much of what is happening is necessary and the Australian perspective is needed. Those of us who have landed on substack (thank goodness it exists) are glad for the communal sharing of information and ideas and the big one, trying to help make sense of what the hell is happening. I watched a whistleblower nurse (U.S?) on The Highwire recently talking about the large increase in 'fetal demise', stillbirths at her hospital and it was chilling... last year a friend told me that a friend of hers knew a doctor that had left a Perth, West Aust hospital for the same reason. I put that together with the Canadian Doctor who was put in a psychiatric hospital for saying the same thing.... . Also Dr Naomi Wolf and volunteers work at 'The Daily Clout.' I don't want to believe it is happening but it seems it is. So how can we not pay attention? We must also look after our mental health somehow but I believe in being a witness documenting and where possible taking action. Some lawsuits are being won regarding vaccine mandates, there are a few cracks in the dam appearing and whistleblowers stepping up. I believe we need to support vaccine injured. We are smart to pay attention because it will inform our future actions and I don't know if it's too dramatic to say it may save our lives but it may and it will help us ready for whatever is next re social credit, digital currency or more vaccine programs.
Commiserations for living in a police state ruled by a maniac. Life is not so bad here in rural NSW.
Love your comments on the world situation and please keep it up. Good to have an Australian voice in the mix. I think the baddies will lose eventually but it might get worse before then.
There are many occasions during the last 30 months where I thought to myself, "Why bother?"
Recently I realised my most powerful, even only, weapon against the insidious evil we face is my voice, be it written or oral. There is nothing evil of this kind hates more than voices speaking out against it.
Thus I determined, just like Rebekah, not to stop speaking, even if there was nothing else that could be done. I speak because I have a root in myself, my principles, which no corrupt government edict can take away, ban or censor.
Really appreciate your posts. Was so pleased to find a substack that was not only Australian but based in Perth. We need commentary that reflects the reality....which nobody seems to talk about and is certainly not found in mainstream media. I’ve stopped watching TV. All blah blah, and boy doesn’t everyone have an opinion.
I think I’m responsible for the “why bother” vibe - if I am, I’m sorry because that was not at all what I meant.
What I was trying to do was to say “well, it’s pretty damn clear by now that “they” knew the anti-COVID strategies were both ineffective and harmful; they also knew that enough of us knew, not only that their strategies were ineffective but we knew that they knew it. Nonetheless they kept on doing it, keep trying to restart doing it and (esp in WA) keep the political jackboot pressing down hard”.
The question is, it’s all very well to whinge (Australians could whinge for the world if there were an interstellar Olympics) what are you going to do about it? How are you going to make a difference? And, finally, what would you like us to do?
Hi Angus, I took your question as you meant it, thanks for the prompt.
I agree that whinging is not particularly useful. I'm not sure if you view documenting and informing as the same thing as whinging? I do not. Your question, 'what would you like us to do?', is that directed towards me or others?
I meant the question to be directed to anyone who heard it, not specifically to you.
I see documenting and informing as useful but not decisive.
We are living in a world in which 85% or so seem to have been captures by one or more of the obsessive cults sweeping the modern world - and most seem to have been captured by most of the cults - of which there are many including obviously COVID, but also anthropomorphic forcing of climate change and everything that flows from that insanity; gender “fluidity”; the historically evil nature and perpetual taint of the western world; equality of outcomes irrespective of innate ability, effort or luck…the very concept that the western world in which the poorest have a standard of living which would have been unimaginable to the wealthiest of us 50 or 100 years ago has lead to widespread (if focussed on a overwhelming multitude of fragments of society) disadvantage…
What I’m trying, inadequately, to say is that you don’t deprogramme cultists through logic - belief or faith is largely impervious to logic initially (though, once it starts to break, logic will complete the process - so documentation and information is important). The question is how to break the stasis, how to prize out the boulder which is holding the current insanity in place…
I feel like I’m living in Alice’s Wonderland.
"I'm just one hundred and one, five months and a day."
"I can't believe that!" said Alice.
"Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said: "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
I don’t have answers, I just have frustration and questions.
I feel similarly. Hence my Sub name - earlier this year I kept exclaiming that I felt like I was living in The Upsidedown.
I think there are two things going on here:
Journalism for informing the demos and Community Organising for activating and directing the demos. We obviously need both. My skill set is in the former camp. It seems to me, from reading your comments, that you are seeking leadership in the latter form. Me too. There are some worthy movements, but we don't seem to have momentum or clear vision yet in terms of creating strong action in Australia. I feel your frustration on this front too.
that was over a year before the vaccine roll out in Australia which was launched on 22 February 2021 and worldwide 10 months before Britain who was the first to approve the shot for emergency use on December 3, followed by Canada on December 9 and the US FDA on December 11 2020
Thanks for continuing Rebekah. That apathetic 'why bother' vibe is hard to combat, especially now the sun is coming out and we are letting Novak back.
"Its all over, forget about it, don't be boring, etc, etc. A couple of stubborn fools here or there lost their jobs, that is their problem."
I know it seems disheartening, but I do believe that if they try to ratchet up again they will get more pushback, there is a genuine increase in scepticism toward the 'experts' now the virus has laughed at the vaccine, and people like you who write and me who read have helped that.
Thanks Barbara, I agree... if we'd all pushed back they'd never have gotten away with this crap... hopefully a better informed group will push back louder, harder, stronger going forward.
I really appreciate having an Australian perspective on this whole clown show. Earlier, particularly at the start of 2022,i felt that some of what I was reading about wasn't happening here. I either couldn't see it (I live rural) or nobody was talking about it (that I knew of). So reading about vax related deaths & injuries & infection rates among the vaxed was all from overseas & I was wondering how it could possibly be different here. I've only found 2 Aussie Substack's (that have a focus on the shit-show that is Australia) so far.
Keep up the great work 👍.
Thank you Nikki. What's the other Sub that you read to keep up with Aus news?
Not Nikki here, Rebekah, but thought I'd mention another Australian substacker I read -- he is Sydney based and his substack is called Lies are Unbekoming.
Hi Rebekah, the other Aussie Substack I read is Lies Are Unbekoming. I can't recall exactly when I found that one but it was somewhere early this year (2022). I found your Substack through a reference to your newsletter from another Substacker, can't recall now if it was Unbekoming or Joel Smalley or even someone else. I have 20-some that I flick through on the daily & not necessarily read anything but I read each of your articles.
Yes, I appreciate the Australian perspective, too.
ExcessDeathsAU is another good one, the writer is from Western Australia
100%. Upgraded to paid. Keep up the great work!!
Thank you Joel, really appreciate your support!
Documenting as much of what is happening is necessary and the Australian perspective is needed. Those of us who have landed on substack (thank goodness it exists) are glad for the communal sharing of information and ideas and the big one, trying to help make sense of what the hell is happening. I watched a whistleblower nurse (U.S?) on The Highwire recently talking about the large increase in 'fetal demise', stillbirths at her hospital and it was chilling... last year a friend told me that a friend of hers knew a doctor that had left a Perth, West Aust hospital for the same reason. I put that together with the Canadian Doctor who was put in a psychiatric hospital for saying the same thing.... . Also Dr Naomi Wolf and volunteers work at 'The Daily Clout.' I don't want to believe it is happening but it seems it is. So how can we not pay attention? We must also look after our mental health somehow but I believe in being a witness documenting and where possible taking action. Some lawsuits are being won regarding vaccine mandates, there are a few cracks in the dam appearing and whistleblowers stepping up. I believe we need to support vaccine injured. We are smart to pay attention because it will inform our future actions and I don't know if it's too dramatic to say it may save our lives but it may and it will help us ready for whatever is next re social credit, digital currency or more vaccine programs.
Well said! I do fear that substack will become so influential that facebook or google will buy it out!
I really hope not!
Thank you for 'bothering'!
Commiserations for living in a police state ruled by a maniac. Life is not so bad here in rural NSW.
Love your comments on the world situation and please keep it up. Good to have an Australian voice in the mix. I think the baddies will lose eventually but it might get worse before then.
Happy to subscribe and support your work Bek. Keep holding these germ-conspiring cretins to account, keep the ship steady, keep bringing the memes 🔥
Thank you Isaac, I appreciate it!
There are many occasions during the last 30 months where I thought to myself, "Why bother?"
Recently I realised my most powerful, even only, weapon against the insidious evil we face is my voice, be it written or oral. There is nothing evil of this kind hates more than voices speaking out against it.
Thus I determined, just like Rebekah, not to stop speaking, even if there was nothing else that could be done. I speak because I have a root in myself, my principles, which no corrupt government edict can take away, ban or censor.
Really appreciate your posts. Was so pleased to find a substack that was not only Australian but based in Perth. We need commentary that reflects the reality....which nobody seems to talk about and is certainly not found in mainstream media. I’ve stopped watching TV. All blah blah, and boy doesn’t everyone have an opinion.
You are throwing pebbles - or mRNAs - into an ocean. Who knows how far the ripples will go and whom they impact?
If people are not interested, they are free to ignore - PROVIDED they allow others the same freedom to choose,
Of course, I also question our efforts to share information.
I think I’m responsible for the “why bother” vibe - if I am, I’m sorry because that was not at all what I meant.
What I was trying to do was to say “well, it’s pretty damn clear by now that “they” knew the anti-COVID strategies were both ineffective and harmful; they also knew that enough of us knew, not only that their strategies were ineffective but we knew that they knew it. Nonetheless they kept on doing it, keep trying to restart doing it and (esp in WA) keep the political jackboot pressing down hard”.
The question is, it’s all very well to whinge (Australians could whinge for the world if there were an interstellar Olympics) what are you going to do about it? How are you going to make a difference? And, finally, what would you like us to do?
Hi Angus, I took your question as you meant it, thanks for the prompt.
I agree that whinging is not particularly useful. I'm not sure if you view documenting and informing as the same thing as whinging? I do not. Your question, 'what would you like us to do?', is that directed towards me or others?
I meant the question to be directed to anyone who heard it, not specifically to you.
I see documenting and informing as useful but not decisive.
We are living in a world in which 85% or so seem to have been captures by one or more of the obsessive cults sweeping the modern world - and most seem to have been captured by most of the cults - of which there are many including obviously COVID, but also anthropomorphic forcing of climate change and everything that flows from that insanity; gender “fluidity”; the historically evil nature and perpetual taint of the western world; equality of outcomes irrespective of innate ability, effort or luck…the very concept that the western world in which the poorest have a standard of living which would have been unimaginable to the wealthiest of us 50 or 100 years ago has lead to widespread (if focussed on a overwhelming multitude of fragments of society) disadvantage…
What I’m trying, inadequately, to say is that you don’t deprogramme cultists through logic - belief or faith is largely impervious to logic initially (though, once it starts to break, logic will complete the process - so documentation and information is important). The question is how to break the stasis, how to prize out the boulder which is holding the current insanity in place…
I feel like I’m living in Alice’s Wonderland.
"I'm just one hundred and one, five months and a day."
"I can't believe that!" said Alice.
"Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said: "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
I don’t have answers, I just have frustration and questions.
I feel similarly. Hence my Sub name - earlier this year I kept exclaiming that I felt like I was living in The Upsidedown.
I think there are two things going on here:
Journalism for informing the demos and Community Organising for activating and directing the demos. We obviously need both. My skill set is in the former camp. It seems to me, from reading your comments, that you are seeking leadership in the latter form. Me too. There are some worthy movements, but we don't seem to have momentum or clear vision yet in terms of creating strong action in Australia. I feel your frustration on this front too.
John Mcafee said it best on 5/2/2020 before he was suicided!
"Do NOT, under any circumstances, take the vaccine!!!"
that was over a year before the vaccine roll out in Australia which was launched on 22 February 2021 and worldwide 10 months before Britain who was the first to approve the shot for emergency use on December 3, followed by Canada on December 9 and the US FDA on December 11 2020
What could he have possibly known????