The 'hermit state' had almost no Covid in 2021 due to its extreme zero Covid policies, so WA vaccine safety data provides unique insight into vaccine effects absent the confounder of Covid infection
2. Know and not understand (They were criminally stupid)
3. Know, understand but believe the virus was worse (They might just feasibly be able to share the blame with other governments around the world offering wonky data...but if they argue this way (and I wouldn’t advise it) they must also take their share of the blame for the adverse events throughout the world. (They were part of an evil international conspiracy)
4. Know, and understand the harm they were doing and still carry on *mandating* the vaccines any way (They were unutterably evil - there is simply no adequate punishment for such a crime against humanity)
The knew and it was deliberate - how do you build back better or have a great reset without destroying what is there.
It verges on childish how all these world leaders repeated the BBB mantra through a variety of speeches, they really are weak little puppets.
As Sasha Latypova says …..
Can anyone, please, provide an example from history, where a genocide was stopped because some nerds presented the genocidal maniacs with a letter, tallying up the kill? No! It only encourages them further.
They followed the same lockstep actions as ~179 agenda '21 countries : how does that happen if they are not following a plan (whose plan : a foreign entitey's plan).
They would see the daily / weekly / monthly statistics for births / miscarriages / deaths changing and have kept that covered up.
The have never reported the vx status of those in hospital or ICU in WA : why not?
In one particular case a ex copper and viet vet died who McCoward claimed on television that he died of covid.
His wife of 40 odd years claimed he didn’t and McCoward lied, he died of blood clots from the vaccine.
I was in the city at a demonstration to hear his wife and family talk, in fact it was hours and hours after his death before they contacted her.
These people in Government likeMcCoward and others have lots and lots of blood on their hands, one way or another they will be forced to face up to it.
Ah, but don't forget that for the purposes of being sero-converted and effective in providing immunity, you are considered unvaxxed for up to two weeks post jab. So if those two weeks is where most adverse reactions occur, the person is unvaccinated!
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
I offer another one that keeps building up in my thoughts.
5. Knowing it (of course) but accepting it as collateral damage to fund, test and advance the new nRMA platform technolgy.
There was lots of talk coming out of the Fauci circles in the past ten to twenty years that they have the technolgy but the funds always dry up after each outbreak. What they need is a global event that scares everyone and influenza doesn't do that. I think CEPI was founded for that goal too - to devlope the mRNA platform for the future good and everlasting profits. (Apologies for not providing references - it is too time consuming to dig them out)
It looks like they suceeded. They got (or created) their worldwide pandemic scare, their funding and their wolrdwide trial.
I think what they didn't anticipate was that the shots would be such a failure - both in efficancy and safety. Bill Gates admitted that much.
So now it is damage control. But I think the mRNA platform lost a huge amount of credibility in the population. But WHO changed the definition of "herd immunity" to "vaccine only" and therefore set up the legal framework to "force" vaccines on people in the future for "the greater good of herd immunity." Natural herd immunity - what succesfully erased thousands of pandemics in human history - was "erased" as a means to reach herd immunity. That this was accepted and not challanged by all people and governments in the world in 2021 might be the turning point for future generations having to live with medical fachism and tyranny.
And it enables the mRNA research and trials to continue. They don't need fear anymore. They can just inject anyone in the name of "vaccine induceed herd immunity", despite the fact, that this will never work as Gert vande Bosche pointed out at the beginning of the roll-out. More on this topic:
Yer/nah - you need to see this 15 minute doco, the WHO wanted to jab every girl in Kenya between 14-48 with 6 anti natal tetanus vaccines around 6 months apart, they claimed it was also SAFE & EFFECTIVE now does that sound pretty much the same as the current Covid jab scenario?.
OH BTW they forgot to tell all the girls that they STUCK A ANTI FERTILITY VACCINE on the back of the tetanus shot!!!.
This time they tried to either main, kill or sterilise the world and if every Australian had jabbed up with the 10 or so vaccines bought by our stupid, corrupt, cowardly pathetic Government’s I have no doubt we would all be dead, I would not piss on them if they were on fire.
These people are super evil criminals, they deserve to hang, there useful idiots in Government, MSM etc are not far behind.
Every single person that can see trough the dystopian scam of ‘viruses’ that has such a fatal grip on society make me immensely happy.
We will see the so needed paradigm shift in the allopathic ‘junk medicine’ towards a better and more healthy way with centred knowledge to be able to take care of your own health and not outsource it to tyrannical maniacs that wants to take away your bodily autonomy.
There is and never was any need for any ‘vaccines’ EVER nor all the synthetically produced drugs that the medical industrial complex wants you to believe that you absolutely need.
Our bodies were made perfect. Feed it right in all ways and you will prosper in longevity.
People just need to see some graphs based on figures from the Government’s of the US and UK themselves.
Measles vaccine was introduced in 1963 (US) and 1968 (UK) deaths per 100,000 was basically zero, the vaccine was and is zero help.
Whooping cough vaccine when introduced the same - zero
Polio correlates with DDT spraying and stopped when spraying stopped- it’s not a virus
Yet I hear people tell me vaccines saved millions of lives - it’s just not true - what saved lives was refrigerated fresh food, clean water, child labour laws and the moving of industries away from where people lived so fresh air, sunlight etc was available.
We are continually lied to, people need to research this if not for themselves then their kids.
The problem is that people do not want to look. All too many rely on the propaganda machine that have had a long time to imprint the helpfulness of ‘vaccines’ and other things (‘needed’ synthetical drugs) that’s been spewing out from the pharmaceutical medical industrial complex.
When people are impacted themselves, then they start questioning more and do the research that was needed beforehand. All too many ‘believe’ in a third party, ie government officials, politicians and so called medical professionals (not all of them, there are many critical and engaged thinkers but they as you well know are suppressed) that have been baked into the lies as well by pharmaceutical entities.
To take care of your own body and health is a lifetime project, not all understands that.
Even when they became aware of adverse events (assuming they didn't know, which is negligent, as you said) the health professionals sincerely believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. Think about that - they willingly sacrifice the health and lives of some people for a tiny potential benefit in a few people. I have no more words to describe the people.
yeah, it's downright scary. all for the Greater Good! Where does it end? We have too many people, let's kill 7 billion of them. their deaths will be for the Greater Good.
In WA there was the 2016 Public Health Act with its forced vaccination clauses, and the signing in 2018 if the IHR agreement mandating vaccination if Pandemic declared - case closed.
I'm not sure that the number of casualties is specified. The conditions, as I understand it, is that this forced-jab law is only in effect when a state of emergency is called. Technically they could have done it during the Covid SOE but I don't think the public would have quite had the appetite for it. A cynic might say the coercive mandates were social training wheels for the introduction of such a policy the next time around...
Your report is comprehensive and very well researched. A big thankyou from me, and those damaged by these injections.
I think the delay by WA in releasing the report very much is a case of them knowing this makes their covid policies bad, not look bad, but actual bad.
“undermine the Government’s efforts to keep Western Australians safe.” I think their actions undermined WA peoples safety.
Correct me if I am wrong, but your analysis is the first to state women more than men (including young boys) were more damaged by this injection in a large group of people.
The first graph is terrible in its visual clarity - that the injections resulted in not just a massive peak in adverse events, but an actual consistent surge, almost like a plateau.
The Pfizer report of 15 April 2022 showed that 68.5 % of people reporting Adverse Effects were women. 923,194 out of Total Number of Cases: 1,348,079
APPENDIX 2.1 Cumulative Number of Case Reports (Serious and Non-Serious, Medically Confirmed and Non Medically-Confirmed) from Post-Marketing Data Sources, Overall, by Sex, Country, Age Groups and in Special Populations and Summary Tabulation by Preferred Term and MedDRA System Organ Class BNT162B2 - ALL
I do wonder if the difference in reporting is also a stereotypical response to being ill... women are more likely to get things checked out than men and reported than men in my experience- though my experience may not be the norm.
It would be interesting to know if there are any studies to look at differences in rates of seeking medical care and reporting issues/adverse events.
Surely these WA findings show that WA is in violation of Australia's obligations under the international convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women!
Now we're cooking with gas. Steve, here is an article about Rebekah's work pitched to an international audience - it has stats about WA - size and population for context in relation to the US and why this is important.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Thanks for the post! Have you ever looked into hospital numbers for 2021? I tried to FOI a while back, especially for cardiac admissions, but they flat out wouldn't share it.
The table on pg 11 - down the bottom of WAVSS report would give a fair indication that ED departments and GP clinics would have been extra busy (look at the box titled 'managed by...'). However the raw data would be great to compare, surely the authors of this report should be able to provide this data. Just from this surveillance alone - 4597 people reported to an ED dept and 961 hospital admissions related to a specific medical intervention in 1 yr. The signals were there right in the clinical trials 2020, Norwegian nursing home death spate, then the Feb 2021 Post surveillance report. Many of us were aware of the red flags and were able to make the right decision for our families- however the general public that has been harmed through their overwhelming trust in their Drs, govt, media etc are the real victims in all of this... - many are still oblivious. There are so many evil players in this game but let's at least start with the authors of this paper (WAVSS annual report 2021) who sat on this data.
In the US people are able to show up to public hospital board meetings and ask questions. I wonder if that is possible in Australia. I was considering asking about why they are using remdesivir (still). Possible avenue to get answers or at least make them sweat?
Many people in the US are not aware that they can do this. Different states, counties, and cities have different rules, but it seems that generally there is some opportunity for public comment, usually for about 2-3 minutes, and usually that time is strictly enforced. When they expect that people will speaking on something they don't want to hear, they'll make you show up at the beginning in order to speak, but then allow you to speak only after waiting for hours. So one has to bring a lot of patience and fortitude to the 2-3 minutes allotted.
While sometimes the official video ends up on FB or YT, it's usually very long, up to about 5 hours, so not many people watch it or bother to look around there for public comments. Therefore it's best when the person giving the testimony can have a someone film them personally, then put a clip onto alternative sites such as bitchure, odysee, rumble. Twitter now is also usually good for such video clips.
Here is a superb example of public comment at the Culver City council in California, back in 2021-- it doesn't show the speaker however, just the dias with the council members.
AMY LOFTUS: OK. Hi. Thanks for letting me speak. The meeting has been full of signals about how this board does not discriminate against certain groups. It happened for the first hour at least. And this is discrimination.
In 1993 I visited Dachau in southern Germany. When I got home my father, who was like a walking encyclopedia, said, did you see how close the train was to the concentration camp? And that it was full of windows? And I said, I did. He said, spend your life finding out how those people sat on that train and watched the people in those camps every day and said nothing.
The way that they did that is they believed that the people in the camps were sick with a virus, that they were a harm to humanity. They were indoctrinated with propaganda from their own country.
This is discrimination. I happen to be married to someone who is in a line genetically who of survivors of those camps I describe.
Papers please is not something that I want to hear in any town in America. And that this council is proud to stand behind legislation like this[1] is disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You're on the wrong path and I think deep down you know it.
Discrimination is discrimination. If you're going to save a family from living in a car and then proudly talk about how you're not going to let somebody into a business because of their private medical information, you have lost your way. Like so many other things that you have done in this town, you're ruining it, three of you are, ruining it. It has to stop. And it's 18,000 people dead now after 2 weeks. Many died within two weeks. And the VAERS[1] report is highly likely 1% of the real numbers.
[1] Beginning November 29, 2021 vaccine verification requirements were imposed in Culver City for entering health clubs, restaurants, salons, and theaters and more. These requirements were rescinded in March 2022.
From Culver City Observer, March 17, 2022:
On Culver City's vaccine verification requirements:
"The City Council has decided to rescind the city's COVID-19 vaccine verification requirements for local food and beverage establishments, gyms and fitness venues, entertainment and recreation venues, personal care establishments and city facilities.
"At its Monday night’s meeting, the panel also decided to resume in-person City Council meetings in April as the CDC now categorizes L.A. County as being at low community risk.
"Vaccine verification requirements had been in place at restaurants, personal care, fitness and entertainment businesses in Culver City since November 29, 2021. The City will issue a new Supplement to Public Order revising those requirements and aligning with the LA County Health’s vaccine verification requirements. Culver City will no longer verify vaccination status at city facilities"
[2] VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
SHAUN FREDERICKSON: What a place! Fletcher![1] What a joy to be back in front you all once again. Guys, we're back. Alright. So. My name is Shaun Frederickson.
I don't want to be here. I just drove an hour. I'm not getting paid 250 a year like Fletcher is. Wilma [2], you're getting, who knows how much to lie. You know what's fascinating about this place? I ran here. You're in your suits and you're just enjoying the marvel and your 404 million, you're getting off with these lies.
So, Wilma, have you done the research to determine how many people that have died in the last month, from the vaccinated, like the fully vaccinated? Because, oh, actually, you did! Let me read it for you. Because you post that stuff.
[Reading from smartphone] Alright, so out of the number of deaths that have happened, we're talking about 77%, forgive me, 67% of the deaths are from the vaccinated.
Why are we not talking about this? Your whole report ignored the totality of that. Why is that, Fletcher? You continue to talk about vaccinating our children, yet 67% of your covid deaths that you're creating are from your virus that you're putting within these people.
How many people are totally unvaccinated? Like, haven't received an inoculation, period. Have you done that study?
Jim[3], have you asked them for it? I think it's time, Jim. Because that number would be staggering, Wilma, wouldn't it?
You don't want the people to know the truth because I met one of your voters on the beach and I asked her, why is she wearing a mask? It's the freshest air! And she couldn't tell me why. But she was terrified! You're using terror and fear to control the populace. And Nora[4], I see the way you operate with Remer[5]. It's disgusting!
Educate the people. Empower the people. Give them the truth. No longer follow this pandering. We're tired of it, the American people are tired of it. And even the woman on the beach doesn't believe you anymore. She's searching for truth.
Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett
Also as per WA Registry of Birth , Deaths etc: Deaths registered for 2021 was 1059 deaths above baseline (2016-2020) and 848 deaths higher than 2020. Number of deaths in WA is usually fairly stable. This registry gets updated late Jan every year ( for the previous yr) - very telling that 2022 is still not avail or entered. There were zero deaths related to C-19 in WA in 2021.
It's difficult to know what's happening because we need the census data as well to have rates which are more meaningful - same issue with vaccination rates. WA government says that WA is 99% vaccinated - based on what?
However, your calculation is interesting regarding 'baselines.' The ABS is all over the place with 2022 'baselines' and 'historical averages' but their 'baseline' is the arithmetic mean of the 4 years of deaths from 2017-2019 and 2021 based on year and week of occurrence. More here for ABS tomfoolery:
You're right - it is difficult to know what is happening, I believe they have designed it this way. We just need to continue to be curious, I don't need to tell you. Keep reporting the data as we see it, -it is the only way we can slowly inform the general public who have fallen for this scandal. We can play their little war games, except they are forgetting they are messing with real people and not just a video game. In regards to baseline - I just used the 'old formula' ABS and others have used traditionally in the past as a basis and a starting point. Thanks for pointing out 'baseline' and 'historical' averages - I will take a closer look, I had glossed over those words in search of where they are hiding the data. Their current cherry picking of years (2017-2019 and 2021) to suit their narrative is nonsensical. Prior to 2021, if you look at all previous yrs, it is 2019 that was an outlier with169,301 deaths - why isn't that year being investigated with the highest uptake in flu jabs prior to 2020, -what happened that yr? 2019, just made 2021 look like an average yr - but that was not the case and well 2022 - let's wait for those final figures - just not sure how long these coroner cases will take. Previous years as per ABS: 2014- 153,580; 2015- 159,052; 2016- 158,504; 2017-160,909; 2018- 158,493; 2019- 169,301; 2020- 161,300; 2021- 171,469. I found this comment on one of their reports (ABS) 'Causes of Death 2021: "Whilst this was a 3.2% increase on the previous year, the mortality rate in 2020 was at a historical low". Go figure how they work that out. 2020 was never a historical low in number of deaths - yes it was much lower than 2019 but higher than other years recorded as per their own data, -here we go again with the use of 'historical'.
When you pull the controls from the 'experiment' you're flying blind. No informed consent. Obviously, ethics left the room a long time ago.
What's the considered URF here and is there data regarding ambulance call outs?
Superb review thank you. Mandated reading to all the budding corporate globalist technofascists, purely as a head's up of what criminal charges to anticipate.
Keep in mind, CEPI have 15 billion shots scheduled for delivery by 2026. None of this will cease until it is physically arrested.
I'm sure URF is a factor though perhaps somewhat less than a straight passive system, as SafeVax did pick up about 1/3 of all AEFIs. My feeling from anecdotals is that a lot of people aren't reporting their injuries because,
a) they don't want to be socially stigmatised
b) they're not sure if their AEFI is related to the vax and feel silly reporting it
c) they think reporting it won't make any difference
d) they simply aren't aware of the vaccine side effects and don't connect their AEFI to the jab
Yes. Permutations on the above. 'They' includes px and dr. (a), (b) & (d).
It is clear emergent indolent cancers, autoimmune conditions and bizarre rare afflictions are categorically never ever attributed to shots. Much the same applies to CVA and MI now. Families often "in their hearts" consider shots to be related, but are too conditioned, and self censor as a result.
The social experiment has been an astonishing success. The legion of coerced and compliant appears a large majority. However, I think experimental reliability will prove awful. We're in unchartered territory and unintended consequences.
Great stuff Bek, thanks for covering this in such detail. That spike (pun intended) in heart issues in late 20s is chilling in how that could manifest down the track, no wonder they waited 6 months so they could hide it behind a looming economic collapse.
It's shocking that young people are still being given Moderna when you see those graphs. Should be banned. And here we have the TGA banning poppy seeds.
And don't forget the immediate recall of a nutritional supplement for mild anxiety (by Kynd) in April 2022 because a few people had allergic reactions to it. Those reactions? "rash, tingling or burning sensation on the skin, general skin redness and itching and swelling of the throat, tongue, eyelids or the face." Of course, they are continuing to monitor this.
Great work Rebekah, I found this reference also very concerning:
Lyme Disease usually starts with a Rash, followed by Fever, Chills, Headaches, and Fatigue - all of which Pfizer tells us is “normal” reaction to their jabs.
Many victims experience Lyme Neuroborreliosis including Memory problems, Facial or Peripheral Limb Paralysis, Numbness, Joint Pains and Stiffness, Heart Palpitations, Chest Pain, Dizziness, Shooting pains, tingling or “Electric Shock”. The disease can progress to serious Lymphocytic Meningitis, Cranial Neuritis, Radiculopathy, Mononeuritis Multiplex, Photophobia, Tinnitus, Vertigo and Dizziness, Hearing Loss, Vision Loss, Impaired Blinking, Abnormal Gait, Convulsions.
Darn it, Rebekah! This is so excellent, you deserve a paid subscription for this. I'll upgrade by the end of the week. Astounding journalism. Keep twisting McClown's nutsack till it drops off ay.
The pretence that publicity and such is the cause of increased reporting does not explain the differences between ages, genders, vaccines and conditions and this observation should be used to totally remove that bs excuse from the narrative.
I cannot engage with WA health but if someone here has the time to do so perhaps they can put this into the record as well.
Back in 2021 (when we started vaccinating children and the argument was shifting to "we need to reduce hospitalizations!"), I created this simple model to approximate reduction in hospitalizations given vaccination-rate/efficacy for each 10-year-gapped age demographic (even assuming 95% relative-risk-reduction, 100% of under 20's would've only accounted for a ~3% reduction in hospitalization rates):
Is there a way to contact you directly? There is a dataset that I'm aware of that would give VERY GOOD historical data on COVID-19 vaccination in Australia (but has to be manually requested from Govt). Can send you the columns (my TG is ).
Also, here's a window flyer to raise awareness about Australia's COVID Vaccine Compensation Scheme. The Government campaigned to shame anyone who claimed they had adverse effects, so seeing that there is an official program to compensate these individuals might make other less hesitant to speak up.
I know a few people hospitalised from the jab that have no intention of claiming through the vax compensation scheme- they just refuse to accept it was the jab.
I verge from feeling sorry for them to downright - serves you right, I tried to warn you about the poison.
Interesting model. Nice way to think about the effect. Just worked out that 80% reduction in hospitalizations could have been achieved by vaccinating about half the population starting from the oldest age group and working your way down with age if you assume the 95% risk reduction across all ages.
Mark McGowan & his cronies must be wishing now that they had not been quite so draconian in closing the borders!
I suspect that one of the biggest reasons that ScoMo wanted to open the country borders in 2022 was to fudge the vax injuries with covid effects - most people still believe the ongoing propaganda that the majority of these excess deaths & heart injuries we are seeing are due to covid.
It's not a very convincing story & doesn't bear close scrutiny - but most states in Australia are able to fudge it well enough to fool Joe Normie.
It's not that I think bad guys win in the end, it's more that I don't think it's going to be Nuremberg 2.0 style retribution that people are envisaging - and as Mathew Crawford pointed out, Nuremberg 1.0 didn't even amount to justice anyway. Only a handful were punished. Most of them were welcomed to other countries and protected (paperclip, etc).
Yep. I'm still waiting for someone to claim responsibility for building 7. Nothing will change until it becomes politically expedient to do so. In the case of 9/11, endless wars are simply too profitable. Watching Lucky Larry say 'pull it' and grinding my teeth wasn't getting me very far. I'm just happy I have more company now.
This whole globalist agenda has got its hooks into just about every country in the world, like some sort of alien parasite that is about to take over the host, and I suspect it is going to get a lot worse before we are done!
The real question, “Did they...
1. Not know (They were grossly negligent)
2. Know and not understand (They were criminally stupid)
3. Know, understand but believe the virus was worse (They might just feasibly be able to share the blame with other governments around the world offering wonky data...but if they argue this way (and I wouldn’t advise it) they must also take their share of the blame for the adverse events throughout the world. (They were part of an evil international conspiracy)
4. Know, and understand the harm they were doing and still carry on *mandating* the vaccines any way (They were unutterably evil - there is simply no adequate punishment for such a crime against humanity)
I can’t think of another possibility.
The knew and it was deliberate - how do you build back better or have a great reset without destroying what is there.
It verges on childish how all these world leaders repeated the BBB mantra through a variety of speeches, they really are weak little puppets.
As Sasha Latypova says …..
Can anyone, please, provide an example from history, where a genocide was stopped because some nerds presented the genocidal maniacs with a letter, tallying up the kill? No! It only encourages them further.
They knew!
They followed the same lockstep actions as ~179 agenda '21 countries : how does that happen if they are not following a plan (whose plan : a foreign entitey's plan).
They would see the daily / weekly / monthly statistics for births / miscarriages / deaths changing and have kept that covered up.
The have never reported the vx status of those in hospital or ICU in WA : why not?
In one particular case a ex copper and viet vet died who McCoward claimed on television that he died of covid.
His wife of 40 odd years claimed he didn’t and McCoward lied, he died of blood clots from the vaccine.
I was in the city at a demonstration to hear his wife and family talk, in fact it was hours and hours after his death before they contacted her.
These people in Government likeMcCoward and others have lots and lots of blood on their hands, one way or another they will be forced to face up to it.
Do you have a link for this?
WA Freedom media interviewed his wife, I am only on telegram, not sure if it is on here - but chase them up for the interview
I’m pretty sure FreedomMediaWA introduced to her to the mic at that rally. (There is an interview somewhere)
Scroll back to February 27, 28 2022
Yep, I watched her speak 👏👏👏
Oh that’s right McCoward claimed he was also unvaccinated- so many lies on so many levels I forgot.
And of course he never retracted that claim.
He is nothing more than a snivelling little weasel.
Ah, but don't forget that for the purposes of being sero-converted and effective in providing immunity, you are considered unvaxxed for up to two weeks post jab. So if those two weeks is where most adverse reactions occur, the person is unvaccinated!
Someone should remind him of that immense falsehood.
Everyone can only reside in (4) now. A certain trajectory was acquired and if you noticed, no wriggle room for an exeat was ever permitted.
Criminal culpability by omission or commission.
Unutterable evil indeed.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
I offer another one that keeps building up in my thoughts.
5. Knowing it (of course) but accepting it as collateral damage to fund, test and advance the new nRMA platform technolgy.
There was lots of talk coming out of the Fauci circles in the past ten to twenty years that they have the technolgy but the funds always dry up after each outbreak. What they need is a global event that scares everyone and influenza doesn't do that. I think CEPI was founded for that goal too - to devlope the mRNA platform for the future good and everlasting profits. (Apologies for not providing references - it is too time consuming to dig them out)
It looks like they suceeded. They got (or created) their worldwide pandemic scare, their funding and their wolrdwide trial.
I think what they didn't anticipate was that the shots would be such a failure - both in efficancy and safety. Bill Gates admitted that much.
So now it is damage control. But I think the mRNA platform lost a huge amount of credibility in the population. But WHO changed the definition of "herd immunity" to "vaccine only" and therefore set up the legal framework to "force" vaccines on people in the future for "the greater good of herd immunity." Natural herd immunity - what succesfully erased thousands of pandemics in human history - was "erased" as a means to reach herd immunity. That this was accepted and not challanged by all people and governments in the world in 2021 might be the turning point for future generations having to live with medical fachism and tyranny.
And it enables the mRNA research and trials to continue. They don't need fear anymore. They can just inject anyone in the name of "vaccine induceed herd immunity", despite the fact, that this will never work as Gert vande Bosche pointed out at the beginning of the roll-out. More on this topic:
Yer/nah - you need to see this 15 minute doco, the WHO wanted to jab every girl in Kenya between 14-48 with 6 anti natal tetanus vaccines around 6 months apart, they claimed it was also SAFE & EFFECTIVE now does that sound pretty much the same as the current Covid jab scenario?.
OH BTW they forgot to tell all the girls that they STUCK A ANTI FERTILITY VACCINE on the back of the tetanus shot!!!.
This time they tried to either main, kill or sterilise the world and if every Australian had jabbed up with the 10 or so vaccines bought by our stupid, corrupt, cowardly pathetic Government’s I have no doubt we would all be dead, I would not piss on them if they were on fire.
These people are super evil criminals, they deserve to hang, there useful idiots in Government, MSM etc are not far behind.
"These people are super evil criminals"
Yes. Music (piano wire) and light (lamp posts) a fitting tribute.
You hit all the bullet points well. ... then comes the "virology" scam.
Every single person that can see trough the dystopian scam of ‘viruses’ that has such a fatal grip on society make me immensely happy.
We will see the so needed paradigm shift in the allopathic ‘junk medicine’ towards a better and more healthy way with centred knowledge to be able to take care of your own health and not outsource it to tyrannical maniacs that wants to take away your bodily autonomy.
There is and never was any need for any ‘vaccines’ EVER nor all the synthetically produced drugs that the medical industrial complex wants you to believe that you absolutely need.
Our bodies were made perfect. Feed it right in all ways and you will prosper in longevity.
People just need to see some graphs based on figures from the Government’s of the US and UK themselves.
Measles vaccine was introduced in 1963 (US) and 1968 (UK) deaths per 100,000 was basically zero, the vaccine was and is zero help.
Whooping cough vaccine when introduced the same - zero
Polio correlates with DDT spraying and stopped when spraying stopped- it’s not a virus
Yet I hear people tell me vaccines saved millions of lives - it’s just not true - what saved lives was refrigerated fresh food, clean water, child labour laws and the moving of industries away from where people lived so fresh air, sunlight etc was available.
We are continually lied to, people need to research this if not for themselves then their kids.
The problem is that people do not want to look. All too many rely on the propaganda machine that have had a long time to imprint the helpfulness of ‘vaccines’ and other things (‘needed’ synthetical drugs) that’s been spewing out from the pharmaceutical medical industrial complex.
When people are impacted themselves, then they start questioning more and do the research that was needed beforehand. All too many ‘believe’ in a third party, ie government officials, politicians and so called medical professionals (not all of them, there are many critical and engaged thinkers but they as you well know are suppressed) that have been baked into the lies as well by pharmaceutical entities.
To take care of your own body and health is a lifetime project, not all understands that.
Number (4). Mistakes Were NOT Made.
All options include stupidity and evil.
Even when they became aware of adverse events (assuming they didn't know, which is negligent, as you said) the health professionals sincerely believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. Think about that - they willingly sacrifice the health and lives of some people for a tiny potential benefit in a few people. I have no more words to describe the people.
yeah, it's downright scary. all for the Greater Good! Where does it end? We have too many people, let's kill 7 billion of them. their deaths will be for the Greater Good.
In WA there was the 2016 Public Health Act with its forced vaccination clauses, and the signing in 2018 if the IHR agreement mandating vaccination if Pandemic declared - case closed.
Ok that's the legal background. Does that mean they can vaccinate anyone no matter how high the casulties?
I'm not sure that the number of casualties is specified. The conditions, as I understand it, is that this forced-jab law is only in effect when a state of emergency is called. Technically they could have done it during the Covid SOE but I don't think the public would have quite had the appetite for it. A cynic might say the coercive mandates were social training wheels for the introduction of such a policy the next time around...
It's reprehensible, inhuman, unethical, and immoral.
Your report is comprehensive and very well researched. A big thankyou from me, and those damaged by these injections.
I think the delay by WA in releasing the report very much is a case of them knowing this makes their covid policies bad, not look bad, but actual bad.
“undermine the Government’s efforts to keep Western Australians safe.” I think their actions undermined WA peoples safety.
Correct me if I am wrong, but your analysis is the first to state women more than men (including young boys) were more damaged by this injection in a large group of people.
The first graph is terrible in its visual clarity - that the injections resulted in not just a massive peak in adverse events, but an actual consistent surge, almost like a plateau.
The Pfizer report of 15 April 2022 showed that 68.5 % of people reporting Adverse Effects were women. 923,194 out of Total Number of Cases: 1,348,079
APPENDIX 2.1 Cumulative Number of Case Reports (Serious and Non-Serious, Medically Confirmed and Non Medically-Confirmed) from Post-Marketing Data Sources, Overall, by Sex, Country, Age Groups and in Special Populations and Summary Tabulation by Preferred Term and MedDRA System Organ Class BNT162B2 - ALL
Reporting Period: Through 15-APR-2022
Get your Free copy FOI-3727
Thanks, 68.5% of the world vs 64% in WA, seems consistent.
There are so many symptoms listed in that document. It is scary how dangerous this product is, in the depth and broad nature of reactions.
I do wonder if the difference in reporting is also a stereotypical response to being ill... women are more likely to get things checked out than men and reported than men in my experience- though my experience may not be the norm.
It would be interesting to know if there are any studies to look at differences in rates of seeking medical care and reporting issues/adverse events.
Good spot, thanks Geoff, I'll check this out.
Surely these WA findings show that WA is in violation of Australia's obligations under the international convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women!
Also consistent with 69% early hospitalization data from AIHW.
Awesome work. Will blow this up
We would love international eyes on this 🙏🏼
Finally. I shared with Norm Fenton as well. Well done Rebekah.
Now we're cooking with gas. Steve, here is an article about Rebekah's work pitched to an international audience - it has stats about WA - size and population for context in relation to the US and why this is important.
As you can see I am anonymous so I am not interested in credit or praise - cut and paste from my article I don't care. Just get the word out about this.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
The WA government has a "gold standard of transparency" ?? That would be about the gold standard of the WA Mint.
hahah good one
Daily reminder that the WA border was closed for 697 days (April 5, 2020-March 3, 2022) using policed “hard borders.”
This is not due to COVID. This is the smoking gun folks. Will cross-post. Thank you Rebekah.
Edit: I knocked something up singing your praises. Hope it does your excellent work justice:
Thanks for the post! Have you ever looked into hospital numbers for 2021? I tried to FOI a while back, especially for cardiac admissions, but they flat out wouldn't share it.
The table on pg 11 - down the bottom of WAVSS report would give a fair indication that ED departments and GP clinics would have been extra busy (look at the box titled 'managed by...'). However the raw data would be great to compare, surely the authors of this report should be able to provide this data. Just from this surveillance alone - 4597 people reported to an ED dept and 961 hospital admissions related to a specific medical intervention in 1 yr. The signals were there right in the clinical trials 2020, Norwegian nursing home death spate, then the Feb 2021 Post surveillance report. Many of us were aware of the red flags and were able to make the right decision for our families- however the general public that has been harmed through their overwhelming trust in their Drs, govt, media etc are the real victims in all of this... - many are still oblivious. There are so many evil players in this game but let's at least start with the authors of this paper (WAVSS annual report 2021) who sat on this data.
In the US people are able to show up to public hospital board meetings and ask questions. I wonder if that is possible in Australia. I was considering asking about why they are using remdesivir (still). Possible avenue to get answers or at least make them sweat?
Many people in the US are not aware that they can do this. Different states, counties, and cities have different rules, but it seems that generally there is some opportunity for public comment, usually for about 2-3 minutes, and usually that time is strictly enforced. When they expect that people will speaking on something they don't want to hear, they'll make you show up at the beginning in order to speak, but then allow you to speak only after waiting for hours. So one has to bring a lot of patience and fortitude to the 2-3 minutes allotted.
While sometimes the official video ends up on FB or YT, it's usually very long, up to about 5 hours, so not many people watch it or bother to look around there for public comments. Therefore it's best when the person giving the testimony can have a someone film them personally, then put a clip onto alternative sites such as bitchure, odysee, rumble. Twitter now is also usually good for such video clips.
Here is a superb example of public comment at the Culver City council in California, back in 2021-- it doesn't show the speaker however, just the dias with the council members.
Clip from: Culver City Council Mtg 11/8/21
posted December 26, 2023
posted December 25, 2023
hat tip:
AMY LOFTUS: OK. Hi. Thanks for letting me speak. The meeting has been full of signals about how this board does not discriminate against certain groups. It happened for the first hour at least. And this is discrimination.
In 1993 I visited Dachau in southern Germany. When I got home my father, who was like a walking encyclopedia, said, did you see how close the train was to the concentration camp? And that it was full of windows? And I said, I did. He said, spend your life finding out how those people sat on that train and watched the people in those camps every day and said nothing.
The way that they did that is they believed that the people in the camps were sick with a virus, that they were a harm to humanity. They were indoctrinated with propaganda from their own country.
This is discrimination. I happen to be married to someone who is in a line genetically who of survivors of those camps I describe.
Papers please is not something that I want to hear in any town in America. And that this council is proud to stand behind legislation like this[1] is disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You're on the wrong path and I think deep down you know it.
Discrimination is discrimination. If you're going to save a family from living in a car and then proudly talk about how you're not going to let somebody into a business because of their private medical information, you have lost your way. Like so many other things that you have done in this town, you're ruining it, three of you are, ruining it. It has to stop. And it's 18,000 people dead now after 2 weeks. Many died within two weeks. And the VAERS[1] report is highly likely 1% of the real numbers.
End this now.
I yield.
# # #
Amy Loftus is a singer/ songwriter, writer, teacher and podcaster who lives in Culver City, California. Her Substack is and her podcast, "Real Progress with Amy Loftus" is at
UPDATE: See Amy Loftus' essay apropos of this transcript:
The Painful Awakening
January 12, 2024
[1] Beginning November 29, 2021 vaccine verification requirements were imposed in Culver City for entering health clubs, restaurants, salons, and theaters and more. These requirements were rescinded in March 2022.
From Culver City Observer, March 17, 2022:
On Culver City's vaccine verification requirements:
From Culver City Observer, March 17, 2022:
"The City Council has decided to rescind the city's COVID-19 vaccine verification requirements for local food and beverage establishments, gyms and fitness venues, entertainment and recreation venues, personal care establishments and city facilities.
"At its Monday night’s meeting, the panel also decided to resume in-person City Council meetings in April as the CDC now categorizes L.A. County as being at low community risk.
"Vaccine verification requirements had been in place at restaurants, personal care, fitness and entertainment businesses in Culver City since November 29, 2021. The City will issue a new Supplement to Public Order revising those requirements and aligning with the LA County Health’s vaccine verification requirements. Culver City will no longer verify vaccination status at city facilities"
[2] VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
(Note: provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation)
One more fave-- it's a long list of faves but I'll stop with this one.
Public Comment Speaking to: ITEM 21: UPDATE ON THE COVID-19 RESPONSE
August 16, 2022 San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting PM Session
SHAUN FREDERICKSON: What a place! Fletcher![1] What a joy to be back in front you all once again. Guys, we're back. Alright. So. My name is Shaun Frederickson.
I don't want to be here. I just drove an hour. I'm not getting paid 250 a year like Fletcher is. Wilma [2], you're getting, who knows how much to lie. You know what's fascinating about this place? I ran here. You're in your suits and you're just enjoying the marvel and your 404 million, you're getting off with these lies.
So, Wilma, have you done the research to determine how many people that have died in the last month, from the vaccinated, like the fully vaccinated? Because, oh, actually, you did! Let me read it for you. Because you post that stuff.
[Reading from smartphone] Alright, so out of the number of deaths that have happened, we're talking about 77%, forgive me, 67% of the deaths are from the vaccinated.
Why are we not talking about this? Your whole report ignored the totality of that. Why is that, Fletcher? You continue to talk about vaccinating our children, yet 67% of your covid deaths that you're creating are from your virus that you're putting within these people.
How many people are totally unvaccinated? Like, haven't received an inoculation, period. Have you done that study?
Jim[3], have you asked them for it? I think it's time, Jim. Because that number would be staggering, Wilma, wouldn't it?
You don't want the people to know the truth because I met one of your voters on the beach and I asked her, why is she wearing a mask? It's the freshest air! And she couldn't tell me why. But she was terrified! You're using terror and fear to control the populace. And Nora[4], I see the way you operate with Remer[5]. It's disgusting!
Educate the people. Empower the people. Give them the truth. No longer follow this pandering. We're tired of it, the American people are tired of it. And even the woman on the beach doesn't believe you anymore. She's searching for truth.
Thank you.
# # #
Transcriber's notes:
[1] Nathan Fletcher, Chair, Board of Supervisors ]
UPDATE Jan 2024 - I need to get that link from it is no longer current
[2] Wilma J. Wooten, MD, Public Health Officer, County of San Diego
[3] Jim Desmond, Supervisor
[4] Nora Vargas, Supervisor
[5] Terra Lawson-Remer, Supervisor
Also as per WA Registry of Birth , Deaths etc: Deaths registered for 2021 was 1059 deaths above baseline (2016-2020) and 848 deaths higher than 2020. Number of deaths in WA is usually fairly stable. This registry gets updated late Jan every year ( for the previous yr) - very telling that 2022 is still not avail or entered. There were zero deaths related to C-19 in WA in 2021.
Yes please link
Number of births, deaths and marriages registered in Western Australia 1981-2021:
Hi can you link?
Number of births, deaths and marriages registered in Western Australia 1981-2021:
It's difficult to know what's happening because we need the census data as well to have rates which are more meaningful - same issue with vaccination rates. WA government says that WA is 99% vaccinated - based on what?
However, your calculation is interesting regarding 'baselines.' The ABS is all over the place with 2022 'baselines' and 'historical averages' but their 'baseline' is the arithmetic mean of the 4 years of deaths from 2017-2019 and 2021 based on year and week of occurrence. More here for ABS tomfoolery:
You're right - it is difficult to know what is happening, I believe they have designed it this way. We just need to continue to be curious, I don't need to tell you. Keep reporting the data as we see it, -it is the only way we can slowly inform the general public who have fallen for this scandal. We can play their little war games, except they are forgetting they are messing with real people and not just a video game. In regards to baseline - I just used the 'old formula' ABS and others have used traditionally in the past as a basis and a starting point. Thanks for pointing out 'baseline' and 'historical' averages - I will take a closer look, I had glossed over those words in search of where they are hiding the data. Their current cherry picking of years (2017-2019 and 2021) to suit their narrative is nonsensical. Prior to 2021, if you look at all previous yrs, it is 2019 that was an outlier with169,301 deaths - why isn't that year being investigated with the highest uptake in flu jabs prior to 2020, -what happened that yr? 2019, just made 2021 look like an average yr - but that was not the case and well 2022 - let's wait for those final figures - just not sure how long these coroner cases will take. Previous years as per ABS: 2014- 153,580; 2015- 159,052; 2016- 158,504; 2017-160,909; 2018- 158,493; 2019- 169,301; 2020- 161,300; 2021- 171,469. I found this comment on one of their reports (ABS) 'Causes of Death 2021: "Whilst this was a 3.2% increase on the previous year, the mortality rate in 2020 was at a historical low". Go figure how they work that out. 2020 was never a historical low in number of deaths - yes it was much lower than 2019 but higher than other years recorded as per their own data, -here we go again with the use of 'historical'.
South Australia can also tease apart the stats for the same reason - closed borders, few Covid cases. See SADS's Substack.
Yep. Interesting that the background rate of myo/pericarditis increased by about 35%/25% in WA.
2016-2020: Myo 0.556, Peri 3.903
2021: Myo 0.749, Peri 4.892
Must have been caused by the massive amounts of covid in circulation in 2021 😀
When you pull the controls from the 'experiment' you're flying blind. No informed consent. Obviously, ethics left the room a long time ago.
What's the considered URF here and is there data regarding ambulance call outs?
Superb review thank you. Mandated reading to all the budding corporate globalist technofascists, purely as a head's up of what criminal charges to anticipate.
Keep in mind, CEPI have 15 billion shots scheduled for delivery by 2026. None of this will cease until it is physically arrested.
I'm sure URF is a factor though perhaps somewhat less than a straight passive system, as SafeVax did pick up about 1/3 of all AEFIs. My feeling from anecdotals is that a lot of people aren't reporting their injuries because,
a) they don't want to be socially stigmatised
b) they're not sure if their AEFI is related to the vax and feel silly reporting it
c) they think reporting it won't make any difference
d) they simply aren't aware of the vaccine side effects and don't connect their AEFI to the jab
Yes. Permutations on the above. 'They' includes px and dr. (a), (b) & (d).
It is clear emergent indolent cancers, autoimmune conditions and bizarre rare afflictions are categorically never ever attributed to shots. Much the same applies to CVA and MI now. Families often "in their hearts" consider shots to be related, but are too conditioned, and self censor as a result.
The social experiment has been an astonishing success. The legion of coerced and compliant appears a large majority. However, I think experimental reliability will prove awful. We're in unchartered territory and unintended consequences.
Regarding ambulance data, NSW provides it here:
I think there it’s also some ambulance data available nationally on AIHW site.
Great work. QLD's data matches the same patterns.
Great stuff Bek, thanks for covering this in such detail. That spike (pun intended) in heart issues in late 20s is chilling in how that could manifest down the track, no wonder they waited 6 months so they could hide it behind a looming economic collapse.
It's shocking that young people are still being given Moderna when you see those graphs. Should be banned. And here we have the TGA banning poppy seeds.
And don't forget the immediate recall of a nutritional supplement for mild anxiety (by Kynd) in April 2022 because a few people had allergic reactions to it. Those reactions? "rash, tingling or burning sensation on the skin, general skin redness and itching and swelling of the throat, tongue, eyelids or the face." Of course, they are continuing to monitor this.
Wonderful effort Rebekah. Cross-posted and will share on Gettr.
Thanks Geoff!
Amazing what you can see when you have comprehensive data.
Great work Rebekah, I found this reference also very concerning:
Lyme Disease usually starts with a Rash, followed by Fever, Chills, Headaches, and Fatigue - all of which Pfizer tells us is “normal” reaction to their jabs.
Many victims experience Lyme Neuroborreliosis including Memory problems, Facial or Peripheral Limb Paralysis, Numbness, Joint Pains and Stiffness, Heart Palpitations, Chest Pain, Dizziness, Shooting pains, tingling or “Electric Shock”. The disease can progress to serious Lymphocytic Meningitis, Cranial Neuritis, Radiculopathy, Mononeuritis Multiplex, Photophobia, Tinnitus, Vertigo and Dizziness, Hearing Loss, Vision Loss, Impaired Blinking, Abnormal Gait, Convulsions.
Darn it, Rebekah! This is so excellent, you deserve a paid subscription for this. I'll upgrade by the end of the week. Astounding journalism. Keep twisting McClown's nutsack till it drops off ay.
Thanks JP!
You must be under the impression he has a nut sack!
The pretence that publicity and such is the cause of increased reporting does not explain the differences between ages, genders, vaccines and conditions and this observation should be used to totally remove that bs excuse from the narrative.
I cannot engage with WA health but if someone here has the time to do so perhaps they can put this into the record as well.
Good point.
Yes. There are some rather interesting “details” in the report. That don’t hold water if you look at them closely.
Thanks for this - great article.
Back in 2021 (when we started vaccinating children and the argument was shifting to "we need to reduce hospitalizations!"), I created this simple model to approximate reduction in hospitalizations given vaccination-rate/efficacy for each 10-year-gapped age demographic (even assuming 95% relative-risk-reduction, 100% of under 20's would've only accounted for a ~3% reduction in hospitalization rates):
Is there a way to contact you directly? There is a dataset that I'm aware of that would give VERY GOOD historical data on COVID-19 vaccination in Australia (but has to be manually requested from Govt). Can send you the columns (my TG is ).
Also, here's a window flyer to raise awareness about Australia's COVID Vaccine Compensation Scheme. The Government campaigned to shame anyone who claimed they had adverse effects, so seeing that there is an official program to compensate these individuals might make other less hesitant to speak up.
I know a few people hospitalised from the jab that have no intention of claiming through the vax compensation scheme- they just refuse to accept it was the jab.
I verge from feeling sorry for them to downright - serves you right, I tried to warn you about the poison.
Thanks Jim, I messaged you on TG.
Great idea. Helps those who genuinely want to understand but too scary for those who want to deny everything.
Note also USA data may be higher than elsewhere due to higher obesity and diabetes rates.
Interesting model. Nice way to think about the effect. Just worked out that 80% reduction in hospitalizations could have been achieved by vaccinating about half the population starting from the oldest age group and working your way down with age if you assume the 95% risk reduction across all ages.
Great work Rebekah...I wasn't aware that individual states also did annual reports of AEFI...I have only previously been aware of the National annual report which has a 3 year lag:
Mark McGowan & his cronies must be wishing now that they had not been quite so draconian in closing the borders!
I suspect that one of the biggest reasons that ScoMo wanted to open the country borders in 2022 was to fudge the vax injuries with covid effects - most people still believe the ongoing propaganda that the majority of these excess deaths & heart injuries we are seeing are due to covid.
It's not a very convincing story & doesn't bear close scrutiny - but most states in Australia are able to fudge it well enough to fool Joe Normie.
Honestly, I don't think McGowan & Co. care. I don't think there'll be any retribution in the near future. I'd love to be wrong on that.
Probably will sneer out another 'storm in a f**king teacup.'
Hey now, that sounds like pessimism! I'm counting on you to balance me out!
It's not that I think bad guys win in the end, it's more that I don't think it's going to be Nuremberg 2.0 style retribution that people are envisaging - and as Mathew Crawford pointed out, Nuremberg 1.0 didn't even amount to justice anyway. Only a handful were punished. Most of them were welcomed to other countries and protected (paperclip, etc).
Yep. I'm still waiting for someone to claim responsibility for building 7. Nothing will change until it becomes politically expedient to do so. In the case of 9/11, endless wars are simply too profitable. Watching Lucky Larry say 'pull it' and grinding my teeth wasn't getting me very far. I'm just happy I have more company now.
It is certainly looking that way.
This whole globalist agenda has got its hooks into just about every country in the world, like some sort of alien parasite that is about to take over the host, and I suspect it is going to get a lot worse before we are done!