None of this is intended to make people safer.

The sole purpose of these restrictions is to make life unbearable for those of us who chose to remain unjabbed, so that we eventually give up and knuckle under and take the foul jabs.

That fiend of a German health minister admitted as much, and that same playbook is being used the world over. First they used carrot and tried to bribe us with goodies (Lottery tickets?? C'mon! If ever you needed evidence that something was hinky...). Then they switched to stick and began denying us access to things.

What they don't seem to realize is that those of us who'd already determined that the shots are a bad idea aren't going to change our minds. In fact, for me at least, them resorting to these coercive measures only serves to reinforce my belief that I made the correct decision. All they would need to do to get me to change is sell me on the efficacy of the shots. But they can't, because it's non-existent. So all they have left is bully tactics.

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I know more than a few people who were galvanised in their covid vaccine refusal by the outlandish coercion that ramped up in Jan of this year in particular. I think the government has 'othered' a portion of the vaccine hesitant community into vaccine refusers and, in a lot of cases, legit anti-vaxxers. As I've had every vaccination except the covid ones and am not ideologically opposed to vaccines on principle, I'm not in the latter camp, but I absolutely understand why people have taken that stance.

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Clown world. Covid gave a lot of people power trips, perhaps they're still clutching onto that feeling.

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It's a bureaucratic dreamscape

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McClown world!

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When the people pushing these gene altering drugs find out these so called vaccines are bioweapons will they take responsibility for the damage they have inflicted on innocent human beings. I hope so !!!

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Why be nice? A little anger is way overdue.

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I get it. I think, though, there's already so much othering of unvaccinated folk, it's a good opportunity to show them that we are reasonable and polite.

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das rite! https://youtu.be/GZBO2DmetSk

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i am in this, i tell you what worked - the cops backing down when there was 6 or so angry men around them who had lost work, not sure whether this video will work

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Are you serious? Surely this park is owned by the people and is a public place!

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This is Australia. Public things are not owned by “The People” (oddly no one here really talks about the Australian people the way they talk about the American People in the USA).

Public things are owned by “The Crown”, just as they are in England. You can think of it as “the government lets the people use the asset an the terms government sets”.

Interesting difference eh?

And I can tell you that this has nothing to do with the monarchy, per se...it’s just that in the US, everything belongs to the people except what’s taken from them while in Australia, everything belongs to the government except what you’ve managed to take, win or buy.

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Not the only ones. DPAW not only made their volunteers get jabbed, including campground hosts who live in the national parks for a month at a time, they wouldn’t let anyone set foot on their premises in Kensington unless they had been vaccinated. I hope they lost a slew of their unpaid workforce because of this policy. Noticed no campground host up at Hills Forest in Mundaring this weekend despite it being school holidays. Now they have the nerve to try and entice me back to their volunteers morning tea and put in a bio to say how much I loved volunteering with them. Get f....is my non response.

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Maybe they need to check the real news, not legacy media rubbish!!

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Thinking for oneself is an energy consuming business. Some folks will always want to outsource their thinking, and have an easy life. This makes them easy prey for predators...

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Were you pointing at a covid? Or Putin? Or climate change?

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I bet those who made that decision voted for McGuwan and went in all the way with all the measures.

If people took the jabs just to go there, then they will be 100% responsible. No excuses!

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Well, well, well, a 20 year Politican in France John Lassalle 2002-2022 had 4 heart operations in 9 months after the jab claims that most politicians in France did not have the jab including that little slimy WEF creature Macron - i would bet London to a brick its true, you can also bet your last $$ that if he did know about it earlier we would not have heard a peep from him.

In France you could not even go to the grocery store without a vax


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Yes I saw that. How many in power really Took the jab....or the saline.? Meanwhile they’re pushing 4th boosters on the population. And still not a word of any adverse effects on mainstream media. I now longer watch any news channel. Just learnt a totally healthy acquaintance has motor neurone disease and is in a wheelchair. What do her colleagues say ....“just bad luckl”! I give up. You can’t get through to those who ‘believe in the science’. And they are scientists, yet have not bothered to research or read one single paper on this.

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who knows, there was also the case of a Pharmaceutical company executive caught buying fake covid passes, it's just insane and still these unsuspecting, unquestioning sheep like Australians front up.


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