Agree totally Rebekah.

One of the positives of Covid for me was completely weaning off the media.

I have not bought a newspaper nor watched any news for 4 years now.

I have not watched a single ABC program over that time.

I read The Spectator, Quadrant, plenty of books, and Substack has arrived.

I listen to Dark Horse and Jordan Peterson Podcasts.

The quality and variety of information from these sources dwarfs anything I previously read in MSM.

No wonder politicians of the Uniparty are united in a desire to censor.

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I recommend adding Trish Wood’s podcast to the mix! ‘Trish Wood is Critical’

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Will do.

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🙏 we don't have to agree on everything just respect others differences

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A brilliant piece beautifully written Rebekah. Truth over tribe indeed.

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Thanks Jacqui :)

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This morning I woke up to the news that a Senator has been suspended because she refuses to vote in line with the Caucus. It shows us that Senators we vote for are not able to decide for us but are captured by the party.

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I saw that too. I thought good on her.

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Jul 1
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I think Tucker's being fired from his network despite being the most popular host suggest he wasn't 'allowed' ... however it does appear that X is a spanner in the machine for the time being (for whatever reason) ...

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