More than 11,000 Health New Zealand employees may have secretly dodged Covid vaccination, despite nationwide mandates and vaccine passports for everyone else.
Holy crap I can't believe this! (Or maybe I can. Is that worse?) Government secretly exempts health care workers from a vaccine mandate, then uses those workers to administer the mandated vaccine to everybody else!?!!?!?
Reminds me of how police were exempt from the vaccine and mask mandates they were enforcing.....
And then to start bragging about the vax rate.....makes me sick. I wonder how many of those exemptions went to paper-pushers who determined their own 'irreplaceable' status..........
Yep, or a case of not wanting to get those tasked with implementing and enforcing your rules offside. A mutiny would not look good during a time of crisis.
The public outburst in response to the jab mandate was entirely predictable but to bribe the uniformed with an exemption is one way to ensure that they won't change sides.
Thanks for posting that link - it's all perfectly clear - we've been sold out.
The only thing left to do is to ensure that absolutely everybody gets to know about this.
you have it arse about face my friend....they can be held accountable BECAUSE they have contracts....
they have not sworn an oath to UPHOLD the Law (of the land) but rather have sworn an oath to and entered into a contractual agreement with a foreign registered equity trust call the BAR;
there is a recent High Court of Australia (HCA) challenge where it was proven that 'the magistrate' and 'the prosecutor' were not (public) Officers Of The Court after they colluded to send a bloke, exercising his right to question the court, to prison for 12 months for 'contempt of court';
a few months in the prison Library and he took them on again; no 'lawyer' would take his case despite him having proof that the magistrate and the police prosecutor did not have the Constitutional authority to place any judgement OVER him;
the man won his case and was awarded over 300K; the magistrate got stood down and now has to pay his victim compensation; i believe 'the prosecutor still has his job.
Madeleine, it's why I left my career in HR. I refused to comply. I refused to lead a team that would tell candidates that working at the company "required" a needle. A year and a half from full retirement...left it all on the table. It absolutely disgusted me.
I remember, on twitter, during the rollout, during the aggressive fighting time, a series of accounts dropped in, all representing human relations/employment agencies, similar avatars, all heavily promoting the vax, all being particularly nasty - "We have the power to hire and fire" boasts - there has to have been some co-ordinated action there.
very true. the same pattern applied world-wide! but they were overdoing it, so of course it became more easy to recognise it as the concerted effort from above that it was, PR on steroids. it made many of us even more critical (and appalled), let's hope we can retain that particular ability. HONK HONK!!
We must also remember, SC, that the ones who actually carried out this crime were "the people." They aided and abetted a crime against themselves and others.
spot on! the 'people' did indeed choose to get jabbed; whether by hook or by crook, it was their decision;
they chose not to investigate ANYTHING about Human Rights, Constitutional Inalienable Rights or divine Unalienable Rights and voluntarily let GovCO (all over this earth) run roughshod over the lot of it and gave them (the few) the 'authority' to dictate over the (common people) majority...all while they cheered on as the minions of thuggery ran their campaigns of violence on the good people who were standing against tyranny and standing in defiance for the rights of each and every man, woman and child on this earth;
i wonder if GovCO had told them (us, all) that a few shots of heroin would cure 'covid' if they would of made the decision to 'roll up a sleeve to save the nation' it turns out, they would of been much safer buying some H from their local drug dealer.
In 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante, written about 700 years ago, Oz/NZ were literally written as 'The Inferno', or Hell. The Devil's feet and legs stuck out of that part of the world, his (Lucifer's) head was in the center, but rather than flames it was icy cold.
The Devil was last seen chewing on traitors for all eternity. It's a fun story.
This all occurred while my GP wrote to Bloomfield on my behalf as the first jab put me in hospital to get my heart stabilised from over 200 beats per minute and in AF.
Bloomfield denied my exemption with no explanation.
These assholes need to be brought to account. Naturally I never was silly enough to get the second one so lived as a second class citizen during the ridiculous vaccine pass era (error) , both apply.
The whole thing is a national disgrace, a total clusterf@“k.
I am very angry that people were forced into this.
And these people have been exposed to many cancer causing, nuerological issues and who knows what else.
The fish rots at the head and Morrison was in charge giving cart Blanche to the state despots.
Such stupid weak cowardly people.
Understand this article was about NZ - put money on it same or similar situation here.
I do know of nurses here in WA who were offered ‘exemptions’ in the way of fake jabs and passports but declined due to being true to themselves and others.
To say I'm furious is an understatement. As n education sector worker who was mandated out of my job because I wouldn't take the vaccine and a useless vaccine at that, smacks of duplicity. I guess my employer didnt think I was important enough.
Higher level health staff are magical. They don't get covid, but if they did they certainly wouldn't get sick from it, unlike the rest of the population, and they certainly don't transmit it.
While it's incredibly unsafe to have unvaccinated visitors near vulnerable, possibly immunocompromised patients, close attendance by magical higher level health staff is not a concerning health risk.
Sorry why is unsafe for unvaccinated people to be be near immunocompromised people? These injections neither stop transmission or mitigate the virus. In short they are dangerous and don’t work!
My daughter has sero genetive arthritis and a compromised immune system from the injections. We are travelling with super vaxxed Americans who have poor immune systems and are passing around their viruses with gay abandon. This lot are healthier but we got so sick from the first lot. So much so that we refuse to travel on buses with them and share their germs.
Ok. Not up to satirical this morning. So tired of self satisfied Americans telling me how they are injected and then sneezing and coughing all over us.
Almost certainly did happen in Australia... Once the reactions were known... Even down to doctors maybe "vaccinating" each other, via agreement and filling out the paperwork, while the contents of the syringe squirted in the bin.
I know that cardiologists who issued exemptions for patients found themselves "under investigation", it has caused a lot of trauma in that profession alone.
Remember the Pfizer executives in the televised parliamentary enquiry admitted they had a "special" vaccine bought into Australia for all their employees. Saline?. We can join the dots.
This also happened in Australia. I was an in excluded group under the terms of the CHO mandate, but my employer insisted that I must be vaccinated. I refused and argued that my role was excluded, which they acknowledged but still insisted. I held out until the mandates were eventually dropped. My wife however was a state public servant and the public service were never mandated, in fact they were explicitly excluded. Same as politicians and union representatives. This was called out at the time. It was brushed aside by the health authorities as necessary as these services were critical - exactly the opposite of the argument being used against police, fire services, ambulances, health services and every single other occupation.
You are doing an excellent job and I am looking forward to your upcoming articles. I may miss some people, but thanking authors is important especially during this age of censorship.
Ursula your work on this story is critical and I look forward to the 'list' as we discussed.
Edit: everyone should sign up and follow this lady. She is the one at the heart (pun intended) of this issue along with NZ Doc both providing the details. I am following her for a deep dive of the architects and collaborators of democide in NZ.
Are you aware of any Australia vaccine data collection that could answer some questions here? For example, we know that overseas there are a few different recipes that resulted in vastly different adverse event rates. The three I read about was the very toxic jabs, the mildly toxic jabs and placebo jabs. In the Facebook world of my local rural area, there are very few people complaining about adverse events. There are a few whose lives have been destroyed since the jabs but they will not attribute that to the jab. To a large extent the area - seaside and retiree - seems to have escaped pretty much unscathed. This would make tactical sense. For example, a bad batch in Sydney or Melbourne would be relatively invisible at ground level, but a bad batch in a village of 3,000 would be very visible.
I have been wondering how we even start to get facts relating to this.
Data is difficult. I've made many requests for all kinds of covid and vax-related data - all ignored. My latest request was to the flutracking people to get a consistent time series. I've offered to pay fee-for-service. No reply to the email yet.
We pay them to collect the data, so I'm not very happy about their lack of transparency.
On those batches as reported in the Denmark study... Since publication, more adverse events have come through on the zero-side-effects batches. And reportedly one of those batches was quite bad in Australia - my daughter had a shot from that batch with some ill-effects, even though she had it aspirated. It could be that the batch had got a bit warm, or a bit old, resulting in different effects.
Am I correct in remembering that you made a post about your experience with a bushfire? Would you mind emailing me with your testimony? [email protected]
I made a substack post on a few aspects of my experience as it related to the Lahaina fires, but rather personal and I may delete it now the discussion's over. What do you want from it?
NZ Government has been scummy for ages, but one must wonder who/where they get *their* orders from.
Back in c.1979 a sight-seeing aeroplane flown by a perfectly competent pilot was directed to fly in to Mount Erebus (which is also known as a mountain in Hell, mythically-speaking).
The government was absolutely involved in the cover-up, along with the usual suspect, mass media.
My son-in-law (a police man) didn't want the jab, but, had a family to support. He had the vax and got myocarditis. He has since found out if you flat out refused you were stood down and they have been on full pay since! This is Western Australia under rotten to the core McGowan. He is really angry. He would have loved a few years off on full pay! Disgusting. As I bet McGowan took saline. Heard his daughter had a mask exemption for school too...they do what they want and coerced the rest of us to take it or lose your job. Where is the inquiry into all this?
Here's a start & too few people talk about it: In August 2021 ex Senator Rex Patrick was granted access to the fake National Cabinet Documents ( that kept ALL Australian's under the kosh, that is important) by Justice Richard White. Due to disgraceful political interference it didn't happen. Imo, ALL leader's of the various freedom movement's should put their egos to one side & join forces for a common purpose. As our friends from across the ditch have done the leadership of the various freedom groups could/ should hammer the government with FOIA DEMANDING the National Cabinet Documents UNREDACTED. If structured intelligently this, I believe, is the pathway to repairing OUR beautiful country. The "vaccinated" will finally have definitive proof they were conned & the "unvaccinated " were merely trying to warn off. If these corrupt Governments have nothing to hide they having nothing to fear but of course they do. Too much bleating going on about the same stuff, cut to the chase, everyone can get involved & people of all persuasions will finally see how many people, other than government officials were in on it from the get go.
Thanks for your input on this issue. I orginally saw the post saying the 11,000 government (politicians) and elites had obtained C-19 vaccine exemptions which we later learned wasn't quite true.
On the plus side, this debate exposes efforts by government at a massive cover-up of vaccine injury and just how corrupt governments have clearly revealed themselves by their such blatant attempts to 'bury the bodies.'
Holy crap I can't believe this! (Or maybe I can. Is that worse?) Government secretly exempts health care workers from a vaccine mandate, then uses those workers to administer the mandated vaccine to everybody else!?!!?!?
Reminds me of how police were exempt from the vaccine and mask mandates they were enforcing.....
It’s very on brand for NZ Gov to be fair.
And then to start bragging about the vax rate.....makes me sick. I wonder how many of those exemptions went to paper-pushers who determined their own 'irreplaceable' status..........
Rules for thee but not for me. Commonwealth, justice employees in Victoria granted vaccine exemption.
"The change will apply to judges, lawyers, security guards and police officers."
aka, the people who could actually sue us for this and win (because they have contracts)
Yes! "Hush rules".
Yep, or a case of not wanting to get those tasked with implementing and enforcing your rules offside. A mutiny would not look good during a time of crisis.
But they didn't speak against it! An outrage! Not a moral among them!
Contracts and contacts.
The public outburst in response to the jab mandate was entirely predictable but to bribe the uniformed with an exemption is one way to ensure that they won't change sides.
Thanks for posting that link - it's all perfectly clear - we've been sold out.
The only thing left to do is to ensure that absolutely everybody gets to know about this.
you have it arse about face my friend....they can be held accountable BECAUSE they have contracts....
they have not sworn an oath to UPHOLD the Law (of the land) but rather have sworn an oath to and entered into a contractual agreement with a foreign registered equity trust call the BAR;
there is a recent High Court of Australia (HCA) challenge where it was proven that 'the magistrate' and 'the prosecutor' were not (public) Officers Of The Court after they colluded to send a bloke, exercising his right to question the court, to prison for 12 months for 'contempt of court';
a few months in the prison Library and he took them on again; no 'lawyer' would take his case despite him having proof that the magistrate and the police prosecutor did not have the Constitutional authority to place any judgement OVER him;
the man won his case and was awarded over 300K; the magistrate got stood down and now has to pay his victim compensation; i believe 'the prosecutor still has his job.
I like to know more about this case, where can I find the details thanks.
strangely enough, the 'link' has disappeared from the courts www;
there might still be a write about it on the ABC news www.
And no-one saw enough problem with that!
Yeah, like, the HR departments who seem to have been in power.
Madeleine, it's why I left my career in HR. I refused to comply. I refused to lead a team that would tell candidates that working at the company "required" a needle. A year and a half from full retirement...left it all on the table. It absolutely disgusted me.
That's the most beautiful thing I've ever read. Bless you.
Ohhhh...thank you, Madeleine. ❤️
and became sudden experts at everyone else's health.
I remember, on twitter, during the rollout, during the aggressive fighting time, a series of accounts dropped in, all representing human relations/employment agencies, similar avatars, all heavily promoting the vax, all being particularly nasty - "We have the power to hire and fire" boasts - there has to have been some co-ordinated action there.
very true. the same pattern applied world-wide! but they were overdoing it, so of course it became more easy to recognise it as the concerted effort from above that it was, PR on steroids. it made many of us even more critical (and appalled), let's hope we can retain that particular ability. HONK HONK!!
We must also remember, SC, that the ones who actually carried out this crime were "the people." They aided and abetted a crime against themselves and others.
spot on! the 'people' did indeed choose to get jabbed; whether by hook or by crook, it was their decision;
they chose not to investigate ANYTHING about Human Rights, Constitutional Inalienable Rights or divine Unalienable Rights and voluntarily let GovCO (all over this earth) run roughshod over the lot of it and gave them (the few) the 'authority' to dictate over the (common people) majority...all while they cheered on as the minions of thuggery ran their campaigns of violence on the good people who were standing against tyranny and standing in defiance for the rights of each and every man, woman and child on this earth;
i wonder if GovCO had told them (us, all) that a few shots of heroin would cure 'covid' if they would of made the decision to 'roll up a sleeve to save the nation' it turns out, they would of been much safer buying some H from their local drug dealer.
In 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante, written about 700 years ago, Oz/NZ were literally written as 'The Inferno', or Hell. The Devil's feet and legs stuck out of that part of the world, his (Lucifer's) head was in the center, but rather than flames it was icy cold.
The Devil was last seen chewing on traitors for all eternity. It's a fun story.
This all occurred while my GP wrote to Bloomfield on my behalf as the first jab put me in hospital to get my heart stabilised from over 200 beats per minute and in AF.
Bloomfield denied my exemption with no explanation.
These assholes need to be brought to account. Naturally I never was silly enough to get the second one so lived as a second class citizen during the ridiculous vaccine pass era (error) , both apply.
I’m sorry 😞
The whole thing is a national disgrace, a total clusterf@“k.
I am very angry that people were forced into this.
And these people have been exposed to many cancer causing, nuerological issues and who knows what else.
The fish rots at the head and Morrison was in charge giving cart Blanche to the state despots.
Such stupid weak cowardly people.
Understand this article was about NZ - put money on it same or similar situation here.
I do know of nurses here in WA who were offered ‘exemptions’ in the way of fake jabs and passports but declined due to being true to themselves and others.
I heard there were some saline injections going around...
They were offered fake jabs? By who? Roughly? Hospital administrators?
How much liquid gold vaccines got squirted down the sink?
Yes squirting it down the sink to keep them in the system.
From memory a nurse got caught but never charged.
But the story I know is straight from a nurse who got sacked but said she could have easily got an ‘exemption’ and was offered one but declined.
There's a conversation in Jane Eyre between young Jane and the evil Mr Brocklehurst:
B: "Do you know where the wicked go after death?"
J: "They go to hell."
B: "And what is hell?"
J: "A pit full of fire."
B: And should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there for ever?"
J: "No, sir."
B: "What must you do to avoid it?"
J: "I must keep in good health, and not die."
That's my approach to the Australian medical system, at the moment.
Every one of them should have been squired down the sink.
To say I'm furious is an understatement. As n education sector worker who was mandated out of my job because I wouldn't take the vaccine and a useless vaccine at that, smacks of duplicity. I guess my employer didnt think I was important enough.
I’m sorry 😞
Medical Exemptions from mass Jabbing saved Lives
Higher level health staff are magical. They don't get covid, but if they did they certainly wouldn't get sick from it, unlike the rest of the population, and they certainly don't transmit it.
While it's incredibly unsafe to have unvaccinated visitors near vulnerable, possibly immunocompromised patients, close attendance by magical higher level health staff is not a concerning health risk.
Sorry why is unsafe for unvaccinated people to be be near immunocompromised people? These injections neither stop transmission or mitigate the virus. In short they are dangerous and don’t work!
My daughter has sero genetive arthritis and a compromised immune system from the injections. We are travelling with super vaxxed Americans who have poor immune systems and are passing around their viruses with gay abandon. This lot are healthier but we got so sick from the first lot. So much so that we refuse to travel on buses with them and share their germs.
It was a satirical post.
Ok. Not up to satirical this morning. So tired of self satisfied Americans telling me how they are injected and then sneezing and coughing all over us.
Sorry - I should've thrown in the semi-colon-bracket ;)
I now wonder if the same situation occurred here in Australia
Almost certainly did happen in Australia... Once the reactions were known... Even down to doctors maybe "vaccinating" each other, via agreement and filling out the paperwork, while the contents of the syringe squirted in the bin.
I know that cardiologists who issued exemptions for patients found themselves "under investigation", it has caused a lot of trauma in that profession alone.
Remember the Pfizer executives in the televised parliamentary enquiry admitted they had a "special" vaccine bought into Australia for all their employees. Saline?. We can join the dots.
Or the rest of the world for that matter
Thanks for fleshing that out.
This is blood-boiling deep-in-the-stomach stuff.
The unwashed unvaxd weren't allowed to visit in hospitals, except for the attending Doctors, right?
This also happened in Australia. I was an in excluded group under the terms of the CHO mandate, but my employer insisted that I must be vaccinated. I refused and argued that my role was excluded, which they acknowledged but still insisted. I held out until the mandates were eventually dropped. My wife however was a state public servant and the public service were never mandated, in fact they were explicitly excluded. Same as politicians and union representatives. This was called out at the time. It was brushed aside by the health authorities as necessary as these services were critical - exactly the opposite of the argument being used against police, fire services, ambulances, health services and every single other occupation.
I also know some public servants who were not mandated.
:( 😡
I’m reflecting and publishing on this topic. So heartbreaking.
Oh great, please drop link here when you publish as I'd love to read.
You are doing an excellent job and I am looking forward to your upcoming articles. I may miss some people, but thanking authors is important especially during this age of censorship.
Ursula your work on this story is critical and I look forward to the 'list' as we discussed.
Edit: everyone should sign up and follow this lady. She is the one at the heart (pun intended) of this issue along with NZ Doc both providing the details. I am following her for a deep dive of the architects and collaborators of democide in NZ.
Just caught up on some of your posts, thanks - have updated mine with a link to yours.
Are you aware of any Australia vaccine data collection that could answer some questions here? For example, we know that overseas there are a few different recipes that resulted in vastly different adverse event rates. The three I read about was the very toxic jabs, the mildly toxic jabs and placebo jabs. In the Facebook world of my local rural area, there are very few people complaining about adverse events. There are a few whose lives have been destroyed since the jabs but they will not attribute that to the jab. To a large extent the area - seaside and retiree - seems to have escaped pretty much unscathed. This would make tactical sense. For example, a bad batch in Sydney or Melbourne would be relatively invisible at ground level, but a bad batch in a village of 3,000 would be very visible.
I have been wondering how we even start to get facts relating to this.
Jikky on X posts a bit about batch data. So does Geoff Pain.
Data is difficult. I've made many requests for all kinds of covid and vax-related data - all ignored. My latest request was to the flutracking people to get a consistent time series. I've offered to pay fee-for-service. No reply to the email yet.
We pay them to collect the data, so I'm not very happy about their lack of transparency.
On those batches as reported in the Denmark study... Since publication, more adverse events have come through on the zero-side-effects batches. And reportedly one of those batches was quite bad in Australia - my daughter had a shot from that batch with some ill-effects, even though she had it aspirated. It could be that the batch had got a bit warm, or a bit old, resulting in different effects.
Am I correct in remembering that you made a post about your experience with a bushfire? Would you mind emailing me with your testimony? [email protected]
? My testimony?
I made a substack post on a few aspects of my experience as it related to the Lahaina fires, but rather personal and I may delete it now the discussion's over. What do you want from it?
My apologies perhaps I was thinking of someone else.
The scum down under.....unbelievable!
NZ Government has been scummy for ages, but one must wonder who/where they get *their* orders from.
Back in c.1979 a sight-seeing aeroplane flown by a perfectly competent pilot was directed to fly in to Mount Erebus (which is also known as a mountain in Hell, mythically-speaking).
The government was absolutely involved in the cover-up, along with the usual suspect, mass media.
My son-in-law (a police man) didn't want the jab, but, had a family to support. He had the vax and got myocarditis. He has since found out if you flat out refused you were stood down and they have been on full pay since! This is Western Australia under rotten to the core McGowan. He is really angry. He would have loved a few years off on full pay! Disgusting. As I bet McGowan took saline. Heard his daughter had a mask exemption for school too...they do what they want and coerced the rest of us to take it or lose your job. Where is the inquiry into all this?
I'm sorry to hear that :(
Here's a start & too few people talk about it: In August 2021 ex Senator Rex Patrick was granted access to the fake National Cabinet Documents ( that kept ALL Australian's under the kosh, that is important) by Justice Richard White. Due to disgraceful political interference it didn't happen. Imo, ALL leader's of the various freedom movement's should put their egos to one side & join forces for a common purpose. As our friends from across the ditch have done the leadership of the various freedom groups could/ should hammer the government with FOIA DEMANDING the National Cabinet Documents UNREDACTED. If structured intelligently this, I believe, is the pathway to repairing OUR beautiful country. The "vaccinated" will finally have definitive proof they were conned & the "unvaccinated " were merely trying to warn off. If these corrupt Governments have nothing to hide they having nothing to fear but of course they do. Too much bleating going on about the same stuff, cut to the chase, everyone can get involved & people of all persuasions will finally see how many people, other than government officials were in on it from the get go.
Thanks for your input on this issue. I orginally saw the post saying the 11,000 government (politicians) and elites had obtained C-19 vaccine exemptions which we later learned wasn't quite true.
On the plus side, this debate exposes efforts by government at a massive cover-up of vaccine injury and just how corrupt governments have clearly revealed themselves by their such blatant attempts to 'bury the bodies.'