Thousands of Australian local government representatives notified of DNA contamination in mRNA shots
More than 4,000 Australian local government representatives have been notified of excessive DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna Covid shots, after a world-first motion was passed earlier this month by the Port Hedland Council, which voted to send written warning of the pressing safety issue to all 537 local councils in the country.
Port Hedland Councillor Camilo Blanco emailed 4,100 councillors today, urging them to consider a report by virologist Dr David Speicher showing residual synthetic DNA contamination in Australian vials of the Covid modified RNA (mod-RNA) vaccines at up to 145 times the limit allowed by regulators.
Councillors also received copies of letters sent to the Prime Minister by the independent federal Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent MP, calling for the immediate suspension the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines due to the DNA contamination.
The most recent letter, which is co-signed by 52 eminent scientists and academics, warns that the DNA contamination poses a “substantial risk” of genomic integration and long-term health impacts, including cancers.
In a video statement posted to social media today, Broadbent congratulated the Council of Port Hedland, a significant mining port town, for being “first to step up to the plate” in joining his efforts to get the contamination issue investigated by authorities.
“Port Hedland, known as the engine room of Australia, has a big heart and strong people,” said Broadbent.
“Listening to public statements by the community members who have suffered terribly from significant illness, sudden cancers, and unexpected deaths were [sic] truly heart-wrenching.
“These community members are calling for answers - answers which all Australians deserve.”
Source: Russell Broadbent on X (2 mins 15 sec)
Within days of the the motion being passed, Port Hedland Councillors told me they were fielding calls from enthusiastic Councillors around Australia expressing interest in bringing a similar motion in their own communities.
Dr Julie Sladden, a medical doctor and Councillor for West Tamar in Tasmania, said that the “highly significant” issue of DNA contamination in the mod-RNA shots should be of concern to local councils.
“Councils are not just responsible for rates and rubbish, as has been portrayed in the media after the Port Hedland Council motion,” said Dr Sladden, referring to media reports ridiculing the Port Hedland Council for taking up the issue.
“Councils have a remit that includes environmental and health issues and in many cases, as they do in our council, they run vaccination programs.
“If we had a water quality problem or a road safety issue, or any other issue posing a risk to the safety of our community, we would be writing to the relevant officials about that.”
Dr Sladden, who works as an advisor to Broadbent and has written about the DNA contamination issue for Spectator and Brownstone Institute, said that she has been personally approached by members of the community expressing their concerns about the mod-RNA vaccines.
“You don’t have to look around very far to see that the health of Australians is not brilliant at the moment,” said Dr Sladden.
“It really is about getting answers to the questions that have been raised.
“People are asking for confirmation of Dr David Speicher’s findings in the Australian vials. They want the TGA’s [residual DNA] batch results unredacted. And they want the vaccines to be suspended until a proper investigation has been had.”
Brenton Johannsen, a Councillor for Karratha in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, said that there is community support for following Port Hedland’s lead in calling for suspension for the mod-RNA vaccines and a full investigation it the contamination issue.
“Some people from the local community are asking, ‘when is it our turn’?” said Johannsen.
“The motion is definitely something our council will be discussing.”
In a post on social media after the Port Hedland Council motion, Johannsen criticised West Australian Premier Roger Cook’s characterisation of the Port Hedland Council as “off the rails” for passing the motion, stating that instead the Council should be praised for its efforts.
Referring to Port Hedland Councillor Adrian McRae, who initiated the motion, Johannsen wrote, “Adrian’s actions reveal his commitment to ensuring both local and national governance remain accountable, transparent, and truly focused on serving the people.”
Broadbent seconded this in his video address, quoting a statement made by McRae in the now infamous Port Hedland Council meeting:
“We cannot afford to delay. We must investigate and we must protect those at risk. That’s justice as I see it.”
A website went live today with all the relevant information and resources on the Port Hedland Council's motion to suspend Pfizer and Moderna's Covid vaccines due to DNA contamination.
This website, pulled together by a group of volunteers, is intended to support other councils and everyday Australians in their efforts to take similar affirmative action.

In the wake of the Port Hedland Council motion, media reporting has falsely claimed that the science underpinning the motion has been ‘debunked.’
Last Friday, the Therapeutic Goods Adminstration (TGA) issued a statement formally denying scientific findings of excessive DNA contamination in the mod-RNA Covid vaccines, and calling online reports on the issue “misinformation.”
The statement caused much consternation on X and Substack, prompting some scathing critiques of the TGA and swift rebuttals. My response to the TGA’s allegations will be posted in the coming days.
Meanwhile, I joined Graham Hood and John Larter to discuss the Port Hedland Council motion and the TGA’s on Club Grubbery, which you can view here (50 mins).*
*NB 24 October 2024: As stated by me in the GC interview, recorded on Tuesday 22 October Australia time, Adrian McRae had been to Russia one time prior to being sworn in as a Councillor in Port Hedland. Since the recording, it has come to light that McRae is now in Russia for the BRICS Summit, where he spoke with Russian media, which has caused a stir in the Australian media.
Read the backstory here:
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It's been a good thing that this has started with local councils. I hope it spreads.
we have been waiting for the start of an avalanche, perhaps this is it, in regards to getting people to realize how bad these injections are.