I'm at a loss in seeing the logic in this TGA decision. The evidence is irrefutable, that spike vax is not safe, nor effective.

I can only conclude something other science is in play, and Occam's Razor directs that the obvious candidate is $$$.

Have they not seen Aus's excess mortality?

Have they not asked "are we the bad guys"?

or does the $$ help them get over their conscience?

I am ashamed of my country right now.

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Same. Not the country I thought we were.

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AUSTRALIA HAS FALLEN. It was an Inside Job. Every Government department, Fed, State, Local is now "Incorporated", even the Pigs 🐖, WHY? Our MSM is so utterly compromised, our "News" is Advertorial, so fake, so out of touch that it causes Cognitive Dissonance. Why doesn't the Booboeoise realise??? HOW are we as hypnotised as a rabbit before headlights? 80% of my fellow citizens have gone insane, including family & ex-friends.

This is Hell/nor am I out of it.

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I noticed that a lot of the people who saw what was happening are people who don't have/watch television. I haven't owned a TV in 20 years...

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Yuval Harari said it, "humans are now hackable". Public Relations and Advertising and scriptwriting are PART&PARCEL of the most heavily invested Industry in the world, Human Psychology. The entire Plandemic is a scary U.S. D.O.D. sideshow, used to distract from the implacable INCOMING tyranny of Central Bank Digital Currency and Digital IDs, Social Credit Scores et al. That & an A.I. Panopiticon, Surveillance Capitalism... neo feudal dreams of wannabe pharoahs.

We fight true Evil manifest.

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My 86 y.o. dad is an avid TV watcher and even he commented to me the other day that he thinks the whole covid saga was a scam. I asked him why, his reply, “I got 3 shots, then got covid twice shortly afterwards, I didn’t feel sick at all. This all sounds like some sort of bullshit to me.” I then asked him when he’s getting his 4th shot and he just laughed and said, “never, do you think I’m stupid.” It took him a while but even he gets it.

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Has the TGA released its "rigorous and independent" evidence or simply claimed that its decision was based on that evidence? Does "independent" mean that those studying the drug and its effects were not sponsored by Moderna in any way? ... have their conflict of interest statements been released along with their evidence? How has the TGA reached a 'rigorous' conclusion when it seems that other authorities have not? Do they have different evidence? Have they released a clear statement of adverse events?

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My understanding is that rather than conducting their own analysis (per the Fraiman et al. study), they rely on the sponsor’s analysis of their own data. Then they ‘review’ that analysis. I could be wrong but I think that’s how it’s done.

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As per TGA's media statement: "The decision to grant full registration was informed by expert advice from the Advisory Committee on Vaccines, an independent committee with expertise in scientific, medical and clinical fields including consumer representation. The Australian Public Assessment Report (AusPAR) for this decision will be published in the coming days." Yes we will be waiting with great anticipation for this 'independent' assessment (just like Jane Halton's review of jabs was 'independent'). I will be waiting to see whether they look/acknowledge the update of P201 study - look at the Alex Berenson's link 'Unreported Truths' for a link to this breakdown. Rebekah has linked this in her current substack. It is hideous, exasperating and downright nefarious these approvals - but in reality this has been happening with all other childhood vaccines for a long time. All I can say - we need to keep questioning and being curious, and let them know we are watching them every step of the way.

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That seems to me to be an FOI opportunity.

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Partnership with government gets you stuff! It’s a good deal for ModeRNA, it’s a good deal for TGA cronies who will probably end up working there but it’s a bad deal for taxpayers who pay for all this shit and end up poisoned. 🤷‍♂️ Democracy?

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I want a refund.

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If I wrote what I wanted I would be raided.

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Now I understand the real reason why Bill Gates was in town.

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Disgusted and disgusting. Our governments have no guilt or shame, a blatant display of their psychopathy, surely.

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Our government is no longer there for us. The only connection between them and us is our tax dollars.

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Don't forget all the mRNA they are shoving into our livestock this year, as announced last year by the NSW government. Why do people say we are "conspiracy theorists" when there are literal government press releases?


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The Highly Inflammatory Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA genetic technology is a double doomed technology. The biodistribution alone makes this one of the most reckless medical technologies out there. Added to that is the dabbling into the completely unknown response of the body to one or more of its cell types being given a GENETIC instruction outside those God/Nature* given set of instructions that were previously only issued and governed by our God/Nature* given DNA; Some people are more comfortable to work with the term "nature" rather that God; perhaps due to the additional spiritual moral compass and possible judgement burden that might come with acknowledging there is a God.

The Pandora's box that is Highly Inflammatory Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA genetic technology is exposed for what it is the unacceptable risks it carries with this substack:


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Norman Fenton explains AZ

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The CDC ( centre for disease creation ) told them it was fine.

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They can register it up their arse, I'll never take their poison shots.

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There's a major campaign going on in Australia, across all of the MSM outlets (ABC, 9 Media, etc.) pushing the "Long Covid" narrative. There is no mention of the vaxxine status of the victims of this malady. Who do they think they are fooling?

They're about to dole out $50 million in "research" funding for "long covid". None of this will flow to the vaxxine injured. It's dystopian alright. Keep up the good work Rebbekah.

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So the obvious question is “where is the underlying data that supports this claim?”

Im guessing the same “trusted”, “reliable” and “reputable” data, as provided by the same “ethical” professionals who curated the supposed 95% safe and effective EUA approvals will be behind this amazing development.

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Not to mention AZs withdrawal and shocking AE profile in the UK. Norman Fenton explains this well in some of his interviews.

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Astounding - concerning if this is the best we can get at the TGA, no ability to ask a question just tick and flick

Thanks for another relevant report

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Is this like Pfizer approval in the US as the TGA website says they are out of M; so have they approved the mono not in use/out of stock or does approval also apply to bivalent?

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