Feb 27, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I am continually stunned as to how many people just gobble up the MSM. As I was being marched out of my 16 year career, with friends, family and colleges lined on sidelines chanting 'shame!', with such steeled determination, honestly, you could have had them defined clinically as hypnotised. The level of despair and bewilderment on my behalf, has not eased one bit unfortunately. Based on all I've witnessed, 15 minute cities will roll-out in Australia completely unopposed, with the idiots lining up to be the first in.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023Author

On its face, Smart Cities looks like such a great idea. The behaviour of the media is what gives me pause. Same thing happened for me with vaccines. The aggressive propaganda made me double take, I scratched the surface out of curiosity and ... well I think you know what happened.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

George, in many ways they WERE hypnotized. You may want to refer to the website propagandainfocus.com and the article "The Covid-19 Concoction: A Recipe for Successful Psychological Operations" (22 Sep. 2022)

It's a long piece, but section 3 titled "Manufacturing Perceptions of an Extreme Threat" is well worth a read.

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very sad - unfortunately if you don't look into these strategies/policies, you cannot see their potential/likelihood - it is simple laziness, ignorance and stupidity..

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That’s so sad

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

This is a good article with a good recap of some of the more outlandish theories pushed by MSM in recent years. The idea that the COVID-19 mRNA-LNP jabs are safe for.pregnant women was always preposterous. Unfortunately, the evidence is now suggesting that millions and millions and millions of girls will be born sterile due to the vaccines. With a looming shortage of fertile women of childbearing age, this will make future repopulation efforts very, very difficult.

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Hopefully the outcome will not be so dire, but I suppose the main point is that we just don't know.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

On the bright side, it can actually be used as an indicator: Whenever lamestream media labels something a "conspiracy theory", better take a closer look because most of the crazy nutjob tinfoil hat conspiracy theories turn out to be true within a few months.

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"Only morons would be skeptical of the government."

..and they say it with a straight face!!

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

The "Premier" of NSW has officially declared that he is a "Cooker" on Ben Fordham's programme on 2gb yesterday. He now believes that the "vaccine's" DO NOT prevent transmission, which means in 3 years time he will announce that SMART cities also DO NOT work . A bit slow our Dom.

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Re: Covid - what have authorities said that wasn't a lie?


These 15-minute cities are definitely now on my radar.

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"Ability to age in place" = Me never being able to take my trip to the Holy Land.

How about NO!

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The problem is that 20 minute cities (as they are discussed) are generally a good idea - you can see it anywhere in the world: people who live in small towns are vastly happier and more content with their lot than are those in overcrowded, traffic strangled cities.

The original idea of the 20 minute city was to distribute (rather than centralise) services and to allow/encourage workplaces (whether public or private sector) to share locales with housing, pubs, churches, shopping...etc etc. And, ideally, centred on a transport and parking hub.

There’s really nothing to dislike about it - seriously, ask pretty much any inhabitant of small-town America, Europe - it’s better!

Then the Greenies (tm) hit hold of the idea and the oppression kicks into overdrive: no cars, rules forth is, penalties for that, hard boundaries you can only cross between 11.30 and 11.45 on alternate Tuesday’s except when there is an “r” in the month.

20 minute cities, in concept, are not the prisons the Greenies (tm) want to foist on you...what they are, are an organisation strategy for cities based around what has actually worked for people for Millenia. They are an organisational strategy which makes it possible to conduct much of your life locally while being convenient to travel from transport hub to transport hub.

I live on a farm south of Hobart so here is what I see - Hobartians whinge incessantly about traffic snarles and the need for ring roads, tunnels etc etc. Geography makes that (certainly economically) impossible, a pipe dream.

But distribute public services (both offices and outlets), hospitals and therefore jobs etc etc - work and be able to consume services locally - and you’d cut the *need* (not the ability) to travel by 3/4, you’d eliminate super-expensive inner city property areas (look at any small town).

Wth 20 minute cities, the key thing is to protest against the oppression of the implementation, but support the concept. Here is something practical the more conservative, free-thinking, of us could actually work to implement!

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I still don’t know much about Smart Cities but from what I do know, I agree with your take.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thanks Rebekah another well researched article. I actually wrote to the City of Melbourne (in a very professional way) about their 15 minute city and asked if they were also going to implement the 'soft' perimeter fencing eg facial and car registration recognition cameras, the 50 or so permits per year to leave the neighbourhood, and the fines if you do leave without 'permission' as proposed by Oxford - needless to say I have not received a response as yet... Particularly concerning that residents of suburbs where this has been proposed for implementation are opposing it, but Councils are ignoring rate payers nonetheless...

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Your brief recap of past conspiracy theories is timely and should be repeated ad nauseum. The news cycle is so fast now, reported one day, disappeared the next. We have been captured by statistics and graphs, as though they reflect some reality. I believe this endless flow of information has hijacked our attention span. Keep reminding us.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I'll take part in their Smart Cities when they have fully functioning hospitals within 20mins of the entire population

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Sadly, the MSM have been lying to us for years.

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Having read the 85 page TCPA 20 minute city proposal for England 2040 (and other shorter versions for other locations) I noticed some glaring ommisions. They have no understanding that bicycles have load limits (even motorcycles have load limits). They have no understanding that people who are already physically fit (from FT physical work like me) do not want to become chronically fatigued from hauling necessities in multiple trips using up their valuable rest and recuperation time on their days off. They have no understanding that the weather is often imperfect and occurs at times that dosn't fit your allowed time to get things done around work. These are the reasons why humans invented motor vehicles to cart humans and their things around regardless of the weather or time of day in a time effective comfortable manner.

Here in subtropical QLD I require eskies and cold packs to transport fresh food home weekly, to avoid spoilage. We require bags of soil, concrete for current outdoor projects and tins of paint and curtains, curtain rods for indoor projects. To achieve these purchases on a cargo bicycle is simply impossible. That's why I use a van. I can't even afford a newish van. Let alone an electric van. So, in this model, I either get all this stuff delivered (by someone else in addition to my trip to the stores) or go without. You'd think they would have considered these basic aspects of life but they don't. Neither do they mention the fines (funny that, hey?)

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May 17, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

That is a helpful piece. And here me thinking that Ben Fordham was one of the good guys. That woman was a bit cowardly in not naming herself. Thank you

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I think Fordham is neither 'good' nor 'bad', I think he does what plays well. Just my personal opinion.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Seems like less and less people want to ask ‘what’s the catch?’ - even pondering this question makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thank you Rebekah.

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