I've been reading 6/7 days a week since at least Feb 2020 - yes, 2020. I've collected over 20k links. I've had ding dongs with some Aussie "experts" like Prof Collignon, Dr Andrew Robertson. Babes Profs Catherine Bennett, Sharon Lewin, and Nancy Baxter dissed me by blocking my emails. Others have also, of course. Some even politely asked me to cease and desist - of course, I complied. I don't want them to knock on my door, or roof!
I've been taunting over 140 Aussie pollies and "experts" daily for a many weeks now. Sen Rennick thanked me for a post!
Now I selectively included some hacks.
I merely forwarded important Subs and links. That is more hurtful to them to see real experts smacking them rather than me.
We need to jab their butts in any way that is moral or legal.
What the hell is this "gardening" thesis being a health risk...? I'm not quite 60 and running very large gardens by hand this year, in the heat, and haven;t dropped over yet. But then again, I'm unjabbed so perhaps that has something to do with it ;)...
Those disappearing working-age people and all other sudden deaths were caused by:
1. Putin
2. Trump
3. Climate change
4. Whistling
5. Gardening
6. Sleep postures
Good to see you keep up with the news, Barry. Putin and Trump colluding to cause SADS is the greatest scandal of our time.
I've been reading 6/7 days a week since at least Feb 2020 - yes, 2020. I've collected over 20k links. I've had ding dongs with some Aussie "experts" like Prof Collignon, Dr Andrew Robertson. Babes Profs Catherine Bennett, Sharon Lewin, and Nancy Baxter dissed me by blocking my emails. Others have also, of course. Some even politely asked me to cease and desist - of course, I complied. I don't want them to knock on my door, or roof!
I've been taunting over 140 Aussie pollies and "experts" daily for a many weeks now. Sen Rennick thanked me for a post!
Now I selectively included some hacks.
I merely forwarded important Subs and links. That is more hurtful to them to see real experts smacking them rather than me.
We need to jab their butts in any way that is moral or legal.
What the hell is this "gardening" thesis being a health risk...? I'm not quite 60 and running very large gardens by hand this year, in the heat, and haven;t dropped over yet. But then again, I'm unjabbed so perhaps that has something to do with it ;)...
Well I'm sure if you get vaxxed, the gardening will take a sinister turn.