What appears to be a small win is actually a big win.

Well done!

Good work, once again!

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I totally agree. "Stop the spread" was a major psyop. This is huge.

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Top job, Rebekah.

Concerted and persistent efforts, such as yours, to hold power to account is what we desperately need more of. Kudos.

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This is hilarious.

Karen from Perth!

Edit: once again, I sing your praises ma'am. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/dear-australian-politicians-and-doctors

We are rather at a logjam right now. Maybe this will loosen things. Never know.

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Great work. It's sad that we have to constantly chip away at this BS because "the authorities" refuse to do the right thing.

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A big thanks from those you saved from "misInformation"

and wow, they did not engage in any "but the current jab is good" nonsense either. That is the real win here, you got them not pushing it at all.

The language looks like filtered through a few Lawyers in the Legal Department too, so many eyes were on this, and I hope they were red pilled during that process too.

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Great work. It will be fabulous when gvt officers begin to admit they generated misinformation ad nauseum.

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You are a champion

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Again Great work

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Nice One!

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Thamk you for your service Rebekah!

What a shame Australia isn't Switzerland:

"Charges against the Swiss President were filed by Pascal Najadi with attorney General of Switzerland in Bern.

On December 2nd, 2022 he filed criminal charges against the Swiss President for Abuse Office under article 312 of Swiss Criminal Code. An interesting fact is that in Switzerland the President is also the Minister of Health of Switzerland.

The basis of the charges were due to the representations: 'Safe and Effective' and ‘tested and regulator' . The Promise was: effective, safe and tested."


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Making history.

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Wow I just found your stack. Subscribed! Are you still writing? I reckon it's time for you to get some whistleblowers in the Australian aviation industry to write something...

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I'm working on it. The wheels of justice turn very slowly. Perhaps laying out all the evidence on Substack is the way to go.

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Definitely! I can't wait to read it.

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They're still lying about covid jabs preventing severe illness (ha! more likely to cause it!), but hey, it's a GREAT step in the right direction! Thankyou to you and your team for your perseverance in getting this one banged on the head!

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Dr. Arne Burkhardt shows a medical slideshow of confirmed spike proteins replacing sperm almost entirely.


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There are so many ills with these injections. I honestly do not think the people who invented them knew exactly what sort of monster they created. Not to say they didn't have a fair idea of what went on, because I'm sure they had foreknowledge about plenty of the stuff that's gone on - but not ALL.

So now we sit and wait and watch this nightmare unfold...

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And waiting is PRECISELY what we wanted right from the beginning. When we were told that the development of this jab happened so fast ALL because of the unified co-operation and funding poured into it, we still knew that the long term results were skipped. And now we are seeing the short to medium term outcomes, we are more than horrified.

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Yeah baby, dish it out

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Good for you and well done. Everything since this psychological operation began in China, the govern.mental "leaders" and their "expert "virologists and epidemiologists have spread nothing but misinformation, in fact bold faced lies because this was never about healthcare but about a socio-economic meltdown for a reconstruction taking the feudal system we live in, into a totalitarian digital and transhuman slavery.

Viruses are extracellular debris, the effect of illness, not the cause, this has been a coverup for obvious poisons and toxins in our environments and the roll out of that which is constantly ridiculed, censored, mocked and fact checked. The roll out of 5G combined with electroporation aka MATra [Magnet assisted transfection]. Continuation on this track of viruses as infection agents and humans and animals as vectors will not end well for humanity or this planet..

"War has broken out in the scientific literature that strikes at the existential core of Covid-19 and its proposed causative virus.

At the heart of the controversy lies the fact that the creators of the most commonly used test, the RT-PCR, published instructions for how to test for SARS-CoV-2 “without having virus material available,” in their own words, relying instead on the Chinese scientists’ genetic sequence published on the internet.

The paper “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time PCR” was published 24 hours after it was submitted to Eurosurveillance, clearly evading peer review. Its lead authors were Christian Drosten and Victor Corman, which is how it took on the title “Corman-Drosten paper.” It provided the “recipe,” or work flow for the Covid-19 diagnostic test, quickly applied all over the world, after it was accepted as the standard of testing by the WHO.

German scientist Christian #Drosten was also a co-discoverer of the SARS-associated coronavirus, and developed a test for it in 2003. Drosten, who heads the #Charite Institute of Virology in Berlin, and a team of fellow scientists in Europe and Hong Kong, moved very quickly, as soon as cases of the illness were being reported out of Wuhan in December of 2019. They submitted the paper on Jan. 21, it was published in Eurosurveillance on Jan. 23,* and was immediately accepted as the standard of testing internationally, by the #WHO, which began sending test kits to affected regions. (Fact check: was it 24 hours? Corbett says yes.)

In the harrowing months that followed, amid lockdowns, economic collapse, school closures and widespread panic, few were aware of the immense problems with the paper, which tragically offered a testing method that would yield between 80 and 97 percent false positive results, due to a non existent gold standard which would be the virus itself.

It all came to a head on Nov. 30, when the Corman-Drosten foundation paper was challenged by 22 international scientists who wrote a letter demanding the paper’s retraction, along with an extensive critique citing 10 errors in the paper it deemed “fatal.”

Celia Farber.

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We must believe that the truth will come out & these murders will be made accountable

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