Thank you for revealing this mongrel as he really is. As I was out of the state at the time, I was not permitted to come home and attend my son's funeral. That is one of many reasons I truly despise this man.

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Appalling. I’m sorry.

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I'm sorry you had to endure that pain; I don't wish to imagine the pain you feel; May God shine within you and keep you at peace.

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Thank you Mark

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Sorry to hear this. A friend endured something similar (couldn’t get to his dad’s deathbed). Never forget these degenerate bastards.

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Many condolences. I can't even imagine.

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Thank you.

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Jun 3, 2023
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Thank you Laine

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The concerning part is as noted- McGowan has left the state in a perfect Pavlov's dog activation for the next scenario, which is exactly what I think Dan, Jacinta and he were expected to produce in Oceania region. Well trained majority populations in the largest (WA) and also densely populated (Vic), that allows the crack in the door to a new (technomarxism is the new black) style of governance. They only needed to get the door open, the new order crew will widen the opening 😐😑🤦‍♀️.

Re (4)- it only achieved delaying and expanding the death count. Why? Because the shots that the highly vaccinated individuals took contain Wuhan spike, not Delta or Omnicrons new configuration. Has the the excess deaths dropped, slowed or changed trajectory? Not yet. We are going to see befuddlement and distraction as people scramble to seperate the data from next wave and ADEs from the shots. Compromised immunity will mean increased susceptibility, combining with reactions, delayed effects from shots (cancers, autoimmune, CVDs), make it very hard (especially with incomplete, sabotaged tracking systems) to seperate the chicken or egg. Depressing, for sure but we can no longer afford to coddle or sugar coat the coming consequences. People need and have earnt the right to know. Only when everyone acknowledges the problem can we start to deal with it as adults. Hiding under the bed is no longer even an option.☹😑

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Yep - it's like the Ohio train disaster. They set it on fire to poison everyone on the US east coast to cover the groundwater cluster in Palestine, OH.

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'Techno Marxism' - spot on description for what we have in Australia, irrespective of whether you voted Liberal or Labor. What ever happened to McGowan's teenage son who mysteriously ended up in hospital after the shot with a suspected heart problem?

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I didn't hear that, although I did know that after McClown's son was in hospital with 'severe covid' (it was in the news) the mandates were dropped that Monday. Where did you hear the issue with the heart problem? Also, McGowan never talked about the mandates again after they were dropped.

“The child is fully vaccinated, however, was in a serious condition as a result of the infection,” a statement from his office said. “The child remains in hospital and is receiving ongoing treatment. https://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/wa-premier-mark-mcgowans-child-hospitalised-with-covid/news-story/7c3747407fac1842cc88f1dd624a550b

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Texas AG Ken Paxton announced an inquiry into possible fraudulent conduct by Big Pharma at about the same time McGowan was reported to be looking to Texas and the Texan Trade Hub to diversify WA's economy away from iron ore. Shortly after Paxton announced his inqury, the Texas state RINOs impeached him for alleged corruption. The very next day, McGowan resigned as Premier and resigned his seat. He said he'd be gone from parliament within the week. He couldn't leave fast enough. Why did he choose now to cut and run? He seems spooked to me. It all seems rather odd.

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He was terrified and his wife had a grimace on her face.

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Hadn’t McGowan been to his Chinese Masters just before that?

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It was so serious he was discharged the next day.

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I didn't hear about McGowan's son. That's horrible for him and his family.

These shots are despicable technology and should NEVER have been released on to the public.

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I have no sympathy for McGowan, he brought it on himself. All vaccines ever are despicable and should never have been foisted on the human race.

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Well said!

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Great job Rebekah, thank you 🙏💛

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It’s mind blowing how they make claims that can neither be proven or disproven and they treat them as undeniable facts🤡🌎

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None of it would have occurred if "people" (loose term these days) were not so compliant or held "money and wealth" in such high regard; Many seem to address GovCo as their God as well;

"They" know that the propaganda and indoctrination worked on what appears to be the majority and so the mechanisms used just keep on rolling; "They" cannot stop now or their agenda will end in tears.... for them! They also know that many cannot be bothered to investigate anything beyond the Footy scores or the Stock-Market and so "they" gamble that the majority will never find out the truths born from facts; The "bread and circuses" are doing their jobs;

Many of us walked away from well paying careers/jobs and stood on our hills regardless of what GovCo forced unto us; We were shunned and ridiculed; Labeled all kinds of crazy and enemies of well being, we were "banned" from just about every part of "society"; A lot of the loonies who "rolled up a sleeve to save granny" wanted us locked away in prison cells and forced to be "lab-ratted", even while we were striving to save them and their right to a peaceful life while we "selfishly" maneuvered against GovCo and their Brutal Thugs in uniforms;

We are still alive, battered and bruised mentally and in some cases, physically, but otherwise unscathed; We aren't experiencing "sudden death syndrome" or "unexpected , cause unknown, death"; We don't have "turbo cancer" or "Sudden Climate Change" induced myocarditis;

And now we have to endure even more hardships with the reality that our fellow Australians are dropping like bug-sprayed flies while GovCo wants us all detained in 15 minute, barbed-wires-free, digitally-surveilled, free-range-city-prisons and social-credit-scores enforced by Digital "currencies" that will dictate what one may-or-may-not be able to purchase;

Maybe when the sheeple are not able to attend a footy match because their social-credit-score is too low, they will :WAKE-UP; from their GovCo implanted "freedom".

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Yes, this. People still can't work it out even though the entire plan is laid out in front of them.

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The corollary to this is the all-too-familiar refrain of “oh yeah … why don’t you PROVE that, I suppose you got YOUR facts from some conspiracy site?” from the covidian experts, who wouldn’t begin to understand that their version of “truth, fact and reality” is ultimately a construct of bio-fascism, but as it’s the consensus it makes them feel important and intelligent because they believe it. Drives me crazy to this day.

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The NHS have issued new guidance for those thinking that the harms and deaths are unusual.


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Nicely done … sadly I’m not too sure we live in a world anymore where satire is allowed or even to be encouraged. After all, how can we even tel the difference anymore between satire and reality???

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True. Insanity reigns.

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The claims that they even saved one life with a verifiable bio weapon countermeasure has been disproven over and over.

It’s easily proven the ‘countermeasures’ are US Department of Defence run, produced and distributed using specific legislation that bypassed any semblance of efficacy, safety and production standards.

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That's Satan and his minions for you. Satan was a liar and a murderer from the beginning so his followers will be like him.

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It is not too difficult to make authoritarianism appear palatable, if not preferable, in the short term. The masses are easily fooled by the perception of enhanced 'safety' whilst retaining relative normality (Internet access, pay cheques, and sugary treats for most).

As time passes the adverse consequences extend to too many, and the pervasive comfort dissipates.

The appointed authoritarian exits (Ardern, Johnson, McGowan, Morrison etc), and the masses are (mostly) subconsciously relieved at the return to the old days.

But, it is not the old days at all, they have been manipulated into new social contracts by the tyrants, and by their own apathy.

Now, they must shut down their business, distance themselves from loved ones, and take an injection whenever the State deems it 'necessary'. Or else.

That's their new normal, and whether they care to admit it, or not, they agreed to abide by it.

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Well said! Indeed the new normal 'gateway' is the health dictat. As new variants 'escape', they will ignore the effects on the inate immune system and uplift propaganda to promote the need for more poison..

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Check out AustraliaExistsTheWHO.com you will find out more about the plan to control everyones health. Scary stuff. Please sign the petition there asap.

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Thanks Rebekah, excellent piece. The data doesn't lie. It must never be forgotten that he forced the "covid vaccine trial" on us and thus the worst "public health policy catastrophe" in history.

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It's time for intrepid journalists to commence preparing their stories about the fastest declining population in the word, baring Israel. Also the world's lowest birthrate, and second highest rate of deaths by heart attack and, later, cancers.

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I'm still waiting for the ABS to release the 2021 live birth data...

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Do you mean 2022?

ABS 2021 Births Latest Release


It’s the one with the data explorer that hasn’t been updated for months.

ABS 2022 isn’t due for release till about Oct. 2023.

AIHW has some preliminary data out for 2021 which I’ve seen. Can’t find it again on their website right now. Could have just disappeared like many things seem to these days. I think I’ve got a copy downloaded at home on my PC.

“For the second time, an early release of preliminary 2021 NPDC data is also being made available within 12 months of the relevant reporting period (these data tables are available under ‘Data’).”


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Correct, that’s why I mentioned,

“It’s the one with the data explorer that hasn’t been updated for months.”

Births 2021 has been released, it is complete as far as the ABS is concerned. There will always be a data lag. That’s why the AIHW are “so proud” they’ve released early data. It normally takes them 2 years to gather it. The reason AIHW data is preliminary is because 2 states have not fully reported their data.

I used to think that not releasing the data “I wanted” when “I wanted it” was nefarious. Did some digging and found this is just their normal data release schedule. Up until the pandemic nobody gave a shit if the data was about two years old by the time it was released. The two year delay is probably for accuracy i.e. after 2 years they’re probably 99.9% confident they’ve captured most of the data and can release an accurate report. Now every skeptic is demanding they release their data early. You will always have a trade off between accuracy and timeliness. More timely = less accurate.

I agree they should pull their finger out, it is “a national emergency” after all. But, early release of data does not seem to be the government’s top priority. Kind of makes you wonder if it was such an “emergency” in the first place. A look at all cause deaths early on in the pandemic sealed the deal for me. People weren’t dying in droves in Australia as was suggested by the government and MSM (in fact all cause deaths were at historical lows when I first looked at it mid 2021). That’s when I came to the realization what I was hearing from the MSM was mostly bullshit. Took me a while to realize I wasn’t alone. MSN, Big Tech and the government did a great job at censoring anyone who held a credible counter narrative view.

I’d even suggest not updating the tables is on purpose to discredit anyone trying use the data in the data explorer as proof of harm.

Why not have a look at AIHW data? It pretty much tracks the ABS data if you’re looking for trends or differences and it’s much more detailed (contains about 82 tables). The missing data from memory is only for the smaller states SA & NT. There is nothing in the AIHW data that stands out to me as being abnormal. It is a big data set and I was looking for a big signal which in my opinion just isn’t there. There may be something more subtle that I missed. Not saying there isn’t, just that I can’t see it.

Here’s the link if your interested, it's the first download at the top of the page:

Data tables: National Perinatal Data Collection preliminary update 2021


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Good post - totally agree. Thanks for the links.

"Why not have a look at AIHW data?"

Because I'm exhaused. I am totally and completely exhausted and cannot be fucked. They will do whatever they want to us and no one cares long enough to look up from the footy. I focus on other things now, mainly not being thrown in a camp and subject to "safe and effective" electro shock therapy for wrongthink https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/electroconvulsive-therapy-ect

Hopefully someone will pick up the torch in this area but I just cannot bear it anymore. Joel Smalley (who does Dead Man Talking) recently expressed similar feelings. People who do this for a living...just cannot do this anymore. The gaslighting and fighting is too much. The lying and searching and coverups and fighting to get methods out in the open. The deleted interim data sets. We're done.

Bon voyage! You're on you're own now! *sips cocktail*

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And with all that going against us, our life expectancy is one of the highest in the world.

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mostly propped up by Big Pharma, living chronically ill.

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Are you implying that Australia has true journalists anymore?;

I imagine most of them would be preparing "stories" on how they can best distance themselves from the incoming consequences-for-their-actions of promoting the indoctrination and GovCo promoted propaganda that still spews out of their filthy, money-hungry, lying, treasonous mouths to this very day;

I note David (Jew) Koch has fallen on his sword; Which disciple of wicked is next?.

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Oops, Mark, my comment is above; me Alzheimers is playing up again.

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When I think of McClown, I remember that press conference he gave in late 2021 when he said the hospitals were full but not with covid, and he genuinely had no idea hospitals were filled with people injured by the vaccines he mandated.

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He knew. They all knew. But they did not care. Callous indifference was all they had, because like so many in authority they believed they were “saving lives” through the mandates, a few thousand deaths and severe injuries was a price worth paying in their eyes.

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I know for a fact that they know. This is the hill they are dying on: the moral high ground, and they are going to kill themselves, their families and us in order to keep it. They are sick, degenerate, demon-possessed lunatics We cannot coexist with these people.

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They knew they weren't "saving lives" either; I don't know what they believed, but it evidently wasn't about "saving lives";

That was the crap they spewed everywhere to justify their means while they took a crap on all of us.

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I genuinely do think the Occam’s razor answer to “why did they go so hard?” is that for all those months they had gotten themselves into such a state of panic and belief in the official ‘cures’ of vaccines and lockdowns, that they had convinced themselves that to not follow through may prove catastrophic. They could not risk the political fallout of not delivering the products they had so zealously believed would be the pandemic panacea.

These aren’t complex or intelligent people … they’re unimpressive bureaucrats - venal and unimaginative - and McGowan especially was dining out on all the media praise and sycophantic coverage he was getting by being our beloved ‘State Daddy’. There would have been a point when they realised at some point thereafter how wrong they were, but that’s a different question and likely a part of why he’s slinking away now.

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Except anyone and I mean anyone who looked at the stats even very early on and took note of how world class medical professional people including epidemiologists were silenced, deplatformed and gagged knew there was something very wrong and smelled very bad.

No excuses- these politicians and bureaucrats have partaken in a democide and continue to do so willingly.

And whilst rat faced McCoward has slunk off it is actually Morrison who is the real architect of this in this country.

He let state premiers do whatever they wanted and gave them access to Federal Medicare during his unconstitutional National cabinet.

Morrison also delivered no jab no pay no play for the childhood vaccination schedule several years ago no doubt to please his big pharma masters.

He is a MONSTER.

Every person killed, maimed and sterilised from this bio weapon is blood on his hands.

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I forget the exact saying but it goes something like “never ascribe to intent that which could be explained by stupidity” … and to me ridiculous figures like McGowan and his health ministers fall into this. His crime is hubris … pure, unadulterated arrogance and a saviour complex borne of his time in the military. ScoMo is similar, only his failures are borne by his adherence to his weird Christian sect and the fact he’s as thick as pigshit and as “Scotty from marketing” would do whatever was popular. I 100% agree that the real bastards who manipulated and concocted this whole thing from Fauci, Baric, Daszak, the CDC, the TGA etc … anyone in fact who could have read the original EUA’s and Pfizer docs would have known the scam and the insanity that was coming, but our politicians are absolute dipshit rule-following party hacks with very few exceptions, and I won’t ascribe enough import to them to be capable of actually planning a democide .

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Check out AustraliaExistsTheWHO.com you will find out more about the plan to control everyones health. Scary stuff. Please sign the petition there asap.

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"they’re unimpressive bureaucrats - venal and unimaginative"

-code for lazy , unable to read (science) , sheep ( follow some other bureaucrats lead)

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Why has he cut and run?

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As I stated, I suspect he now realises the extent of what they’ve done and is looking to sweep whatever eventuates under the rug. They all know there’s enough ‘plausible deniability’ there because the media will create it if it does not exist. After all, they are similarly complicit. The point I’m making is that I don’t ascribe enough sinister intent and malevolence to McClown, he’s simply a venal bureaucrat who got way ahead of himself in his arrogance and may even have had an inner reckoning … who knows. I do think there will be some interesting developments coming out of the covid review however, and I would guess he’s getting out of the way of that.

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.. shown by the constant smirk on his face at the endless press conferences on border closure..

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McGowan’s day of reckoning will come whether in this life or the next.

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I doubt devout atheists are concerned over any reckoning in the next life. Hopefully, the reckoning will be sooner, than later, for him and his ilk.

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Let's help McGowan, Andrews, Gunner, PalaceChook, BereChicklian and the rest of the arseholes that DICTATE our lives meet the real Judge sooner than they would ordinarily be entitled to.

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Whether they are concerned or not has no bearing on it happening.

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Well, that's nice. But, regrettably, it has a direct bearing on their ongoing behaviour and actions. Which, for the immediate and foreseeable future, is of much greater consequence.

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Why not both.

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May it be in this one.

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Please indulge me. I wrote the following to McGowan’s sham public covid review and it rings so true against your excellent piece regarding McGowan’s tenure.

“[…] These statements uttered publicly over many months were conduct unbecoming an elected representative and clearly aimed at stigmatizing and dehumanizing a minority in the state who had simply read the fine print on the jab EUA’s, seen through the hysteria and propaganda, and therefore understood both the relative risks of Covid-19 itself, and the lack of efficacy of the jabs on offer. It became increasingly obvious that McGowan had an unhealthy obsession with the unvaccinated and couldn’t accept that his various discordant Covid-19 jab policies, regularly shifting jab targets, and his arbitrary delaying of the state’s reopening in February 2022 to belatedly push booster doses on the public were deeply unpopular even with many who had taken their first two jabs under coercion. He seemed to be basking in the paternalistic ‘State Daddy’ moniker bestowed upon him by a Perth advertising guru in December 2021 and was not about to have this newly acquired role as beloved protector of the people challenged; WA families would remain separated at his pleasure indefinitely, and the unjabbed would be sent to their rooms without dinner until they complied.

My sincere wish is that this review tackles this aspect honestly. Regardless of his perceived popularity, McGowan’s character was sorely lacking throughout the period leading up to and after the state reopened. His indifference to the many thousands in WA who had been kept apart arbitrarily from loved ones due to the state’s hard border closures, and his willingness to stigmatise a group of people for the crime of simply being informed were abuses of power. This must never happen again.

[…] Many who were informed, considered, and reasoned in their understanding of the pandemic were vilified and castigated by prominent talking heads in the media as dangerous, selfish, and irresponsible for daring to challenge the official narrative. Government experts on the other hand were likened to unimpeachable representatives of “Science”, notwithstanding their many contradictions and prevarications, nor their dismissal of any and all contrarian research and evidence that emerged after 2020 from medical and health experts not aligned with government and pharmaceutical interests.

Real science is not and has never been about authority, consensus, or the majority; it is about the testing of data and hypotheses against real-world circumstances and evaluating the results dispassionately, irrespective of political expediency, public sentiment, or corporate interests. Real science does not ignore dissenting evidence. Unfortunately, we were not dealing with anything resembling real science for the majority of the pandemic.

Those of us incredulous at the disproportionate, illogical, and authoritarian Covid-19 response are thus obliged to use this forum to argue for transparency and a return to individual dignity and privacy and the right to make an informed choice in future should this ever happen again, free of government coercion, intimidation, propaganda, and deception.“

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Perhaps McGowan will get around to reading it, now he won't be so busy. I trust you're not checking the mailbox in anticipation of a considered response.

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Lol If I thought he’d read it I would have utilised less polite language. BUT … like Rebekah herself I felt it necessary that anyone who could should submit their response, as silence unfortunately in this day and age equates to consent. I remain confident that the quantum of submissions made by the public will have some impact on shaping the state’s future, and quietly hopeful that our collective submissions helped convince the odious toad to fuck off into the sunset to enjoy his millions.

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McGowan claims that he is exhausted. I bet he is not so tired that he will knock back the inevitable offers of well remunerated positions courtesy of his wealthy friends.

I suspect that the other 2 outstanding state premier rodents in QLD and VIC will soon jump ship for some pathetic excuse. As for the WA rat, good riddance.

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Danstopia needs to end in Victoria, but unlikely unless something drastic happens to Danno. He recently got elected (chosen) to stay in power for another 4 years!

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I am in the UK. How could Victorians be so dim?? I suppose as Victorians they are living over 100 years ago in the past and haven't caught up with current events.


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I don't believe Victorians are so dim, I think it was that fact that so many voted for the Greens and Teals and he got those votes. Also when he passed his "plandemic" bill he only had to con one backbencher to side with him, someone who obviously did some kind of deal from the Reason Party lol. They support brothels, which also by the way was classed as "essential" business so could remain open during lockdowns. Also I do not believe in the figures of how many were vaccinated, I think that was just made up like so many other things. I checked that link, good to see it all written in one place all Commo Dan's shenanegans. Many good people left Victoria and moved interstate, but still many good people left but if you have ever watched Topher Fields film Battleground you can see what was done to those in Melbourne who protested.

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Thanks. I haven't looked at the voting system there but I understand what you are saying.

A brothel is a soup kitchen isn't it? I don't get out much... :)

I have seen some footage of things re protesters. One assumes any masked thugs were imported? Masked thugs a.k.a police.

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The voting system means that anyone can get a seat in parliament if they get enough votes, then the majority is worked out by moving those votes to the preferred party, Topher Field has a great video about it.

A brothel is a prostitute house.

Yes I heard the riot police were imported, at the moment the Victorian Government is trying to recruit more police because so many have left due to mandating vax, stress and being told to do things they found unfair.

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Many thanks. Broth in Scotland, UK is 'soup', my attempt at levity!

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Sorry fix that sentence "many good people left Victoria and moved interstate, but still many good people remained (not left)"

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Yeah...so 'exhausted' that last week he was fronting the press excited to take everyone's firearms. A few days later: I'm tired going home to watch Netflix :(

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Great round-up Rebekah. Tis uncanny he cited 'exhaustion' like Arden. Good riddance to both I say, though employment and education exclusions still exist, and will continue to do so, as long as other members of the blind-belief-in-vaccines-cult (despite having absolutely no understanding of their constitution or mechanisms of action) remain in positions of power.

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Tyrannical, paternalistic overreach and manic, daily control over people’s lives, livelihoods and freedoms can indeed take it out of you!

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Brilliant journalism Rebekah, pity their aren't more like you working in the mainstream news. I think you nailed it perfectly.

Sad fact is journalists, especially if they actually can see there is something wrong going on in the world, are silent, too scared to risk their career rather than speak out... Their silence betrays the whole reason they chose to become journalists in the first place, to present balance, both sides of a story, to uncover truths, to warn of harm, to hold decision makers to account.

Unfortunately most have chosen to become propagandists, pushing the narrative they are told to push, without balance. Ever notice how the common journalistic line "but opponents say..." has been replaced by name calling, "anti vaxxer", "far right" "fringe" "so called freedom protesters" etc. etc.?

Thank you for your true journalism Rebekah.

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What the majority of "journalists" have done is traitorous and is therefore Treason against the People of Australia;

Doctors can also be be added to that list.

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The clips of newsreaders (frontmen for the journalists who write the crap) worldwide, all parroting the same tripe within hours of each other is proof of them all drawing from the same cesspool of propaganda. The most obvious one being the 'safe and effective', closely followed by the Ivermectin 'horse deworming paste'. Perth's Michael 'Thommo' Thomson and the rest of them swallowed it all, hook, line, and sinker. No retraction or apology to be seen or heard. And people still think it's true. [Yes, it is used by vets, but it is also a human product.]

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Frank Chung is pretty awesome

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"Tx @ExcessDeathsAU for the heads up." (I got u).

If I may opine...no one of his arrogance would just 'step down.' He was pushed. The question is: by whom?

No one is being punished for the covid situation. Nope - it's not covid. None of them are 'scared of facing justice.' There is no mechanism for 'covid justice.' He doesn't give a flying f*ck about what the people think.

The answer can be found in what WA has, and who Australia serves: resources (particularly lithium) and China and the US.

McGowan infuriated the Americans with his idiotic parading around China as the 'King of WA.' He doesn't understand Chinese flattery which is an inversion. They (the Chinese) knew he was political toast when they made that comment. Ultimately, Australia serves the US via the Five Eyes.

Minimum current US materiale in Australia:

5 RAAF bases hosting US planes

1 NASA station

5 training centres

12 seismic stations and JORN defence

Pine Gap

1 air warfare destroyer (off Perth)

Now. Why isn't this happening to Stairman Dan you ask? Because he doesn't have a massive lithium deposit OR a government-backed mint (the only one in the world). I believe Albanese got The Visit. Look at the media releases from Albo. "McGowan left as his own man on his own terms." No he didn't. They always invert and lie. I wrote this a few days before McGowan was pushed. The writing was on the wall: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/micro-donations-to-excessdeathsau

When the US says 'jump' Australia says 'how high.' My 2p.

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Plausible. Stairman Dan 😂

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I believe you are right on target.

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Who knows really. Just speculation. But no one else is talking about it so I may as well.

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Keep talking - you are all doing a great job. Have a look at Tony Ryan's work - he has commented on this page.

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Well considering the shadow Government is based in the USA. topdocumentaryfilms.com/everything-rich-man-trick

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It has, and still does bother me that the word "cases" is so ambiguous and does not reflect the individual's age, of pre existing serious health issues, or the use of the deadly medical practices put in place such as remdezivur and the misuse of ventilators.

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'Cases' are a nonsense, meaningless as each person is an individual, not part of a herd.


On the other hand there are a lot of nutcases! :)

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Read about the history of fascism in the UK and Western Europe. Not Hitler's fascism but the softer imperial fascism of Lloyd George, Churchill, Mosely, Mussolini and you'll see the Australia you live in today; police state, corporatist policies, draconian laws and covert operations against citizen dissent, all with a veneer of democracy.

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Good riddance to McGowan. What a legacy though. And how patronising is he?

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