I, however, am (now) anti-vaccine. They are one of the dumbest, shittest, most harmful medical "interventions" that has ever been or ever will be invented. No vaccine can ever be 'safe'; no vaccine can ever be 'effective' because their modus operandi is at odds with reality.
To me it just felt like RFK was tossing the Demoncrat bulldogs some rotten offal in some vain attempt to sate their pHarmaceutical bloodlust. I hope RFK gets the HHS job and makes inert placebo double blind trials the gold standard in American medicine, and every one of the 72 poisons on the child vax schedule gets banned or withdrawn because they fail to meet that bar. Then chronic childhood disease caused by vaccination finally has a chance to decrease in America for the first time in 60 years.
What do you think about the polio vax JP? Not the oral one that has caused the polio outbreaks but the shot. I'm still looking into it. My aunty has polio. shitty disease.
Polio is a chemically induced disease (mostly from DDT and other industrial pesticide exposures in 1940s-1950s). It can be more successfully treated with chelation therapy to attempt to remove the toxins from the damaged nerves. Thus a vaccine for it is useless (again... wrong modus operandi at odds with reality). The polio 'virus' is just a boogeyman for pHarma to manufacture useless drugs: https://viroliegy.com/2023/10/10/the-infectious-myth-busted-part-5-is-polio-contagious/
I bet you have read Virus Mania' , coauthored by Sexy Sam (Bailey):)
I had what was called the 'polio vaccine sugar cube' the year I turned 8. Apart from this and a few so called 'tetanus shots' I have had no 'vaccinations'.
I blame the sugar cube and decades of fluoridated water consumption for my limited intellectual acumen. Had it not been for these negative environmental impingements I would now be a genius, not merely a person of well above average intelligence.
Lots of stuff out there about it, Suzanne Humphries author of dissolving illusions, A midwestern doc, and others. Lots of stuff saying it was caused by DDT, that because its supposedly eradicated in the us, they call the paralysis other names like Guillain Barre now and that it's easily treated with high doses of vit c
Mike Stone's "Magic Trick" is also an essential read, for he shows polio (and other 'pandemic' conditions, like smallpox) was never eradicated, least of all by Salk's 1955 vaccine campaign. The clinical definition/criteria of the condition was altered, and so "polio" disappeared at the same time "flaccid myelitis" began to "appear".
Sorry to hear your aunty has the debilitating condition, but you can give her a huge hug every time you see her with great confidence that polio is not a contagious disease at all!
SO the round-up here is that RFK Jr is either selling out for a position of power and influence, OR he's committed to sacrificing pieces of his 'Pinocchio nose' to the milling blue sharks to gain the foot-hold necessary to further his 'not so covert' genuine agenda - 'fake it till you make it' in the enemy camp, so to speak. It certainly seems that to make any advancements on an ethical alternate course for America, or humanity in general, one must play the game with guile. Very hard to watch for those of us with knowledge and principles - but dems the times we livin in. And with a DJT mounted on the bow of this vessel - sheesh ! I commend your sense of journalistic balance.
It seems you subscribe to the view that these (Tulsi, JFK Jnr and Trump etc) are honourable folk with generous hearts and noble intentions, and that they have simply been making noises of political expedience to get elected so that they can instigate reform. Methinks this is a tad naive.:)
Recently Matt Gaetz' political life was undone but his having been caught in a honey trap.
JFK Jnr is a trained lawyer/persuader (like Gaetz), a long time politician and the son of Robert Kennedy. It beggars belief that three letter agencies (or MOSSAD) do not have some sexual muck on him that can be used as leverage for cooperation.
Whitney Webb (Nation Under Blackmail) has recently written extensively on this issue and Ayn Rand mentioned systematic government blackmail in Atlas Shrugged, 70 years ago. She made it clear that she had given the matter lots of thought through a monologue she gave Dr Ferris (scientist cum government bureaucrat). I will attach the relevant section below.
In short, even if Kennedy is a relatively honourable man (and this seems highly unlikely) he will be owned ...will be dancing on the end of strings held by some other(s).
I recall years ago Turnbull asking his political team to declare, in advance of a coming election, any improprieties they had in their past that might be used against them.:) Does anyone else recall this?
Obligatory Ayn Rand quote (via Dr. Ferris, in Atlas Shrugged):
"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt."
Kennedy generally acquitted himself well, but as someone who has been a lawyer all his life, he didn't come across as someone who'd done a lot of courtroom jousting.
I, however, am (now) anti-vaccine. They are one of the dumbest, shittest, most harmful medical "interventions" that has ever been or ever will be invented. No vaccine can ever be 'safe'; no vaccine can ever be 'effective' because their modus operandi is at odds with reality.
Medical and nonmedical individuals have vehemently protested vaccine superstitions ever since its introducton by Edward Jenner in the late 18th century, very often by pointing at the largely non-dangerous and non-contagious nature of the diseases vaccines are alleged to prevent: https://www.vaccinesandchristianity.org/2025/01/05/christian-opposition-to-vaccination-in-history/
And mandates should be worded correctly:
"Now if the law said plainly, “You shall disease your healthy child,” people would at once see how monstrous such a law was.”
William Adair, Keswick, 1st Mo. 1885, in The British Friend (Glasgow, 2nd Month 2nd, 1885), 37.
And then there is Roman's famous graph: vaccines and antibiotics never eliminated a single infectious disease ever: https://substack.com/@romanbystrianyk/note/c-87574652
To me it just felt like RFK was tossing the Demoncrat bulldogs some rotten offal in some vain attempt to sate their pHarmaceutical bloodlust. I hope RFK gets the HHS job and makes inert placebo double blind trials the gold standard in American medicine, and every one of the 72 poisons on the child vax schedule gets banned or withdrawn because they fail to meet that bar. Then chronic childhood disease caused by vaccination finally has a chance to decrease in America for the first time in 60 years.
What do you think about the polio vax JP? Not the oral one that has caused the polio outbreaks but the shot. I'm still looking into it. My aunty has polio. shitty disease.
Polio is a chemically induced disease (mostly from DDT and other industrial pesticide exposures in 1940s-1950s). It can be more successfully treated with chelation therapy to attempt to remove the toxins from the damaged nerves. Thus a vaccine for it is useless (again... wrong modus operandi at odds with reality). The polio 'virus' is just a boogeyman for pHarma to manufacture useless drugs: https://viroliegy.com/2023/10/10/the-infectious-myth-busted-part-5-is-polio-contagious/
I bet you have read Virus Mania' , coauthored by Sexy Sam (Bailey):)
I had what was called the 'polio vaccine sugar cube' the year I turned 8. Apart from this and a few so called 'tetanus shots' I have had no 'vaccinations'.
I blame the sugar cube and decades of fluoridated water consumption for my limited intellectual acumen. Had it not been for these negative environmental impingements I would now be a genius, not merely a person of well above average intelligence.
Lots of stuff out there about it, Suzanne Humphries author of dissolving illusions, A midwestern doc, and others. Lots of stuff saying it was caused by DDT, that because its supposedly eradicated in the us, they call the paralysis other names like Guillain Barre now and that it's easily treated with high doses of vit c
Thanks Penny I’ll look up what MWD has to say about it.
Mike Stone's "Magic Trick" is also an essential read, for he shows polio (and other 'pandemic' conditions, like smallpox) was never eradicated, least of all by Salk's 1955 vaccine campaign. The clinical definition/criteria of the condition was altered, and so "polio" disappeared at the same time "flaccid myelitis" began to "appear".
Sorry to hear your aunty has the debilitating condition, but you can give her a huge hug every time you see her with great confidence that polio is not a contagious disease at all!
That is a wonderful article, Rebekah. Yes American pollies are at the Onesie stage.
They don't even know they are embarrassing.
SO the round-up here is that RFK Jr is either selling out for a position of power and influence, OR he's committed to sacrificing pieces of his 'Pinocchio nose' to the milling blue sharks to gain the foot-hold necessary to further his 'not so covert' genuine agenda - 'fake it till you make it' in the enemy camp, so to speak. It certainly seems that to make any advancements on an ethical alternate course for America, or humanity in general, one must play the game with guile. Very hard to watch for those of us with knowledge and principles - but dems the times we livin in. And with a DJT mounted on the bow of this vessel - sheesh ! I commend your sense of journalistic balance.
Yes the game playing sucks but it seems you can’t get into the position without it.
It seems you subscribe to the view that these (Tulsi, JFK Jnr and Trump etc) are honourable folk with generous hearts and noble intentions, and that they have simply been making noises of political expedience to get elected so that they can instigate reform. Methinks this is a tad naive.:)
A politician is a politician is a politician.:)
Recently Matt Gaetz' political life was undone but his having been caught in a honey trap.
JFK Jnr is a trained lawyer/persuader (like Gaetz), a long time politician and the son of Robert Kennedy. It beggars belief that three letter agencies (or MOSSAD) do not have some sexual muck on him that can be used as leverage for cooperation.
Whitney Webb (Nation Under Blackmail) has recently written extensively on this issue and Ayn Rand mentioned systematic government blackmail in Atlas Shrugged, 70 years ago. She made it clear that she had given the matter lots of thought through a monologue she gave Dr Ferris (scientist cum government bureaucrat). I will attach the relevant section below.
In short, even if Kennedy is a relatively honourable man (and this seems highly unlikely) he will be owned ...will be dancing on the end of strings held by some other(s).
I recall years ago Turnbull asking his political team to declare, in advance of a coming election, any improprieties they had in their past that might be used against them.:) Does anyone else recall this?
Obligatory Ayn Rand quote (via Dr. Ferris, in Atlas Shrugged):
"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt."
Kennedy generally acquitted himself well, but as someone who has been a lawyer all his life, he didn't come across as someone who'd done a lot of courtroom jousting.
He’s probably not used to not being able to get a word in edgewise!
True, but I think Patel did a much better job on turning the lunacy back on the crazy ones, (although RFK's dig at Bernie was gold).
I haven’t watched his hearing yet!
You watched the full 3.5 hours (of verbal exchanges by politicians) and analysed the same?! Gee, that was time well spent.:):):)
I watched it so you don’t have to!
I thank you.:) Pure altruism ... worthy of nomination for a BGA (Bill Gates Award). :)