The problem is we keep holding these people to account for their hypocrisy, but they themselves have no problem with hypocrisy, or being inconsistent, so it is like water off a ducks back. This is a comment I read on the post https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/wokehypocrisies/comments, which I think hits this nail on its head

"The hypocrisy of those on the left knows no bounds because the left doesn't recognize hypocrisy as a vice. Perhaps not a virtue but certainly nothing to be ashamed of. The ability to hold conflicting ideas (doublethink) is so necessary to their survival among other leftists that logical rigor of thought is as important to them as whether their socks match. The conservatives have called out the progressives for their hypocrisy for decades and the progressives shrug it off as of no importance, which to them it is."

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I never thought of it like that before. Thanks.

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This is wonderful!

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Rebekah, the last back-of-a-truck speech by a politician, held in Perth WA, was in Forest Place by Prime minister Gough Whitlam, 1974...He got pelted with beer cans etc...(I was there)...

Henceforth such open air rallies were considered "Too Dangerous" so were moved inside, with plenty of "security"...Whitlam's next public speech/rally was held in Perth's cramped Town Hall, 1975...(I was there)...

Democracy was slowly being wound back...Thereafter, crowds at public rallies were out; rallies replaced by politicians appearing only on TV...Politicians embraced their new freedom...

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99% of the politicians we voted in want us dead

A few brave ones are still trying

Pretty good speech


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It’s OK get another booster Ricky Ponting is back at work!

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Rebekah, about freedom:

'As intensely as they long for vegetative liveliness and freedom, children shrink from it and voluntarily suppress their impulses when they do not find a congenial environment in which to live out their fresh vitality free from conflicts. It is one of the secrets of mass psychology that the average adult, the average child, and the average adolescent are far more prone to resign themselves to the absence of happiness than to continue to struggle for the joy of life, when the latter entails too much pain. Thus, until the psychic and social preconditions for vital life have been understood and established, the ideology of happiness must remain mere verbalization.' (The Function of the Orgasm. Wilhelm Reich)...

So many have settled for so little...The inertia of the silent majority keeps us imprisoned...

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"The impulse to fight for freedom is fundamentally human. The urge to flatten those who fight for freedom is also human."

eh.. no, absolutely not.

"The impulse to fight for freedom is fundamentally human. The urge to flatten those who disagree is inhuman."

Like it or not, the largest part of Western media irretrievably deserted the Canons of Journalism, and like their funding politicians and institutions have nothing of truth, ethics or science, let alone morality on offer. The NZ medical tyrants remain hell bent on jabbing the population to a dwindling standstill, just "approved" jabs to 6mo and up. The NZ politicians granted full waiver of liability to Pfizer and BioNTech. Davos Cult inspired killing is as killing does. Meanwhile, surgeries, medications and indoctrinating educashon to rid the young of primary and secondary sexual characteristics are de rigueur, while the social scientivists inventively strain to control the language.

You're living in an asylum and the inmates are running it. There is no intelligent, rational, ethical or humane discourse with insanity. One simply needs to contain it as best one can, leaving it to autodigest itself to oblivion, while saving what one can.

As Mattias Desmet suggests, it remains incumbent on the 5 - 10% to continue to speak out. For history has shown that when we stop, unfettered, unbridled atrocity unfolds. We will not break the mass formation, the hypocrisy the cognitive dissonance. That dissipates slowly. It is upon us to sruvive it.

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Oh BTW RICKY Ponting hauled off to hospital with suspected heart problems - this is a never ending slow motion genocide

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Have they isolated the ‘virus’ yet ?

Shouldn’t t that be the first port of call, or do we just believe the PCR test is dinkum even though a paw paw amongst other things like spritzer and sump oil can test positive.

Take away the fraudulent test and you are left with a cold or a flu or like millions of positive tested people - ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH- NADA - but still diseased!!

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