Jun 5Edited

"please do let me know in the comments which topics you enjoy reading about the most"

Write about what you feel is important. Start pandering to us and you are doomed...

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Thanks Les 🙏

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Health is no longer synonymous to well being. The US Army spent 5 trillions dollars to turn health institutions worldwide into whores.

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I’ve long said our ‘healthcare system’ should be called a ‘sick care system.’ It’s (mostly) good for addressing acute symptoms, but not addressing chronic issues or promoting health.

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Thank you Rebekah and all the best for dealing with your family emergency. Family always comes first, no matter what. Blood is thicker than water, they say. We understand.

Regarding asking for suggestions, personally, living in Australia, I like when you expose the Australian rotten bureaucracy, as you have done so often in the past. We can fret and get upset about all the madness going on all day long and many writers, including myself, express that and it feels good to hear that we are not alone.

However, no one really listens to that outside of our circles and especially most politicans and bureaucrats don't care about our protests.

They need to be publicly exposed for the crimes they did, based on solid evidence, not opinions and emotions. Only that will convince and wake up the big group in the middle - proper, solid, evidence-based investigative journalism.

There are many good people writing here that understand what is going on but not many that have the skills and tenacity to do what you do.

This investigative work based on evidence often leads to the next step: Legal challanges.

In the olden day, unethical bureaucrats and politcians could be remove by publicly exposing their behaviour in the mainstream media. No lawfare was needed. They were forced to resign.

Unfortuantely, mainstream media is now more captured than ever by the same oppressive totalitarian fear-mongering perpetrators. So public exposure is not as effective anymore.

Lawfare is our last chance in the hope that juridiction isn't fully captured yet. Jules on the Beach and others do great work there. You investigative work will directly support that path.

You have a very important role to play in this Rebekah. And you are right in thinking about sustainability because this is a long war and you don't want to burn out. I think you have the right instincts there.

It is a lot you take on for a one-woman-team. Have you ever considered trying a joined project to lessen your workload, especially research?

If you structure it well, you could farm out research parts to volunteers like myself and others that want to volunteer and help you. Just an idea. I put that out on notes and see what comes back.

What I would not waste my energy on is getting involved in solutions, especially political ones proposed by certain individuals and groups. I am not saying they don't have good ideas but I don't think we should move on to any solutions until we cleared up and exposed the mess that happened worldwide. These solutions-based approaches can be distractions so people forget what happened and put new hopes in a new leader or movement. We don't need new leaders and movements.

The problems of the last four years have their roots in systematic failures of basic democratic principles and were only possible because of the immense power the bureaucratic insitutions wield over societies worldwide, but especially in Australia.

Senator Rennick's work and videos just show us over and over again, that these high ranking bureaucrats are the heart of all this because they make all the decisions and write all the policies and politicians have lost the power to control them.

With that bureaucratic power came corruption as it so clearly to see with big pharma.

We think the states make up Australia. I don't think so. It is the club of powerful government departments, the deep state, that rules Australia: TGA, ABS, MoH, Border Force and Police - to name the most obvious ones. It truly is a David vs Goliath contest and it will take a long time. But it is meaningful and selfless work on behalf of the common good, and done sustainably, can actually improve our personal well-being and support our spiritual path.

For me, I do best when I don't expect results. I love these quotes:

"When you desire the common good, the whole world de-sires with you. Make humanity's desire

your own and work for it. There you cannot fail."

"When you meet a worthy man (or woman), you will love and trust him/her and follow his/her advice. This is the role of the realised people -- to set an example of perfection for others to admire and love. Beauty of life and character is a tremendous contribution to the common good."

"Must we not suffer to grow?

It is enough to know that there is suffering, that the world suffers. By themselves neither

pleasure nor pain enlighten. Only understanding does."

If you calmly do your work that you are destined to do, it will be enjoyable and energizing, you won't suffer and burn out. As long you have the common good in mind, you will feel supported.

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Thanks Markus, good idea, I may consider doing a call out in the future for big research projects. Also, lovely quotes :)

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Unlike you Rebekah, winter in Perth is my favourite season. Rarely cold enough for a coat, usually sunny. But on topics….anything but COVID. That narrative has been trashed to death and still substack continues to be entranced. COVID was the first shot in compliance. The next phase is here and perhaps more subtle. Embraces digital ID, banking, electronic spying, 5G, food, supply chain etc. in fact all topics you have touched on in the past. It’s been a plan long in the making but the execution still catches us by surprise. For example in that past two years all 6 banks in SP have closed taking their ATM’s with them. And when the computers go down and they scream ‘cash only’, ….well the end game is pretty obvious.

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Hi Rahima, I know what you mean... I think there's still value in reporting on some of the Covid stuff, especially the DNA contamination story. But I'm not interested in 'see we were right!' for the sake of it, there has to be more to it for me.

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Fantastic reporting - thank you Rebekah!

There are so many more Covid-related papers that were retracted for "political" (which actually means anything that went against the biodefense cartel narrative) reasons. Starting with one of the most important ones, which was the HIV inserts that led many virologists/microbiologists to determine that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered. This paper was not just retracted but disappeared from the web starting in 2022:


There's the whole Cochrane masking scandal -- again, the leaders of a scientific publication pressured by mysterious forces to question/retract the work of their own scientists.

Anyway, it would be great to keep a running list of these. Thanks for starting one!

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I agree Debbie, I think I might have some work to do...

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Appreciate all your work Rebekah.

As an "awoke" doctor I am interested in all matters Covid.

I still feel there is a wealth of material for you to explore and admire your tenacity.

Best wishes to your family.

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Thank you Gareth 🙏🏼

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Can I suggest / request that you share these with us so we can read ourselves? It may be the download concept or just "weekly links I find interesting" or something similar.

"Every day there are so many interesting things to report on and I want to pick up everything shiny and investigate it further. But I am a team of one, and it’s simply not possible!"

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Vigilant ones have long queried the production & process of vaccines while being derided for their efforts but seems the world is starting to look deeper into the set ups where Big Pharma wins at any cost, denying any such threats could exist within their systems so as"The worm turns" truth may emerge like the wondrous butterfly of honesty compassion & common sense

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