Dr Trinh is an angel. The best of us. I hope she sees this comment and knows that she is not alone.

The protests were full of people who are refugees and migrants from countries warning about what was happening. I saw Serbs and Croatians embracing, something I never thought I would see my entire life. The Voice was resoundly defeated in areas that are non-white, despite the ABC blaming 'white Australia.' It's over for the racist, divisive, Australian government and their mouthpiece the ABC.

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" It's over for the racist, divisive, Australian government and their mouthpiece the ABC"

Wish it were so. But they are public funded, determined, entrenched & hard leftist-ideologically driven.

The crushing defeat of their 'Voice' was a great win in the skirmish, nowhere near a victory.

Hard yards ahead.

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Yup, sadly no lessons need ever be learned by the establishment cabal. When one of their rackets fails or ends, they simply reframe the result to blame others, redirect their energies, re-write the result and move on to the next racket. In this case their misinformation legislation, for which the No result has afforded them yet another “proof” that the plebs are apparently too stupid to buy the establishment’s propaganda.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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I recently commented on a completely separate thread about being wary or perhaps weary even of esoterica, as it often puts people completely off the subject or prevents them from taking steps towards the right side, however on this occasion you are not wrong at all ... we are run and led by puppets and pied pipers sadly leading us to demoralisation and degradation

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“I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander. In my opinion it is a deliberate attempt to alienate the soldier vote from the commanders, because the communists know that soldiers are not communistic, and they fear what eleven million votes (of veterans) would do.”—George Patton


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And btw, did you hear the initial ABC reports of the Voice defeat, how it was scripted, with acid words, twisted to make it sound as though the Australian racist public denied Aboriginals their Constitutional recognition as first Australians? With the Voice decision almost as an afterthought?

The ABC will NEVER give up until they are DEFUNDED and/or the Marxists/extreme leftists amongst them are put on the dole, where they belong. And the latter won't happen until the former does.

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I watched the ABC on Referendum night. It was shameful. The ABC did its utmost to promote the idea that the majority of Australians voted No due to racism and meanness, rather than show respect to the idea that we voted No to division being entrenched in the Constitution. If some people felt bad about the result, the ABC poured fuel on dividing Australians. Why are we paying our tax to them again?

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there sure were a lot of sookie folk crying into the mic

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What do you replace it with? All networks bought the BS “Israeli Gaza hospital bombing” story spun by Hamas, where clear evidence to the contrary was available. There are no MS networks that report truth any more.

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Why replace it, Geoffrey? I mean, here we are, on alt media where I (who was a very late adapter) get most, if not all, my news and real information, for the most part information that I can trust.

If I want to learn the truth about the covid scam/vax lies, I'll read this site, Excess Deaths and others.

If I want to read about politics & world affairs I'll go to Mises, Global Research and many others.

You're correct: there are no MS sources that tell the truth anymore. They are bought & paid for (whether the puppet presenters know it or not)

Let the ABC die. As it should.

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Ivermectin was used by several doctors in the United States to treat covid. It was banned because of advice from the pharmaceutical companies who fund the TGA because they wanted to make a lot of money from unproven drugs.

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They make the TGA look like angels.

My Le Trinh is an Aussie legend, the sort of refugee/immigrant that made Aus a good place to live.

The AHPRA board, well, they went so hard Nazi (yes I went there) they have made many Health Professionals question their desire to practice.

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Early treatment means no EUA for the vaccine, means no money for Pfizer & co, and no start of mRNA technology. Testing mRNA by the normal procedure would have failed.

Early treatment means no pandemic and so no new amendments to the IHR treaty and so no “one world government” & “one health”. Country sovereignty would stay in place.

No vaccine means no excess deaths and normal numbers of newborns. So means the world population would grow to 24 billion by 2100.

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The Together trial was a sham. Alexandros Marinos sheds light on it. There were so many faults with it.

I became a fan of Ivermectin after the Barody trial with quarantined Covid patients. Yet because trial was not double blinded, it is ignored. Seriously, since when do you have to allow people to die to prove a drug? Anyway, Ivermectin was used with Doxycline, an antibacterial used for bacterial pneumonia https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/there-was-no-virus

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clown world

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While I applaud your continued impartial coverage of issues like Ivermectin, Rebekah, which is so lacking in any so-called professional mainstream press, the case for Ivermectin was so obvious, proven beyond any logical, rational, safety, efficacy, economic or even just ethical reasons long before pharma and the media rounded on it, whether it was Tess Lawrie revealing that Andrew Hill and the GAVI funded Liverpool University sunk the studies deliberately, or just simply the enormous press and establishment attack from 2020 onwards, to the “you’re not a horse, y’all” nonsense from the CDC ... let’s just call this what it was, an enormous, evil, despicable fraud committed by those supposedly entrusted with society’s health and well-being. this doctor is a hero, among very few left in this country, and medical regulators in this country are sociopaths.

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Ironically in out celebrity obsessed culture, the story of Louis Gossett Jr being in deaths door in April 2020 has never been mentioned. The magic cure- Ivermectin. Additionally, attorney Ralph Lodrigo won dozens of lawsuits in Houston against the hospital BLOCKING this life saving treatment. These were extreme cases, where people were in ventilators for weeks while the courts decided. Nearly all people recovered. Ventilators otherwise had an 80-90% kill rate. Splain Lucy. Personally, I recovered almost immediately when taken with Zpak. My wife got Covid a second time. I took a preventative dose and not as much as a sniffle. Just a month ago and old buddy of mine repeated the horse paste lie. Clearly the HCQ trials were rigged. Clearly the same was done with Ivermectin. Regardless, why not try something completely safe when the entire world was about to die from the most deadly virus ever (extreme sarcasm)??!!

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And oh yeah, Uttar Pradesh. Met a centrist guy recently who was touting the use of Iodine in India. Of course he knew nothing of Ivermectin.

Uttar Pradesh was claimed a huge success on the WHO’s website. No mention of Ivermectin of course. Uttar Pradesh eliminated Covid almost completely. Why was that approach not immediately made the world standard????

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Why indeed did they go after cheap generic medicine as potential cure?...thinking thinking 🤔. Still thinking.

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last month two students at the school where I teach (siblings) were diagnosed scabies and their GP prescribed.... ivermectine :-)) since scabies is fairly contagious, close relatives, neighbours and the childrens' friends were prescribed the same. tiny case of schadenfreude.

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"DE&I principles" ... Ehhh, no.

DIE ideology is properly described:

DIE is as DIE does.

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That is just awful. What a broken place we live in.

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Rebekah, is there a gofundme or givesendgo for Dr My Le Trinh ?

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Thanks Raymond, I asked but she does not have one at the moment.

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My understanding is that the covid jab only had provisional approval to treat what was presented as an infective illness that looked like a pandemic, and provisional approval is predicated on the fact that there is no other known effective treatment alternative.

Therefore Ivermectin had to be knocked out of contention.

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it's clear that before any national or international pandemic response/declared emergency we humans NEED EVIDENCE of an infectious mortalising disease. Where are the guidelines for the pharmaceutical complex funded TGA to PROVE TO US there is an imminent threat WITHOUT INSTITUTIONAL MODELLING INTERFERANCE to provide such evidence?

We really do have a battle in the PULL THE WOOL OVER EVERYONE'S EYES global media censorship machinery as outlined here https://brownstone.org/articles/internet-censorship-everywhere-all-at-once/

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A nice addition to your Covid knowledge base.


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Oct 18, 2023
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Thank you for questioning. Once you question any one aspect of the whole fiasco there is no turning back

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My thoughts exactly. Same thing with hydroxychloroquine. Used for decades, very well known safety profile, used freely as an anti-malarial as well as a treatment.

As soon as it started to get some traction as a treatment for covid, the narrative was turned around 180°. (Trump's tweet did a lot to drive this!)

And that in itself raised a huge red flag for me.

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Oct 19, 2023
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The fact that so many healthcare colleagues did not find the bashing of inexpensive drugs (that have potential to help ) is more troubling than the actual corruption. I really am struggling to see how brainwashed they have become and it has affected my relationships with them.

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