At this point we should all have one simple rule … if our unaccountable, ridiculous, corrupt and disingenuous government and it’s corporate enablers/sponsors/ masters are advocating for something, do the exact opposite.

Could be wrong but I haven’t seen a single positive, forward-thinking, honest and credible act or decision from our glorious leaders in 20 years, certainly not one that at its core doesn’t further centralise power, increase control, limit freedom and add to our spiralling debt.

This latest farce of a “voice” only belies the fact, if according to its benefactors it’s so so necessary and important now, how useless our existing government leadership must be, as it obviously must be failing currently in all the areas that their magic “voice” will “uplift” us all.

To then watch these despicable corporate stooges line up in “woke face” as you say to lend their own lack of credibility and honesty to the massive racket that is the “voice” is vomit-inducing. There will be no tangible benefit to a single aboriginal issue or individual, beyond the usual handouts to a handful of well-connected families and so-called charities who will continue to act as front men for the money-laundering operation that accompanies every modern woke government initiative to “uplift marginalised first Australians” … all the while offering said marginalised nothing but more excuses for why they need never be accountable for their own shit decisions, daft and backwards culture and lack of personal responsibility.

Sorry, not sorry.

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Indeed. An old Chinese saying goes something like, listen not to their mouth, but watch their actions. They are incompetent, corrupt, naive, ignorant and criminal.

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Indeed you could add cruel, anodyne and negligent to that list.

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Bloody well said!! Shame the so-called silent majority are too scared to speak their minds and stand up for the children and future generations of Aussies they claim to care for and love.

Time to stop being cowards and wimps scared of the Governments they elect to govern by stealing ALL our fathers, Grandfathers, uncles aunts and family friends fought for..

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Just as adopting Chinese pandemic protocols is an indicator, so is following a drug companies constitutional suggestions. HOW ABOUT NO?!?!?

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WTF. I saw this on Twitter. It’s just another sign that the American takeover of Australia is well under way. The huge spending on defence including AUKUS etc. Will we see Perth as a US base in the future. We are after all on the same latitude as Beijing. All this does not auger well for the future. As was pointed out the $600m McGowan has spent on the pandemic could have built two new hospitals. And apart from you Rebekah, not a word of outrage or dissent from the public. Asleep at the wheel or is everyone suffering long Covid and simply don’t have the energy?

before w

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Daily reminder that Jane Halton (she of the covid vaccine contracts) is also in charge of Australia's submarine contracts. https://spaceanddefense.io/naval-group-australia-appoints-jane-halton-and-lilian-brayle/

Subscribe for Jane Halton facts!

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Fuck long covid and blaming the US. The world is being overtaken by the heinous megamarxist world economic nazis. Klaus “SSCommander”Schwab has programmed a veritable ARMY OF MEGARICH HEATHENS with too much influence and power to TAKE OVER EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY ON EARTH! No more COUNTRY-no more NATIONS!! The POST-NATIONAL WORLD is run by MONSTERS 👹 whose mission is to eliminate the “useless eaters”

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Rahima... just to add to your bandelier of ammo: there are now 12 US bases in the NT, including a Ratheon/LockheedMartin missile launching platform not 40 Ks from Nhulunbuy. When the now-thoroughly-provoked Chinese knock this out, the exploding missile fuel will poison Arnhem Land killing 10,000 Aborigines and three thousand other Australians. The 2015 Rand Report, urging the Pentagon war against China, refers to this event as "acceptable collateral damage".

Acknowledging this possibility, a 1987 Commonwealth study banned any rocket launchings in the Top End as too dangerous to contemplate.

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Why did I find this so hilarious? Truly, we are living in the most absurd times.

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Such demented lunacy successfilly forcing itself onto the real world is always the calling card of tyrrany. I tend to feel a great concern when psychopaths are taken lightly.

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Of course - as with Bill Gates rebranding himself as a philanthropist - "the health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples" will mean "full access to vaccines & other pharmaceuticals".

We've already seen the propaganda hose directed to our indigenous communities, in the guise of providing health services.

If we do get "Yes" winning the vote, that indigenous advisory panel will be heavily stacked to supporting pharmaceuticals, just as every other government & quasi-government body has been bought.

We've all seen how this rolls - the NWO agenda is going to continue the transfer of wealth from ordinary people to the transnational corporations, and there will come a point (if we are not there already) when we can do sweet FA about it.

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Mara... You are a breath of fresh air. It is nice to encounter a person who grasps the reality. Medical intervention is one of the two direct causes of Aboriginal ill-health and premature death. Ergo, the two sickest nations on earth are Americans and Aborigines, who just happen to be the two most vaccinated people on earth.

But this is getting more proactive. If one tablet per week of banned Ivermectin were to be given to each NT and Kimberly Aborigine, scabies would be eradicated and, with it, the scourge of Rhuematic Heart Disease which is generated by the scabies toxin. Other organ damage also would be eradicated.

Thus the term genocide is far from being an exaggeration.

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Ivermectin is only banned for covid, and they reversed that soon after the TGA was named in the vax damage lawsuit.

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Up until a few weeks ago, it wasn't that ivermectin was only banned for covid - in fact, they introduced very strict requirements for prescribing it, had to be one of only a handful of medical specialists. And while that requirement has now been removed, the TGA are still very clear on their website that this does NOT amount to an approved treatment for covid.

And I doubt that this had anything to do with the vax damage lawsuit - although we here all know that the reason for the ban was to get people to accept the jab (and in fact they stated this explicitly as one of the reasons), simply making ivermectin more accessible is not going to change anything about their legal liability for jab injuries (which is all about how they approved the shots in spite of having the data about injuries available from the Pfizer trials).

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To say nothing of the diabetes epidemic from eating crappy western food!

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At 76yo I have unfortunately I've watched the "gradual" infiltration by the rich Green Marxists in ALL Conservatist Governments world wide. Over the past 70 years the world has been subjected to fear - World ending scams proven to be false and cost all greatly. We can no longer believe any of what we read and are told anymore. The Governments are elected by $$ controlled Media, corrupted so called beaurocrats all standing in line with their hands out for the $$ rewards of deceiving the idiots who elect them.

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ding ding ding we have a winner

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ANYTHING Phizzer produces or supports is a firm NO from me.

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Phark off Pfizzer!

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Most Aborigines take English language statements at face value, and the Voice exploits this. Ironically, or dare I say it, by calculated intention, not one of the Voice's architects can speak an Aboriiginal language, nor possess even a shadow of Aboriginal culture, and none have any grasp of Aboriginal needs, especially in the Centre and North.

Because in the NT and Kimberly, only a handful of Aborigines grasp more than rudimentary English language skills, articulating their needs is not possible when no goverment liaison officers speak their languages. No programmes will succeed until this happens, as was predicted by the anthropologist AP Elkin in the 1940s.

And because parenting and all social regulatory mechanisms flow from Aboriginal Law, until this is recognised, more kids will go off the rails, more will end up in prison, and more families will become dysfunctional.

Here is the rub. The Voice personnel will oppose these measures because these will transfer their power to the communities where it belongs. A "Yes" vote for the Voice will be a vote for total destruction of Aboriginal culture, and the conversion of all Aboriginal youth into a violent criminal class. The subsequent social division will terminate mainstream Australian culture, which will be replaced with the empowered immigrant invasion.

Anybody who thinks we have the power to alter this course of events with votes and peaceful protest is delusional. Rupert Murdoch, annointed successor to David Rockefeller, is the ultimate architect and manager of Australian destruction. Take him down and we have a chance. How?

Murdoch spent millions of dollars rewriting history to hide his 1970s criminal acts and the evidence of this appears in the novel "The Lost Track". Publishers are terrified of the consequences should they dare print and distribute, and so this book, written by Kato Rivera, is being distributed around the world by stealth as a PDF. Aussies can access the book free through sunstack oziz4oziz, presuming Rebekah approves.

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While here, may I offer my thanks to Rebekah Barnett. This is a great site and much-needed.

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Rebekah, I have been thinking of writing an article on this but from a different perspective. The YES campaign is being rolled out in the same way as the pro vaccination campaign for covid. Some are speculating that there will be a new manufactured crisis to keep us on our toes, but I don't think that will happen in Australia this year. This year they are squeezing in "the Voice" legislation and will not want any distractions from that because...? Well why is it so important? I haven't done the research necessary to really understand the legal implications, but others are saying that it will open the door to UN takeover of Australia. How? I have no idea.

But the similarity in the way they are manufacturing consent is a red flag. Where I am in NSW the only TV advertising left for the jabs is pitched squarely at Aboriginals. And then there is all this Voice stuff with a barage of "good people will vote yes" and "bad people will vote no", going on. At this stage I don't have the courage to admit openly to being a "bad person" over this, even though I happily admitted to being a "bad person" over not having the vaxx. I so admire the Aboriginal voices who are having the courage to argue No. And with the No campaign being nominally led by Peter Dutton, the most despised Liberal leader ever, what hope is there for it?

They succeeded with covid so will they succeed by using the same techniques with The Voice?

This is all feelings at the moment, and I am squirming. Sooner or later I will have to do the research to confirm why this is making me feel so uncomfortable. Stephen Reason has published a few articles here on Substack, on the voice, which I confess, I have not yet read. Better get to it.


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I hear people saying they think it will be used to underwrite a land grab. That's not out of the realms of possibility.

There is also this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrNkAD2OySw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MTIyMzRjYmRlZg==

Whatever the result, if Pfizer & Phriends are in favour, it will benefit them, not the Indigenous peoples of Australia.

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My neighbour is an elder and he said the voice is "just more white blackfella shit."

Good enough for me.

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TIL I live next to Gary Foley.

Great article.

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If the techno-totalitarians want everyone geofenced into smart cities they have to have a way of getting people out of small rural settings. It seems obvious to me. Does anyone think that people fenced into cities (see the Oxford model) are going to be happy with rural people getting around freely? I don't think so. Marcia Langton has said that The Voice won't be making the non-indigenous happy.

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They're poking fun at us Rebekah or rather, in the vernacular, they're taking the piss. Phizer; supporting Yes vote makes the campaign a Phizzer, ONLY if you've got a brain that actually thinks.

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Hello Rebekah, Pfizer's endorsement of The Voice is certainly the reddest of red flags. I've written extensively on the subject of the true agenda behind the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. My research has been corroborated with the extensive research of Josephine Cashman.

Cashman was a former Indigenous Advisor to Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, and had the privilege of viewing high-level documents in the consultation of what was to become The Uluru Statement (upon which The Voice is based.) In the process, Cashman discovered that the UN was plotting (via Agenda 21, and Agenda 2030) to exploit the Indigenous to literally thieve Australian land, to use Native Title, then The Voice, and then ratify Treaty by an executive "Aboriginal Parliament" to place our entire continent under a Communistic collectivism that they control. Nominally, it will be "returned to the Aboriginals" who will own everything, but truly nothing, while ALL Australians (including the Indigenous) will forfeit their private land rights.

The Transnational Corporatocracy/Globalists will OWN everything (especially resources such as lithium and uranium, and our farmlands). This is the insidious gambit that is being attempted - "You will own nothing, and be happy."

It is not surprising that Pfizer is at the forefront of endorsing this insidious Voice. The UN project is global, and it certainly involves a conglomerate of transnational mega-corporations (such as Pfizer) that are owned by a cabal of oligarchical billionaires. The Voice is their regional attempt to steal Australian land in the service of the overarching Great Reset agenda. The United Nations are synonymous with the Corporatocracy.

I invite you to read my latest piece:


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I want to see the changes. The exact wording! It is my concern that this will remove the important bit stating the Aboriginal people are the ‘custodians of this land’. If this is the case, could open the gate for land to be sold off more easily that perhaps, this piece of our constitution prevents. I’m suspicious and Pfizer’s interest is just another red flag for me. How dare they use Aboriginal art motif! WHO do they think they are? 👿

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Sherrie Jean... The term 'Custodians of this land' is Tolkienesque, or even Disnesque, and flows from not one single element of the real people. I have lived with the reality in Arnhem Land for more than fifty years, learned from the culture and languages, and what is clear is that no hunter-gatherer ever nurtured any such lofty objectives or even concepts, for the simple reason there was no despoliation to launch such an idea in the first place.

The people followed food cycles each year, guided by seasonal variations, and because all waste from living was organic, nature took care of rubbish. The terrain was virgin the next year.

Because they are "owned by the land", the land is seen to look after itself, people inclusive. Thus, the concept of 'consequences' continues to be alien to traditional peoples. As with the Voice, those who propagate such myths as 'custodians' and 'forestals', can now be seen as committed to the destruction of all cultures, and I refer here to the Greens and ALP.

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Yes I understand that Tony, thank you. My concern is that the removal of this simple statement from our constitution may open an avenue for the sale of, let’s use Arnhem Land as the example, for nefarious buyers.

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Oh, Sherrie, I don't doubt your astute perception for a single second. Perhaps this is why the main funders for the Voice campaign have been BHP, Riotinto, and the LIberal Party. Gosh golly LOL.

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Stephen Reason talks about the voice's purpose being a land grab in his substack.

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The fist is closing in everywhere, and most people don't see it.

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It's like how Tim Cook wears a pink jumper and is gay but runs slave facilities to make his products. (Gayface).

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Pfizer had more than a voice in Australia in last 3 years.

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For any readers interested, here is the Novavax contract: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

Here are reader reactions and my interpretation: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil

(second link is for you R.)

I'm waiting on the other contracts.

Edit: and people need to sign up to work at the referendum. They will steal it. AEC wants jabbed and masked people out at Aboriginal communities. "It is a condition of employment for temporary workers in certain positions (Mobile Polling and Remote teams) to have COVID-19 vaccination, or a medical exemption." I'm signing up with my unvaccinated self and will report back.

Connect the dots (clots?)


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Great article just more to add to the No list, FYI I haven’t got anything on the yes list so far

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very much obliged to you Rebekah for these postings - and your readers - thank you .

the spin keeps on coming - our family determined a no vote after the sickening stench we endured over the last 3 years - I have been fortunate for many years to sit with a wirrloo and learn womens law . there is little to zero interest from these strong independent women for a 'voice' in that world. They already have a voice living it under the radar in plain sight and I have been listening and learning - preparing for these times. next to the wisdom of this culture the government the corporations look puny and pathetic - there is an other world going on beyond all their machinations and that is the world we will bequeath to our grandchildren.

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