I think I can speak on behalf of the entire "No" camp which is clearly the majority of Australians when I say that I would like to thank Marcia Langton deeply for her great service to our cause....and I mean it in the most serious sense possible. Thank you so so much not just for your words but also for your impeccable timing!
No you can't, "representation is fraud" - no one can speak for anyone else. A fundamental principle and this applies to the exercise of power too, no one can represent anyone else. This too is at the root of the entire political con of politicians and parliaments.
Exactly, which is what Lincoln meant with his "Government of the people, by the people and for the people"... ergo, democracy, people power, populism, anarchy.
You have no idea what the word means. You are so brainwshed you accept the investment-banker definition that is representationalism. Democracy does not incorporate representatives. It is democracy when the fully-informed community formulates all policy. That is exactly what Abraham Lincoln meant when he said "Government of the people , by the people and for the people". This was paraphrased by Thomas Paine as "All authority resides in the people".
Democracy does not include elections, representatives, parliaments and congresses, or majorities. It is pure consensus and there have been many throughout history. Your ignorance does not invalidate that.
I did not know that! I am not surprised, and actually I'm disappointed in myself that I had never even thought to try to draw the lines back myself.
Damn the Rockefeller name, and all the hobgoblins and vampires spawned bearing that name! Damn them all to utter annihilation! They are a pestilential pall and a plague on the world.
You, Sir or Madam, are a man or woman after my own heart... and mind. I struggle to properly express how grateful and glad I am that there is at least one other fellow human on this planet who knows this truth and will speak it.
My Beloved Brother or Sister, thank you for that. It isn't easy. I have stopped speaking. I used to have a powerful voice and reach but the force of the system came out against me in many ways to beat me down a long story. I lost all faith in humanity many years ago and have seen what is coming since long, long ago. By "chance" DDU is the place where I am allowed to post and engage with others, and have not been canceled, and where I feel there is a diverse but discerning audience of exceptional people who all seem to gravitate here as I have done. That's testimony to the sincerity of the Author's heart and I hope it will lead to something. I know it already has and I even think it will be instrumental in breaking the dam.
Here I actually write without fear nor favour and without worrying about who is offended, though I try to inject a little "humour" (which isn't universal!) and I'm glad if it even reaches one person who is empowered by it. Here my gift to you as a helpful resource, in there you may find gems as I have: bit.ly/greenvirus - I pray we are victorious and live to see it.
My goodness, you bring me the brightest tidings of a movement with the purpose I was convinced I was pursuing alone, judging on how seldom one finds affinity or like-minded others! I now see that I have been indolent - you are miles ahead in the work needed towards this goal, though the destination is many, many miles of the hardest and most dispiriting toil imaginable before us still.
Thank you so very much for sharing and, as presumptuous as I may be, for the invitation. I will study the information at your link and hopefully my meager intellectual resources will be equal or sufficient to contribute.
"I pray we are victorious and live to see it."
I'd rather die fighting that live dying. The world as it has been made and the hell it is hastily being mangled into is a living death.
Indeed and the Originals of America say exactly that too "better to die standing than live on one's knees", and even this is enjoined upon Muslims and the original believers and followers of Christ who were put to the sword or thrown to the lions for the entertainment of the same as rule today. Well, the above resource for a certain theory which I believe in, isn't new and its relatively unknown these days and wasn't understood enough in how fundamentally important it was back then, by enough people.
I too have face isolation for a great many years and long before the "COVID lockdowns" and it is easy to think there aren't sane people that we'll cross paths with, but the reality of course is that there are. I'd say that a higher percentage of them are to be found here, as the DDU Author hasn't put a foot wrong in research and analysis and handling of this.
The crucial thing is going to be SOLUTIONS to the problems, and this requires study, knowledge, patience, perseverance, courage, and more. I think the world and Australia are still FAR OFF from that, I wish to be proven wrong, but I do see positive developments such as Door to Freedom and World Council for Health which I think are worthy of further investigation and support and participation. Thus I so see hope again.
Yes, I fully agree: solutions are needed, and that is where our sights should be trained on.
DDU is a veritable treasure. I haven't earned a red cent since the end of 2020 - the official first year of COVID-19, and this is not a coincidence - otherwise I would gladly make a contribution from any excess income to Rebekah Barnett for her admirable efforts.
"World Council for Health"
I have landed on their web page before and, to be completely honest, the "World" in their name did initially give me the creeps - too many organizations declaring their global scope and centralized administration (WHO, WWF, World Bank, World Vision, etc.) are criminal syndicates. But I soon realized the World Council for Health, though bearing an unfortunate name, seemed to be legitimate and upright.
You have hit the nail SMACK BANG on its head!! It is actually the IHR amendments that are the most pressing matter, not the treaty. These have already been passed and are coming into effect in November (6 weeks away!)
Not that I have any faith in this puppet government but I was under the impression that there was a small window to get out of this ''treaty'' till November.
Thanks for the link - I'll have to revisit and spend some more time on it.
As for not paying taxes had me wondering if you're residing outside AU - I'll post something on your substack and we can discus this matter from there.
The treaty wasn't passed yet and will require ratification by the member nations. The amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) WERE passed around 16 months ago and do NOT require ratification by the governments or Parliaments of the member nations. There is an opt-out mechanism but it MUST be invoked within 18 months after IHR amendments are passed. The deadline for these particular amendments is November.
Your article, and especially the matters you describe, are seminal! Thank you for sharing your clarity and efforts.
It is by the criminal imposition of inescapable taxation that the rogue, criminal state amasses a monopoly on violence, with which it terrorizes the people into submission and subservience, and it is taxation that enables the criminal state's multitude crimes.
Always have...always will. The people of the british colonies in north America understood that 255 years ago. It is time we, the people of a British colony on another continent, figured that out as well. Please spread the word. As brutal the truth is but it is an irrefutable fact that for this to succeed, there is one single thing we need above all else: NUMBERS!!
You speak the truth! I'm emboldened by your spirit.
What is needed is a mass walk-out. I don't want to be a pessimist, but for that to occur, the consumerist spell that lays heavily over the people - the yoke of control and oppression that the enemy has the people under - needs to be broken. But as long as people are focused and committed solely on upgrading their vanity, standard of living, and accumulating their oppressor's own fiat currencies, there is little hope for the walk-out happening.
But the tide is starting to ebb, and as the overabundance that has been sloshing about from the easy money disperses as the money collapses, trauma and hunger will force a change in expectations and behavior.
Thank you for your kind words. Human behaviour is somewhat predictable because it is derived from human nature which hasn't really changed that much since we first started walking upright.
Namely, when the pain of staying on the current path exceeds the fear of the unknown, change happens. I'd argue that even if we may not be quite there just yet, we are close, VERY (very!) close and I am referring to months (and even weeks), definitely not years!
This seems like this is part of the problem seen over the last 3 years someone in a perceived position of "authority" or "expertise" claiming I know what's best for you and if you disagree you are stupid/racist etc.
As Leonard Read has described
FAILURE: Inadequate Development of Self
Every individual is faced with the problem of whom to improve, himself or others. The aim, it seems to me, should be to effect one's own unfolding, the upgrading of one's own consciousness - in short, self-perfection. Those who don't even try or, when trying, find self-perfection too difficult, usually seek to expend their energy on others. Their energy has to find some target. Those who succeed in directing their energy inward - particularly if they be blessed with great energy, like Goethe, for instance - become moral leaders. Those who fail to direct their energy inwardly and let it manifest itself externally - particularly if they be of great energy, like Napoleon, for instance - become immoral leaders. Those who refuse to rule themselves are bent on ruling others. Those who can rule themselves usually have no interest in ruling others.
You should email the VC and complain - say that this is against bullying and defamation policy. File a lawsuit. Hold these communists to their own standards and watch 'hate speech' be a thing of the past.
I have campaigned for basic Aboriginal rights for fifty years, ten of these working for government, all of this in a region where we speak local Aboriginal languges rather than English, and Aborigines outnumber whites 4 to one.
Most of my family is Aboriginal and my current role is Researcher on the "Recognition of Aboriginal Law Project" for the Yolngu Nations Assembly Corporation. As one might expect, I have at least a passing familiarity with Aboriginal needs issues, the primary problem being that for 235 years, Aborigines have been forced to negotiate their survival in a foreign language, English. Few in the Northern Territory possess more than the most fundamental greeting style English, which means they are isolated from information on nutrition, hygiene, food toxicity, work ethics, accountability, politics, law, and anything educational.
It is essential that government liaison personnel become fluent in Aboriginal languages, which was pointed out by anthropologist A Elkin 80 years ago, as well as by myself more recently; both of us ignored.
Government refuses to permit basic communication because this would undermine the efficient programme of genocide that has operated since 1975, seriously expedited over the past three years. This explains why the largets funders for the Voice campaign have been BHP and Riotinto mining.
Why am I telling you this?Because my most powerful opposiition is the gang of pseudo-academics and faux Aboriginese who are the architects of the Voice campaign. Why? Because suddenly endowned with the means of communication, plus recognition of Aboriginal law in their own commuinities, these advances would forever sideline the 'Professional Aborigines' of the southern cities. They would then be able to represent themselves.
Unsurprisingly, none of these opportunistic and entitled politicians speak an Aboriginal language, comprehend Aboriginal culture, or have ever consulted with the people of the north or centre. They merely parade themselves at cultural events for photo opportunities.
If the Voice wins, which the Australian Electoral Commission will probably ensure, this will close the gate forever on Aboriginal aspirations and survival.
Thanks for that backstory. My daughter is really interested in Languages, studying them at Melbourne Uni and intentionally designed her course, sacrificed options, so she could do the Australian Indigenous language subjects. But each time the courses were cancelled. She did have background in a general subject, on how one word becomes one sentence by the addition of many prefixes/suffixes etc, and found it fascinating, but, thwarted. The nearest she's managed is Indonesian.
The thing with The Voice for me, is that I think it's a vehicle that accompanies the massive global techno-totalitarian capture - the digital id, cashless society, smart cities, restricted movement by permit only, climate fear/lockdowns - I am concerned it's a vehicle that's going to be used to that purpose, to shift people into these smart cities. The architects are primarily from that union/green/self identifying marxists (not in the Russian sense) political arm.
You intuit with amazing accuracy, Madeleine. That is exacty its purpose. Likewise, the NLC was redesigned by Rothschild man Nugget Coombs to kill off consensus and replace it with a top-down bureaucracy.
💯 this cannot be overstated and there were many who had these concerns who participated in Uluru and those are reflected among the notes to the Statement. We, and I mean ALL human beings in Australia and beyond, are under direct attack in this veritable World War and we're under attack on so many fronts at so many different levels, the Voice is just one angle, the WHO and WEF and ABC and countless others are also assaulting, govern-ments, departments, education, media, science, spiritual warfare, psychopathy, it's full spectrum. There are amazing Originals aware of all this and they need a lot more support all round.
There are so many good reasons why "The Voice" fails, and that you and your opinion is not given its proper due is one of them.
I don't and I can't know him personally, I have no reliable way of understanding his true motivations nor what's in his heart, so please forgive me if I am giving him unmerited credit. But Gary Foley, who co-founded Canberra’s Aboriginal Tent Embassy in 1972, said,
“Beware of Blak bourgeoisie trying to sell you a referendum, trying to sell you a shonky proposition called the Voice.”
I hope I am not causing offense - I certainly don't intend to, but here is my take:
This is blackfella country.
In blackfella country, whitefella make whitefella law.
Whitefella law pay no heed to blackfella law - pay no heed to blackfella.
Today: whitefella make whitefella law for blackfella.
Tomorrow: same blackfella country, same whitefella law.
As a fellow racist idiot(!) let me commend you on your coverage. The polls already purport to show that almost 2/3 of Aussies do not support this change to our founding document; one wonders how much higher that figure might go following revealing own-goals such as this...
How odd hey - that we don't want to abrogate the foundational principle of equality before the law in order to enshrine racial discrimination in our Constitution, that hobble the function of gov't (not that it sometimes shouldn't be hobbled in modern times), at great expense, for a new hierarchy of Canberra-based, self-identified indigenous lobbyists... Racists!
On point Rebekah. Let's hope it's a nail in this coffin, and allow us to start focusing on issues which will bring about meaningful change for a majority of people.
I won't ever argue with that, Ill pick up the tanks grenades and missile launchers and I'll get to work asap, cough cough , lol. It's ok ASIO go back to sleep ..joking of course..sorry CIA their real name ..criminals idiots asswipes.
hehe! You won't need tanks, grenades, and missile launchers with a sense of humour like that!
Those fiends and ghouls we are up against are formidably impervious to reason and wisdom, which means they are vulnerable to satire, and with which they may even be mortally wounded.
ASIO are too busy sewing sequinnes on their new rainbow battle fatigues and designing new codes that incorporate the correct pronouns, to be rounding us up for stacking RPGs on the front lawn. But if they do check us out, it will be in a Hercules trannysport or standing on the roof of an APC swirling rainbow silks. God save the effing queens, nobody else will.
Thanks for this and for the link to the CNN discussion on Hilary Clinton's "basket of deplorables" comment. I thought CNN did very well with this and I wish they were as on the ball now with numerous issues, not least the pandemic response and the majority of the population's immune systems being crippled due to inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
I was not aware of the degree to which some or many proponents of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament argue for it on the basis that it would be a step towards reparations.
I reckon that those Tasmanian figures are overblown - we have a large percentage of regional dwellers here (of whom I’m one) and, while I don’t have any (other than anecdotal) evidence this just doesn’t seem to gel with my experience.
People here are focussed on the cost of living, rent/house prices and shortages & medical services...and the farm sector is worried about the forecast drought (my tanks should be overflowing and I’m pumping water from the dam for the garden, buying for the house).
No one seems excited about the referendum is a positive way, usual suspects aside.
A couple of comments: It wouldn't bother me at all if they stopped their "welcome to country" ritual. It's pathetic. Hillary lost election for many reasons, not just basket of deplorables comment, although it may well have clinched the deal. Wondering why Tasmania, a supposedly conservative state, is still on yes side. Maybe because there are no true indigenous people down here?
On your Tassie theory... Maybe because they're heavier with vicarious guilt (fair or unfair) over the demise of the Indigenous, and voting Yes to 'do something' to assuage it, totally missing the purpose of The Voice. Ditto Victoria.
That's you, but I suspect it will be in the general psyche.
The first settlers in Victoria also got on really well with the Indigenous people - Georgiana's Diary is a good insight into this. They all enjoyed being together - the kids played football, pretty much at the MCG where's it's still played now. The sad thing was they died of TB and other diseases brought in, etc. That said, I'm sure the rich ruling psychopaths had ownership goals of the land - the Indigenous didn't know what our rich ruling psychopaths were capable of, but we do, which is why we need to vote No.
PS, on Tassie... one line of my family came out of Tassie - they'd bought land near Deloraine - I wonder if I've been cursed because every time I go to Tassie a disaster happens.
Why are we forced to respect ethnic elders when we don't respect our own? The only commercials that still show majority white people are the ones advertising assisted suicide in Canada.
I never minded the Welcome to Country - it was quite nice - right up until it appeared to be a part of a brainwashing-through-constant-repetition program, used for a bigger game, in this case, the splitting of the Australian parliament.
NB: I'm not a TV watcher but if the footy's on I walk out on the WtoC - had more than enough of it.
That's a bit of evidence right there that the Voice proponents based in Melbourne are far more interested serving their marxist enablers than listening to and promoting the varied and multi-political Indigenous voice.
Likewise, when the anti-vaxer Indigenous were protesting with IMOP (Informed Medical Options Party) at Old Parliament House. They were slammed in the media as "Far Right" (obviously).
The "Welcome to Country" has migrated to NZ. It's plain to see what it is as only the Corporates push it. They're forced to due to the requirement to maintain access to capital.
I went searching for historic comments from Marcia Langton that might be racist for the hypocrisy angle. But what I found was that this is what Marcia Langton does. All the time going back at least a decade she has been calling everyone, more or less, racists.
My issues with The Voice : There already is a Voice, a govt. agency dedicated exclusively to giving Indigenous people a voice in how they are governed. This is National Indigenous Australian Agency. Would this Agency be dissolved if/when The Voice becomes active. Also, Yes to the Voice assumes that most indigenous people suffer disadvantage and distress and that this will continue indefinitely into the future. Finally, could it be sorted out as to who is and who isn't indigenous.
I Look upon this referendum as a well timed diversion.
What we really ought to be up in arms about is the logic defying pandemic treaty - there's not much time for Australia to get out of this proposed rule by the elite.
I think I can speak on behalf of the entire "No" camp which is clearly the majority of Australians when I say that I would like to thank Marcia Langton deeply for her great service to our cause....and I mean it in the most serious sense possible. Thank you so so much not just for your words but also for your impeccable timing!
No you can't, "representation is fraud" - no one can speak for anyone else. A fundamental principle and this applies to the exercise of power too, no one can represent anyone else. This too is at the root of the entire political con of politicians and parliaments.
I see your point and I agree. My apologies. Speaking for myself only.
Exactly, which is what Lincoln meant with his "Government of the people, by the people and for the people"... ergo, democracy, people power, populism, anarchy.
Democracy is simply a dictatorship of the majority instead of the minority (or the one)
The best definition of what is and isn't democracy in an easy to understand form is here: https://telegra.ph/The-Green-Book-10-16#1
You have no idea what the word means. You are so brainwshed you accept the investment-banker definition that is representationalism. Democracy does not incorporate representatives. It is democracy when the fully-informed community formulates all policy. That is exactly what Abraham Lincoln meant when he said "Government of the people , by the people and for the people". This was paraphrased by Thomas Paine as "All authority resides in the people".
Democracy does not include elections, representatives, parliaments and congresses, or majorities. It is pure consensus and there have been many throughout history. Your ignorance does not invalidate that.
Hear hear!
I would like to add that governance is the responsibility and the duty of the governed, and the governed alone.
"Governments" of career politicians who hold parliaments remotely and effectively unprocurable by the people, is anathema.
Q - Is the US a Democracy?
Democracy = democoncy.
= Demoncrazy
Two! There are two people - you, sir, and Outsider - with the courage to call aloud the nakedness of the Emperor!
Thanks, mate, And that the actual emperor is Rupert Murdoch, annointed by David Rockefeller in 1973, throned in 2017.
I did not know that! I am not surprised, and actually I'm disappointed in myself that I had never even thought to try to draw the lines back myself.
Damn the Rockefeller name, and all the hobgoblins and vampires spawned bearing that name! Damn them all to utter annihilation! They are a pestilential pall and a plague on the world.
You speak for me. Her stupidity is welcomed! I'm not sure why people want to constantly nitpick. I see this as the far greater sin.
Yes that's OK and I thought as much, I was "nit picking" the literal words, not your intended meaning :-)
Outstanding comment!
You, Sir or Madam, are a man or woman after my own heart... and mind. I struggle to properly express how grateful and glad I am that there is at least one other fellow human on this planet who knows this truth and will speak it.
My Beloved Brother or Sister, thank you for that. It isn't easy. I have stopped speaking. I used to have a powerful voice and reach but the force of the system came out against me in many ways to beat me down a long story. I lost all faith in humanity many years ago and have seen what is coming since long, long ago. By "chance" DDU is the place where I am allowed to post and engage with others, and have not been canceled, and where I feel there is a diverse but discerning audience of exceptional people who all seem to gravitate here as I have done. That's testimony to the sincerity of the Author's heart and I hope it will lead to something. I know it already has and I even think it will be instrumental in breaking the dam.
Here I actually write without fear nor favour and without worrying about who is offended, though I try to inject a little "humour" (which isn't universal!) and I'm glad if it even reaches one person who is empowered by it. Here my gift to you as a helpful resource, in there you may find gems as I have: bit.ly/greenvirus - I pray we are victorious and live to see it.
My goodness, you bring me the brightest tidings of a movement with the purpose I was convinced I was pursuing alone, judging on how seldom one finds affinity or like-minded others! I now see that I have been indolent - you are miles ahead in the work needed towards this goal, though the destination is many, many miles of the hardest and most dispiriting toil imaginable before us still.
Thank you so very much for sharing and, as presumptuous as I may be, for the invitation. I will study the information at your link and hopefully my meager intellectual resources will be equal or sufficient to contribute.
"I pray we are victorious and live to see it."
I'd rather die fighting that live dying. The world as it has been made and the hell it is hastily being mangled into is a living death.
Indeed and the Originals of America say exactly that too "better to die standing than live on one's knees", and even this is enjoined upon Muslims and the original believers and followers of Christ who were put to the sword or thrown to the lions for the entertainment of the same as rule today. Well, the above resource for a certain theory which I believe in, isn't new and its relatively unknown these days and wasn't understood enough in how fundamentally important it was back then, by enough people.
I too have face isolation for a great many years and long before the "COVID lockdowns" and it is easy to think there aren't sane people that we'll cross paths with, but the reality of course is that there are. I'd say that a higher percentage of them are to be found here, as the DDU Author hasn't put a foot wrong in research and analysis and handling of this.
The crucial thing is going to be SOLUTIONS to the problems, and this requires study, knowledge, patience, perseverance, courage, and more. I think the world and Australia are still FAR OFF from that, I wish to be proven wrong, but I do see positive developments such as Door to Freedom and World Council for Health which I think are worthy of further investigation and support and participation. Thus I so see hope again.
Yes, I fully agree: solutions are needed, and that is where our sights should be trained on.
DDU is a veritable treasure. I haven't earned a red cent since the end of 2020 - the official first year of COVID-19, and this is not a coincidence - otherwise I would gladly make a contribution from any excess income to Rebekah Barnett for her admirable efforts.
"World Council for Health"
I have landed on their web page before and, to be completely honest, the "World" in their name did initially give me the creeps - too many organizations declaring their global scope and centralized administration (WHO, WWF, World Bank, World Vision, etc.) are criminal syndicates. But I soon realized the World Council for Health, though bearing an unfortunate name, seemed to be legitimate and upright.
In my opinion It's a diversion - collectively we ought to be saying no to the pandemic treaty - there's not much time left to opt out.
You have hit the nail SMACK BANG on its head!! It is actually the IHR amendments that are the most pressing matter, not the treaty. These have already been passed and are coming into effect in November (6 weeks away!)
All good - there's are a lot things happening.
When did they pass the pandemic treaty?
Not that I have any faith in this puppet government but I was under the impression that there was a small window to get out of this ''treaty'' till November.
Thanks for the link - I'll have to revisit and spend some more time on it.
As for not paying taxes had me wondering if you're residing outside AU - I'll post something on your substack and we can discus this matter from there.
The treaty wasn't passed yet and will require ratification by the member nations. The amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) WERE passed around 16 months ago and do NOT require ratification by the governments or Parliaments of the member nations. There is an opt-out mechanism but it MUST be invoked within 18 months after IHR amendments are passed. The deadline for these particular amendments is November.
That makes sense - there is a small window that's open however all we can hear are crickets.
James Roguski is the foremost authority on the WHO takeover. I highly recommend his substack: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/
Your article, and especially the matters you describe, are seminal! Thank you for sharing your clarity and efforts.
It is by the criminal imposition of inescapable taxation that the rogue, criminal state amasses a monopoly on violence, with which it terrorizes the people into submission and subservience, and it is taxation that enables the criminal state's multitude crimes.
Always have...always will. The people of the british colonies in north America understood that 255 years ago. It is time we, the people of a British colony on another continent, figured that out as well. Please spread the word. As brutal the truth is but it is an irrefutable fact that for this to succeed, there is one single thing we need above all else: NUMBERS!!
You speak the truth! I'm emboldened by your spirit.
What is needed is a mass walk-out. I don't want to be a pessimist, but for that to occur, the consumerist spell that lays heavily over the people - the yoke of control and oppression that the enemy has the people under - needs to be broken. But as long as people are focused and committed solely on upgrading their vanity, standard of living, and accumulating their oppressor's own fiat currencies, there is little hope for the walk-out happening.
But the tide is starting to ebb, and as the overabundance that has been sloshing about from the easy money disperses as the money collapses, trauma and hunger will force a change in expectations and behavior.
Thank you for your kind words. Human behaviour is somewhat predictable because it is derived from human nature which hasn't really changed that much since we first started walking upright.
Namely, when the pain of staying on the current path exceeds the fear of the unknown, change happens. I'd argue that even if we may not be quite there just yet, we are close, VERY (very!) close and I am referring to months (and even weeks), definitely not years!
They always overplay their hand. Always.
Gracia, Marcia.
A frightening number of "leaders" have never had to do anything but call opponents racist and they don't know what to do when that no longer works.
They create fake emergences then censor and imprison us.
Fascist! Nazi!
FFS you ever done any research Just for the record google Covid is 100% Jewish as is the voice Nazis= Ashkennazi Jew
Yes I have and even if that is so (albeit over simplified) it doesn't change their objectives with the Voice which I outlined in other comments.
Lol point was show me where the Germans are ?
You seem a bit skeptical so here is the evidence https://odysee.com/@KyleSeeker:8/jew-vax-proof:3
This seems like this is part of the problem seen over the last 3 years someone in a perceived position of "authority" or "expertise" claiming I know what's best for you and if you disagree you are stupid/racist etc.
As Leonard Read has described
FAILURE: Inadequate Development of Self
Every individual is faced with the problem of whom to improve, himself or others. The aim, it seems to me, should be to effect one's own unfolding, the upgrading of one's own consciousness - in short, self-perfection. Those who don't even try or, when trying, find self-perfection too difficult, usually seek to expend their energy on others. Their energy has to find some target. Those who succeed in directing their energy inward - particularly if they be blessed with great energy, like Goethe, for instance - become moral leaders. Those who fail to direct their energy inwardly and let it manifest itself externally - particularly if they be of great energy, like Napoleon, for instance - become immoral leaders. Those who refuse to rule themselves are bent on ruling others. Those who can rule themselves usually have no interest in ruling others.
Outstanding comment.
I'm a part of the uni that hosted this. We have received emails telling us that voting no does not align with their value of 'Rational Inquiry'.
Ha! Tell them that you have a 'Rational Theory' about their university.
You should email the VC and complain - say that this is against bullying and defamation policy. File a lawsuit. Hold these communists to their own standards and watch 'hate speech' be a thing of the past.
Are you a student or a staff member Lauren?
I have campaigned for basic Aboriginal rights for fifty years, ten of these working for government, all of this in a region where we speak local Aboriginal languges rather than English, and Aborigines outnumber whites 4 to one.
Most of my family is Aboriginal and my current role is Researcher on the "Recognition of Aboriginal Law Project" for the Yolngu Nations Assembly Corporation. As one might expect, I have at least a passing familiarity with Aboriginal needs issues, the primary problem being that for 235 years, Aborigines have been forced to negotiate their survival in a foreign language, English. Few in the Northern Territory possess more than the most fundamental greeting style English, which means they are isolated from information on nutrition, hygiene, food toxicity, work ethics, accountability, politics, law, and anything educational.
It is essential that government liaison personnel become fluent in Aboriginal languages, which was pointed out by anthropologist A Elkin 80 years ago, as well as by myself more recently; both of us ignored.
Government refuses to permit basic communication because this would undermine the efficient programme of genocide that has operated since 1975, seriously expedited over the past three years. This explains why the largets funders for the Voice campaign have been BHP and Riotinto mining.
Why am I telling you this?Because my most powerful opposiition is the gang of pseudo-academics and faux Aboriginese who are the architects of the Voice campaign. Why? Because suddenly endowned with the means of communication, plus recognition of Aboriginal law in their own commuinities, these advances would forever sideline the 'Professional Aborigines' of the southern cities. They would then be able to represent themselves.
Unsurprisingly, none of these opportunistic and entitled politicians speak an Aboriginal language, comprehend Aboriginal culture, or have ever consulted with the people of the north or centre. They merely parade themselves at cultural events for photo opportunities.
If the Voice wins, which the Australian Electoral Commission will probably ensure, this will close the gate forever on Aboriginal aspirations and survival.
Thanks for that backstory. My daughter is really interested in Languages, studying them at Melbourne Uni and intentionally designed her course, sacrificed options, so she could do the Australian Indigenous language subjects. But each time the courses were cancelled. She did have background in a general subject, on how one word becomes one sentence by the addition of many prefixes/suffixes etc, and found it fascinating, but, thwarted. The nearest she's managed is Indonesian.
The thing with The Voice for me, is that I think it's a vehicle that accompanies the massive global techno-totalitarian capture - the digital id, cashless society, smart cities, restricted movement by permit only, climate fear/lockdowns - I am concerned it's a vehicle that's going to be used to that purpose, to shift people into these smart cities. The architects are primarily from that union/green/self identifying marxists (not in the Russian sense) political arm.
You intuit with amazing accuracy, Madeleine. That is exacty its purpose. Likewise, the NLC was redesigned by Rothschild man Nugget Coombs to kill off consensus and replace it with a top-down bureaucracy.
💯 this cannot be overstated and there were many who had these concerns who participated in Uluru and those are reflected among the notes to the Statement. We, and I mean ALL human beings in Australia and beyond, are under direct attack in this veritable World War and we're under attack on so many fronts at so many different levels, the Voice is just one angle, the WHO and WEF and ABC and countless others are also assaulting, govern-ments, departments, education, media, science, spiritual warfare, psychopathy, it's full spectrum. There are amazing Originals aware of all this and they need a lot more support all round.
There are so many good reasons why "The Voice" fails, and that you and your opinion is not given its proper due is one of them.
I don't and I can't know him personally, I have no reliable way of understanding his true motivations nor what's in his heart, so please forgive me if I am giving him unmerited credit. But Gary Foley, who co-founded Canberra’s Aboriginal Tent Embassy in 1972, said,
“Beware of Blak bourgeoisie trying to sell you a referendum, trying to sell you a shonky proposition called the Voice.”
I hope I am not causing offense - I certainly don't intend to, but here is my take:
This is blackfella country.
In blackfella country, whitefella make whitefella law.
Whitefella law pay no heed to blackfella law - pay no heed to blackfella.
Today: whitefella make whitefella law for blackfella.
Tomorrow: same blackfella country, same whitefella law.
Um... wots dat ting?
100%. It's an emoticon available on Apple products. One can insert endless types of emoticons ❗️‼️❓💚❤️✅🙏👍😊😂🚀🤝👋 crazy, thousands of them.
Thanks. I get emoticons but I don't think my eyesight is up to some.
Spot on, Rebekah.
As a fellow racist idiot(!) let me commend you on your coverage. The polls already purport to show that almost 2/3 of Aussies do not support this change to our founding document; one wonders how much higher that figure might go following revealing own-goals such as this...
How odd hey - that we don't want to abrogate the foundational principle of equality before the law in order to enshrine racial discrimination in our Constitution, that hobble the function of gov't (not that it sometimes shouldn't be hobbled in modern times), at great expense, for a new hierarchy of Canberra-based, self-identified indigenous lobbyists... Racists!
FYI Langton - there are no reputable “fact checkers”.
On point Rebekah. Let's hope it's a nail in this coffin, and allow us to start focusing on issues which will bring about meaningful change for a majority of people.
A good start would be to get rid of Paedophiles and traitors out of the so called government .
A good start would be to get rid of the so-called government. ;-)
Seriously though, there's nothing worth preserving about it. Is is from leaf to root an incurably rotten and moribund thing, and it blights existence.
I won't ever argue with that, Ill pick up the tanks grenades and missile launchers and I'll get to work asap, cough cough , lol. It's ok ASIO go back to sleep ..joking of course..sorry CIA their real name ..criminals idiots asswipes.
hehe! You won't need tanks, grenades, and missile launchers with a sense of humour like that!
Those fiends and ghouls we are up against are formidably impervious to reason and wisdom, which means they are vulnerable to satire, and with which they may even be mortally wounded.
Well said thanks for that ..
ASIO are too busy sewing sequinnes on their new rainbow battle fatigues and designing new codes that incorporate the correct pronouns, to be rounding us up for stacking RPGs on the front lawn. But if they do check us out, it will be in a Hercules trannysport or standing on the roof of an APC swirling rainbow silks. God save the effing queens, nobody else will.
SHARING ~ That Hillary Moment: a gaffe reported by our friends in Australia 🦘
Thanks for this and for the link to the CNN discussion on Hilary Clinton's "basket of deplorables" comment. I thought CNN did very well with this and I wish they were as on the ball now with numerous issues, not least the pandemic response and the majority of the population's immune systems being crippled due to inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
I was not aware of the degree to which some or many proponents of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament argue for it on the basis that it would be a step towards reparations.
I reckon that those Tasmanian figures are overblown - we have a large percentage of regional dwellers here (of whom I’m one) and, while I don’t have any (other than anecdotal) evidence this just doesn’t seem to gel with my experience.
People here are focussed on the cost of living, rent/house prices and shortages & medical services...and the farm sector is worried about the forecast drought (my tanks should be overflowing and I’m pumping water from the dam for the garden, buying for the house).
No one seems excited about the referendum is a positive way, usual suspects aside.
A couple of comments: It wouldn't bother me at all if they stopped their "welcome to country" ritual. It's pathetic. Hillary lost election for many reasons, not just basket of deplorables comment, although it may well have clinched the deal. Wondering why Tasmania, a supposedly conservative state, is still on yes side. Maybe because there are no true indigenous people down here?
On your Tassie theory... Maybe because they're heavier with vicarious guilt (fair or unfair) over the demise of the Indigenous, and voting Yes to 'do something' to assuage it, totally missing the purpose of The Voice. Ditto Victoria.
I was born in Tasmania and feel no guilt about the aboriginal population. We didn’t do anything it was the first settlers and they meant well.
Since I am a grateful immigrant, like O, I feel no guilt.
The wabos - white abos -, pimps and pushers need to have a look - look, not even read - a bit of history.,
That's you, but I suspect it will be in the general psyche.
The first settlers in Victoria also got on really well with the Indigenous people - Georgiana's Diary is a good insight into this. They all enjoyed being together - the kids played football, pretty much at the MCG where's it's still played now. The sad thing was they died of TB and other diseases brought in, etc. That said, I'm sure the rich ruling psychopaths had ownership goals of the land - the Indigenous didn't know what our rich ruling psychopaths were capable of, but we do, which is why we need to vote No.
PS, on Tassie... one line of my family came out of Tassie - they'd bought land near Deloraine - I wonder if I've been cursed because every time I go to Tassie a disaster happens.
Where can we read Georgiana's diary?
Any library or bookshop? Oops!
Georgiana's Journal - By Hugh McCrae, one of her descendants
For example, https://www.abebooks.com/book-search/title/georgiana%27s-journal-melbourne-1841-1865/
The book is obviously a selected/edited piece. I think you can read original thing at the State Library of Victoria.
Yes, I think it was a nail in the coffin for the Clinton campaign, but not the only one by any means.
For what it's worth my neighbour is an Aboriginal Elder and he says the voice is 'more white blackfella shit' so there's that. He's no fool.
Why are we forced to respect ethnic elders when we don't respect our own? The only commercials that still show majority white people are the ones advertising assisted suicide in Canada.
Surrogate religion
F*ck's sake.
... and excellent article, as usual!
I never minded the Welcome to Country - it was quite nice - right up until it appeared to be a part of a brainwashing-through-constant-repetition program, used for a bigger game, in this case, the splitting of the Australian parliament.
NB: I'm not a TV watcher but if the footy's on I walk out on the WtoC - had more than enough of it.
It's interesting that the Voice is most popular in states with few aborigines.
How come no one respected those abos who were literally treated like cattle when they were herded into some convid camp?
Where were those pimps and pushers then?
That's a bit of evidence right there that the Voice proponents based in Melbourne are far more interested serving their marxist enablers than listening to and promoting the varied and multi-political Indigenous voice.
Likewise, when the anti-vaxer Indigenous were protesting with IMOP (Informed Medical Options Party) at Old Parliament House. They were slammed in the media as "Far Right" (obviously).
The "Welcome to Country" has migrated to NZ. It's plain to see what it is as only the Corporates push it. They're forced to due to the requirement to maintain access to capital.
I went searching for historic comments from Marcia Langton that might be racist for the hypocrisy angle. But what I found was that this is what Marcia Langton does. All the time going back at least a decade she has been calling everyone, more or less, racists.
That awful Marcia Langton just cemented my opposition to the Voice.
You have voiced your vote.
My issues with The Voice : There already is a Voice, a govt. agency dedicated exclusively to giving Indigenous people a voice in how they are governed. This is National Indigenous Australian Agency. Would this Agency be dissolved if/when The Voice becomes active. Also, Yes to the Voice assumes that most indigenous people suffer disadvantage and distress and that this will continue indefinitely into the future. Finally, could it be sorted out as to who is and who isn't indigenous.
I Look upon this referendum as a well timed diversion.
What we really ought to be up in arms about is the logic defying pandemic treaty - there's not much time for Australia to get out of this proposed rule by the elite.