At this stage the fact that these shots were dangerous has been unequivocally established. Their high risk, and their many complications were known before they rolled them out, yet they went ahead regardless, then refused to shut them down. What we need to know now is why. What was in these shots that necessitated years of planning and a worldwide coercion campaign to ensure they were administered to nearly every human on the planet - despite the risk not justifying the need. There was something in them that they desperately needed inside every man, woman and child. And we deserve to know what was done to us. The Internet of Things is parallel to the upcoming Internet of Bodies (the former they champion loudly, the latter they keep very quiet. It's the initiative the sleepy Public have never heard of, but which will change humanity as we know it). The shots were the preparation.

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"What we need to know now is why."

This will probably sound obtuse at this early stage, but it is to get every individual with an intact soul, to look up, and to also get online for the truth because it's the technology of the next age.

Aquarius is an air sign, so expect air based technologies (ie. hand driers, digital current/currency, "I can't breathe" themes etc.).

To catch a fish one must hook them with a line and pull them (Online) out of the water (of Pisces).

Many will reject it outright and that is their choice. The Pope has on his coat of arms 'Compassion and Choice', and now is the time to ask what one really believes. (I don't identify with any one religion but if I did it'd probably be the Vedanta).

Everything that can't withstand the change, or Metamorphosis (of Ovid; C OVid's Metamorphosis- where Zeus loves Europe(a) the best, where the bride is bitten by a snake (needle) and goes to hell) will learn in a difficult sense what is true and what is illusion.

It's a big picture, but now is the time to learn, because nothing learned is forgotten through lifetimes when it comes to consciousness.

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What we need to know now is who's responsible and whether meted out justice will make them die.

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EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) Countermeasures under Public Health Emergency are not subject to any pharmaceutical regulations, including labeling or advertising. Thus everyone, the FDA, CDC, DOD, NIH, media, pharma companies, etc called them "safe and effective" all the time. And still do. It is perfectly legal under current US law. Lying to the public is also legal.


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What is not legal is manipulation of data in order to support safety which happened during the double blind trials and the VAERS warnings.

Those warnings clearly showed this vaccine was poorly tested and not safe nor effective... thousands upon thousand have died and are still dying because of wilful planning.... THATS criminal intent.

What is also criminal is the efforts taken by these three letter agencies to stop ALL known therapeutics that were also known to reduce the probability of death and injury.

Hiding under the umbrella of EUA was illegal simply because you can only use this if there are no alternatives to treatment... so any jury would likely convict any person of fraud and medical malfeasance... if the Judicial was not run by faceless cowards.

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I don't think they are hiding because they are not scared. Our quarry ignores our existence quite effectively due to the fact we present no threat.

Ignoring legality, protestations, morality.. and any such similar strictures from a society we shared in common.. is all too easy for our enlightened oppressors.

Even the dissident chess pieces appear to be squarely placed in the positions the chessmaster needs us to stay in.

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Yes this will work for awhile but in the end when the tipping point is reached ... people kick back en masse... revolutions occur when the people decide enough is enough.. those in power literally get dragged out to face those they dragged down.

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It’s the people who must act- grassroots.

Cowardly gutless bought and sold politicians, judiciary, bureaucrats here and the US won’t.

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It's not legal if you are the arbiter of justice and manage to prevent blatant slaughters in the name of natural justice.

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For what it's worth, this is what I think - will probably be an unsatisfying answer to most ('battlefield' section of article): https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-battlefield-a-body-of-work-and

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I agree Sez , do yourself a favour and watch this weeks episode of the high wire . There’s a segment on the Jackson report regarding part of the CRISPR technology that seems to fit into why they’d want it in every body .

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seems like there's far worse coming that we're viewing as part of a global audience of dissidents. Seems kinda masochistic to keep viewing and viewing after 3 years lol.

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So you do know why...

What's next then. Do we have any shots to fire across the bow in retaliation?

Do we know what other preparations (#iatrogenic or otherwise) are in store for us?

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Thanks Rebekah, it’s pleasing to see some additional exposure given to this. As you noted in your original piece, WA was an outlier globally given McGowan’s “zero covid” pipedream, and the public’s willingness to be locked down for 18-odd months pretending that their ‘vaccines’ were magically going to protect them. Meaning almost no one had “covid” prior to the jab rollout. (I maintain covid was already fairly widespread in Perth early 2020 as numerous contacts and myself all had a mystery flu around the time of the pandemic announcement, but obviously I can’t prove this.)

It’s so interesting to hear mention of the WA health dept expressing ‘concerns’ with your reporting, that’s pretty rich coming from an organisation that spent the entire pandemic alternately being led around by the nose by others and manufacturing consent for a vaccine that they must have known didn’t work, and seem to have absolute no independent thinkers among their ranks at all. Their decision at the start of 2023 to suddenly stop reporting covid cases and deaths by vaccine status was the smoking gun atop the smouldering rubble of their covid narrative, and yet to the last they couldn’t publish one honest statement of account around their motives for doing so.

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I note this

“Those aged 30-49 were hit hardest, with AEFI rates of 314-316 per 100, 000 doses. The 50-59 age bracket fared the third worst. This is significant when you consider that these groups make up the majority of the workforce”

"Bad News": Disability Claims 'Accelerating Again' After Steady Climb.

The graph is startling

A deliberate destruction of the workforce and economy, if you destroy both we are all reliant on the Government’s.

CBDC(programmable currency) 15 minute cities , ‘health certificates’ etc incoming

Eat ze bugz


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"if you destroy both we are all reliant on the Government’s."

I don't think the globalist's intention is to have any of the public alive to be reliant in the first place.

This is evidently a mass murder campaign.

Slave owners have no use for crippled slaves.

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Yeah human resources as a valued unit of capital is not required after the globe completes its' 4th Industrial Revolution transition.

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I would agree

A farmer breeds, feeds, and houses livestock, as long as it is profitable for him to do so. Although we hope the farmer treats the creatures humanely. ultimately, their only value to him is as a business asset, and he is only motivated to maintain their care for as long as it is profitable to do so. Once it's not? They're culled.


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As hard as it is to realise this, Occam’s Razor suggests you are correct … this isn’t just “incompetence”. Link to a related aspect of this from Igor Chudov https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/cognitive-impairment-in-adults-what

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Australia's international borders were shut from March 2020 - November 2021, combined with those hotel quarantines for returning citizens etc. Any Covid naturally infected 'cases' therefore dubious in my opinion. Excess mortality (and morbidity from SAE) in Oz only rocketed up from 2021 with the poison shots. The aged care Covid deaths in Melbourne or NSW in 2020 highly suspect of course. Rabbit hole territory.

Pandemic of the vaccinated.

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Thanks Rebekah. I watched the Dr John video this morning when it came up on my youtube feed. I wonder why such a report is provided in Western Australia and not in any other states? or perhaps there are other such reports? From TGA DAEN we can't tell which states events are reported from, so this data is useful. In his video he didn't specifically make mention of the increase in heart related adverse events. Those numbers were terrifying if you look at them in the tables he shows.

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I don't know about the other states, it's a good question. I'll have a hunt around.

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Perhaps if the report is terrifying, that is why it has been released and is gaining traction now - to terrify. They had a chance to stop the global roll-out of the vaccines as we were in 'covid zero' yet did not. Now, they are showing these data to inspire terror. Truly, these people are sick.

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*Rant incoming, not directed at Ms Rebekah (thank you for your reporting).

"Dr Campbell commends the WA Government for providing such a thorough report, and I agree."

---They collected the data and are now rubbing it in our faces because they know that under the SOE they are not liable for mass murder.

---This report was buried for two years while they continued to inject everyone. During the slaughter, Health Minister Amber Jade Sanderson said that anyone who wanted to see the data was a 'science-denier' and 'putting the public at risk.' Premier McGowan said we were 'idiots, drongos, morons, and to grow a brain and he could say worse things?' They could have released this and stopped the GLOBAL injection program because we were in a covid-zero situation but chose not to. They WATCHED while we were being murdered and maimed. This report is clear evidence of the government, doctors and nurses stood down and stood by in the instance of MASS MURDER. I shall withold my praise.

"They also sent me an intimidating email after I published several articles on the report, saying, “DOH public health experts have raised concerns regarding some of your assertions.” However, they declined to detail the nature of concerns raised by the faceless ‘experts.’"

-Publish the emails. It's dangerous to be intimidated in the dark.

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And the adverse event data is underreported, significantly, if any of the comments under his video are to be believed.

This is a clusterfuck still.

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it's a clusterfuck off a duck's back after a few gins. Chin cin!

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If only people were so riled up about the childhood vaccines as well...

Read “Dissolving Illusions” and “Turtles all the way down”.

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I can’t yet bring myself to watch this. Being mandated and injured in WA...

my partner has watched and will do again with me when I am ready.

They knew and continued to push a harmful, monetary agenda. I’m devastated but it is nothing compared to living with a vaccine injury that affects your happiness, functional ability and quality of life on a day to day basis.

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You are not alone. When you are ready, this is the testimony of another WA woman. I'm posting this here in solidarity with you, but also because I think there will be politicians lurking here. They need to know what they did. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/to-my-unjabbed-heroes

This is one of the most harrowing tales of jab harm I have ever read (of course, they are all devastating) but it was done to the granddaughter of an ANZAC who was also manhandled on ANZAC day at King's Park. Also talks about the homelessless for the unjabbed in WA who were forced to sleep rough.

This woman has a surgery on Monday and she is very scared she may not make it. If anyone is reading who wants to send her some love, please pray for her.

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Queensland Was in same position until mid December 2021.Strict lockdowns on borders. Zero covid.

Immediately borders opened and there was an influx of holiday makers Omicron hit full strength with dramatic increase in cases and deaths. As far as I know Qld Health has not released any data of details. It was obvious that we were in a 'pandemic of the vaccinated' ,as Qld had reached a high level of vaccination (me excluded). Qld Health's motto is ..... 'if it's bad news - hide it'

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'if it's bad news - hide it'

Sounds about right.

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As a Queenslander I feared Palaszczuk and incompetent Health officer Jeannette Young : both reading from the same global script. There was a real threat to quarantine the unvaxt at Welcamp facilities. Quote from Financial Review : Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has ditched the carrot and pulled out the stick to boost the state’s COVID-19 vaccination rate, banning unvaccinated people from pubs, clubs, galleries and stadiums from December 17.

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The scariest thing is that 90% of the WA population took the propaganda hook line and sinker. There was no push back, no questioning and even now with plenty of evidence of the harm done, not a peep from the media. Pretty clear why McGowan retired when he did. The truth will come out eventually.

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...and no virus.

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The truth is out, it doesn't matter though. Wanna know why?

Coz our side of dissidents waits for more truth to come out eventually and the other side full of dying compliant jabbies and wealthy stakeholders profiting from jabbies aren't waiting for anything at all. They're going to continue on getting permanently injured and dying while their supporters pat them on the head like a good doggy, and profit another billion off their blood.

It's going to continue on like that no matter how much or what kind of truth will come out eventually. I don't need any more truth, sure you don't either..

Eventually though... eventually what though?

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Vaccines Are For Poor People.

- As In

"Those Poor People."


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Just watched the Highwire video, extremely well put together and makes a compelling case. Kudos for the inclusion of the Hermit Kingdom article.

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Rebekah, we’ve known about this for some time both from VAERS in the USA and the TGA’s DAENs database. I went in there in the past to get the stats—anyone can.


I also know so many people with serious adverse events. They aren’t a rarity as has been claimed.

The government and health officials are either grossly incompetent and should never hold a top position, or they knowingly inflicted pain and suffering which means they should be behind bars. It’s unconscionable what they have done.

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Republished you again. Brilliant work, again. Truly horrifying, this story. And they must have known before they rolled it out. That's not just criminal misconduct, it's truly abhorrent. Thanks for your great work. No wonder Premier McGowan resigned. He knew this; as did the Prime Minister, even as he was praising him to the skies. https://asenseofplacemagazine.com/quite-horrendous-dr-john-campbell-on-west-australian-vaccine-safety-data-the-greatest-medical-scandal-in-australian-history/

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Glad you covered this (back in March 2023, and now after Dr John Campbell's coverage)

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