To be treated as animals would be an improvement. Indeed. That’s why I feel very confident using ivermectin and DMSO. Both medicines used on million dollar race horses.

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What do you use DMSO for? I always have some on hand because I mix it with colloidal silver, so I would be interested to hear other applications.

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I been using DMSO on my hip, lower back, and upper leg for the last year. Dr said I needed hip replacement based on 1/2 hour visit and X-rays. I didn’t do it. He’s the same Dr who wouldn’t see me unless I was vaccinated. He’s an idiot. Anyways using DMSO rubbed into sore back, hip and leg has been a miracle. I can stretch much better, pain is greatly diminished. I mix it, sometimes, with CBD cream, aloe Vera and lithium chloride, which I have on hand. DMSO by itself, or mixed with distilled water, is very effective. My sore hip, leg and back feel so much better!

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Thanks for the info! I give some to my mum to help with inflammation in her ankle which she broke many years ago but has started to play up as she is aging.

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Vaccination is a criminal and barbaric concept that has been a fraud from the beginning.

Whether human or animal, injecting poisons into the body is something only “mad scientists” want

Read and learn:



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Thank you for re-directing me back to that wonderful article. I'd read it a while back, but bears re-reading. Utter madness, criminality, fraud, corruption. And of course, death.

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Unbelievably disgusting, and they are now pushing the 'new and improved' for the lucky West Australians.

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Yes, and on Sydney radio a couple of days ago, a shock-jock (who was a leading 'light' in pushing the vaxxes had the monster, sorry, Minister of Health on his program calling for boosters, 'coz, y'know, the eighth wave is starting, and be afraid, be very afraid..

As you rightly say, in light of all the evidence, all the deaths & injuries, 'Unbelievably disgusting'.

But on they go. Will justice ever be done?

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Headline & byline are gold 🤣🤣🤣


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I know a LOT of dog owners who have had sudden deaths and illnesses among their beloved pets, many of whom were relatively young and/or otherwise in good health ... one has lost 2 dogs this year alone to a combo of cancer and heart attack. I’ve been parsing this through the lens of the past few years and it cannot be a coincidence ... our pets are likely being slowly maimed and made I’ll by the veterinary system here, too many needless operations and drugs, probably crap in the expensive pet food etc too

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Picture is worth a thousand words. The look on that dogs face tells me it knows vaccines are poison.

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The DEATHVAX™ genocide is as deliberate as any genocide which preceded it. Certainly there is plenty of both capture and incompetence to be found among those working for the failed watchdog agencies, but it's crucial to understand that the forces doing the capturing all have the same goals; chief among them the wide scale reduction of human life. YOU are the carbon they want to reduce.

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The same Robber Baron crime families that pushed the Nazi eugenics program also put millions of $'s into promoting the petro chemical based Pharmaceutical Mafia to destroy the western medical system. They are the demonic Khazarian parasite caste that have no legitimate place breathing the air that humans breath.

There is an urgent need to turn their plans for genocidal onto these perverse crime families.

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As you say this is what should have happened with the Covid vax, yet people don't understand the basics of the science, and the precautions put in place after thalidomide took so long to isolate due to poor reporting and stats. Now we have the data there is no excuse, just stupidity on the part of the public and treason on the part of the doctors and politicians.

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Why do they treat humans worse than dogs? Because they want humans DEAD.

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But there is a bit of black humour here. Eight adverse reactions and one death was enough for the vaccine to be withdrawn! I’ve always believed people care more about their pets than their cohorts. So this is a message that could have the populace thinking (as nothing else has to date).

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For YEARS the Chicoms were shipping baby formula ingredients into the U.S. market that was toxic, filled with Mylar particles (to fraudulently increase the nitrogen/protein readings).

It wasn't until they started adding it to the PET FOOD that anyone figured out what the Chicoms were doing. You see, when a DOG dies, the vet might ask "what are you feeding this dog?"

When a baby dies, nobody even bothers to ask what it's been INJECTED with, let alone what it's been eating.

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Steve Kirsch posted about an NZ woman who died on August 6th 2021 the day of her vaccination (he got the date wrong in his post). This reminded me of a woman’s death reported on 30 August 2021 to the public that was talked about in various NZ Covid advisory group minutes prior to the announcement. I found it 1st talked about in an urgent meeting of the safety board on the 9th of August. This death caused alot of concern as up to August there had been 32 myocarditis/pericarditis reports all in people over 40 and predominantly women (the rollout hadn’t extended at that point to everyone in NZ). 7 of whom had to be hospitalised for it. Yet - while this was already a known concern overseas, it then happened here in NZ and....nothing much changed. By the end of the year a young man had died after his vaccination and we now have 4 deaths (out of many) that have been definitely linked to the vaccine. Yet it's not mentioned in advertising - that vaccination might not be right for everyone

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"Rado Faletic posted, “Why are our drug safety agencies treating us worse than dogs?”"

Because our "Safety" agencies are tasked with facilitating democide. The government is bankrupt, and it is maniacally exacerbating the severity of bankruptcy in order that the secured creditors (for whom the government really works for) are legally entitled to confiscate and recover the assets - the entire nation's assets, all its resources, including water, livestock and wildlife, all intangible but especially tangible assets, all infrastructure, and property, including our own homes.

You didn't actually believe you owned anything really, did you? Who underwrites and safeguards asset ownership? If you answered, "the government," then have a banana. Well then, what happens when the government is bankrupt? Does anyone still believe that after what we've seen with COVID-19 and the forced injections, after all we know of their "Great Reset" and "You will own nothing" and their Agenda 2030, that the government will protect us against their secured creditor bosses when they come for the assets to recover the government's debts?

"Our" safety agencies are doing their part in eliminating as many of us as possible, because when the creditors start confiscating in earnest and separating the people from the assets, they don't want to have to mess with tens of millions of outraged and violent evicted ordinary people.

It's already too late, but the longer you deny this, the easier and more effortless we make it for the criminal government and their bosses.

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With so many unexplained excess deaths, how can the regulator reasonably claim that the benefits outweigh the risks? Evidently it is propaganda. Even if it were true, it isn't much comfort if you are one of the unlucky ones harmed by a novel gene therapy injected into you through the use of coercion.

The consent form I signed explicitly stated that I had been coerced into receiving the vaccine (I altered it myself), but the provider chose to inject me anyway without a valid consent form. I suffered a significant adverse reaction, most likely from the residual endotoxin in the AstraZeneca shot as the symptoms align well with that explanation, but I don't seem to have any long-term injury (touch wood).

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This doesn't surprise me because if the animals were to die en masse re their jabs...many humans would wake up. Withdrawing the animal jab with pretend concern for the animals is to continue to portray an ethic of concern that doesn't exist. The humans are the priority for mass killing and the prevention of them waking up to this is paramount while the job gets done....so can't have the animals dying...too quickly.

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All vaccines now contain nanotechnology, not just the human ones https://davidnixon.substack.com/p/comirnaty-sample-from-august-4th

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pleased to restack your post today and

offer the following comment:

life is played out on a universal chesslike board comprising dark and light beings,

with all shades inbetween

but unlike a chess match, when our white bishop meets black rook,

black rook transforms to white rook

we strive to be better teachers, fading the grays into shades of white

as pawns, many of us are simply content, to serve on the side of light

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wow, our pets are more important than our lives.

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