My reporting yesterday on the Australian Government’s estimate of remaining unvaccinated adults (Covid vax, specifically) has generated a lot of discussion on social media about whether the figures are accurate.
It’s very unlikely they won’t be smudging these documents so my guess is they are very far from the truth .
What has amazed me though is how many parents got their children jabbed , I’m amazed at the lack of consideration from the parents , we have to remember that the kids shots were introduced quite a while after the Clot shot was introduced to the public .
Speaking to friends around the world the uptake in kids shots seems a lot less than what we had here .
Would be interesting to know from other countries figures if we are unbelievably stupid or just the same stupidity as other countries.
By the end of April 2022.. 80.4% of those aged 12–15 having received 2 doses... Among children aged 5–11, 52.8% had received their first dose and 36.9% had received 2 doses."
So very sad to see... The propaganda was so strong, from authorities we should have been able to trust. I'm sure many parents thought they were doing the right thing, which is the biggest tragedy of all... Full blame on the authorities for that, and the top dogs should face trial.
If the truth is ever allowed to see the light of day, with a full explanation of how these shots "work" in the body to cause a multitude of known and unknown problems, then the full despair and anger of parents deceived will be overwhelming.
At the moment, not a lot are joining the dots with the sudden cancers, heart problems, autoimmune issues, but if the truth of mRNA vaccine is known, dots will be joined.
It's also peer pressure from the virtue signallers on fakebook and at the school gate. Parents are pressured by the brainwashed into compliance and that is just what was planned. The lockdown meant that people were hypnotised by the continual TV propaganda 24/7 and they were encouraged to turn on those who saw through the brainwashing. I have personal experience of this from discussions with my daughters.
Many parents also chose to listen to the authorities instead of healthcare professionals with an opposite view. I gave all the data available at that time to all my patients and informed them of all possible risks and risk-benefits of this experimental gene therapy to try to convince them not to participate in this experiment or let their children participate, guess what happened, a group of 5 parents reported me to AHPRA to try to get me de-registered and left me a very bad google review. These parents brought all the pain to themselves if something happen to their children.
That is so terrible to hear, this is how authoritarian regimes work, rely on (and sometimes incentivise) citizens to dob in those with a different view to the government. Thank you for your bravery, I wish there were more like you. I could only warn so many people, but my close circle at least took heed. Not everyone could afford to lose their jobs of course. I used my old uni biology textbooks to show friends that you do not want to mess with your body's cells like this... Being an old textbook at least they could see it wasn't "misinformation", and they are now (like me) freaking out at the blatant lies told on TV by officials we should be able to trust. This whole debacle has rocked all of our world's, and the excess deaths count seems to confirm our fears.
I hope you've been able to clear yourself from the corrupted and weaponised AHPRA and can continue your practice, we NEED more people like you. Thank you for being so brave in the face of tyranny.
I was looking at the Roy Morgan survey this morning which reports 8.9% unemployment in January based on weekly interviews of 955,112 Australians aged 14 and over. The government claims 3.9% based on an estimate.
I live in regional WA and five of the eight people in town I have asked are unjabbed. But then most of the local farmers, perhaps 20% of the shire, are uncritical of their unsustainable farming practices and their cocktails of pesticides, so likely complied.
Unemployment stats are not truly representative and understate because if you're not registered on Centre link you are not counted. My husband and I, sacked Nov 2021, refuse to register on a government database as unjabbed and unemployed. Last census 2021 is inaccurate also as many people refused to complete it.
Yep, very familiar with centrelink. There are lots of ways they undercount, claiming working more than one hour a week is employed being the most egregious. I dont understand why they dont use the (massaged) actual numbers instead of estimates though. The use of accounting against the unemployed demonstrates they collect the stats.
We're all opposed to these experimental jabs and the terrible effects they have had on the people who've received them - clearly they were never designed with our best interest in mind but some other agenda.
However one thing isn't quite clear to me so I would like to get to the point and simply ask if you believe that the pandemic is real, has SarsCov2 been proven to exist?
Philippines, where I am reporting from and monitoring data, never recommended these products for the under 5s. Phew!
The under 5's are said to number about 9.5 million children. However, from looking at birth rates here over the past 7 years, I very much doubt there are 9.5 M young kids here. From births alone (and before deaths of young children) 2018-2022 there were only about 7.6 million births. About 20,000 young children die each year, so this drops to about 7.5M for the 0-4 year cohort.
5-11 Yo children uptake was reported to be 5.6 million. They were never offered 3rd doses. I estimated that bout 9.5 million children in this age-group remain unjabbed.
12-17 yo - about 10.2 million jabbed, and only about 1.2 million first booster. Only about 2.5 million remain unjabbed. This age group has the highest uptake of any, because they were "forced to" for school. It took a pretty strong and convinced of harm parent to resist the massive pressure. The government had said the jabs could not be forced for school or work, but the on-the-ground situation was very different.
18-59 yo - about 54.9 million jabbed, about 19.6 M first booster, about 3.4 million 2nd booster. Estimated 6 million unjabbed.
60 and above. Estimated 7.12 million jabbed. 2.9 million first booster. 0.97 million 2nd booster. I estimate approx. 6 million unjabbed.
There was quite a business here, for a while, supplying genuine / in the system cards to those who wanted them. Plus, there are some hearsay accounts of sympathetic HCW who just didn't inject the person in front of them.
So, in Philippines of about 110 million, we have about 31.1 million (28%) unjabbed. How accurate are these figures? I am not sure! Give or take a few % points for sure.
I don't want to like this reply, it is too tragic to bear! The brainwashing and loss of self-preservation and protection of our young instincts have been crushed. Even without being jabbed, the babies of jabbed parents are in big trouble. The hospitals here are overflowing with pediatric cancer cases, and many many leukemia cases in babies. I have also been told (reliable source who works in cancer wards) of babies being born already having leukemia.
Whilst the debate raged in Australia about whether under 5s down to 6 month olds should be vxd, with many saying, "surely not!". I did mention to people at the time that we had already been vaccinating pregnant mothers pretty much since the vx rollout began, thus we were vaccinating unborn children and not making the distinction !!
My recollection of the push on children is very clear. In the beginning...the young, and not only very young children, were largely asymptomatic. Then the 'authorities' stated that kids were still carriers, and so it started, adults put the pressure on to have everyone 'vaccinated'. Later, as it does, everyone forgot this part and it morphed (via propaganda) into the need to save grandad or grandma... History is a beautiful thing...
Yes history is a beautiful thing and so is the written record and in our enlightened age of the internet everything is saved for our future reference these lies will go down in history as the Greatest Lie Ever Made
True, but.. Unfortunately there are professional 'cleaners' out there, some private & some Gov. Their job is to clean the stuff they want removed from the written record.. Thankfully, not all can/is cleaned.. 😉
I wish that were so, but the great attraction of digital imformation to the criminal elite, is that it can be changed by a a single keystroke that sets a string of algorithms into action, and our world of legal fiction becomes a different world of legal fiction.
Plus there can be no doubt that sooner rather than later the sun will send a "delete all" signal our way in the form of an electromagnetic shock wave that will send us at least as far back as the age of steam, if we get lucky.
I remember thinking there was no way they could possibly have safety data on the long term impacts of vaccination on pregnant women and children defacto vaccinated in the womb. Turns out - I was right. There was no data, and its now coming out that there are very real safety concerns.
I know others who vaccinated kids to protect elderly parents. Our values systems are all backwards when you put a lifelong risk of injury on children to prevent possible harm to those in the sunset of their life.
I spoke to a natropath recently and she said a very nice awake doctor came in and showed her an email which stated they are offering a lot more counselling services to bereaved parents, as there has been so many children who have died of heart issues!!!!!
One can understand the attitude of the criminal elite behind this crime against humanity, bearing in mind it was fairly widely known children were at practically zero risk, he people that had their children jabbed to protect adults are far from fit to have the well being of children as their responsibility. They present a fairly reasonable that the role should go to the State, there are farm animals that protect their offspring better.
I guess you don’t live in Canada, New York, Philadelphia or another place where they’re pushing, or already have, laws allowing children to consent to medical procedures like vaccination. (In Canada I literally saw a video of a vaccine center luring kids with ice cream.)
There are a lot of dumped down stupid people out there. They've spent decades pushing fluoride which research has shown is as harmful as lead to the IQ. They've spent decades trafficking drugs and encouragement to drink copius amounts of alcohol in former generations. All knocking off braincells. And brainwashed everyone to comply with childhood vaccine schedule since birth.
I still believe during the vaccination campaign they exaggerated the numbers being vaccinated to fear us into feeling that if we didn’t join the pack, we’d be locked inside on our lonesome so perhaps when they were claiming it was 70% vaccinated it was maybe really 50%. But today, in my wider friendship and work community and my families wider friendship and work community, there are 4 of us unvaccinated. Whether that puts us in 1.5% of total Australians or a different percentage, I can’t think of any other category I’m grateful to be part of. The day my husband convinced me not to take this injection - and then later convinced my parents - was a good day in our family’s history.
I could only save one person in my family. No one else listened to me and they still don't. Some are 5 jabs deep now. I know a lot of unjabbed people in my area though.
If these demons lie about SAFETY, wouldn’t they lie about numbers of people vaccinated? One of the most used psychological tricks at the time was: “Get vaccinated because almost everyone else got their shots”. These official tables are worth less than used toilet paper.
The more people vaccinated--the less need I feel to get vaccinated. After all, we should have achieved herd immunity already with such a high percentage fully vaccinated. So I don't have to.
Part of the narrative is that these jabs don't give any immunity let alone herd immunity that can only occur with natural immunity, (especially with rapidly evolving "viruses").
The herd mentality is that being separate from the herd makes you more vulnerable, however I think "the Mob" is a more appropriate word to describe a tribe of followers.
I think at least in country areas it’s as high as 20% … farmers, small businesses, wives who don’t work were smart enough to say no.. and work online many moved from city to country to avoid the pressures.. still doing so.. sad sad sad.. that our country lost its soul..
Being in the country they would have less pressure to be vaxxed. Plus country people tend to have more common sense and balls - things lacking in the bulk of city folk it seems.
What planet are you on? Country people are narrow minded and not smart, look at the educational stats in regional areas! I live in country Vic, I tried extremely hard to get anyone to listen. All fell on dear ears. Vast majority jabbed. Local doctor owner of medical clinic kicked me out when I laid out the case with inches of documents.
You’re definitely happened but doubtful at a significant level given the penalties and consequences for doctors. They’d have to have a firm bond and trust and they wouldn’t do it for any small money. Doctors were as obedient fearful and misinformed as any.
I think once the harms were known (or even feared, I know two doctors who didn't want the vax, even before it was announced it'd be a novel genetic one)... I reckon a few dr's may have "vaccinated" each other... I don't blame them, but of course compliance to this agenda, even if it was faked compliance, allowed this crap to happen.
One doctor who took the real deal, and I know wasn't keen on getting it, died the following week... His brave wife put his story on Jab injuries Australia
Theres certainly been alot of fatalities in both the Canadian and British health systems. I'd be curious as to whether the Australian system sufferred the same mysterious outcomes.
There's a lot reported to the TGA, over1,000 deaths, and many many more unreported, anecdotally I've heard quite a few in my social circle, some suspect the jab, others haven't joined the dots, but none are reported to the TGA, just written off... The telling figure is our high excess deaths rate, which really confirms what has been reported to the TGA is just the tip of the iceberg ...
My experience were doctors were VERY pro vaccination. They fell victim to modern medicine being an indoctrination in following the mandated process rather than a process of education and application tailored to individuals. They are trained to be compliant to authority and blindly trust the edicts of the system. I'd be surprised to find many willing to risk the consequences of faking entries for anyone other than direct family.
Consequences of being party to a genocidal crime against humanity,
1) life long regret,
2) hanging at the Hague.
Consequence of not being party to the crime against humanity.
1) posible loss of a lucrative income.
2) following a path of integrity as someone that chose to be a healer.
3) being able to live with yourself..
The world didn't just turn down a very dark path in 2020, it was an incremental change of pathways towards that of the Synagogue of Satan. I'm not saying that as a bible bashing Christian, but I am perhaps more open to the fact that evil is inherent in certain family bloodlines who come to the fore at points in times when there is a natural evolutionary bottleneck occurring.
I believe their are doctors that put their ethics before their income, and sensible enough to know that in many cases, actions speak louder than words. It was made obvious from the beginning that the open truth was forbiden, leaving only right action to take the essential role in protecting their patients well being.
I'd suspect not. I believe these atheletes were probably particularly compliant as they are prescribed large amounts of medication by these doctors under ordinary training circumstances. I suspect they just trusted their doctors who they work with closely.
The problem is..we will never know the true number.Its no use talking about country areas compared to city as some are doing.Its the total that counts.It could be anywhere from 1%-10?%..I think some people are unconsciously trying to fudge the numbers up to make it seem more Australians were not compliant.They were.Most of the people that I personally knew complied did not do it for fear of losing their jobs.They thought it was the right thing to do due to the non stop fear porn we had to endure with death counts on the news every night.They were truly scared.And..Australians are very easily led like a bunch of brain dead sheep...most are intellectual cowards that cannot think for themselves...this all started when marxism/critical race shite took over the Universities and then trickled down into the public service and most politicians...never forget the silence of the Liberal party to the savagery that was happening in most states especially Victoria...
The Marxification of Education: Paulo Freire's Critical Marxism and the Theft of Education
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity--And Why This Harms Everybody
Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis
It has always puzzled me that in the beginning of the panic, we were shown (many times) footage of people dropping dead in the streets but iirc it was only in China. Nothing anywhere else.
I think perhaps it actually started when a middle class started to mobilise with a sense of social justice. The Billionaire Parasite Caste couldn’t allow that threat to their criminality, so they created Socialism/Communism, so they could recruit the penny parasites to act as their puppets to undermine any chance that justice might one day cast a light on their demonic infestation of human civilisation
Like the daily temperature readings, one cannot and should not believe anything coming out of the weaponised government departments, particularly health related departments. Everything the TGA and other commonwealth and state health bureaucrats said about Covid has been proven to be known lies.
I sure hope there are a lot more than 500K who never took any of the products, for the sake of the nation's future.
My family are in QLD. Extended immediately family, Mum, siblings and me, and our kids total 31 persons. Only 12 (38%) took the products primary series; 4 might have taken additional doses, I am not sure because the topic is taboo.
We are likely not typical! However, I think there was considerable quiet resistance. Certainly, I wouldn't put it above the government to fudge figures to try make the jabs look more popular (peer pressure) than they actually were.
Yeah, this is not typical at all in my experience. I was banned from Xmas and in-person visits in general, had various pressuring from family members. My direct family numbers are 2 unvaxxed from about 20 total.
I was the only unvaxxed at my family gather - my parents, brother, his wife, their two daughters, my sister, her husband, their two daughters, my brothers parents in law and his brother in law & his son.
The messaging would have programmed many into fear...
My mate (always ribbed him as he gets every shot religiously, we call him a hypochondriac, he laughs with us, good bloke) he even said, WTF is up with this bullsh!t on TV... If you've had the shot you're protected aren't you? He gave the example of his flu shot ... He gets it because he doesn't want the flu, but he's not scared if you haven't had the flu shot, because he's protected*, even he could see it... And he was sh!t scared of covid, even he didn't see what this push was all about.
It's so sad they divided family and friends like this, there's too many to put on trial.. if we ever win back the world.
(*didn't want to say that flu shot might not work either, but he made a good logical point!)
And that’s the worry aspect of it all, at least your friend could understand the logic of “if I’ve taken it, I’m protected so I don’t need to shut you out”, but so so many couldn’t process that logic. It still blows my mind how gullible people were and how human decency ended up in the toilet.
I don't know...I've always struggled to believe the figures. I know so many people who are unvaxxed.. And the people I know who were vaxxed never went back for boosters. By my estimation there were about 350k people in Canberra for the Feb 22 March....(used Six maps to mark the area and 4 people per sq m for my calculation). I suspect most people who were there weren't vaxxed and there were many more unvaxxed Aussies who would have liked to have been there that day.
Melbourne protests had around 700k, of course some would have been forced to take it but there would be at least another 700k not going to the protests out of a Vic population of 6.5m
Hi Rebekah, anecdotally I know very few people percentage-wise that are unjabbed, to the extent that when a few acquaintances learned I was a filthy unclean late last year, they were genuinely shocked.
“None at all?? Have you had covid?!”
Because my social circle is largely professional city types, parents etc, I know of no others that didn’t get at least the first 2, often including their kids in the deal, and would not be surprised if the numbers in WA are as low as 36-40k ... perhaps we forget at the time just how extreme the restrictions on our liberties were, and a LOT of people who had held out relented in that Jan/Feb 22 period just to be able to leave the state to see relatives etc.
The NSW Government data revealed between 10-15% had no vaccination (approx 1,000,000 in NSW) which tends to suggest that in a similar vein up to 5,000,000 in Australia are not vaccinated. Then you may add those citizens who only had one jab which does not equate to complete immunisation. My understanding is that these data represent the state government of NSW assessment. Understandably these data have been withdrawn from public access to my knowledge.
Vaccine Hesitancy, was the principal driver of all media, and all efforts were around this, and this alone,
as it was seen as the danger to acceptance of their Countermeasure.
I have absolutely NO Hesitancy, in not believing the Government, what they say, the ornamental shilling
by vested interests and this includes those in the so called truth movement. This whole thing is built around
mis- information, psy-op, military run operation.
The lies, the cultivated modelling, that were in truth outrageous, the think tank psychological nudging, the
NLP, the dedicated mission of denial , the narrative was what is and that is that.
They lied about the PCR, manipulated language: " cases" .
Thorsten Drosten , Mr PCR and the WHO colluded to project the mass testing and the framework of fraud,
this is now well documented. Drosten, has been castigated by his peers, to remove his agregious paper.
The lies continued as to Death Certificates, No Autopsies, Doctors were incentivised to fabricate and
sign Death Certificates.
The use of sedation in old folks home, negligence, empty Hospitals, lies , lies and more lies.
As here in Australia, the contempt held against the population was staggering, the layer upon layer of
Media hype, propaganda, celebrity trash, making you the " owner" of " your " shot, deplorable.
Experts on every corner , selling their wears, the powers of unelected chumps , Chief Medical Officers,
whose streams of advice was never shown to,be sourced or scrutinised. This Power extended into
violence , irrational whims of Premiers and Police Commissioners , bullying, from the likes of a thug
like Brad Hazzard, and who could forget the psychopathy of Daniel Andrews, and the warbling aspirations,
of Palaszczuk, and the sneering McGowan, who was amongst the worst of the Totalitarian troubadours.
And that bloke in the Northern Territory, good heavens, what was that. ?
In the end though, it was the coming of the God , the Prince of the Normal, the Vaccine; all hail, the saviour
rises, I do not apologise for this language, as to to me, Covid the operation, the process of dehumanising,
the Fear factor, to strip away, all accepted degrees of behaviour, by the means of ' one ' word " EMERGENCY "
As was the plan , to collapse all the " legal " boundaries, to deny all judicial remedies, to censor all medical
alternate treatments and all credibility of Dissent by Medical Professionals, and rational Science, who dared
to question the Narrative.
All the figures , charts , trends , excess deaths, all the reports and tedious language, that no one understands,
the data dump, the spiral of rabbit holes , the information is overwhelming, that's the idea, but the one true
Objective, of the secret contracts, the double dealing P.M . Morrison, and look who he is with now, beasties,
of the Military Industrial Complex, and the intelligence agency, corporate cowboys for bucks and potential customers of all those bio- Countermeasures , is Command and Control, your digital " Cloud" identity your
personal bio- metric readout, and the young and the very young are the targets, always were , the data
to further develop and improve the Nanotechnology is implemented.
Vaccine Hesitancy, don't be a non- believer, the White Elephant, is the WHO, don't go looking for the tech.
Palantir, coming to,Australia to a Coles Supermarket, near you, as Coles in invisage saving 1 Billion in operation
costs, so Palantir, will be the data provider for the Coles employees, to streamline and future automation of
Jobs. Find out who and what Palantir is, it is a Goliath. If you ain't a disciple of the machine, you ain't nobody
and they are going to find you. This all started a long time ago, if you go looking you will find the freaks, who
think that the electrical human being , which you are, is their personal genetic toy, and have no human
qualities or values, it's okay that you should die, for the greater good, yeah, and finally, all the good guys
bad guys, thems nations you can't trust , oh boogie, fear and loathing, who has signed up for 2030 Agenda,
All of Them. Putin , said it in his interview, it's time to share, the East and the West.
My parents are unvaccinated and many of my extended family are unvaccinated. I had one shot each of two different vaccines, so while I was counted as fully-vaccinated I'm not double-vaccinated. I also doctored a copy of the consent form to state that I was coerced into being vaccinated and switched the forms during the appointment. I had a nasty reaction to the first shot (AstraZeneca), most likely because of residual bacterial endotoxin in the crudely manufactured 'vaccine'. Fortunately I don't have lasting symptoms. If I did I'd be seeking legal advice about suing Discount Chemist Warehouse, which administered the shot without my consent.
I'm not sure that it matters what the precise vaccination figures are. What is abundantly clear is that many people have little or no confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines and a significant proportion of the population have lost confidence in the public health system, governments and/or their fellow citizens. That is the most significant and costly legacy of the vaccine mandates; vast amounts of social capital accumulated over decades have gone up in smoke for little gain, if any. It doesn't bode well for the next pandemic, social cohesion, or any government initiative that depends on trust, goodwill and voluntary cooperation from citizens to succeed. The Voice sank without a trace because the Australian Government failed to recognise the seismic shift in public sentiment brought about by the hysterical and totalitarian response of governments to the pandemic.
Everyone I know who has been double-vaccinated has had COVID-19 at least once. My sister has had it three times. I had a mild cold a fortnight ago and tested negative for COVID-19. Other than that, I've not had a respiratory infection in over four and a half years, despite having been in close proximity to several people while they were contagious, including my wife and daughter. My impression is that the COVID-19 vaccines have facilitated the multiple waves of COVID-19. It wouldn't surprise me if the next mRNA vaccine off the rank is a commercial failure due to lack of confidence in the safety and efficacy of the technology.
It’s very unlikely they won’t be smudging these documents so my guess is they are very far from the truth .
What has amazed me though is how many parents got their children jabbed , I’m amazed at the lack of consideration from the parents , we have to remember that the kids shots were introduced quite a while after the Clot shot was introduced to the public .
Speaking to friends around the world the uptake in kids shots seems a lot less than what we had here .
Would be interesting to know from other countries figures if we are unbelievably stupid or just the same stupidity as other countries.
Yes the AIHW reported that:
By the end of April 2022.. 80.4% of those aged 12–15 having received 2 doses... Among children aged 5–11, 52.8% had received their first dose and 36.9% had received 2 doses."
So very sad to see... The propaganda was so strong, from authorities we should have been able to trust. I'm sure many parents thought they were doing the right thing, which is the biggest tragedy of all... Full blame on the authorities for that, and the top dogs should face trial.
If the truth is ever allowed to see the light of day, with a full explanation of how these shots "work" in the body to cause a multitude of known and unknown problems, then the full despair and anger of parents deceived will be overwhelming.
At the moment, not a lot are joining the dots with the sudden cancers, heart problems, autoimmune issues, but if the truth of mRNA vaccine is known, dots will be joined.
It's also peer pressure from the virtue signallers on fakebook and at the school gate. Parents are pressured by the brainwashed into compliance and that is just what was planned. The lockdown meant that people were hypnotised by the continual TV propaganda 24/7 and they were encouraged to turn on those who saw through the brainwashing. I have personal experience of this from discussions with my daughters.
Many parents also chose to listen to the authorities instead of healthcare professionals with an opposite view. I gave all the data available at that time to all my patients and informed them of all possible risks and risk-benefits of this experimental gene therapy to try to convince them not to participate in this experiment or let their children participate, guess what happened, a group of 5 parents reported me to AHPRA to try to get me de-registered and left me a very bad google review. These parents brought all the pain to themselves if something happen to their children.
That is so terrible to hear, this is how authoritarian regimes work, rely on (and sometimes incentivise) citizens to dob in those with a different view to the government. Thank you for your bravery, I wish there were more like you. I could only warn so many people, but my close circle at least took heed. Not everyone could afford to lose their jobs of course. I used my old uni biology textbooks to show friends that you do not want to mess with your body's cells like this... Being an old textbook at least they could see it wasn't "misinformation", and they are now (like me) freaking out at the blatant lies told on TV by officials we should be able to trust. This whole debacle has rocked all of our world's, and the excess deaths count seems to confirm our fears.
I hope you've been able to clear yourself from the corrupted and weaponised AHPRA and can continue your practice, we NEED more people like you. Thank you for being so brave in the face of tyranny.
It's so sad, sickening and shocking.
Mmmm, government estimates.
I was looking at the Roy Morgan survey this morning which reports 8.9% unemployment in January based on weekly interviews of 955,112 Australians aged 14 and over. The government claims 3.9% based on an estimate.
I live in regional WA and five of the eight people in town I have asked are unjabbed. But then most of the local farmers, perhaps 20% of the shire, are uncritical of their unsustainable farming practices and their cocktails of pesticides, so likely complied.
Unemployment stats are not truly representative and understate because if you're not registered on Centre link you are not counted. My husband and I, sacked Nov 2021, refuse to register on a government database as unjabbed and unemployed. Last census 2021 is inaccurate also as many people refused to complete it.
Yep, very familiar with centrelink. There are lots of ways they undercount, claiming working more than one hour a week is employed being the most egregious. I dont understand why they dont use the (massaged) actual numbers instead of estimates though. The use of accounting against the unemployed demonstrates they collect the stats.
We're all opposed to these experimental jabs and the terrible effects they have had on the people who've received them - clearly they were never designed with our best interest in mind but some other agenda.
However one thing isn't quite clear to me so I would like to get to the point and simply ask if you believe that the pandemic is real, has SarsCov2 been proven to exist?
I'd like to know where you stand on this.
Mmmm reminds me of all those orphaned HIV free babies
Philippines, where I am reporting from and monitoring data, never recommended these products for the under 5s. Phew!
The under 5's are said to number about 9.5 million children. However, from looking at birth rates here over the past 7 years, I very much doubt there are 9.5 M young kids here. From births alone (and before deaths of young children) 2018-2022 there were only about 7.6 million births. About 20,000 young children die each year, so this drops to about 7.5M for the 0-4 year cohort.
5-11 Yo children uptake was reported to be 5.6 million. They were never offered 3rd doses. I estimated that bout 9.5 million children in this age-group remain unjabbed.
12-17 yo - about 10.2 million jabbed, and only about 1.2 million first booster. Only about 2.5 million remain unjabbed. This age group has the highest uptake of any, because they were "forced to" for school. It took a pretty strong and convinced of harm parent to resist the massive pressure. The government had said the jabs could not be forced for school or work, but the on-the-ground situation was very different.
18-59 yo - about 54.9 million jabbed, about 19.6 M first booster, about 3.4 million 2nd booster. Estimated 6 million unjabbed.
60 and above. Estimated 7.12 million jabbed. 2.9 million first booster. 0.97 million 2nd booster. I estimate approx. 6 million unjabbed.
There was quite a business here, for a while, supplying genuine / in the system cards to those who wanted them. Plus, there are some hearsay accounts of sympathetic HCW who just didn't inject the person in front of them.
So, in Philippines of about 110 million, we have about 31.1 million (28%) unjabbed. How accurate are these figures? I am not sure! Give or take a few % points for sure.
They went hard on the kids and little ones here. Plus mothers of babies were begging for it.
One person told me she vaxxed her 7yo to protect her dad 🤦🏼♀️
I don't want to like this reply, it is too tragic to bear! The brainwashing and loss of self-preservation and protection of our young instincts have been crushed. Even without being jabbed, the babies of jabbed parents are in big trouble. The hospitals here are overflowing with pediatric cancer cases, and many many leukemia cases in babies. I have also been told (reliable source who works in cancer wards) of babies being born already having leukemia.
Whilst the debate raged in Australia about whether under 5s down to 6 month olds should be vxd, with many saying, "surely not!". I did mention to people at the time that we had already been vaccinating pregnant mothers pretty much since the vx rollout began, thus we were vaccinating unborn children and not making the distinction !!
My recollection of the push on children is very clear. In the beginning...the young, and not only very young children, were largely asymptomatic. Then the 'authorities' stated that kids were still carriers, and so it started, adults put the pressure on to have everyone 'vaccinated'. Later, as it does, everyone forgot this part and it morphed (via propaganda) into the need to save grandad or grandma... History is a beautiful thing...
Yes, the lie of asymptomatic transmission... caught a lot of people unaware of the truth
Yes history is a beautiful thing and so is the written record and in our enlightened age of the internet everything is saved for our future reference these lies will go down in history as the Greatest Lie Ever Made
True, but.. Unfortunately there are professional 'cleaners' out there, some private & some Gov. Their job is to clean the stuff they want removed from the written record.. Thankfully, not all can/is cleaned.. 😉
I wish that were so, but the great attraction of digital imformation to the criminal elite, is that it can be changed by a a single keystroke that sets a string of algorithms into action, and our world of legal fiction becomes a different world of legal fiction.
Plus there can be no doubt that sooner rather than later the sun will send a "delete all" signal our way in the form of an electromagnetic shock wave that will send us at least as far back as the age of steam, if we get lucky.
I remember thinking there was no way they could possibly have safety data on the long term impacts of vaccination on pregnant women and children defacto vaccinated in the womb. Turns out - I was right. There was no data, and its now coming out that there are very real safety concerns.
And , of course, the latest "claim" is that it is covid itself (and not the vxs) that are causing DNA changes and deaths in neonates!!
I know others who vaccinated kids to protect elderly parents. Our values systems are all backwards when you put a lifelong risk of injury on children to prevent possible harm to those in the sunset of their life.
Child abuse is any act that causes harm to a child, that is carried out by someone in a position of trust or responsibility. Sounds about right
I spoke to a natropath recently and she said a very nice awake doctor came in and showed her an email which stated they are offering a lot more counselling services to bereaved parents, as there has been so many children who have died of heart issues!!!!!
One can understand the attitude of the criminal elite behind this crime against humanity, bearing in mind it was fairly widely known children were at practically zero risk, he people that had their children jabbed to protect adults are far from fit to have the well being of children as their responsibility. They present a fairly reasonable that the role should go to the State, there are farm animals that protect their offspring better.
Sad indeed!
I guess you don’t live in Canada, New York, Philadelphia or another place where they’re pushing, or already have, laws allowing children to consent to medical procedures like vaccination. (In Canada I literally saw a video of a vaccine center luring kids with ice cream.)
During COVID they lowered the age of consent in Australia to 14.
There are a lot of dumped down stupid people out there. They've spent decades pushing fluoride which research has shown is as harmful as lead to the IQ. They've spent decades trafficking drugs and encouragement to drink copius amounts of alcohol in former generations. All knocking off braincells. And brainwashed everyone to comply with childhood vaccine schedule since birth.
I am now firmly in the camp of George Carlin - I don’t believe anything my government tells
I still believe during the vaccination campaign they exaggerated the numbers being vaccinated to fear us into feeling that if we didn’t join the pack, we’d be locked inside on our lonesome so perhaps when they were claiming it was 70% vaccinated it was maybe really 50%. But today, in my wider friendship and work community and my families wider friendship and work community, there are 4 of us unvaccinated. Whether that puts us in 1.5% of total Australians or a different percentage, I can’t think of any other category I’m grateful to be part of. The day my husband convinced me not to take this injection - and then later convinced my parents - was a good day in our family’s history.
I could only save one person in my family. No one else listened to me and they still don't. Some are 5 jabs deep now. I know a lot of unjabbed people in my area though.
I know about 30 people all up which chose not to partake of the experiment. Family wise? Myself, my mum & a first cousin (I have 17 of them) didn’t.
Everyone else in the wider family group did which is entirely disheartening.
If these demons lie about SAFETY, wouldn’t they lie about numbers of people vaccinated? One of the most used psychological tricks at the time was: “Get vaccinated because almost everyone else got their shots”. These official tables are worth less than used toilet paper.
The more people vaccinated--the less need I feel to get vaccinated. After all, we should have achieved herd immunity already with such a high percentage fully vaccinated. So I don't have to.
Part of the narrative is that these jabs don't give any immunity let alone herd immunity that can only occur with natural immunity, (especially with rapidly evolving "viruses").
The herd mentality is that being separate from the herd makes you more vulnerable, however I think "the Mob" is a more appropriate word to describe a tribe of followers.
I think at least in country areas it’s as high as 20% … farmers, small businesses, wives who don’t work were smart enough to say no.. and work online many moved from city to country to avoid the pressures.. still doing so.. sad sad sad.. that our country lost its soul..
So do you think people paid off doctors/vaccinators to fake their AIR entires?
Being in the country they would have less pressure to be vaxxed. Plus country people tend to have more common sense and balls - things lacking in the bulk of city folk it seems.
What planet are you on? Country people are narrow minded and not smart, look at the educational stats in regional areas! I live in country Vic, I tried extremely hard to get anyone to listen. All fell on dear ears. Vast majority jabbed. Local doctor owner of medical clinic kicked me out when I laid out the case with inches of documents.
Not sure where you live but in this part of country Vic there's a solid base of uneducated and very smart out there.
Would not be a surprise if the data integrity was corupted and misleading like the people in question.
You’re definitely happened but doubtful at a significant level given the penalties and consequences for doctors. They’d have to have a firm bond and trust and they wouldn’t do it for any small money. Doctors were as obedient fearful and misinformed as any.
That's my feeling. I reckon it was happening but in small numbers.
I think once the harms were known (or even feared, I know two doctors who didn't want the vax, even before it was announced it'd be a novel genetic one)... I reckon a few dr's may have "vaccinated" each other... I don't blame them, but of course compliance to this agenda, even if it was faked compliance, allowed this crap to happen.
One doctor who took the real deal, and I know wasn't keen on getting it, died the following week... His brave wife put his story on Jab injuries Australia
That's so sad
It would've been easy for them to give each other the astrazeneca, straight down the sink.
100%... I think a few may have done exactly that too... (but we'll never know of course)...
Theres certainly been alot of fatalities in both the Canadian and British health systems. I'd be curious as to whether the Australian system sufferred the same mysterious outcomes.
There's a lot reported to the TGA, over1,000 deaths, and many many more unreported, anecdotally I've heard quite a few in my social circle, some suspect the jab, others haven't joined the dots, but none are reported to the TGA, just written off... The telling figure is our high excess deaths rate, which really confirms what has been reported to the TGA is just the tip of the iceberg ...
Dr John Campbell has done a good job of covering Australian excess deaths, despite the best efforts of Youtube.
My experience were doctors were VERY pro vaccination. They fell victim to modern medicine being an indoctrination in following the mandated process rather than a process of education and application tailored to individuals. They are trained to be compliant to authority and blindly trust the edicts of the system. I'd be surprised to find many willing to risk the consequences of faking entries for anyone other than direct family.
Consequences of being party to a genocidal crime against humanity,
1) life long regret,
2) hanging at the Hague.
Consequence of not being party to the crime against humanity.
1) posible loss of a lucrative income.
2) following a path of integrity as someone that chose to be a healer.
3) being able to live with yourself..
The world didn't just turn down a very dark path in 2020, it was an incremental change of pathways towards that of the Synagogue of Satan. I'm not saying that as a bible bashing Christian, but I am perhaps more open to the fact that evil is inherent in certain family bloodlines who come to the fore at points in times when there is a natural evolutionary bottleneck occurring.
Yes, yes and yes.
I believe their are doctors that put their ethics before their income, and sensible enough to know that in many cases, actions speak louder than words. It was made obvious from the beginning that the open truth was forbiden, leaving only right action to take the essential role in protecting their patients well being.
I'd suspect not. I believe these atheletes were probably particularly compliant as they are prescribed large amounts of medication by these doctors under ordinary training circumstances. I suspect they just trusted their doctors who they work with closely.
Nuh, no way. I live in a small rural town in regional area. 98% jabbed.
The problem is..we will never know the true number.Its no use talking about country areas compared to city as some are doing.Its the total that counts.It could be anywhere from 1%-10?%..I think some people are unconsciously trying to fudge the numbers up to make it seem more Australians were not compliant.They were.Most of the people that I personally knew complied did not do it for fear of losing their jobs.They thought it was the right thing to do due to the non stop fear porn we had to endure with death counts on the news every night.They were truly scared.And..Australians are very easily led like a bunch of brain dead sheep...most are intellectual cowards that cannot think for themselves...this all started when marxism/critical race shite took over the Universities and then trickled down into the public service and most politicians...never forget the silence of the Liberal party to the savagery that was happening in most states especially Victoria...
The Marxification of Education: Paulo Freire's Critical Marxism and the Theft of Education
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity--And Why This Harms Everybody
Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis
The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
It has always puzzled me that in the beginning of the panic, we were shown (many times) footage of people dropping dead in the streets but iirc it was only in China. Nothing anywhere else.
Now we have vaccinated people dropping dead!
Yes, those Chinese dropping dead in the street puzzled me. Even Ebola at its worst takes a couple of days to kill you so how could this be????
Occam's Razor: it couldn't, therefore it wasn't (world-wide PR on steroids).
Production Studios on Steroids to entertain you. Dancing nurses in hospital isles, captured audiences.
I think perhaps it actually started when a middle class started to mobilise with a sense of social justice. The Billionaire Parasite Caste couldn’t allow that threat to their criminality, so they created Socialism/Communism, so they could recruit the penny parasites to act as their puppets to undermine any chance that justice might one day cast a light on their demonic infestation of human civilisation
The Marxification of Education: Paulo Freire's Critical Marxism and the Theft of Education
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity--And Why This Harms Everybody
Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis
The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Like the daily temperature readings, one cannot and should not believe anything coming out of the weaponised government departments, particularly health related departments. Everything the TGA and other commonwealth and state health bureaucrats said about Covid has been proven to be known lies.
I sure hope there are a lot more than 500K who never took any of the products, for the sake of the nation's future.
My family are in QLD. Extended immediately family, Mum, siblings and me, and our kids total 31 persons. Only 12 (38%) took the products primary series; 4 might have taken additional doses, I am not sure because the topic is taboo.
We are likely not typical! However, I think there was considerable quiet resistance. Certainly, I wouldn't put it above the government to fudge figures to try make the jabs look more popular (peer pressure) than they actually were.
Yeah, this is not typical at all in my experience. I was banned from Xmas and in-person visits in general, had various pressuring from family members. My direct family numbers are 2 unvaxxed from about 20 total.
I was the only unvaxxed at my family gather - my parents, brother, his wife, their two daughters, my sister, her husband, their two daughters, my brothers parents in law and his brother in law & his son.
So 1 in 14 which is 7%.
similar here: me the only one unvaxxed from 21 total.
1/21 makes 4%
My both sides family stats are 10%, afaik.
So sorry to hear this happened in your family, the media and government are to blame... Media crap like this:
The messaging would have programmed many into fear...
My mate (always ribbed him as he gets every shot religiously, we call him a hypochondriac, he laughs with us, good bloke) he even said, WTF is up with this bullsh!t on TV... If you've had the shot you're protected aren't you? He gave the example of his flu shot ... He gets it because he doesn't want the flu, but he's not scared if you haven't had the flu shot, because he's protected*, even he could see it... And he was sh!t scared of covid, even he didn't see what this push was all about.
It's so sad they divided family and friends like this, there's too many to put on trial.. if we ever win back the world.
(*didn't want to say that flu shot might not work either, but he made a good logical point!)
And that’s the worry aspect of it all, at least your friend could understand the logic of “if I’ve taken it, I’m protected so I don’t need to shut you out”, but so so many couldn’t process that logic. It still blows my mind how gullible people were and how human decency ended up in the toilet.
Alot learned about human nature and none of it good.
One good thing I learnt was who had my back, unconditionally. And who didn’t.
a "reset" :-((
100%...I blame the media and government messaging... Luckily a few in my social circle saw through it
I know of people who paid off doctors. I believe under 5% unvaccinated though.
I'm also aware of people who took vaccines for other people (so they had multiple more shots than they were meant to)
I was personally offered such, but couldn't accept for moral reasons. I couldn't live with myself if they died
I don't know...I've always struggled to believe the figures. I know so many people who are unvaxxed.. And the people I know who were vaxxed never went back for boosters. By my estimation there were about 350k people in Canberra for the Feb 22 March....(used Six maps to mark the area and 4 people per sq m for my calculation). I suspect most people who were there weren't vaxxed and there were many more unvaxxed Aussies who would have liked to have been there that day.
I do think there were some angry protestors who took it unwillingly though. I marched with some.
yeah, I don't doubt it. What we were subjected to was outrageous
talking about Canberra, remember all politicians did not need to be vaxxed. And those people made sure their families weren't either.
Melbourne protests had around 700k, of course some would have been forced to take it but there would be at least another 700k not going to the protests out of a Vic population of 6.5m
I find it very doubtful indeed that only around 38,000 West Aussies are unjabbed. I know so many. Me and my wife, my mum, plenty of my friends.
To me it seems like it must be a much higher number than that.
And 300k Aussies nation-wide? Yeah nah, I just don't buy it.
Same here, I know many unjabbed, 38,000 seems like a lie
Hi Rebekah, anecdotally I know very few people percentage-wise that are unjabbed, to the extent that when a few acquaintances learned I was a filthy unclean late last year, they were genuinely shocked.
“None at all?? Have you had covid?!”
Because my social circle is largely professional city types, parents etc, I know of no others that didn’t get at least the first 2, often including their kids in the deal, and would not be surprised if the numbers in WA are as low as 36-40k ... perhaps we forget at the time just how extreme the restrictions on our liberties were, and a LOT of people who had held out relented in that Jan/Feb 22 period just to be able to leave the state to see relatives etc.
The NSW Government data revealed between 10-15% had no vaccination (approx 1,000,000 in NSW) which tends to suggest that in a similar vein up to 5,000,000 in Australia are not vaccinated. Then you may add those citizens who only had one jab which does not equate to complete immunisation. My understanding is that these data represent the state government of NSW assessment. Understandably these data have been withdrawn from public access to my knowledge.
If including babies and children, that's plausible based on Aus Gov figures.
Vaccine Hesitancy, was the principal driver of all media, and all efforts were around this, and this alone,
as it was seen as the danger to acceptance of their Countermeasure.
I have absolutely NO Hesitancy, in not believing the Government, what they say, the ornamental shilling
by vested interests and this includes those in the so called truth movement. This whole thing is built around
mis- information, psy-op, military run operation.
The lies, the cultivated modelling, that were in truth outrageous, the think tank psychological nudging, the
NLP, the dedicated mission of denial , the narrative was what is and that is that.
They lied about the PCR, manipulated language: " cases" .
Thorsten Drosten , Mr PCR and the WHO colluded to project the mass testing and the framework of fraud,
this is now well documented. Drosten, has been castigated by his peers, to remove his agregious paper.
The lies continued as to Death Certificates, No Autopsies, Doctors were incentivised to fabricate and
sign Death Certificates.
The use of sedation in old folks home, negligence, empty Hospitals, lies , lies and more lies.
As here in Australia, the contempt held against the population was staggering, the layer upon layer of
Media hype, propaganda, celebrity trash, making you the " owner" of " your " shot, deplorable.
Experts on every corner , selling their wears, the powers of unelected chumps , Chief Medical Officers,
whose streams of advice was never shown to,be sourced or scrutinised. This Power extended into
violence , irrational whims of Premiers and Police Commissioners , bullying, from the likes of a thug
like Brad Hazzard, and who could forget the psychopathy of Daniel Andrews, and the warbling aspirations,
of Palaszczuk, and the sneering McGowan, who was amongst the worst of the Totalitarian troubadours.
And that bloke in the Northern Territory, good heavens, what was that. ?
In the end though, it was the coming of the God , the Prince of the Normal, the Vaccine; all hail, the saviour
rises, I do not apologise for this language, as to to me, Covid the operation, the process of dehumanising,
the Fear factor, to strip away, all accepted degrees of behaviour, by the means of ' one ' word " EMERGENCY "
As was the plan , to collapse all the " legal " boundaries, to deny all judicial remedies, to censor all medical
alternate treatments and all credibility of Dissent by Medical Professionals, and rational Science, who dared
to question the Narrative.
All the figures , charts , trends , excess deaths, all the reports and tedious language, that no one understands,
the data dump, the spiral of rabbit holes , the information is overwhelming, that's the idea, but the one true
Objective, of the secret contracts, the double dealing P.M . Morrison, and look who he is with now, beasties,
of the Military Industrial Complex, and the intelligence agency, corporate cowboys for bucks and potential customers of all those bio- Countermeasures , is Command and Control, your digital " Cloud" identity your
personal bio- metric readout, and the young and the very young are the targets, always were , the data
to further develop and improve the Nanotechnology is implemented.
Vaccine Hesitancy, don't be a non- believer, the White Elephant, is the WHO, don't go looking for the tech.
Palantir, coming to,Australia to a Coles Supermarket, near you, as Coles in invisage saving 1 Billion in operation
costs, so Palantir, will be the data provider for the Coles employees, to streamline and future automation of
Jobs. Find out who and what Palantir is, it is a Goliath. If you ain't a disciple of the machine, you ain't nobody
and they are going to find you. This all started a long time ago, if you go looking you will find the freaks, who
think that the electrical human being , which you are, is their personal genetic toy, and have no human
qualities or values, it's okay that you should die, for the greater good, yeah, and finally, all the good guys
bad guys, thems nations you can't trust , oh boogie, fear and loathing, who has signed up for 2030 Agenda,
All of Them. Putin , said it in his interview, it's time to share, the East and the West.
Thank you John for this snapshot of reality.
You would have to bet that a tonne of people in the medical industry would have falsified their injection status.
The 1.5% figure of 'have never had any Covid vaccine' matches approximately what I see in my circles.
My parents are unvaccinated and many of my extended family are unvaccinated. I had one shot each of two different vaccines, so while I was counted as fully-vaccinated I'm not double-vaccinated. I also doctored a copy of the consent form to state that I was coerced into being vaccinated and switched the forms during the appointment. I had a nasty reaction to the first shot (AstraZeneca), most likely because of residual bacterial endotoxin in the crudely manufactured 'vaccine'. Fortunately I don't have lasting symptoms. If I did I'd be seeking legal advice about suing Discount Chemist Warehouse, which administered the shot without my consent.
I'm not sure that it matters what the precise vaccination figures are. What is abundantly clear is that many people have little or no confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines and a significant proportion of the population have lost confidence in the public health system, governments and/or their fellow citizens. That is the most significant and costly legacy of the vaccine mandates; vast amounts of social capital accumulated over decades have gone up in smoke for little gain, if any. It doesn't bode well for the next pandemic, social cohesion, or any government initiative that depends on trust, goodwill and voluntary cooperation from citizens to succeed. The Voice sank without a trace because the Australian Government failed to recognise the seismic shift in public sentiment brought about by the hysterical and totalitarian response of governments to the pandemic.
Everyone I know who has been double-vaccinated has had COVID-19 at least once. My sister has had it three times. I had a mild cold a fortnight ago and tested negative for COVID-19. Other than that, I've not had a respiratory infection in over four and a half years, despite having been in close proximity to several people while they were contagious, including my wife and daughter. My impression is that the COVID-19 vaccines have facilitated the multiple waves of COVID-19. It wouldn't surprise me if the next mRNA vaccine off the rank is a commercial failure due to lack of confidence in the safety and efficacy of the technology.