1. Avoid all MSM (TV, Radio, News).

2. Spend more time in nature (one of the reasons I took up bush food foraging).

3. Slow down and take more time to observe (people-watching is a hillarious hobby, but you can watch anything: birds, insects, the wind blowing on the water etc.)

4. Become in yourself what you want the world to be: increase your kindness, generosity, hospitality, compassion, etc.

5. IGNORE THE GOVERNMENT, as much as possible.

6. Build strong friendships with an emphasis on face-to-face contact and activities.

7. Start doing daily Overcoming Isometrics to build muscle and improve overall well-being.

8. Sing and dance far more often than you have been, ya grumbling curmudgeon.

9. Cultivate the electromagnetic component of your being with a carefully chosen spiritual discipline.

10. Stand firm on your principles & ethics and never back down, even if you must suffer so-doing.

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Develop strong community relationships with like minded people.

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Fantastic advice. You live in an extremely beautiful part of the world. Every day that the sun comes up is an amazing day. You are alive!!

Screw forced vaccination, anything could happen at any moment, can’t spend your life worrying about it.

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Yes to all of this. Can't say I've tried Overcoming Isometrics, specifically though!

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I only started those last week thanks to Jonathan over at Nerve & Muscle (here on Substack). I've been really enjoying the simplicity of straining my muscles in 8-10 sec bursts upon immovable objects.

Also incorporating Maxalding, which is 100% mental muscle contraction and relaxation, with the objective of 100% muscle control:


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Thank you J.P, I even captured the book "Complete callanetics : the best collection of Callan Pinckney's exercises: including callanetics and super callanetics" on that site.

Body and Brain Health is most important! Seek within thyself; Accord with Your Gut Instinct - Our Other Brain; Be True Thyself and Remember "Sticks n Stones Can Break My Bones BUT Names Will NEVER Hurt Me."

Call Me What You Want, I Am At Peace with Thyself.

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Excellent advice there J.P.

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I live in Canada and started getting serious about my spiritual journey right around the time our Prime Minister decreed that the unvaccinated would not be able to fly or use buses or trains to travel. At the same time my provincial government (British Columbia) directed that we were not allowed in restaurants and for the first time in my life I had a taste of what it is like to be marginalized. I was fearful of these sudden changes and furious with my family and friends who did not object to this treatment of around 20% of their fellow citizens. Right in the middle of this, my husband and I did our first plant medicine experience and subsequent sessions coupled more importantly with daily integration work got me past those fears. In brief, I am quite accepting of the idea that we each create our own reality, and the place from which we do that is the only time and place that actually exists, which is the “here and now”. Many of the excellent coping suggestions made in these replies point to methods that will take someone into the present moment, especially getting into nature as much as possible and this is vital, but maybe what is essential to understand is that every moment of every day, we have a choice to live either in fear or in love. You cannot do both as they are opposite states of consciousness. We get to choose, and if I am correct that we create our reality from the present moment, it is imperative to consider the choice we make in each moment because that creates how the next moment will play out. It doesn’t mean that we won’t encounter difficult situations. We are here to awaken. The world isn’t here to make us happy. It is here to challenge us and if we aren’t awakening, a higher/deeper part of our essential being may pull in circumstances to help us awaken. The difference is the state of consciousness we choose to hold when these things come around. So my suggestion is to be as present as possible, even if just briefly, several times a day. Usually a reliable way to practice this is to fully focus on the rise and fall of your breath just for a moment or two at first. You will notice that if you are focused just on that, the incessant thinking and subsequent emoting that have been creating your reality willy-nilly up until that point, will stop briefly. Start to get in touch with that part of you that is the witness to your current life and be curious about who you, and everyone else truly is which is not the person/personality we think we are.

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This is an epic list. Love your work mate :-)

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Thank you very much ÷)

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I will say it first. To attack the Overton Window with my Humanity, my courage and my obdurate refusal: I will RESIST UNTO DEATH Mandated Injections. To Rule me, They must kill me. They shall rule ONLY my dead body. I offer only untramnelled violence and death to ANYONE who would inject me. This is not to big note myself, nor am I a heroic character. But I will NOT give up my body Sovereignty to any government or body or person, ever. Join me. Or be killed, injured and enslaved.

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There are so many good suggestions here that I can only add what I haven't seen yet.

This is maybe a more passive-aggressive activity but inspired by actions of the French resistance, except from an almost humorous POV. I recall reading something years ago about how the Soviets used to ban humorous writing because it was so effective in its rebellious and mocking nature. At the time I read it, we didn't really have memes like we do now. But the humor aspect has stuck with me--it's really difficult for the TPTB to stand up to humor that's biting in its depiction.

So to me, as part of my determination to enjoy my life, family, nature and self-care, if I find a sly way to rebel, I take advantage of the situation. If I'm expected to hurry to some official thing, I slow down so as to annoy those who are invading my space/privacy/well-being. If someone wearing a mask is talking to me, I act like I can't understand them until he or she is forced to pull it down to speak. If I'm forced to take a survey, I answer in a way that makes me boring and insignificant and doesn't give the answers they seek to define me or justify their directives.

In other words, I keep a part of myself hidden and rebel in tiny ways that make me laugh inside and throw a little wrench in the works. It's a small thing but it helps.

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:D Annoying passive resistance. Love it :D

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I have my little stand of resistance on the robo surveys...

When they ask "What gender do you identify as M, F, Other". I reply to the empty space "I don't 'identify' as a gender, I am a gender", and then hang on the phone without pressing a button, and then it's asked again, and I reply again to the empty space with the correct grammar, and keep hanging on, and I run it through as many cycles as it will go.

I finally got a call that said "What is your gender?", thought it was an acceptable question, and pushed the button for F.

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I love this and yes the little wrenches help x

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I love this so much. Much dignified 😍

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Love this

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As an employee of the QPS, I was forced to take the substance to keep my job. I suffered a psychological injury - Being forced to inject something I did not want to inject. Work cover found that although the ‘vaccine’ did not stop infection or transmission, it was an experimental substance, ATAGI did not know the long term effects, the TGA approved it to prevent covid and it was proven to not prevent covid and that ultimately it was an unlawful mandate - that it was still somehow reasonable management action … and Work cover stand by that decision- there is no justice - covid turned normal people and government organisations into utter megalomaniacs….

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That's horrific and I'm sorry for you. But I do wonder about the term 'forced'. Yes, you were, but nobody was 'forced'. That's what the article is about. I earn very little, and lost 100% of my business overnight due to border closures. I support my family just on the little that I made. But at no point did I consider for a second, to inject a known biotoxin into my body. And yes, it was known right from the start, for those who researched it. It was WAY before Phizer's 55,000 page document dump made by court order.

NO job is worth that to hold onto. I told my wife that we would be living under a bridge before any of us took that jab and anyone who comes to our home if it comes down to forced jabs, will understand ramifications, whatever the outcome.

We need to assess our language. Yes, their is regret, but people chose a job over their own health and human rights. There's always other work to find. Maybe not in your field as an RN or whatever, but hey - it's your body. There is no backup. And they were clear that there would be no recourse or accountability, right from the start. Red flag right there.

I hope you were one of the lucky ones that got the saline. :-)

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Thanks for your best wishes about saline, i hope so too. At that time, I was still a bit oblivious… i was expecting my data, proof and common sense would be listed to…. I actually, truly expected everyone to say ‘oh gosh, i didn’t realise all that, yes, you’re right, no more mandates’ - as ridiculous as it seems now, back then i did feel ‘forced’ because i wanted to keep my job, i couldn’t believe it was coming to that … i will never be ‘forced’ again, because now i am wide awake to how this shit works….so, i understand your point, but i was not as astute as you until a bit later on 🙂

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I know too much. Sometimes I am jealous of the peace of the sleeping, but you cannot go back and I made a decision a few years back to live on my feet, and not regretted it. I am proud that I have protected my children and of being and recognising I am brave. Compartmentalising what I know and am fighting, when slipping back into the everyday, is the only way to stay sane for me. Living in the moment with my family, enjoying the simple things and understanding that if the present contains the things we are scared of losing, not enjoying what is good here and now is wasteful. And using the painful knowledge to plan for the worst while hoping for the best gives a slither of security.

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“How do you live with fear?

How do you maintain hope, optimism, love, fortitude and all the good traits that get us through and help us to be useful?”

When your worse fear is realized and you are free falling into the abyss… go with it. Knowing / believing God will provide (the best Avenue for your heart to recognize the best solutions that will materialize). Don’t be wedded to logistics or rational outcomes. Yes, have a plan, but allow for last minute contingencies.

When all seems lost and you think it’s over. Wait for it. Every single time I think it’s done, I am awestruck with the miracle that is God and the vision for my life and the perfection of the universe.

I see I’m sounding like a Bible thumper, which is not my intent, or true, but when you release fear, aka offer it up to God, it fear is replaced with love which seems to translate to fearlessness and love without end.

And, when/if forced to go against your physical will, find the strongest oxidant for the circumstance. Immediate need: have zeoboost on hand. Take as soon as possible. Couple with chelated charcoal (don’t forget to hydrate) and follow what your body is telling you to do next.

Peace and good health to you 💕

These are tough times. But we can navigate the powers that be.

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The Bible works as an awesome spiritual resource for many and Christian culture is the culture of the Western world where most of the readers of this threat will originate. Therefore I think it is totally appropriate to mention the Bible and Christian spirituality and even Christian religion as a resource.

Saying this, I also know that many people can't relate to Christianity and the Bible anymore. Some have even an aversion against it because of various reasons and personal experiences. To those people I want to say, that there are many other spiritual paths and practices outside the Christian Western Overton Window - systematically suppressed and belittled for thousands of years by the dominant Christian culture in the Western world.

I, for example, found a wonderful spiritual home in Advaita Vendanta (Non-dual spirituality), just to name one. In other words, if a belief based spiritual system based on a 2000 year old badly written book that doesn't makes much sense to you turned you into an atheist, there are many other beautiful, more modern, experience based, investigative spiritual systems out there that can connect you with spirit and the heart and that give lasting peace. Seek and you shall find.

And don't let the weird Christian quotes that the only way to God is through Jesus confuse you. It is 100% false. Many, many people at all times and around the globe found God by other means - that is just a historical fact. There wouldn't be a Buddha, for example, if this statement was true.

Personally, I consider Jesus as a very important mystic that taught very important things and I know that a personal spiritual relationship with Jesus is a wonderful thing.

But in my opinion, the early teachings of Jesus have been weaponized, politicized and misused by some early Christians to beat the Roman Empire, and they succeeded. Islam (ISIS), Judiasim (see justifications for the Gaza genocide) and Christianity are and always have been weaponized to wage war and violence for millennia and are, as a system, support the enslavement of humanity and totalitarian values. This has nothing to do with Jesus and his teachings, of course. I just want to make people who love Jesus aware of these dynamics in order that they deliberately and openly distance themselves from these at their core totalitarian systems. Everything else is hypocritical of illusionary, in my opinion. A person that criticises and opposed totalitarian states by embracing traditional Christianity it really only exchanging one narrow totalitarian world view with another one. Apologies for going off topic a bit.

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You will be able to build a larger resistance movement if the average IQ is raised by getting Fluoride out of the Water in Western Australia.

America could become a safe haven if Judge Chen orders immediate cessation of Fluoridation Industrial Waste Disposal.


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I thought I was smart living on rainwater, now I know why!

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And surveys in South Australia and New South Wales showed children drinking rainwater had superior teeth, as long as their consumption of sugary drinks was low.

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Hi Geoff

I noticed that my rainwater in the concrete tank is 7pH, but the plastic tank is 6.5pH. I put the house onto the plastic tank for a week or two and the hot water started to leave copper stains on the sink!

The 40 year old hot water system was mostly running on the concrete tank water, so did not deteriorate!

It would be interesting to see what the corrugated iron tanks pH is?

I assume that the 7pH would not affect teeth but the 6.5pH could?

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Hi Martin

The concrete would have leached Calcium Carbonate.

Rainwater at pH 6.5 will be due to Carbon Dioxide dissolved to make Carbonic Acid which is the reason our oceans are becoming too acid for things like coral to survive. I might have some data on pH of galvanized iron tanks buried somewhere.

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could the plastic in the tanks contribute to it?

I read about corrugated tanks years ago and they said that the develop some kind of bacterial ecology in the water that grows on the walls and floor and eats all sorts of toxins and makes the water more pure! Have you heard about that research?

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Lots of research on water tank biofilms. When you follow your ancestors to a babbling brook and scoop up a handful of crystal clear water, observe what is clinging to the rocks.

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I have a Wart, so I drink the Wart Killer that Shall Go Throughout My Whole Body That Shall Do Much Damage to All of My Organs and Brain. But it Got Rid of My Wart!

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Good luck finding a safe place outside of Australia. Was it Solzhenitsyn who said something like 'if only enough people had put up some resistance - but they went like lambs to the slaughter.' I look out of my window and remind myself that where there is life there is hope, because there I see cheeky parrots nipping flower heads off a ground creeping grevillea and eating them. Keep your head down - keep an eye out for trouble - and fly when trouble emerges?!? Think like the resistance fighters - and risk death.

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I had similar thoughts regarding leaving Australia if the madness returns. Poorer, not-western countries, especially in Africa, get more attractive by the year. Malawi, for example, is a beautiful country with beautiful people. There are many more. However, Australia has advantages too.

I am probably privileged because I own a German EU passport and a NZ passport while being permanent residence in Australia. However, NZ, at times, looks even worse than Australia and the EU and Germany are going down the totalitarian avenue as well, full steam.

In Australia, the immense space of the continent somehow calms me and gives me some sense of security. Maybe I fool myself, but it gives me that sense that I can get away and out-of-sight from a totalitarian state and their snitches.

Fortunately, my wife can find jobs in outback communities literally thousands of kilometres away from the big cities where the madness will escalate first. We already talking about Arnhem Land which is an Aboriginal Reserve since 1931. It is very remote through the distance and bad roads and hardly any infrastructure. It is as big as Hungary or Portugal but has a population of under 16.000 people of which 12.000 people are Aboriginals.

It has spectacular sceneries (think Indiana Jones Movies, which were shot in the adjacent Kakadu National Park.) It is very difficult to get permission to live there as non-Aboriginal, but possible for some health staff. Roads are unsealed and it takes about 24 hours of driving just to get to Darwin, the next big city, It is 4000 km from Sydney and would require 56 hours (over 4 days) of non-stop driving to get there.

There are a lot of places like that in Australia, some are even more remote, little islands between Australia and Papua New Guinea, for example. There are not many places on this Earth where you can still get away from mad rulers. Owning an off-road camper trailer and 4WD also gives me comfort.

I am not naive. When and if the totalitarian surveillance state is completed, this won't help me because I could be stopped on the first petrol station with a declined card. However, it would take many years to implement the total police state, so we might to be able to squeeze out several more years of freedom compared to Europe or NZ.

I am also hoping that maybe certain substances will be found useful to neutralize an injection immediately after or can be even used immediately before injection to neutralize the poison. My hopes are on Chloride Dioxide (MMS drops), an amazing oxidation chemical that breaks down heavy metals and many other chemicals.

I am hoping that an underground resistance movement of doctors and nurses will manage to set up "fake" vaccination records.

I believe in the collective creativity of life that will come up with good solutions to meet challenges as they appear.

There is more, but this is just a comment section so I leave it at that.

Important great article. Thank you Rebekah.

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ZimBoz I noted this week that the 4 major cities in South Africa are in the top 10 most dangerous cities to live in. This is painful for those of us who have left for a better life but considering going back. Instead, we are moving to an awake community in west Oz, surrounded by people who think like us, grow food, find solutions and opt out of govt control. Hoping that this will also provide a option for our kids long term.

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Wow, so much to process there. The bit about irregular electricity supply hampering surveillance got my attention.

I personally know several South Africans who immigrated to Oz and they are industrious and decent people. I’m always happy to work alongside them.

Given the interest in these comments in pushing back against the unlawful actions of the occupation criminals I’m wondering whether we can gather a group of like minded souls to begin issuing notices of liability?

Several high level politicians in Australia have been dethroned by this method so it is proven effective.

Anyone interested in sending out notices?

Let me know with a thumbs up.

Until next time, illegitimi non carborundum! (Don’t let the bastards grind you down)

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I’m an old lady in an armchair, and have experienced as number of events over my life that are considered “adverse”. I also ended up with major depression and ended up in psych world. One thing I observed was that many people take victim as their identity, others make a career out of it. From my point of view, you might be on, become the best version of yourself that you can be. ( revenge on those who chose to do you harm). When you do that you find a resilience within yourself you didn’t know you had. Treat yourself and others with compassion- we have not walked in their shoes. I will tell a story here, in 2020, my son asked me would I care for his friend who had terminal brain cancer, I agreed. He had become completely disconnected from his family. One night I had to take him to ER at the hospital treating him. I spoke to the resident doctor who asked my relationship, I said I wasn’t related, I’ll admit my son’s friend was judged by others. When I was asked why I was involved, I said I’m totally dependent on a pension, I have nothing to give except compassion, the doctor had a stunned look, like the idea was a foreign concept. As for the legislation I believe similar exists here n Victoria. During the pandemic the NT had foreign troops working alongside people lice to abduct aboriginal elders from remote communities, and take them to quarantine to be vaccinated. In other countries the “ illegal “ aliens are being trained in third world countries by 1st world armies. In the UK. Black Watch troops are training these people overseas, and their men cement is facilitated by the UN IOM - international office of migration. The elite are hoping that when they are ready to enslave us that these embedded armies will overwhelm local populations. Michael Yon has that one pegged. Otherwise I have a deep sense of spiritually- we are made in god’s image, believe in him, not the many fakes who claim to represent him.

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great post Julie, thank you

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I addressed these concerns in 2021-2022 when the 'nowhere to hide' and 'going door-to-door' and 'hunting' rhetoric was being used. I quietly canvassed all options. It was not peaceful time.

The heat is off at the moment, and I have no concerns.

But were the heat to come on again, I see no issue, because I've seen the loser-satanic-cults and done my thinking. Nothing but contempt.

PS: I have no plan - I just know I'll take appropriate action - call it "empowering God", if you like - nothing to think about.

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I share your fears Rebekah and Mike

My response is:

1/ Know you are not alone and many share the same emotions.

2/ As with J.P., I watch noTV, listen to no radio and read no papers.

3/ I also live my life around nature.

I am off grid with power, water, septic, and grow our own fruit and vegies.

Life is inexpensive and rewarding. I am fortunate to be old enough and secure enough to do this, though it required a lifetime of self-discipline.

4/ Love and appreciate your family and friends. I have a wonderful relationship with my son, daughter-in-law, and 2 small grandsons who I see often. Playing with them is fun and grounding.

5/ Enjoy music, good food and wine (a personal choice!) and laughter

6/ Realise that good people have suffered in terrible ways forever. Be grateful for all we do have, whatever may lie ahead.

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Love all of these. Getting less dependent on the grid is a good thing to aim for.

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Great stuff Gareth, thanks

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A bit like the curates egg some of these suggestions, anyway, I believe there are enough people who now know they've been torched by the imbeciles allegedly in charge of this farce. The original thinker's worked this rubbish out a long time ago & we're not happy. Don't get too mad, let's unite & get even or just roll over & die. First point of call, know thyself & everyone else can line up on the left, so to speak. The Aligned Council of Australia has, allegedly, 1.8 million followers. That is a big number out of just over 17 million registered "voters" & there would be plenty more enlightened ones who've NEVER heard of them. In recent times there have been an number of calls for the Senate to support ALL Australian's to investigate issues that have affected ALL Australian's without any real success. This is, of course, unacceptable. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear but there is plenty to hide. The names of these traitors are on public display for all to see. What can we do about it? Suggestion; out of this 1.8 million followers/ members of the ACA a concentrated recruitment drive to ALL of these people to bring one more person from within their own circle to join the good fight. If only 10% bring a new follower then the number grows extensively & so on & so on. Big deal you may say but out of that considerable number memberships can be offered to turn this ship, OUR ship, Australia, around. $1 per week X all fairdinkum members will create the "war chest" required to pave the way for REAL campaigns. Those creatures have got the dough, even though it's our money, we don't. Create it. Why should a few of the braver people, out the front, pay for ALL of the FOI's & expensive legal cases. As mentioned above, this nonsense affects ALL of us. When you have "skin in the game" that's when you start paying attention, well I do. As a collective we can then recruit honest people within OUR ranks to target & focus on a selection of the grubbier MP's & Senator's within their electorate, with a view of punting them as far as they can be punted. Work the system against them, it's the only way. Stay & fight because leaving will NEVER soothe your conscience & personally I would never be able to look my children, neices, nephews & grandchildren in the face again if I gave up. There is a HUGE opportunity if it is mapped out with the right spirit & creativity in mind. Happy to assist if anyone is interested.👍🇦🇺

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Thanks for the info on the Aligned Council of Australia - never heard of it before and have just joined. There's your one extra member :)

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I also had never heard of the Aligned Council of Australia and have just joined. There's one more.

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Just signed up and posted the link to my common law group.

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Does Substack have a private chat function where we can discuss your excellent comment?

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Two things I would really like in put on..

(1) How to get digitally safe? i.e. how to go online without being spied on, tracked etc. Every time I try to look into this I quickly get overwhelmed by the computer lingo and how many different things I need to do.

(2) What if your spouse doesn't share your world view? I've been red-pilled but my spouse thinks I've been brainwashed. I've told him barely anything about my current world view, simply that I never want to get another COVID shot or any other vaccine.

Thanks for this thread - I look forward to reading the responses.

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Hey KM, I can relate, on both points.

On 1) possibly the single best thing you can do (apart from going analog, which most of us can't, for work etc.), is get a secure privacy phone. I just got one, from a small company (essentially sole trader) called Three Cats - not really a plug, but they do seem to be the real deal. It's a Graphene operating system (on a de-Googled Google Pixel phone ironically), but essentially it's what Edward Snowden uses. Essentially, it's about as secure as most of us can get, and if you don't load bad apps on it, essentially you won;t get tracked and recorded everywhere you go, and your data sold. (mine cost about $1,450, but there are substantially cheaper versions (i.e. slightly older phones).

2) 100% - my in-laws (and spouse to some extent) will not see what has happened, no matter how much evidence, data and logic is presented. It can make life a bit dis-harmonius - but I've arrived at a more zen place now, where I keep periodically sharing the most relevant/important bits of info (and they keep ignoring me!), while working on the most important things - food and financial security, information-sharing, increasing spirituality and gratitude, and squeezing more fun out of every day... because if we happen to lose this fight, we may not get these relatively carefree days back...

All the best for your situation.

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Just re-read my comment - sorry for the excessive use of 'essentially'!

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Thanks so much Jake.

Yeah I've read very briefly about privacy phones. Will definitely be doing that.

Yeah, spouses! I'd be happy if mine was willing to just NOT get another COVID vax! Sigh!

Agree re focusing on the most important things and the risk that these still somewhat carefree days may come to an end.

Thanks again!

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Suggest your spouse update their will in case the next one bumps them off. And while their at it, arrange EPA Enduring power of attorney and an advance care plan in case they don't die but are permanently incapacitated. It might make them think a bit?

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I don't disagree but for them that would be confirmation that I've completely lost the plot. i.e. I think I would lose all possibility of influencing them.

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Problem is, their biological health (or lack thereof, while they roll the dice every time), is effecting yours. Those spike proteins and other adjuvants and nano-particles are now in you. The whole thing is such a mess when your spouse isnt on board...

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RE: Your In-laws. "For those who believe, no proof is needed. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible."

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Yes, it’s difficult always being ‘the merchant of alarm’ with one’s family. Yet I feel vindicated even with RFK climbing onto centre stage and all he has to say about the poor health of our civilisations. His 48 minute address to the nation last week has been a great source of optimism and given me greater peace of mind.

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No one is going to save us Sarah. We each are responsible for ourselves and have inherent power - unless we choose to give it away.

RFK, I'm sorry to say, is a member of the Club. Don't be fooled.

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After the madness I was left with so much distrust that I started collecting books. Old books and new books. Hard copies of 1984 and Brave New World. Works from modern authors who documented the Covid madness like C J Hopkins, Matias Desmet, Trish Wood, Brendan O’Neil and Ed Dowd. I hope my adult children and potentially grand children will be thankful for them when the establishment ‘rewrite’ or ban them all together. This gives me hope and keeps me busy.

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Addendum to previous comment in this thread.

It should read:

Cal Washington (Inpower Movement)

Harden the fuck up not garden the fuck up; though garden the F up is curiously appropriate too.

Gotta love the English language. I must learn to speak and write it one day, sans spell check of course.

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Garden the f up, I love it and am stealing it, thank you!!

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Cal Washington, yes, also Aussie Tom Barnett on retaining our inherent power. Stop being a victim and keep your power. Say 'no' to their offers - they're only offers folks. Here's a 15 minute video from Tom ..... https://tombarnett.tv/2023/12/19/its-all-an-offer/

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Careful using this. If you're in court, this will be considered contempt and all common law claims that I'm aware of when used to fight these mandates etc have failed.

There's a LOT of people claiming this will work. Almost 2.5 years, 3 charges and $10,000 of experience fighting literal false charges for fabricated Convid laws has shown me this. It may be correct, but our corrupted LEGAL system (not a Justice system) refuses it - so what to do?!

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The above links in my post are not common law. Check them out for yourself. Cal Washington's Notice of Liability is especially worth reading and doing, in my opinion.

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It’s very heartening to see how many of us are learning and beginning to use this lawful knowledge against the occupiers. There’s more of us than I think we realise.

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My elementary school in North Carolina canceled outdoor recess Thursday and Friday because of the heat. The announcement to the students was "out of an abundance of caution" we must stay inside. Many of our students aren't even in a room with windows. I've been in down south my whole life and August is hot. We still have a few students with masks and I have never seen their faces. This is all beyond fucked up.

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What was the temperature when they cancelled recess? (roughly)

Ps. I self-searched - in Raleigh NC it was 100F (38C) on Thursday, and only 35C on Friday.

In country Victoria Australia in 2009 we had about eight days in a row of about 108F, before getting hotter. I think the kids still played outside, maybe under the trees, and maybe they had access to inside - can't remember.

Kids still wearing masks is pretty wild.

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