Indeed, it is really a struggle between technocratic authoritarianism or technocracy on the one hand and democratic decentralisation on the other. I've placed my bet. And I'm confident of an ultimate win because the evolving technology favours the latter. It's a fight they simply cannot win because they can never pin point their enemy, let alone take the fight to him.

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I oscillate between (confident and hopeful) / (morose and fearful). Trying to stay in the former as it's a better state of mind for living. I'm glad you think democratic decentralisation is the better bet and I hope you're right.

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Any treatment that needs so much statistics to be proven or disproven likely doesn’t work.

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Statistics are "racist, sexist, and bigoted!"

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Great article. Woolies and Coles in NSW (and probably all states) still require employees to be fully vaccinated.

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Same here. And a lot of retail and mining businesses.

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And don't forget services such as RFS and SES, volunteers included. Even if they rescind, I will find it difficult to offer my support again.

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Hopefully you all down there won't have to oil up your torches and sharpen your pitch forks. We'll see what happen up here, us 'Mericans have a bit more of a violent streak in us when whole lot of people finally get pissed off enough. Then there was that whole U.S. of A. civil war thing. Politicians can be voted out of office but rarely does the bureaucracy get punished. Just look at our own wonderful king narcissist Tony Fauci, although his time yet may come. Take care, say healthy, and keep resisting in your Aussie way :)

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I just wanna write like you! Loved the article as always. Keep bringing them down!

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