But the normies will all age-assure with digital ID, and suddenly we're at the 80% stage at which things tighten, and mandates come in.

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Well that's the thing, there are ways to make things compulsory without putting them into law. So I think it's rational to be sceptical and to want to sound out any claims from the government that such and such won't become mandatory. The fact that they didn't allow time for proper scrutiny of this bill is seriously suss. But it could be as simple as them wanting a win on the board. We will know in time..

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The reality is that our choices will be: - show id, have our faces scanned or have our web use surveilled. Or use a VPN as far as possible to pretend to be overseas. In the meantime, the kids will migrate to other platforms & apps where they are free to chat. The Govt. will want to chip away at this until they can ID all web use, so we need to keep pushing back at every step. (However, there are also many people who already put their whole lives online who will be happy to give away ID too).

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Sounds about right.

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This is really about silencing dissent and cancelling those who raise legitimate criticism. Seems also the Globalists freaks seeking “World domination” most always go in small increments….most never to do with “protection” of the people…. Simply observe how little they regard human life in war zones simply observe how much power, profit and control comes to them out of it. Gazza is yet another example of this. How many journalists targeted and assassinated. They are afraid of truth getting out. Vindicate Assange!

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as covid proved:

What is the difference between conspiracy theory and fact?

About 6mths to year.

Time enough to wean yourselves off social media.

I am hoping Substact stays off this list, but if not, it may be a case of good bye electronic friends.

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“Exactly how platforms must assure the age of Australian users is yet to be determined by the eSafety Commissioner, who will decide what “reasonable steps” social media platforms should take to stop Australians under 16 from creating accounts before the laws are introduced 12 months from now.”

But they pushed it through anyway, with important aspects ‘yet to be determined’.

We have people sitting in parliaments pushing through never-ending legislation to control us. I haven’t consented to this.

Just exactly who are these people serving?

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Serving a globalist Banking cabal and their WEF front I say …because the have ability to create capital and currency with book entries and thus control most all the systems of Gov and MSM and big business ..by loan contracts and access to crucial continuing finance. All about control of the narrative and they need to get control of internet and censor it to do this. Those that control the so called AI algorithms will be the new arbiters of truth,…they hope.!

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Well, at least it doesn't affect YouTube.:)

I know that teachers have become quite dependent upon well compiled educational videos (and these do exist:)). They all have a collection of 'go to' videos they link their students to.

Interestingly, during the great plague under 16s were heavily reliant upon social media platforms to maintain their contact with peers and therefore to maintain their sanity.:)

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UPDATE: the lovely Cheryl, office assistant to my MP, Gillespie, rang back! 😄 yada yada terrible terrible such a shame goodbye 😑

Democracy in Action in Oz. Zero. Nada. Bupkis.

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I've requested a meeting with my Federal MP, David Gillespie, to find legal ways for an adult to REFUSE a Digital Prison for the crime of being a fucking adult. Fuck you FedFucks, FUCK YOU! The pedos & crooks ARE the pollies & judges in Oz. Get a 2nd passport, get ready to run, Trotts Albanese wants us to be gay, wimpy, wimmen. No offense, no nasties, just nicey-nicey, whilst the OligarOligarchs rape our land and de-industrialise us and the ATO searches our undies.

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In case you missed it – there is a recent & excellent long-form interview worth seeing on YouTube between Scottish historian Neil Oliver and former Wall Street analyst Ed Dowd on the statistical impact of the surge in injury & death on the economy, following the rollout of the mRNA injectables. Ed Dowd elaborates on the data he has been gathering for the last 18 months, but with added clarity. I can recommend spending the 63 minutes watching it.


Neil Oliver Interviews Edward Dowd - They’ve created a monster!!! - YouTube: 63 mins - 26 Nov 2024


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Here is a quote from a report on the ABC website about this legislation’s passage through the Senate:

“Most of the crossbench voted against the bill, as did Coalition senators Matt Canavan, Alex Antic, while Richard Colbeck abstained.”

Depending on the size of the electoral revolt against this degradation of our freedoms, the Coalition senators who voted for this bill may have degraded their chances of re-election - with the exception of Senators Canavan and Antic, who did the right thing by their constituents and voted against it.

It is noteworthy that the Liberal Party takes its political advice from a pollster company with a long history of failure and whose thinking is stuck twenty years in the past. That is why Labor is in the political ascendancy in nearly all the Australian states, and likely to remain so.

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Oh interesting, which pollster company is that?

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I don’t normally cite Wikipedia as an authoritative source because in ideological matters their information consists mainly of lies and deception, but in this case somebody has told the truth.

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