Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Great find Dystopian. This type of myoptic, unfounded, discriminatory view is not only illegal, but unethical and archaic. We may have thought this type of view/censorship went out in the 18th century, but there you have it in 2023...

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I think they should have mandatory vaccination forever until they phase themselves out of existence.

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Channel 9 & FoxSpews, twins. If 9 sez it's sunny I buy an umbrella. I MOCK MOCK MOCK MSM. Pity television isn't on newspaper, we wouldn't have had a dunny roll crisis.

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Great comment, AussieMan. I would nominate you for a ‘Logie’ media award, but by the time they got around to the presentation night, there won’t be any corporate media staff left to attend - they will all be in hospital with their 20th case of Covid.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

This is another example of why there can be NO amnesty for these creatures.

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Lovely article. Shared on Gettr.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

So we were never going to get an investigation from these journos who “complied”. I honestly don’t see how any state government mandate affected them though...

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Channel 9 had the lowest audience ever on a weeknight last Friday, 26k viewers.

Thank you Rebekah :)

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Ahaha I looked it up and the best bit was 7/West media gleefully reporting on it.

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And that is despite the MSM owning the company that does the ‘ ratings’ , I used to follow ratings for football games and at best they are quite suspect - they poll an extremely low amount of people that they pick and then correlate that over the millions.

Nein is Soros controlled at the end of the day - I would encourage people to not watch any MSM and do not support them in any way.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023

Ratings - I would not believe a word from them - the ratings are most likely lower

OzTAM is an Australian audience measurement research firm that collects and markets television ratings data. It is jointly owned by the Seven Network, the Nine Network and Network Ten, and is the official source of television ratings data for all metropolitan television in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth as well as subscription services (such as Foxtel) on a national basis.

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"The dispute is set to be a high-profile test case of legal claims being made by unvaccinated people following employment terminations."

Fuck yes. Will be following this.

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First Quote from the article:

“The workplace entry requirement must have been very unpopular to people who have eyes and full cognitive function”.

I think that the problem is that the people who manage Nine News simply do not have ‘full cognitive function’. Nine News epitomises the fact that most of the people in these Australian media corporations live & work in a Cartoon World – they are detached from reality. Although that is also true of the wider Fake News industry, Nine News is an egregious example. The viewing material that they push out to their ‘viewers’ every day is pretty much trash. It is aimed at the lowest possible intellectual denominator of the Australian market - which I am beginning to suspect might actually be the people who manage the Australian health bureaucracies!

I have come to accept that Hell does indeed exist in the afterlife, and I now know what it is. ‘Hell’ can be defined as being forced to watch endless reruns of Nine’s ‘Footy Show’ for all eternity. ‘Purgatory’ is less of a problem however, because it is temporary. It is just a combination of Nine’s fake reality TV shows, interspersed with excerpts from Nine’s Nightly Fake News broadcasts that show the Australian media’s strange obsession with traffic accidents – usually consisting of a ‘journalist’ interviewing another ‘journalist’, who is usually always an attractive female clutching a microphone, standing in front of a crashed car. I would have expected that with Nine News noble commitment to ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’, that occasionally they would have an ugly person as the presenter – after all most of us are pretty repulsive, as any walk through a shopping mall will demonstrate.

Second Quote:

“Nine News still strongly recommends boosters for all staff, and will offer paid leave to those who wish to attend a vaccination appointment.”

On the basis of that statement, I think that the Nine News “People and Culture” lady should start furiously saving-up to pay for the fleet of barristers that she is going to need to defend herself in the Nuremberg-style courts that will appear on the horizon, once more and more of the Nine News employees succumb to the long-term physiological damage triggered by the inadequately tested, toxic mRNA genetic injectables. In short, Nine News mandatory injection policies have contravened all principles of human decency, and they cannot be excused.

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Not just car accidents, they and 7 are just full on siren chasers. The obsession is simple, the world is a dangerous place and people take too many risks ie stay `safe'. (We will advise you on what you need to do via our news items)

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They needed as many people jabbed to transfect the others with the killing elements. These are self spreading vaccines, the unjabbed have the same problems with their blood as the jabbed. Hopefully we have a bit more time, but blood damage is blood damage, and 5g is the killswitch. This sucks.

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I really wonder if these politicians and their puppets the politically appointed public servant CMO’s who can’t find a job in the real world are sleeping well ATM

15/20% excess death not to mention horrific vaccine injuries and obviously something in the vaccine clotting blood and then of course the % birth rate decrease.

The amount of vax heading to the ovaries was actually disclosed in the Pfizer trials, it was a huge amount- anyone could read it - I did- I also noted more people died on the vaccine side than the placebo side of the trials and by a substantial amount not to mention a big increase in heart problems on vax side.

There was also a girl very seriously vaccine injured during the trials that was hidden - but not hidden enough that many people knew about it.

If you looked all this info was available.

How are those politicians sleeping!!!

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Great article. I know another company that still has a covid vaccination policy but has exempted certain employees from it. So there are unvaxxed onsite but they have a vax policy barring unvaxxed from attending. Feels a bit discriminatory but seems like companies are doing what they like, supported by government.

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Could I ask you to re-consider one of your own mind-sets, shared with most of the self-satisfied population, that has allowed this evil to be perpetuated? You still adhere to the mainstream medicine mindset that everyone who is sick, is directly to blame for some misbehaviour or negligence that led to their sickness. They (and you) fixate on symptoms and not causes of disease. Obesity is NOT a disease. It is a symptom. Inflammation is NOT a disease, it is a symptom. The same can be said for just about every disease labelled by mainstream medicine. They are not the disease, they are the symptom.

The disease, is poisoning. Poisoning is poisoning. Most of us have not voluntarily poisoned ourselves. Instead our governments have forced unavoidable poisoning on us, via the air, the waves, and the food and water supply. Our bodies do their utmost to mitigate that poisoning. Our bodily responses to that poisoning, including blood sugar and blood lipids irregularities, are NOT our fault. Failing to control or fix those bodily responses in the face of continued and ongoing poisoning is NOT our fault.

For the many millions worldwide who suffer from obesity or inflammation, please back off the with fat shaming and blame, and address the real issues.

You have fat shamed me in your article above and I do not like it.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023Author

Hi Christine,

Thank you for taking the time to share this.

I agree with everything you wrote until the final two lines.

This may be a good time to share with you that I have been in recovery for an eating disorder for 14 years. I work with women in recovery on a weekly basis, and I consider myself to be 'in recovery' but not cured. I understand keenly that obesity is a symptom of all manner of issues, some physical, some environmental, some emotional, etc.

My point above was that aiming for metabolic health is a more scientific approach to protecting against poor Covid outcomes than is wantonly promoting vaccination to an entire workforce, regardless of individual risk factors. As this was not the focus of the article, I used reductive rhetoric to make a quick, sharp point before moving on.

I don't agree that obesity as it relates to health and healthcare is not a 'real issue'. It's one of the realest issues facing the Western world. I do not agree that stating a fact - obesity is a major risk factor for poor Covid outcomes - is 'fat shaming.' I made no comments about the reasons why people may be obese. Sedentary lifestyle has a lot to do with this, especially for for workers in office settings such as large media companies.

I completely agree that the reasons for obesity are complex, and it is not a simple case of calories in/calories out. I also would say that our society is essentially rigged to make people sick. I appreciate your nuanced take on health, the nervous system, and so on that you explore on your Substack. This is not the primary focus of my work on this platform, though it consumes a lot of my time in my private, offline life in attending to my own recovery and working with others. I am happy to take your comments on board and look for opportunities to point to these complexities and paradigms where possible. I hope you will take my words as I meant them, free of any judgement.

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Fine, just be aware that I felt "fat shamed" - there is too much of it on Substack from all sorts of different commentators. Somehow, if you are overweight, bugger off, you deserve what you get. I am unvaxxed and got covid and long covid, and let me tell you, I am also "covid shamed" by the unvaxxed because obviously I must have done something wrong to get sick and clearly I deserve no help to get well. I "let the unvaxxed team down". What a lonely nightmare this journey is.

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I understand 🙏🏻

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Infection with what? How do these entities test for something they can't even produce?

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