It was my choice not to get vaccinated. I also my choice to throw away my life to uphold that choice. I lost my job, my house, my right to work, my entire life. Everything I had worked for in my adult life of 30yrs, I had to choose to forfit, in order to have my choice not to vaccinate. I also served my country for a decade to have those choices, they also experimented on me in there too.

Fuck you, fuck all of you. Fuck any of you who had a position of power and used it to tell me my choices....

Fuck you and your choices.

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I'm sorry. That is inexcusable. You should never have had to choose between your right to your own body, and your right to everything else.

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Sorry for being angry. Seeing that Muppet talking like that.....man....i got angry.

Thank you for all you do.

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I think anger is appropriate. I just hope you can move through it. It's bad for your health to stay angry for too long.

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It is a controlled anger mate. I am building a beautiful new life for myself in remote Australia. My day to day life is as calm as it has ever been, reconnecting with the real and natural world, I am living free and healthy.

It's only your excellent reporting that gets me fired up! 😅 and never let that stop you. You fight the good fight and heaps of people on here have your back.

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Pure heroism. WE WILL NOT COMPLY 🦅

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Hi Mate. I understand and share your anger. There should be anger, I agree with Rebekah that anger can be bad for health but equally anger can be righteous too, a controlled anger used to bear down on enemies of humanity, to punish them. For me the architects of the Covid-19 scamdemic are overwhelmingly Jewish. Acts like this scamdemic and forced vaxxing are just part and parcel of Jewish behavior. This isn't the first time they have pulled this shit, they have a long history of attacking the 'goy'. They need and they will receive appropriate justice.

I lost my job as a nurse at a rural NSW hospital due to my non-vaxxed status and it was nearly two years before I returned to work as a nurse again, for an aged care facility. I am glad to be back at work, I don't regret not taking the vax one little bit. I havent taken the Covid-19 vaxx, nor will I ever be taking another vaxx again. They are filth, made by Jewish filth.

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You have every right to get angry. This must have been one of the most despicable periods in history. I don’t know how strong I would have been in your circumstances but I was pretty damned certain that I wasn’t going to take it and the more it was pushed the more determined I was. We need more who took it to become as angry and to see what was done to them so that it never happens again. Most I know are simply in denial, still think it was the right thing to do or are totally apathetic.

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Anger is what they want, it fires and enlivens the blood. The fact you're alive to feel it might one day be worth all the loss.

They're using words now, and the name of the new variant is Pirola, which sounds like parola and pyrola.

These words mean something significant in Italian and Latin and Greek-

Google translate is your friend.

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Omicron delta


Media control


I think not

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And the anagrams yes!! . I cannot access any of those programs now .



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PHEIC Public Health Emergency of International Concern, declared by WHO, is pronounced correctly by all presstitutes as FAKE.

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And the anagrams . I cannot access any of those programs now .



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G'day mate, I know integrity doesn't pay the bills but you have it in spades, all the best.👍

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Cheers mate, appreciate it.

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George, well written. That is the reality, isn't it. It's f'd that you had to give up all that you have built in your life just to remain alive because of some stupid ideal. I was vax injured 50 years ago and have not have one since, but then I am retired now so I was not working when they forced people to choose. I know it would be very difficult to choose between feeding my family, keeping the home I put so much into just to stay alive. But I suspect I would do the same as you. My life has been hell because of that vax 50 years ago. I don't have a house, I don't have savings but I worked hard in my life and I contributed to much on this planet. I have nothing to show for it because I had to spend all of my money on trying to fix the health damage they caused. Thank God you will be free from expensive health issues.

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Sep 6, 2023
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Wow, how terrible. Typhoid shot ruined my health & 27 yrs later ended up with fecal peritonitis. That's what typhoid does. I wonder if it was live in the shot.

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Sep 6, 2023
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I got it, about remote Australia the way to go. True, unless you need your hip healers nearby and health food stores. Sunshine Coast hinterland is as far as I can go.

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I see it, about remote Australia being the way to go. I can't be too remote as I need a good health food store and my healers. I'm Sunshine Coast hinterland. Glad to hear you think remote is the way to go as it is a bit spooky in AU because it is so quiet. I'm used to the uproar of the US. But of course that uproar helps us as well.

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Sep 7, 2023
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The karma must be swift and sweet.

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It must. The sacrifices to not get vaccinated, will pale in comparison....

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Maxxed irony: if you really pay attention, they are not lying! Vaccines were not compulsory:

A. There was no legal mandate to vaccinate: everything was illegal!

B. No police forced you to get pricked, so until they grab you, they are not really forcing you, right?

C. Penalty of home-imprisonment was not coercion, just a nudge. “No jab, no job” can’t be possibly understood as “no jab, no life”: no business, no mortgage, no home, no education, no surgery, no hospital, no dentist, no public transport, no travel, no bank, no public buildings, no restaurant, no bar, no gym.

D. Those injections were NOT vaccines, just poison, some call them "gene-therapy" but they were bio-bombs.


E. Not vaccines but haccines (6x hack ... they love that satanic number):

1. They hacked cell DNA nucleus to produce lethal spike proteins and other lethal proteins forever (even the cells replacing them, because it was inserted in the DNA)

2. They hacked your cell DNA, including carcinogenic Simian Virus SV40 sequence.

3. They hacked your immune system by disarming and destroying it with HIV biotech inserted in the spike.

4. They hacked your body into a walking shrapnel bomb: you became a "vaccine shedder" to get your closest.1

5. They hacked you with para-magnetic nano carbon/graphene tubes to turn environmental EMF into electricity to power nano-chips:

6. They hacked your body with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth, picked by your phone and re-transmitted to a DoD human-ID website.

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

For example, I start with this video (2 minutes):


(caveat: pot destroys your brain…)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach and all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the owner, with his 2 grown up siblings, failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)… by the way, he first took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!:

4 min. (0.75 speed):


Where’s the plane for the 2nd Tower (WTC1)?


Controlled demolition?


Why is 9/11 called a Pearl Harbor event? Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.) and MUCH MORE:

Please read and watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Pllllleeeeease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.

1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!

2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on

3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS

4. Heavy metals

5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies.

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).

Proof of criminal intent:

Points 7 and 8

Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures

Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (howbad.info)

Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate

That proves:

A. There's zero Government control

B. There's zero Manufacturer liability

C. There's zero Media coverage

D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!

E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


Change goes in hand with the number of awakened! Thank you for sharing this to save lives!

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"so until they grab you, they are not really forcing you"

Police would often grab, detain or fine those trying to leave their homes, so, yes, it was compulsory.

Only in the deluded innerworkings of a control freak psychopath who arrogantly thinks their attempts to mass murder and kill do they victim-blame and say the victim had a "choice".

Coercion - which is only slightly less strong word for compulsion - is where one stacks the playing field to their own advantage. Threatening to destitute entire families is coercion, and for the intents of Informed CONSENT, coercion is INVALID. It is not, and never will be, a "choice" by any stretch of the definition.

Illegal means also use force and coercion. We'd call that kidnapping. STILL COMPULSORY.


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Great stuff!

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I quit my caregiver job when forced to vaccinate. I'll never work another pay roll job or spend a dollar on Obamacare.

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My career of many decades was over as well. I do not regret my choice.

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These were crimes against humanity. Unfortunately the fluoride in the water has us all passive.

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Thank you for posting here.

May those who committed these crimes be held accountable before the law.

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Oh George - how are you surviving now?

Have u found other work?

What about housing?

Has your family stood by you?

Thankyou for Serving Your Country - YOU are the real hero standing up for the Truth...

May God Bless YOU abundantly, May the Compassionate Love of Jesus Christ enfold you amd May the Holy Spirit lead you onwards - be encouraged, be inspired, be empowered - YOU were NOT deceived.

Praise the Lord...

Love & Blessings In Jesus Mighty Name, Melinda xx

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Life is coming good again. I have found happiness again in a remote area of Australia and an amazing station family have given me work. A rebirth that suits me very well. I am a long way from the tentacles of the evil that had control of my past life. Very much understanding the value of close community, something lost to those existing in the rat race, something I am now just realising was that 'thing' missing in my life. Thanks for your thoughts.

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Sorry to hear that and so many similar stories.

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Exactly right, "fuck you, fuck all of you." This is the harsh reality. Like you, I made a choice, and it was the only RIGHT one to make. Countless others made the WRONG choice even though they knew it was NOT what they wanted. People need to stop blaming the order givers and start with the order followers. If just half of those who did NOT want to do something against their knowledge had said FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU ALL, #JustSayNO, then NONE of that shit would have happened. This did NOT start with the plandemic. It started long ago and continues, whereby human beings give up their REPONSIBILITY-FREEDOM-POWER bit by bit and the three go hand in hand. You can have the best human rights document in your hand, you can hold the Holy Qur'an above your head, but if you do not have POWER then those that do, can and WILL use it against you. So that stupid naive lazy "hopeful trust" of those you surrendered power to: teachers, lawyers, politicians, butchers, etc, and did not even retain any control over as would be the case in a self-governing "Jamahiriya" i.e. self-governing society where all power is in the hands of the people via grass-roots consensus decision-making i.e. legislative People's Congresses and executive People's Committees which replace all administration and are directly accountable to, and supervised by, the People's Conferences. YES, taking responsibility is HARD WORK: it requires what at most 5% of Australiens do, which is to THINK and REFLECT, and it requires getting off your backside and taking responsibility and it requires cooperation with others, not playing games and lack of focus and just doing whatever is easiest, a Barbie and a Beer. So yes, I've been suffering all manner of shit and loss of income and inability to support family for a great many decades because I live by this standard while most fuckers all lived a life of comfort and ease, holidays, a great and easy life. It's Karma, or whatever other name you want to call it, whatever you do and choose to do, i.e. go along with that job and feed the system, not come up against the system, avoid confrontation with evil, go whichever way is easiest and least friction, all has a price to pay.

AND this STILL HOLDS TRUE. Very few have even learned the lesson, instead they want to blame the psychopaths who hold power!!! I watched all those videos of the psycho politicians above, but MORE guilty than them are the millions who went along with it all and lacked the courage to stand up and #JustSayNO. Had they, then the few of us who did would NOT have had to pay such a huge price including the murder of my Mother, the loss of most of my family, the loss of most of my freedom and having to live in an isolated hell surrounded by mlllions of zombies who I still tried to help naively and stupidly constantly underestimating their stupidity right up to the day I got off the prison island. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an that on the Day of Judgment people will give as EXCUSE for their NOT doing the RIGHT THING, that they were PERSECUTED. The reply will be "Was not the Earth large enough for you to migrate (to a place where you are not persecuted?" (this is by my MEMORY please look it up for the exact wording). And exactly right. What is stopping you other than FEAR and misinformation, from moving to African villages where you will not be persecuted, can have wholesome food, music, rewarding work in the field, and as many wives as you can handle? Or what is stopping you from putting an end to persecution in Australia by just saying NO and organizing yourselves into an Australian People's Congress and opening up a LEGITIMATE democratic government in exile if it is persecuted in Australia? There are many places where such a government would be tolerated and even receive support.

Australiens, many of the best of them, are like little children. Crying if their birthday even as an adult is not celebrated, or the Christmas tree is not present, or the small corner shop charges more than the scum-elite market further down the road, and need drugs and bread and circus to keep them entertained while laughing everything off. With such calibre obviously you can't have a people's power with that lot, but THINK... assume that 95% of the Australiens are like that, and 1% are in power (politicians, judges, media, govern-ment etc), then all you need is 2% to be legitimate and run the alternative system together in an Australian People's Congress comprised of thousands of local People's Conferences around the country with your own Australian People's Health Committee, Australian People's Justice Committee, Australian People's Education Committee etc. But when this is explained, all you get is applause, and people asking you to lead them, and when these conferences are actually started, which they were during the plandemic, those that attend and exercise their power and pass resolutions on no mask mandates etc did not engage in the necessary work BETWEEN the conferences to follow up, again, leaving it to the few, as this is what a life time of mistraining has to be overturned and a New Thinking emerge, a new consciousness, a new Man and Woman, and this is of course more difficult than just continuing to HOPE that those in power will show some mercy.

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"... a New Thinking emerge, a new consciousness, a new Man and Woman...."

For the new to emerge, the old must give way...

Consider the yuge implications.

I had a reassuring dream in 2022 where I got the message that HUMANITY will survive. In the worse case scenario, that is the best we can hope for.

Note the warnings in The Revelation with those well-known passages.

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Indeed true, and humanity will survive indeed.

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Thanks George!

You made my day!

Fuck every one of those arseholes who pushed this communist agenda!

They should pay like they made us all pay

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I feel your anger. Mine gets red hot at times too when I hear/see/read the utter b*s that gets put about.

Mine is a very similar scenario, but great to read that you are on a remote station in outback Australia. I grew up in the bush, in the outback and that is the best place in the world to be safe IMO.

Once you get that red dirt, the outback sunrises/sunsets, that bushie comradery, in your blood it never leaves.

We chin up and soldier on . . . 0:)

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What definitely was NOT a 'choice' were the hospital protocols where people were strapped down, sedated and murdered on ventilators while their families were screaming on the other side of tempered glass.

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about that?

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They do, just not in MSM!

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And of course please note where I put 'choice' in quotes.

But yeah, we are there. "No one made you take it!" Daily reminder of the WA Health Act 2016 where indeed, they can hold you down and 'make you take it.' I think we were nearly there. Only the threat of extreme defensive violence stopped them.

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Only the problem is, Australiens have become to alienated to everything normal and natural, that, unlike those nations they have to sanction and bomb from the air, they do not put up any real resistance, they have no community to back them up, they have no uniting faith, and those that have any such normal traits are made to believe that they are mad or are targeted by police on any number of trumped up charges.

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The families could have broken the glass and held the medical staff to ransom to do what they have to do as decided by the people, organized in their legislative popular conferences and executive people's committees, in which case, there would have been no glass and no murdering taking place while everyone stood by and watched. Oh wait, that was the case in Libya pre 2011 so they had to get rid of that example while everyone else around the world stood by and watched. So, in the end, yes, it was a choice. It was a choice made long ago and repeatedly every day by millions of Australiens NOT to organize themselves and to continue to hope and trust like little abused or spoilt children. It never has a good ending, even if they enjoyed all those years and many will again continue to do so until the next crisis hits them PERSONALLY for they have not learned to learn from the experience of OTHERS, actually they do not CARE to, so they have to learn it the hard way themselves. "And then they came for me, and who was left?" - the next stage is to remove ANY freedom of choice to say no, as per the WA legislation, and then it is just what everyone has wanted: "A boot stamping on my head forever" and the good citizens won't be considered good unless they "deep throad the whole boot". Why doesn't anyone ever talk about that?

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You're right. But there have to be a significant number who fight together and possibly die first.

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Fight with what though? Instead they should focus on building the alternative while the mainstream is doomed to collapse of its own accord, then the alternative will be what remains.

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Economic alternatives are part of the answer, of course, but the paid enforcers and rubber stampers rightly worried for their lives could only help make those alternatives possible.

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Unfortunately every political party currently in parliament supported the "vaccine" mandates, and no party in parliament has acknowledged that they were wrong to do so. No party in parliament has acknowledged that the "vaccines" were anything other than safe and effective. They have all said that if your an antivaxxer (meaning not completely onboard with the agenda they all supported and continue to support) then they don't want your vote. There is only one party standing up for medical freedom, and acknowledging that things were not as they ought to have been and that we were lied to. They are called New Zealand First, they are currently polling about 6%, which means that they will definitely be in parliament, but there is a good chance they won't be part of the government. The "opposition" agrees with everything the Labour party has done the last three years. Our media is 100% government propaganda, and the majority of the population believe that the covid vaccines have been magnificently successful at saving them from an otherwise deadly illness. The amount of doublespeak, propaganda and brainwashing is at level's difficult to believe if you don't live here.

Avi Yemini (an ultraorthodox Jewish journalist recently denied entry to New Zealand by the government on the charge that he is a Nazi, yup) wore a T-shirt when he was eventually allowed into New Zealand arrived wearing a T-shirt that said "Kia Ora North Korea." It pretty much sums the situation here up.

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I'm sorry to her that. Not dissimilar to Australia. We have a handful of stalwart Senators but the major parties are 100% for human rights abuses, so there's really no one reasonable to vote for.

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This one I transcribed yesterday kind of sums up the situation (but I'm optimistic, it is changing):

Shocking! Ohio Attorney General Claims 'No Authority to Investigate' C19 Deaths and Injuries from C19 'vaccine' (AKA Bioweapon)

joesansone, posted September 3, 2023


hat tip: https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/shocking-ohio-attorney-general-claims

Video description: "Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost shockingly tells audience that he does not have the authority to investigate the deaths and injuries as a result of the C19 'vaccine' (bioweapon). Patriot Laura Kasner confronts him with a white fibrous blood clot in a jar and asks how many have to die and get injured before he will investigate. His answer ended up quoting his mom that two wrongs do not make a right..."


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at a Republican Party meeting in Strongsville, Ohio on August 16, 2023. From the between the backs of the heads and shoulders of two audience members, we see Attorney General of Ohio Dave Yost at the podium. Laura Kasner stands before him, however we only see her arm and hand, and then, as she reads from her prepared speech, her back. When she finishes reading, we see her return to her seat, and then she remains off camera.

LAURA KASNER: [During a meeting of the Ohio Embalmers Association held in Columbus]* in October of 2022 almost all of the 200, I'm sorry, 100 embalmers present at that meeting said they were seeing unusual white fibrous clots in the veins and arteries of the bodies they embalmed. These clots were not seen until shortly after the covid shots rolled out in January of 2021.*** Here is a vial of these clots. [She holds up the vial to him] It'll creep you out so I won't ask you to hold them.



LAURA KASNER: Life insurance actuaries are reporting that many more people are dying, still than in the years before the pandemic. And while deaths during covid-19 had largely occurred among the old and infirm, this new wave is hitting prime of life people hard. Deaths among young Americans documented in employee life insurance claims should alone set off alarms. Among working people 35 to 44 years old a stunning 34 percent more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, with above average rates in other working age groups, too. Attorney General Yost, the covid shots are now on the childhood vaccine schedule. My question for you is this. How many more Ohioans, how many more of our children and young adults will die before your office conducts an investigation?



ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: And I get questions about investigations every day. Earlier today I got a letter from a group called SNAP** wanting me to conduct a state-wide investigation, as has been done in other states, about the Catholic Church and its coverup of past sexual abuse by priests. And the answer to your question ma'am is, I don't have the authority to do either of those investigations. And so I, I don't have any information about the vial that you are holding except I can agree by the evidence of my eyes that it is disgusting and I don't want to hold it.

But, folks, I can't just go out and open an investigation on something. I have to have first of all legal authority, and then secondly, I've got to have a predicate. I wish that there were some people in, oh, I don't know, Washington DC, that recognize the limits of their authority. But my mom told me a long time ago that two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not going to violate my office, oath of office, by doing something I don't have the authority to do.


ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Thank you for your question.

WOMAN'S VOICE: People died. I mean, millions, millions of people died. [inaudible]

ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Folks, we should have said this earlier this evening—



# # #


Attorney General Dave Yost https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/About-AG/Contact

*Missing first part of statement supplied by Laura Kasner in blog comment


** See also testimony by Canadian embalmer Laura Jeffery before Canada's National Citizens' Inquiry

To All Funeral Directors and Embalmers Worldwide -

March 31, 2023


Also (same video)

Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI

April 1, 2023


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/79912.html

And see Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

DrJaneRubyShow Published January 31, 2022


Transcript of a brief excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/34602.html

*** Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

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See also discussion of the Worldwide Embalmer Clot Survey in this recent interview by Dr. Joseph Sansone with Laura Kasner and Thomas Haviland:


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If he doesn’t have the authority as head of state, who does?

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Yost is a RINO and former NeverTrumper who is likely still a closet NeverTrumper. He's a flip flopper and an opportunist. What a disgusting position he's taken. He needs to be primaried.

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This comment sums up why there is no hope for Australia. No knowledge about what democracy is, what a zionist shill such as Avi Yemeni is (with friends like that who needs Yemenis, I mean enemies), and is hurt that the system does not work as is claimed. It was designed to do exactly what it does, and it is time to stop hoping and buying into it, and to start work on the alternative based on knowledge, responsibility and hence power and freedom.

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People can be right about some things and wrong about others from a place of sincere conviction. I would put Avi Yemeni, who is indeed a Zionist, (but categorically not a nazi) in that category. Gotta love the T shirt he wore when he got off the plane at Auckland Airport though: "Kia Ora North Korea." I couldn't have said it better.

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I wonder how many know that Australia has political prisoners, not only the poor happless lovely young man Martin Bryant, who in spite of his simplicity as is common with intellectually disabled (a very very high percentage in australia no doubt due to vaccinations and mothers on drugs while pregnant) even held in isolation he refused to plead guilty to something he wasn't even capable of, but also a Korean Australian citizen who is incarcerated as part of the policy to send a message to anyone, in the words of the Australien Crime Sinister of the day "not to EVEN THINK of giving (humanitarian) support to North Korea), but Australiens happily went about their lives just trusting the media that this man must be guilty or he wouldn't be accused and locked up... and that's just two that we KNOW about.

Yes, they can be right about some things and wrong on others, but if it is that fundamental and important since those zionists hold an inordinate amount of power compared to any others, then they should probably be given a wide berth and not trusted to go into battle with you.

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We have political prisoners in NZ too. We have a young Māori man sentenced to several years in prison (and called a white supremacist in our media) for filming himself shooting can's with Horse Face Cindy (our beloved, er, em, former PM)'s face on it. And another (elderly) Māori man, a minister, who is facing prison time, and has spent 90,000$ so far defending charges, for peacefully protesting against lockdowns. We also have political parties, currently in parliament, organizing violent mobs to attack women attempting to exercise their right to freedom of speech.

If I think about the way my country has gone, I start to feel a mixture of grief, hopelessness and depression.

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💯 that's what it's like

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This is what liars & evil doers look and sound like . They’ve destroyed societies , families , child birth , economy & Emolyment . Evil

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Totally unacceptable words to try and minimise their totally unacceptable coercion to force their citizens to take an experimental, known to be fatal injection.

Worse still the injection didn't do what was promised, and if anything made the "disease" worse...

Even worse, this injection gave unlucky recipients side effects that will last a lifetime, a potentially shortened lifetime at that.

They should face a Nuremberg style trial, with similar consequences as the Nuremberg defendants faced

The number of deaths from this "vaccine" is appalling, and with this knowledge they continued to push it on people rather than pulling it from market...

Those on trial (if and when it happens) should be accused of mass murder, it doesn't matter what their "intentions" were while forcing it, the risks were known before it was rolled out.

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The video's prove they've been lying - The excess deaths prove they've been lying - The evidence is overwhelming and still they're in denial about their own contradictory statements while another unproven Variant arrives on the scene.

This is why I need to stress the point that it's absolutely crucial to expose the fraudulent testing method's.

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The Australian government offered me a chance to join Team-permanent-injury-and-death,

but I chose to be vilified, excluded, terrorised and threatened. NZ the same, yeah?

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"be vilified, excluded, terrorised and threatened"


Being unemployed, I just missed out on my dental service - and the trivial barber.

A few times I engaged with people re the vaccination, I brow-beat them! However, they understood I did not anything personal against them. Of course, some were miffed....

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In the media, mostly. And there were those weddings, and those functions.

I was called a lucky bitch a couple of weeks ago, by a woman who was going to Queensland to have the vaccine taken out. I didn't think I was that lucky.

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The vaccine gene sequence is likely embedded in her DNA via reverse transcriptase and producing spike proteins indefinitely. Please let her know before she is scammed.

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It's a possibility (not verified) but placebos can work and hope/redemption can be worth paying for. She may get a nattokinase/bromelain protocol that could take the pressure off... I'm not going to tell a stressed vaxd person that they're *#$^&d.

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Perhaps one should sit down and discuss among friends. We're all going to die, let's talk about it. "You, you took that vaccine, and you regret it. Please tell others that you made the wrong choice and you regret it, and we'll support you, we'll all support one another. While we're at it, let's form a study circle and look into working on solutions, from the basics: how to access power? We need to possess power, how to we get at it?"

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Ideally, perhaps. This was a brief encounter with a stranger in a shop who (unusually) wanted to know people's vaccine status.

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I would never discount the power of God and the helpful nature of protocols, but one cannot be 'unvaccinated' once vaccinated.

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A retired man took 2 in order not to be ostracised.

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I know a pilot who took SEVEN. His wife is a nurse and they BOTH KNOW that this is completely wrong. They STILL went ahead with it, why? Because he wanted to continue to be a pilot. He had to take SIX where he is and a SEVENTH to go on training elsewhere. Look, it's obvious and was so from day one, if you agree to ONE they'll ask you "did you have booster number 69?" And it IS his choice. These choices are based on FEAR e.g. fear of losing a job, more, than fear of the injections. Or insanity in that you know something is harmful but still do it. I hope to have more conversations with him about it all.

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"I was called a lucky bitch a couple of weeks ago, by a women who was going to Queensland to have the vaccine taken out."

??? Gobsmacking!

I have not read where the faccine can be taken out. It is in the DNA. Only her body can heal itself over time or not. Of course, only the Divine Healer can do it.

I think she got conned twice.

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Her sister (with a brain tumour) went to Queensland to have the vaccine taken out, and her tumour went into remission. So this lady was taking the initiative.

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I am sure those quacks were baffled ....

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? :) I don't know.


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the media? you take the media to heart? f00k the media!

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And on twitter, with the lovely Lucy Turnbull sounding like the SS. I didn't know how bad it was going to get. I certainly had no choice other than not get vaxd. I knew too much.

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Yes, I remember Lucy Turnbull. Since she has married Malcolm quite young, she is feral because she has not been getting "it" for long time now....And she is not the type to turn men on ....

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New corrupt NZ Prime Minister same as the old corrupt NZ Prime Minister.

This was illegality so enormous, so criminal and so egregious, it can't go unpunished.

The Governments of Australia and NZ (among others) completely trampled - not just the right to informed consent, but the right to consent at all - and as a result, killed and injured millions.

It's too big and too visible to hide damage of this magnitude.

The back-pedalling tells you they know their day of reckoning is coming.

Thank God the internet is forever.

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Chris Hipkins looks uncannily like a female.

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Was he a female previously or is he in the process of becoming one?

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I saw this video of Jacinta carrying a wobbling thing under (her) red dress.

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Oh! I hope that's not the reason why so many kiwi males I spoke to shortly after she was first elected commented that they found "her" very attractive.

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They're wiping things off the Wayback Machine and iterations.

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Do they really think we are buying their BS. These criminals need to be locked away for a very long time🙏

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We're not buying their bull crap - Try put the word out on the MSM - It's impossible.

I agree that they need to be held accountable however after what's been happening to Julian Assange - I've lost all faith in the judicial system or that government serves the people when it's perfectly clear to me that they serve another agenda

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You're not buying it, I'm not buying it but unfortunately the majority buys it big time!

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Surely you do not need proofs, do you?

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Brilliant work this ought to go viral.

Kudos for Rebecca.

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Well Rukshan's video has gone viral. The Coronavirus Plushie mash up I embedded up top should go viral too!

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I'll send the link out.

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Yep, I had a choice, an opportunity even...

...to tell the syringe fundamentalists to f*** off.


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The fact they refused to shut it down in the face of immediately-obvious glaring and alarming safety signals will be the nail in the coffin.

That, and then their attempts to hide it.

It was inexplicable and inexcusable.

There will be no coming back from this.

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Let's not get complacent. 1. Who is going to hold them accountable. 2. How? 3. How will this be prevented in future when the con of the European imperialist "world" war 1 and 2 and 3 have gotten them everything they wanted and all their conspiracies between?

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*%6$ #%$^@* ##%%& **(_)(#@(<?()+ #%#@@%

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U R so articulate!

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1 h4v3 n0 w0rd5.

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Sep 4, 2023
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It was a lot of swearing.

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Strictly true since no one tied me to a table kicking and screaming whilst they administered the shot. Compliance was obtained by closing off the exits. We were cornered by real threats of loss of livelihood, access to our loved ones and even the grocery store. These were the people compelled in no uncertain terms. Try getting access to a hospital or nursing home without it. Such respect for those who stood up to be counted and actually warned others, they were horribly abused and vilified. I have no respect whatsoever for those who took the thing for their holiday in the sun. But even they were told safe and effective ad nauseam.

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My wife and I often discuss this question : Are these jabbed people the innocent victims of their inability to recognize the Lie, due to the psyop, or, Are these folks deserving of an unintended result due to their own folly, ie, Darwin Award winners?

I prefer the former, she the latter. Perhaps its moot. It depends on how strictly we expect human beings to discern, the same way we walk around a hole vs falling, willingly, blindly, into it.

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At the risk of perpetuating actual harms I am forced to consider nearly all paths to redemption except for those who planned the response and took the “blood money”. The spokespeople are traceable by their words and actions. The idea and the act.

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I agree with your wife for the most part, although it isn't necessarily and "either/or" in every case. Australiens have been lulled to sleep by bread and circus, do we blame the clowns and the cake?

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Sep 4, 2023
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It is a great shame. Many unsuspecting. This is by no means a traditional vaccine. Using the term was deliberate.

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I'm interested in finding out more about ivermectin at all stages of covid. I was aware it worked during the acute infection, if given early enough. There was a recent South American study showing significantly lower deaths from covid in those given ivermectin vs those who were not given it, during the acute phase of infection. I'll try to find out about what you referred to. Thanks for that.

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So here's the thing, when you look at the definition of mandate, it is a "firm or authoritarian" request.

So when someone tells you it's mandatory (verb), you need to understand the actual definition of what's being asked, and who the person/group/body is, doing the request.

I chose to say "no" to the request from my government/employers, etc.

I considered their mandate, and I rejected their contract. And THAT is the key word they left out. CONTRACT. It is legally an offer, which you are free to reject. In reality, that is why the Australian government (ScoMo&Co) could not mandate it- because they knew they couldn't because it's under Employment Relations, which is State, not commonwealth and means that every business (government departments are registered business) who mandated the shots, changed the conditions of the original employment agreement with each individual which is what it was- a change in the contract between you and the employer.😐😐 #letthatsinkin

For all those that got the shot because the business mandated it, you could have said no to their offer of contract.

But like all agreements, contracts etc, there are consequences for accepting or declining.🤔😐🤐

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #youearnttheright #2BPO

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That's right. That's still the case for now, but, as people continue to surrender what little power they have left, when they have none left, there will not be any need for any "contract" any more, because gangsters are rarely stopped by any moral compunction.

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Yes, that is how it was framed, Morrison said everyone has a "choice", but there are "consequences" for each choice.

However, I wonder what Morrison & all the other pro-mandate officials would consider coercion, in the context of vaccination or gene manipulation jabs, to actually be. It'd be interesting to hear them give some examples.

How clever of them to shift the mandates to employers, incentivizing those to decide to implement them, no less, & penalizing others. Dan Andrews was right when he said there will be a "vaccinated" economy.

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Oh no, it’s not compulsory, but we’ll destroy your life if you don’t get the jab,

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Funny how it’s always our fault somehow. I think that called Gaslighting.

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True, true, but also, they are right, it IS our fault.

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