Media's use of propaganda techniques to delegitimise MP Andrew Bridgen's speech on excess deaths signals role in shoring up government and corporate interests
Dr Philip Altman who organised this event, has now compiled all the papers presented into a book “Too Many Dead” which can be downloaded on his substack. He intends to deliver a copy all federal politicians.
It sounds trite, but anyone who has looked into the edifice that is the coming Misinformation / Online Safety legislation (different names apply in each country) in the West cannot help but see Orwell’s Ministry of Truth from 1984. That is the goal here, and it staggers me to realise that the majority of individuals who work at institutions like the BBC not only believe this to be appropriate, but that THEY are the ones deemed uniquely worthy of implementing the policies “for the greater good” because THEY hold all the appropriate opinions. If someone had told me even a decade ago that we’d be hurtling towards a fascist dystopia in the 2020’s like this I’d have laughed at them.
Indeed. It’s so bad I took to re-reading Orwell’s 1984 recently...if only to reframe recent wars as ‘the war in Eastasia/Eurasia’. But what the BBC did here is something I’ve never seen before. Like Jacinta said ‘we will be your only source of information’. I’m just hoping the endless blah blah will be overkill leading us to switch off and treat all news as soap opera. But for the media to go to such extremes surely must eventually wake people up to seeing this is propaganda pure and simple. Or am I being too optimistic?
Sadly I suspect the majority don’t even suppose that they are being propagandised ... one thing the media cabal is very good at is pigeon-holing people and playing to their innate sensibilities and preferences, hence the bulk of the “climate alarmism-covid-vaccines-LGBT-white fragility-open borders-CNN-BBC-ABC” brigade are absolutely convinced that what they are experiencing is not only the truth, that it’s necessary, but that THEY are intelligent and virtuous for going along with it, indeed so much smarter and more useful than also the tinfoil hat wearing “antivaxxers” and “climate deniers”.
I would argue those captions are part of the push for these misinformation bills across the five eyes countries. They offer a rationale & justification & necessity of the existence of such legislation. For our safety.
I'm afraid that in Australia at least, where the government has been implementing the bi-millennial-old "bread and circuses" swindle (in particular, or most visibly since the Howard government), the people will put up with absolutely any insult, even conspicuous sustained above-average excess death rates, as long as the standard of living continues to prevail at its unsustainably-high levels. "Exactly what "Gaza/Israel border exploding onto the world stage" are you talking about? We're too busy upgrading our lifestyles and amassing investment properties in our portfolios to care about such things that will/might not happen so far away from here, thank you very much."
Aussies used to be thoroughly likeable, if but complacent and indifferent people. What could easily have been considered as a quixotic idiosyncrasy in the past, with all that has been done to the people and all that will be done still, it is now an intolerable juxtaposition of mutually exclusive qualities.
That's how you know the person is telling the truth or getting close to truth, when the media is going out of their way to discredit and delegitimise that person.
Nobody should be surprised by this. Since the BBC is the founder of the Trusted News Initiative obviously they were going to refute the claims with the approved narrative.
This just makes me so mad! What a good and sincere man Andrew Bridgen is! I gave Ron Liddle and Fraser Myers a serve about their patronising treatment of Andrew Bridgen!!
It's chilling, isn't it. It reminds me of how it felt to hear Julian Gillespie's description of the *barristers in the (High?) Court of Australia* (supposedly independent, fact-based decisionmakers), fawning all over the defense (health dept?) after barely stifling yawns and insults (and worse? can't remember details) in one of their unsuccessful cases. I keep thinking about how thoroughly mind-controlled all these people are themselves. :-(
"I keep thinking about how thoroughly mind-controlled all these people are themselves"
I very much doubt it. It is simply a case of pathological superciliousness arising from their immunity from all consequence provided they perform in the manner their masters expect of them. None of the power-elitists, nor their collaborators, nor their minions are mind-controlled, at least not in the way it seems you're implying. The only consequence they fear is that which might arise if they disobey their masters, and nothing whatsoever when they wrong the people.
The only "mind-control" I've ever experienced is the total comatose unawareness by people of the fictive reality they've been investing their entire lives and those of their children in. I quote Joseph Conrad, in An Outpost of Progress:
"They were two perfectly insignificant and incapable individuals, whose existence is only rendered possible through the high organization of civilized crowds. Few men realize that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities, and their audacities are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings."
Our fictive reality also entails the deception that we've lived in a democracy, politicians serve the people, judges serve justice, the police protect the people, and just as importantly, we can and should live in city suburbs, and we don't need community as long as we have insurance.
With Australia (mostly) seeing through the post-modernist cultural marxist "Indigenous" Voice rort, despite being promoted, as the meme goes, by Federal govt, State govt, my "Independent" political representative in a 61% NO electorate, big biz, sporting bodies, universities, schools, churches, celebrities, unions, everywhere except for Melbourne (still in trauma, still being controlled, and still being inflicted upon by global marxist effort it seems), and Canberra (duh!), I have confidence in them seeing through these media chyrons.
Perhaps, but seeing-through does not imply changing- let alone reversing-course or stopping their plans. The people are (almost) completely powerless. They may protest, and the protests may even turn into violent riots, but they'll all need to go home at some point, for refreshment and rest.
The police and the military, paid from the taxes immorally and grudgingly extracted from the remuneration for the peoples own toil, are professional thugs and enforcers, not only with insuperable armaments, tactics and ordnance, but more importantly they have efficient logistics chains that provide them immediate resupply. This is why the government and politicians, the bureaucrats, the judges, all these minions and collaborators and accomplishers of the power-elitists' diabolical plans are positively insouciant of the people and what they might do. In fact, they actively provoke and dare the people into revolt, just so the government can do what it always does, incite indignant response so that they can "justify" elimination of freedoms and brutal crackdowns. Remember, the government is still required to exterminate many, many more from the population, so civil disorder, war, and especially the consequent famine that results from massive disruptions in supply chains, along with the deliberate sabotage of infrastructure, must all be expected. Well, since Ukraine didn't quite work out for them, it looks like "the Gaza/Israel exploding onto the world stage" is their plan B.
Since this is about Propaganda, I would like to point to a book by Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays with the title "Propaganda". In this book from 1928.
Especially Chapter 6 page 92 onward.
"The political leader of to-day should be a leader as finely versed in the technique of propaganda as in political economy and civics. If he remains merely the reflection of the average intelligence of his community, he might as well go out of politics. If one is dealing with a democracy in which the herd and the group follow those whom they recognize as leaders, why should not the young men training for leadership be trained in its technique as well as in its idealism?" (page 112)
"Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses." (page 114)
But if I imagined letterboxing my community with...
"The government is wanting to pass "misinformation" laws, to control what is said on social media, but they are exempting themselves, and mainstream media, from the laws"...
I think they'd all see through it. It's an easy campaign to run, I feel.
I'll vouch that even the most blithely dismissive inner-city suburbanite rubbish-separating EV-driving virtue-signalling 'progressive' will still have concealed, just below the surface, an ominous menacing doubt about the government and the unfair privileges conferred to politicians.
Unfortunately most are still using the entirely corrupt and captured legacy media for information. Those who are in the know find it a joke. It's convenience over content.
I could if it wasn't necessary. There's just no way I could conduct my affairs without one. Substack and soundcloud are the only two social media platforms i use however. I gave up all the others four years ago. I honestly don't mind my phone. It doesn't really impact my life too much. That being said I'd rather not have one.
Your life and activities are your own to manage, as and as best as you are able to, of course. But if you and your partner and the other couples you know and their last (several) or present partner(s) were introduced by some kind of an online platform for which a smartphone was a necessary interface then, objectively, the dysfunction is hard to deny. But I digress.
Oh... "affairs" sorry... by affairs I meant my business dealings and government websites etc that I must access... Haha that's funny! Not the sexual variety! ☺️ Language!
Oh, I understood exactly what you meant by business, and I did not instead confound the meaning into the chesterfield rugby denotation.
Almost certainly I gave what turned out to be a misleading example to illustrate the ubiquity of the smartphone in all human interaction, but also tried to suggest this, though by leaving unsaid, the almost impossibility of two people meeting afore amour exclusive of online platform and smartphone app husbandry. What used to be a natural process of discovery that was accepted (even if grudgingly so, or more likely due to there not being any alternative available) of finding out about a person one might be interested in by witnessing and the painstaking gathering of evidence from that other person's behaviour, bearing, actions, and statements, now seems unthinkable when people believe they are satisfactorily informed from the other's social media profile.
But as for our other, less lascivious business dealings, of the kind that you intended and I properly inferred, we(*) can't deny that we were too torpid and compliant while the creeping smartphone insertion into the way we conduct our every dealings and transactions took place. Of course, all those responsible for this smartphone subversion were well-aware that there would be no resistance until the sedition was complete, and even after.
(*) I include myself when I say 'we' and 'our' even though I have long rejected the smartphone and steadfastly refuse to conduct any of my affairs, business or otherwise, by the agency of such a device. I refuse the company of others who carry one, as well. Of course, I must also admit that I conduct close to zero affairs across the entire board and keep almost no company at all any longer since COVID-19, by choice, and not at all because I fear real or fictive viruses either..
Thanks for posting this brilliant video by a politician with a spine.
Unfortunately global population reduction is as real as the immunity granted to the manufacturers of these death jabs.
From raising the retirement age to excess deaths - In politics nothing ever happens by accident - When something does happen you can bet it's because it was planned that way.
This is correlative to the truism that there are no coincidences.
Nothing happens by accident and there are no coincidences. Manufactured change requires a process to manipulate/control and convince the masses to accept and even beg for the change. This is best accomplished through the use of fear. Thus, the process of problem - reaction - solution (often mischaracterised as the Hegelian Dialectic) is used to evolve and transform society and the world. What we are experiencing is not a product of stupidity and short-sighted strategic thinking or short-term profit-making corruption. These may have been traits and goals of the puppets, but not those that control them.
The theatre is all about manipulation and control in order to achieve their goal: global feudalism. The stage has to be set. Long after they created it, the concept of the nation state is obsolete - they are reverting to their old model of fiefdoms with lords that engage in open plunder - and it must be despised by the people and confidence in it destroyed in order for their goal to be achieved. This is about destroying the surviving (after the mass-murder and starvation of the rest) people's belief in the existing order and convincing them to embrace, or at the very least surrender to the inevitability of "you will own nothing, and be happy."
From here on out, the jabs and the narrative are Darwinism in action. The information has been presented, the results available before their own eyes, and people have to make their own decisions. Let them.
Every important organization is captured, but the most important of these is the legacy or mainstream media. I tried to quantify the "capture rate" of the different important organizations.
Brigden is great. Thank you for covering this Rebekah. What came out of the Wednesday 18 October presentation to the Australian parliament?
I'm still gathering info to prepare a report for ya'll :)
Dr Philip Altman who organised this event, has now compiled all the papers presented into a book “Too Many Dead” which can be downloaded on his substack. He intends to deliver a copy all federal politicians.
Yes, I’d like to know what happened there too.
It sounds trite, but anyone who has looked into the edifice that is the coming Misinformation / Online Safety legislation (different names apply in each country) in the West cannot help but see Orwell’s Ministry of Truth from 1984. That is the goal here, and it staggers me to realise that the majority of individuals who work at institutions like the BBC not only believe this to be appropriate, but that THEY are the ones deemed uniquely worthy of implementing the policies “for the greater good” because THEY hold all the appropriate opinions. If someone had told me even a decade ago that we’d be hurtling towards a fascist dystopia in the 2020’s like this I’d have laughed at them.
Indeed. It’s so bad I took to re-reading Orwell’s 1984 recently...if only to reframe recent wars as ‘the war in Eastasia/Eurasia’. But what the BBC did here is something I’ve never seen before. Like Jacinta said ‘we will be your only source of information’. I’m just hoping the endless blah blah will be overkill leading us to switch off and treat all news as soap opera. But for the media to go to such extremes surely must eventually wake people up to seeing this is propaganda pure and simple. Or am I being too optimistic?
Sadly I suspect the majority don’t even suppose that they are being propagandised ... one thing the media cabal is very good at is pigeon-holing people and playing to their innate sensibilities and preferences, hence the bulk of the “climate alarmism-covid-vaccines-LGBT-white fragility-open borders-CNN-BBC-ABC” brigade are absolutely convinced that what they are experiencing is not only the truth, that it’s necessary, but that THEY are intelligent and virtuous for going along with it, indeed so much smarter and more useful than also the tinfoil hat wearing “antivaxxers” and “climate deniers”.
I would argue those captions are part of the push for these misinformation bills across the five eyes countries. They offer a rationale & justification & necessity of the existence of such legislation. For our safety.
The misinformation bill will not apply to the government and will not apply to overseas based corporate funded organisations like the WHO
Your safety is not their concern
I'm afraid that in Australia at least, where the government has been implementing the bi-millennial-old "bread and circuses" swindle (in particular, or most visibly since the Howard government), the people will put up with absolutely any insult, even conspicuous sustained above-average excess death rates, as long as the standard of living continues to prevail at its unsustainably-high levels. "Exactly what "Gaza/Israel border exploding onto the world stage" are you talking about? We're too busy upgrading our lifestyles and amassing investment properties in our portfolios to care about such things that will/might not happen so far away from here, thank you very much."
Aussies used to be thoroughly likeable, if but complacent and indifferent people. What could easily have been considered as a quixotic idiosyncrasy in the past, with all that has been done to the people and all that will be done still, it is now an intolerable juxtaposition of mutually exclusive qualities.
That's how you know the person is telling the truth or getting close to truth, when the media is going out of their way to discredit and delegitimise that person.
Like the old saying : "the flak is heaviest when you're over the target"
Nobody should be surprised by this. Since the BBC is the founder of the Trusted News Initiative obviously they were going to refute the claims with the approved narrative.
This just makes me so mad! What a good and sincere man Andrew Bridgen is! I gave Ron Liddle and Fraser Myers a serve about their patronising treatment of Andrew Bridgen!!
Great coverage of this incident, thank you.
It's chilling, isn't it. It reminds me of how it felt to hear Julian Gillespie's description of the *barristers in the (High?) Court of Australia* (supposedly independent, fact-based decisionmakers), fawning all over the defense (health dept?) after barely stifling yawns and insults (and worse? can't remember details) in one of their unsuccessful cases. I keep thinking about how thoroughly mind-controlled all these people are themselves. :-(
"I keep thinking about how thoroughly mind-controlled all these people are themselves"
I very much doubt it. It is simply a case of pathological superciliousness arising from their immunity from all consequence provided they perform in the manner their masters expect of them. None of the power-elitists, nor their collaborators, nor their minions are mind-controlled, at least not in the way it seems you're implying. The only consequence they fear is that which might arise if they disobey their masters, and nothing whatsoever when they wrong the people.
The only "mind-control" I've ever experienced is the total comatose unawareness by people of the fictive reality they've been investing their entire lives and those of their children in. I quote Joseph Conrad, in An Outpost of Progress:
"They were two perfectly insignificant and incapable individuals, whose existence is only rendered possible through the high organization of civilized crowds. Few men realize that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities, and their audacities are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings."
Our fictive reality also entails the deception that we've lived in a democracy, politicians serve the people, judges serve justice, the police protect the people, and just as importantly, we can and should live in city suburbs, and we don't need community as long as we have insurance.
Yes I think we're talking about different things in terms of "mind control" :-)
Perhaps you'll elaborate for us then?
With Australia (mostly) seeing through the post-modernist cultural marxist "Indigenous" Voice rort, despite being promoted, as the meme goes, by Federal govt, State govt, my "Independent" political representative in a 61% NO electorate, big biz, sporting bodies, universities, schools, churches, celebrities, unions, everywhere except for Melbourne (still in trauma, still being controlled, and still being inflicted upon by global marxist effort it seems), and Canberra (duh!), I have confidence in them seeing through these media chyrons.
Perhaps, but seeing-through does not imply changing- let alone reversing-course or stopping their plans. The people are (almost) completely powerless. They may protest, and the protests may even turn into violent riots, but they'll all need to go home at some point, for refreshment and rest.
The police and the military, paid from the taxes immorally and grudgingly extracted from the remuneration for the peoples own toil, are professional thugs and enforcers, not only with insuperable armaments, tactics and ordnance, but more importantly they have efficient logistics chains that provide them immediate resupply. This is why the government and politicians, the bureaucrats, the judges, all these minions and collaborators and accomplishers of the power-elitists' diabolical plans are positively insouciant of the people and what they might do. In fact, they actively provoke and dare the people into revolt, just so the government can do what it always does, incite indignant response so that they can "justify" elimination of freedoms and brutal crackdowns. Remember, the government is still required to exterminate many, many more from the population, so civil disorder, war, and especially the consequent famine that results from massive disruptions in supply chains, along with the deliberate sabotage of infrastructure, must all be expected. Well, since Ukraine didn't quite work out for them, it looks like "the Gaza/Israel exploding onto the world stage" is their plan B.
Since this is about Propaganda, I would like to point to a book by Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays with the title "Propaganda". In this book from 1928.
Especially Chapter 6 page 92 onward.
"The political leader of to-day should be a leader as finely versed in the technique of propaganda as in political economy and civics. If he remains merely the reflection of the average intelligence of his community, he might as well go out of politics. If one is dealing with a democracy in which the herd and the group follow those whom they recognize as leaders, why should not the young men training for leadership be trained in its technique as well as in its idealism?" (page 112)
"Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses." (page 114)
Does the last sentence sound somewhat familiar?
But if I imagined letterboxing my community with...
"The government is wanting to pass "misinformation" laws, to control what is said on social media, but they are exempting themselves, and mainstream media, from the laws"...
I think they'd all see through it. It's an easy campaign to run, I feel.
I'll vouch that even the most blithely dismissive inner-city suburbanite rubbish-separating EV-driving virtue-signalling 'progressive' will still have concealed, just below the surface, an ominous menacing doubt about the government and the unfair privileges conferred to politicians.
too bad The Westminster Declaration - doesn't seem open to be signed by the public. missed chance!!
Another MP in NZ calls it ‘murder by needle’. Check it out:
It certainly is
Face of Covid roll out dies of heart attack
8 year old boy
Love the artists impression at the end of the article with the sponsor Pfizer.
Could have spruced it up with some more sponsors.
Some mask manufacturers
PCR test manufacturers
Moderna bench
Private sponsor for Matt ‘release the new variant’ Hancock, perhaps Midazalam.
List is endless really
Unfortunately most are still using the entirely corrupt and captured legacy media for information. Those who are in the know find it a joke. It's convenience over content.
Convenience is the stultifying skewer upon which the people have been impaled.
Try convincing anyone (maybe even yourself) to give up your smartphone.
I could if it wasn't necessary. There's just no way I could conduct my affairs without one. Substack and soundcloud are the only two social media platforms i use however. I gave up all the others four years ago. I honestly don't mind my phone. It doesn't really impact my life too much. That being said I'd rather not have one.
Your life and activities are your own to manage, as and as best as you are able to, of course. But if you and your partner and the other couples you know and their last (several) or present partner(s) were introduced by some kind of an online platform for which a smartphone was a necessary interface then, objectively, the dysfunction is hard to deny. But I digress.
Oh... "affairs" sorry... by affairs I meant my business dealings and government websites etc that I must access... Haha that's funny! Not the sexual variety! ☺️ Language!
Oh, I understood exactly what you meant by business, and I did not instead confound the meaning into the chesterfield rugby denotation.
Almost certainly I gave what turned out to be a misleading example to illustrate the ubiquity of the smartphone in all human interaction, but also tried to suggest this, though by leaving unsaid, the almost impossibility of two people meeting afore amour exclusive of online platform and smartphone app husbandry. What used to be a natural process of discovery that was accepted (even if grudgingly so, or more likely due to there not being any alternative available) of finding out about a person one might be interested in by witnessing and the painstaking gathering of evidence from that other person's behaviour, bearing, actions, and statements, now seems unthinkable when people believe they are satisfactorily informed from the other's social media profile.
But as for our other, less lascivious business dealings, of the kind that you intended and I properly inferred, we(*) can't deny that we were too torpid and compliant while the creeping smartphone insertion into the way we conduct our every dealings and transactions took place. Of course, all those responsible for this smartphone subversion were well-aware that there would be no resistance until the sedition was complete, and even after.
(*) I include myself when I say 'we' and 'our' even though I have long rejected the smartphone and steadfastly refuse to conduct any of my affairs, business or otherwise, by the agency of such a device. I refuse the company of others who carry one, as well. Of course, I must also admit that I conduct close to zero affairs across the entire board and keep almost no company at all any longer since COVID-19, by choice, and not at all because I fear real or fictive viruses either..
Thanks for posting this brilliant video by a politician with a spine.
Unfortunately global population reduction is as real as the immunity granted to the manufacturers of these death jabs.
From raising the retirement age to excess deaths - In politics nothing ever happens by accident - When something does happen you can bet it's because it was planned that way.
This is correlative to the truism that there are no coincidences.
Nothing happens by accident and there are no coincidences. Manufactured change requires a process to manipulate/control and convince the masses to accept and even beg for the change. This is best accomplished through the use of fear. Thus, the process of problem - reaction - solution (often mischaracterised as the Hegelian Dialectic) is used to evolve and transform society and the world. What we are experiencing is not a product of stupidity and short-sighted strategic thinking or short-term profit-making corruption. These may have been traits and goals of the puppets, but not those that control them.
The theatre is all about manipulation and control in order to achieve their goal: global feudalism. The stage has to be set. Long after they created it, the concept of the nation state is obsolete - they are reverting to their old model of fiefdoms with lords that engage in open plunder - and it must be despised by the people and confidence in it destroyed in order for their goal to be achieved. This is about destroying the surviving (after the mass-murder and starvation of the rest) people's belief in the existing order and convincing them to embrace, or at the very least surrender to the inevitability of "you will own nothing, and be happy."
Brilliantly stated !
Talk about mass murder and starvation - The people in Gaza concentration camp have no water food or electricity and only sporadic internet.
From here on out, the jabs and the narrative are Darwinism in action. The information has been presented, the results available before their own eyes, and people have to make their own decisions. Let them.
Every important organization is captured, but the most important of these is the legacy or mainstream media. I tried to quantify the "capture rate" of the different important organizations.